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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 3:00pm-3:29pm MSK

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wars end, for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly , to win for it, there is such a job, to be a defender when you become a professional, this is becomes the work of your life, a military matter , serve at the call of your heart, join your own
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, our troops have the initiative, in fact we do what we consider necessary, what we want, russian military groups have liberated territory five times larger than it occupied lugansk and donetsk people's republics before the start of a special military operation. the military results for 2023 were summed up at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. export of russian hydrocarbons to china, projects in the field of peaceful nuclear energy and national trade and investment became the topics of negotiations in beijing. a meeting was held in china between mikhail mishuttin and chairman of the state council of the people's republic of china litsan. the us operation to protect ships in the red sea, what it involves, which forces will be involved and which troops. turn off their transponders.
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the devastating earthquake and volcanic eruption in iceland have already recorded more than 25,000 tremors. a 4 km long crack passed across the surface of the earth. russian troops have the initiative in the special operation zone. and the combat experience gained during the svo will be used for further improvement.
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it was a busy year for the armed forces; soldiers and officers solved all problems during a special military operation courageously and professionally. the assessment that the president gave speaking at an extended meeting collegium of the ministry of defense. the head of state noted that the fighters on the front line today ensure the country’s sovereignty at the global level, and thanked all the leadership and personnel. 2023 has been a busy year for the military. and i want to say right away that our soldier officers, commanders at all levels, courageously and professionally solved problems during the special operation, ensured the country’s sovereignty at the global level, nuclear missile parity and strategic, maintained high combat readiness of units and formations of all military districts and fleets, combat training was carried out systematically, strictly according to plan.
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mobilization and technical personnel issues were resolved, while the president expressed special gratitude to those who are fighting today directly on the front line, and also recalled those who died fighting for their homeland and emphasized that the country will always be faithful to their life’s work. i would like to thank the leadership and personnel of the ministry of defense for their service and for conscientiously fulfilling the tasks assigned to their homeland. special thanks to everyone who fought fights on the front lines, performs difficult service in the zone of a special military operation, and protects the skies of russia. repels raids by enemy, air and naval drones, suppresses artillery shelling during attacks by sabotage groups in our western border regions, and of course, i would especially note the unprecedented support of our people, the support of defenders of the
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fatherland, the patriotic spirit of the absolute majority of the country's citizens, the unity and cohesion of people of different nationalities and religions , this... the west continues to wage against russia hybrid war, actively supplies the kiev regime with intelligence information in real
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time, sends military advisers, transfers modern weapons systems, including highly mobile rocket launcher systems, long -range missile systems.
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the level of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces as a whole has been increased to 95%, and the naval component to almost 100%. by the end of the year
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, 15 launchers will be put on combat duty for the strategic missile forces missile systems with bulava ballistic missiles, the aviation component is being modernized, in particular, four missile carriers have been received. we must continue to maintain the combat readiness of strategic forces at the highest level. all plans approved in this area will certainly be implemented. among other tasks set by the president, similar to the re-equipment of the nuclear triad , work on other types of weapons and equipment, timely supply of troops participating in a special military operation, including the formation of a serial line of unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft.
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our fallen heroes, our comrades must receive equal guarantees, this is the principle of justice and military brotherhood. this fully applies to obtaining status. the preliminary results, or the current interim results
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of the special military operation , were announced at the board meeting by the minister of defense. russian groupings of troops liberated territory five times larger than that occupied by the lugansk and donetsk people's republics until february 24 , 2020. russia included four new entities with a population of about 5 million people. in the equator of the sea of ​​azov, which has become internal, a naval region has been created to support kiev. since the beginning of the special military operation, 54 countries have announced military supplies to the kiev regime; in reality , weapons and military equipment are coming from fifteen countries. ukraine has currently received $203 billion from external sponsors, which is 30 billion more than that, since a significant part of these funds are loans.
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nato officers train forces ukraine both in their own countries and at ukrainian training grounds. moreover, only during its now scandalously failed offensive, ukraine lost 159.00 people killed and wounded, another 121 aircraft, almost as many helicopters, 766 tanks, including 37 leopards, 2,500 armored vehicles of various classes, including fifty bradleys, once again, this is only from june 4th. at the same time, russia has taken unprecedented steps to rearm its army and navy, as well as social support.
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272 were awarded the title of hero of the russian federation. significant contribution to ensuring readiness to perform combat missions. reminded once again, returning to the causes of the current conflict, for which the west has been preparing for decades, betting on
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ukraine, ukrainian nationalists, staging a bloody coup, kiev was dragged into nato solely to get closer to the russian borders, they openly exploited the neighboring state, and its citizens, and the main the role in these processes obviously belongs to the united states. changes are taking place in the political consciousness of many european peoples.
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the country could have been the guarantor of the sovereignty and integrity of ukraine, but they made a different decision, essentially opening a pandora’s box, perhaps not always, even realizing what exactly they were doing. the only guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine was russia. when russia created the soviet union, it simply handed over, together with the population, huge historical russian territories; enormous potential invested colossal resources into this entire territory.
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only russia could put it in its place, we will not interfere. you have everything now, and your homeland is waiting for you to give back. thank you, anastasia efimova, about the main statements made at the extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. vladimir putin
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expressed condolences to the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinping in connection with the earthquake that resulted. numerous casualties; according to the latest data, more than 120 people died. the disaster occurred in ganso province in the northwest of the country. according to the regional headquarters for liquidation of the consequences , powerful tremors began at midnight on beijing time. in the epicenter of the earthquakes , houses, roads and other social infrastructure were damaged in the surrounding areas. the water supply has been disrupted and there are power outages. rescuers have been sent to the area, they are looking for survivors under the ruins of the destroyed ones.
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russia and china have the same or similar approaches to fundamental issues of the modern world order and international problems. the russian-chinese connection is a significant, stabilizing factor in the world of a stable multipolar world order. russia and china are strengthening interaction within the framework of multilateral international associations, forums, primarily in the united nations, the group of twenty, and the shanghai organization. during this period, we have gone through very difficult tests, our relations are a model of cooperation between the large countries we form. we will return to this topic in our issue, in economic news, in a few minutes. ldpr leader leonid slutsky
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will participate in the presidential elections. his candidacy was nominated at the party congress. now anna voronina is monitoring the work of the congress, she on direct connection. anna, greetings, does leonid sluzsky have any competitors among his fellow party members? hello, colleagues, but it should be noted that the name of the ldpr chairman was the only one on the secret ballot today. this is exactly the procedure used today for choosing a presidential candidate. well, it should be noted that a total of 108 delegates were allowed to vote.
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of course, it is a great responsibility, this is a special day, the day when i accept responsibility for what i plan to do for the country, for our party, for every family and each person, and later at the press approach during communication. the points of my election campaign will be formed during trips to the regions, in just a few days we will begin trips to at least 30 regions of russia
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and it is there that we will identify the most painful, most supporting problem points that need to be embroidered with the election program and the party’s election program and in next year’s elections, in the state elections... as part of the formation of the election campaign, he will definitely visit all federal districts of the russian federation and will most likely start from the far east and will definitely visit new regions of russia, colleagues, thank you, anna voronina was in direct contact, she spoke about the congress of the ldpr party, where today its leader leonid sluska was nominated as a candidate for the presidency at future elections. moscow will not leave the buildup of nato’s military potential on the russian border unanswered, the finnish ambassador was told about this today at our foreign ministry. diplomats were summoned to the department after the agreement between helsinki and the united states on
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defense cooperation. this document regulates the number of issues of transportation and military bases, storage of weapons on finnish territory. the russian media emphasized that the responsibility for turning the zone of good neighborliness in this region into a zone of possible confrontation lies entirely with... and we return to the topic of the visit of the russian government delegation to beijing. russia and china have practically gotten rid of dollars in mutual settlements. on increasing the share of national currencies in bilateral trade, said prime minister mikhail mishustin. dmitry morocco is monitoring the negotiations. dmitry, greetings, what other results of cooperation are worth noting? yes, i welcome you, but first of all, we were talking about early achievement of the target for the volume of goods of $200 billion. russian-chinese relations are experiencing the best period in their history, prime minister mikhail mishustin said during his visit to beijing. according to him , since the beginning of the year, mutual trade has increased by almost a third. according to
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the federal customs service, for the period from january to september trade turnover increased by 27%. according to the department’s forecasts, if such dynamics continue, by the end of the year it will amount to $220 billion, that is, 20 billion higher than the target. at the same time , the parties are increasingly using them in mutual settlements. also set by the leaders of our states to increase bilateral trade turnover. we are confidently expanding the horizons of investment cooperation. over the past 10 years
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, the russian direct investment fund has made a significant contribution to this; over forty joint initiatives have been implemented with chinese partners. we are also launching new projects in the automotive industry in the mining and gas-chemical sectors. chinese enterprises are actively developing the russian market of engineering products. equipment, clothing and footwear. at the same time, the people's republic is increasing imports of russian mineral raw materials, timber, agricultural products, and previously. thus, it is primarily ordinary consumers who benefit from cooperation. russian-chinese cooperation is precisely aimed at making our countries richer, so that people live better, because increasing trade turnover, our cooperation in the financial sector is aimed precisely at solving this problem. thanks to the development of cooperation, russia successfully managed to redirect coal oil supplies to china with an indicator of 52 million tons, with saudi arabia in second place 46 and iraq
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29 in third place. uninterrupted gas supplies continue. last sunday, gazprom announced new daily records for pumping power in siberia. last year , about 15.5 billion cubic meters were transported through the gas pipeline in china. fuel, the expected volume is 22 billion. according to the chinese side, such indicators indicate truly significant results of cooperation. over the past year, moscow and beijing have achieved significant results in all areas of cooperation. thanks to the strategic leadership of chairman xidinping and president vladimir putin, china-russia relations remain highly dynamic. we reached another record in bilateral trade turnover a year earlier, surpassing the established level of $200 billion. communication, as well as
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a number of other documents, in particular the protocol on the supply of russian pork to the chinese market. well, on wednesday the head of the russian government is scheduled to meet with chinese president xidzenping. thank you, dmitry morocco, she spoke about the visit of russian prime minister mikhail mishustin to china. against the backdrop of western attempts to undermine the unity of the csto member countries, it is necessary to intensify work to create a common legal security space. he stated this.
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without resolving issues of legislative harmonization, we will not be able to create an effective legal basis. dictates the need to develop cooperation between our countries, primarily in the field of strengthening security. we are faced with common challenges that require new solutions. in the donetsk republic , new equipment for service dogs was tested at one of the training grounds. as the russian guard service reported , modular three-part protection is a development of russian specialists. the complex must protect against contamination by explosives; the dog handler recorded how the protection affects the functionality. comments and suggestions afterwards it will be handed over to the developers.
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