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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 19, 2023 11:00pm-11:25pm MSK

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i don't know, i don't know the exact details of that situation. as you know, ignorance does not exempt from responsibility, especially the head of the government of ireland, the question of how the last european politicians were, such a very good reason, to forget what happened before, just the story with the minsk agreements, which also, as it turned out, were, in fact, not about peace, but as everyone recognized.
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the ministry of defense of the russian federation summed up the results of the year, vladimir putin took part in the board, and then spoke informally with heroes of russia, the main theses of the president. records in support of the president in the upcoming elections: when is the start and when are they planning to collect 3,000 autographs. then general chernyakhovsky set off on his first autonomous flight. from port sluga to the kaliningrad region it will cover about 500 nautical miles. how is an unmanned vehicle controlled and what does it carry? the russian chess team returned home with a victory. the sco tournament was held in... russian troops have
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the initiative in the special operation zone. all attempts by the west to inflict strategic damage on russia the defeat failed thanks to the courage of our soldiers and the increased power of the armed forces. the myth of the invulnerability of western military equipment has collapsed. vladimir putin stated this at the board of the ministry of defense. the president assessed the situation over the past year and noted a number of priority tasks. key points. professionally. the assessment that the president gave while speaking at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the head of state noted that the fighters on the front line today ensure the sovereignty of the country at the global level, all leadership and personal the composition thanked, in memory of those who gave their lives for their homeland, they declared a minute of silence. i would especially like to note the unprecedented support of our people. this is our reliable, indestructible support. army and
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navy, we will always be faithful to the cause for which our comrades in arms gave their lives, i ask you to honor their memory, silence, the supreme and first number on the list is maintaining the combat readiness of strategic forces. this year, thanks to the consistent implementation of the state armaments program, the precise work of the defense enterprises, level modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces as a whole have been increased to 95%, and naval components to almost 100%. 15 launchers of the yars and avangard missile systems were supplied. we have received four submarines, equipped with
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bulava ballistic missiles, the aviation component is being modernized, in particular, four tushush missile carriers have arrived. we must continue to maintain the combat readiness of strategic forces at the highest level, today i also saw the stand at the exhibition at the ministry of defense the navy, where the universal marine robotic complex zephyr and the griffon-17 unmanned aerial vehicle were presented , the strategic missile forces , the airborne forces, the ground forces, and the main military medical department demonstrated armored vehicles for urgent care...
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i reminded you once again when i returned to the causes of the current conflict. it is now obvious that the west has been preparing for it for decades, relying on ukrainian nationalists who were striving for power and who were thwarted russian-speaking southeast. therefore, the bloody maidan was unleashed; the foreign curators could no longer simply tolerate donbass, which did not want to obey. the west, with an emphasis on these active, aggressive ones, on these active, aggressive ones...
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we never need them, we never needed them, we don’t need them now, we won’t need them in the future, but why do they say that, to induce them to pay money, that’s it for what. the united states, having solved these problems of the current plan, means, tearing off, as it were, as they
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believe, ukraine, breaking off relations between russia and europe, in this regard, they achieved that, we could not do this, they understood that we... could do it, but they did it on purpose, they deliberately dragged us and europe into this conflict, achieved their goal in this sense, plundered russia and europe. however, the interests of europe are the business of europe itself. russia will continue to defend its own and will not allow anyone to neglect them. they exploit europe for their own interests. and they didn’t care about these interests, in the end.
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historical and geopolitical should have been connected with russia, because it is our the country could have been the guarantor of the sovereignty and integrity of ukraine, but they made a different decision, essentially opening a pandora’s box, perhaps not always even realizing what exactly it was. when russia created the soviet union, it simply handed over vast historical russian territories along with the population, enormous potential invested colossal resources into all this territory, only history will put everything in its place,
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we will not interfere, but we will not give up ours, that ’s all must understand in ukraine. those who are aggressive towards russia and in in europe, in the united states, they want to negotiate, let them negotiate, but only on the basis of what we will do. based on our interests. vladimir putin expressed his confidence in the danger of his homeland again on this day, presenting gold stars to the heroes of a special military operation. during a special military operation, you fight on the front line, in the most difficult areas , you acted professionally, courageously, shoulder to shoulder, together with your comrades. thank you for your courage and fortitude . our whole country. all our our fighters and commanders, therefore
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i am sure that we will definitely achieve our goals, we will reliably protect our people, the sovereignty and security of our homeland, thank you very much, thank you for your impeccable, valiant service, for your loyalty to military duty and oath, and the heroes in their response promised not to let us down, we everyone is very grateful to you for what you give, we will go to the end. yes, so that you know that we will go to the end in any situation, and i want to add to you in this regard, our homeland has given us all, including me, the opportunity to reward us you and i all have the opportunity to work for our country, for our people, this is a reward from the outside, there is no experience like the russian army in the world today. no one has, and this experience, the president emphasized, must be used. well
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, after the award ceremony , the heroes of russia told what tasks they had to solve during the special operation. i heard the tanks, yes, that they were coming, but i didn’t see where they were. i came out of the dugout onto the road, and the tank stood about 50 meters away from me. well, it so happened that i was a little faster. the enemy did not pass, that is, we could not approach us. the enemy was stunned that they outnumbered us by five to six. the guys worked fearlessly, forcing the enemy to retreat, contributed to a further offensive, and destroyed about five or six tanks with the crew, as well as several infantry fighting vehicles, including nato models. the award is not only mine, but that of the battalion personnel who took part from the very beginning of the special operation. the united states will launch a multinational operation to protect ships in the red sea,
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pentagon chief lloyd osten announced. the day before, the official held negotiations with representatives from 43 countries. in response, yemen's houthis said the conditions for reducing ship hijackings are the import of medicines and products into the gas sector, and any country that attacks commercial ships in international waters. russia calls for the implementation of the un security council resolution regarding. humanitarian pauses in gas, stated russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebenzya. the russian diplomat also noted that only the united states and israel oppose stopping hostilities. the scale of the human catastrophe in the zone the palestinian israeli conflict forced the un secretary general to resort to prophecy. however, despite the efforts of the vast majority of members of the security council, all proposed projects were blocked by washington, which instead of providing assistance to civilians. massively supplies israel with all types of weapons, from which palestinian civilians ultimately die. any day now, the popular front
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will begin collecting signatures in support of vladimir putin’s candidacy in the presidential elections in march next year. this was reported by head of the movement's executive committee mikhail kuznetsov. the collection will go to the central election commission until january 31 to the self-nominated candidate. we will literally start collecting signatures in support of our president any day now. including developing a plan for the resumption of sports parades on red
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square by march 1, expanding international sports cooperation, building a training center for the country’s football teams in sochi, as well as improving the industry. the sea ferry, general chernyakhovsky, became the first ship in russia to begin operating autonomously mode. it set out on a voyage from the port of service in the leningrad region to kaliningrad. it will cover about 500.00 nautical miles. controlling the ferry on... the ship, which previously could only be dreamed of by russia's first ferry, general chernyakhovsky, is moving across the baltic sea in autonomous mode. its task is to deliver cargo from the leningrad region to the kaliningrad region. the new project started successfully. we are launching the general chernyakhovsky sea ferry on its first autonomous voyage. this is
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the start of full commercial operation of the vessel, significant cargo. thanks to the implementation project. russia is one of the world leaders in the development and application of autonomous navigation. the launch was broadcast in the clematis cluster during the digital transportation forum. thus , the organizers emphasized in the title that the event is dedicated to the digital transformation of russian transport. during the plenary sessions , the results for 2023 were summed up. russia is a leader in this industry. drones of this type are used.
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the project of bauman university students is the first unmanned electric racing car in russia, it can take this chair anyone, even those who can’t drive. the car will still go where it needs to go, the control is autonomous. aerobatics, because autonomous control combines everything, as well as systems that can identify and recognize where dangerous obstacles are located in a split second. trucks on the route moscow-st. petersburg. by 1930 , the total length of unmanned corridors in the country should be no less than logistics platforms. digital transformation is one of
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the country's key goals. the ministry of transport successfully implements projects in this area. automated service platform for the aviation industry. it allows all market participants to exchange messages among themselves about how much cargo is on board, how much baggage is required, how many flight attendants, how much food, and so on. close interaction with the ministry of digital technologies is bearing fruit in mobile transport in terms of maritime and river transport, which is why i believe that we need to implement this now. there are developments, we need to implement them en masse, remove barriers, create infrastructure, because there the question is not only ... in the system itself in artificial intelligence, but that the infrastructure must also provide the ability to manage. at the plenary sessions of the forum, they discussed the so-called last-mile transport, scooters and bicycles that talk to friendly robots and play with rabops. maria valieva, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin and anna tarasenko,
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news! the russian chess team, which the day before won the tournament of the shanghai organization, returned to moscow. cooperation, he took place in qingdao, china, my colleague danilo makhalin went to meet our chess players. modestly entering the arrival hall of the ts sheremetyevo terminal, the russian team does not attach much importance. the tournament turned out quite sharply, that is, we had a very strong competitor, the chinese team, they fielded a fairly strong squad, before the last round, the situation was absolutely equal, in terms of the number of match points and personal points, and here, of course, the chinese team seemed to me. touched, could not stand the tension, they brought together our last match was a draw, but we won, by a landslide, that is, in this regard , a strong-willed victory, such a tournament was held among the sco countries for the first time, according to chess experts, it can essentially be considered the equivalent of a world championship, its culmination was the award ceremony, where our team came out in full force, unfurling their native tricolor. at the five-stalker
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, daniil dubov, maxim matlakov, anastasia bodnaruk, team coach alexander ryazantsev. we were. very happy about this opportunity, we felt proud of our victory, well, i want to express gratitude to my team to stand with them, positively and with victory, it’s nice and to come out with the flag, yes, well, unfortunately the anthem was not allowed to be played there, yes, well, in general, everything was great. on the final gaming day, our chess players won all four declared matches and became winners, gaining 17 points. the main rival was the first team of china, which...
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on january 1 , the long-awaited russian film the bremen town musicians will be released on the screens of the country's cinemas, a film shot by studio nikita mikhalkova with the participation of our tv channel. based on everyone's favorite fairy tale, but with five new songs with many unexpected plot twists. why did actress irina gorbacheva wear and what kind of makeup did the artists create for 3 hours every day? in the report of our film reviewer ivan kudryavtsev. the bremen town musicians have everything . makes a perfect new year's gift, bright, spectacular, long-awaited and at the same time completely unexpected, a children's musical fairy tale is still a rarity in our cinema, but these
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heroes and these songs over the years, you see, deserve the big screen. musical fairy tale the union of the cartoon, which is now 54 years old, connects several generations. do. so that the audience would like the bremen musicians, but at the same time there was something fresh, new, and very difficult about them. the director presented his version of the bremenskys as a separate cinematic universe. the story begins with troubadour's childhood and his acquaintance with the animal ensemble so that he will have to pass tests and not fall into traps. well, this is a troubodour, this is a person who glorifies love, sings love, such a role was impossible refuse. vivid images, star ensemble.
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