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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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our attitude towards our soldiers is completely different than in ukraine. after the meeting , defense ministry colleagues vladimir putin and defense minister sergegu, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, toured the exhibition.
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the attitude within the country has changed, the scum who were beaten yesterday in st. petersburg, the veteran svo who lost his arm, who made a remark, the bulls who dared to park where they wanted, they have already been arrested, they have been found, and don’t think that they will get off with a hooligan charge, they will the bastards will sit, they will sit for a long time, or go to the front, the bastards will sit,
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it seems to me that now there was some kind of false start , because obviously a little later this will have to be implemented, formally zelensky is legitimate until april-may, if i’m not mistaken, the next one, that is, until the end of may, march 31 elections, no, there are elections on march 31, but then there was the inauguration, yes, that is, well, in general , it’s different how you don’t count it, but until the second half of spring it is still legitimate, most likely it won’t be demolished until then, so it will go up this degree, but before that he needs to get rid of potential competitors, of course, yes, and here, by the way, is indicative.
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quotes appear from zelensky’s headquarters about what is literally there, well, how the heroic offensive of pana zaluzhny is going , we are again retreating 200 m, yes, that is , zelensky’s mockery of zaluzhny is shown due to the fact that he can no longer hide his negativity and this is the feeling of jealousy , that zaluzhny is becoming more popular than him there in many aspects, well, in fact, the regimental officer is publicly mocking him, trying to level him out...
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support for institutions and the authorities of this regime is pouring in, even now we see , quite by accident, one of the sociological institutes - again, we perfectly understand that those controlled by the west , located in kiev, suddenly gives sociology, according to which the level there is two or even three times support for some institutions began to decline and there is not a single structure that would maintain the same level of support as it was a year ago, that is, this shows that the entire state. ukraine is beginning, to put it mildly, even formally no longer carry out the tasks that are assigned to it, so we talked then about the visit of the same us secretary of defense lloyd austin, when he came to kiev, that it was a black mark. why black mark? yes, because he gave those instructions
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to implement those tasks, according to the same, for the same violent mobilization, this is not even the ninth wave, but the tenth wave, and this is even compared to a storm at sea, and more than a hurricane, and the same mobilization.
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natives of ivano-frankivsk in zaporozhye, kherson region, crimea, especially in donbass, if they hated them all their lives, if they understood well that... that they lost donbass, what is crimea for them, they were never there, of course, they are told, now we will go there, this is for us why , we want to go the other way, of course, we want europe, why do we need to go there, that is, the motivation of the ukrainians to fight for something that they know is not them is zero, so now the commanders are saying, why are you bringing people to us, they are not motivated , everyone who thought they were motivated, everyone is already knocked out, knocked out, nine waves of mobilization. if they got to the point where they need to take women, the question is, where did the ukrainian men go, the cemetery and europe, well
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, today the same figures of irretrievable losses were announced again, these are really terrible figures, but we are great, it should be noted, our ministry of defense always gives confirmed ones, that is, at a minimum , yes, yes, in fact, the numbers can be significantly higher, we just always give verified numbers, well, as our practice shows, i can even see on the spot when there are military correspondents or military bloggers oh well, we... as if this data already exists , it is given, but the ministry of defense confirms it twice more and indicates up to, yes, if 42 are destroyed, then more often it sounds up to 40 militants, well, that is, the numbers seem to be always a little even lower, you know, i don’t want, by the way, very correctly, that is, there is no need, well, yes, that is, in fact, multiply these tragedies for those people who are still stunned and dumbfounded by the same propaganda, we still have to rehabilitate them, to be honest, to bring to life, to be honest, the majority who are now are given captive.
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there is an opportunity to choose our national leader, yes, our president, and most importantly, being already citizens of russia, thank god. and the other day, when a group of voters from putin’s team proactively handed over vladimir vladimirovich, we gathered not just to discuss for all the good, against all the bad, or to express support, dialogue is very important here, very important. this support and trust of people who exist, yes, especially in new regions, when people, you know, well, everything still cautious, still thinking about how it will be, how it will turn out, right? well, well, well , you yourself come here, you see it all by your mood, by everything else, and here it is very important that this trust, it doesn’t just
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grow, but when it is supported by deeds, that’s what i’m saying all this, we haven’t seen you for a long time, you deservedly received another tefi, on which i congratulate you, yes, and this tefi is not just because they presented a statuette there, but they said well done, but this is because specific decisions are being made problems, we are with you discussed these problems, they are being resolved, i remember again the same transportation, yes, what are you... the president is quite accustomed to his manner, he, so to speak, very politely, delicately, but made it quite clear, so to speak, where,
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what and how, where , where whose , you know, we don’t need a little bit at a time, we need ours all at once, you know, no one will, well, we don’t need romanian, polish, hungarian, yes, the only thing, of course, is that vasily dmitrievich is offended, so to speak, prince , prince rusinsky has covered himself, that’s it, the patrimony goes to another, so to say, in another, in another , the rusyns will fight for independence there, maybe everything will still be astro-hungarian, i think , well, as i understand the territories , you’ll take the entire territory, i think there’s enough work for everyone in the liberated territories , you know, there’s enough there.
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i look in pain, we must do everything to prevent , not to let them have time to spend, these young girls, these, i feel sorry for them, i am sincerely sorry, they need to give birth to children, these fools, but they have been washed their heads and some of them so to speak, maybe sincerely, they will force someone, you know, these, these scum, they have nothing sacred, i heard, yes, one of the ideological citizens began to yell at the guys who left
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the battle, the ukrainians, like scum, coward, go back , they ruined it and did the right thing, well, there are such people... there really weren’t very many of them left, mostly normal people who just want, they need to give birth to children, they don’t need this, but they are doomed to just let them they're coming, demolishing the bank, i think so to speak, yes, i think let's god, for it to come to this, you know, there ’s only one here, or let them take it and create a women’s regiment, only they need to put zelensky’s wife in charge.
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10 billion and girls are said to be baptized right away, you know, in general, he is a unique person, but it seems to me, vladimirovich, that this whole picture that they are trying to sell, and to the ukrainians, supposedly the entire united, so to speak, european union is one uncontrollable orban, himself in reality, everything may not be so, you see, in reality, everything may not be so, they may, so to speak, publicly they say, we are, so to speak, we must fight for ukraine, while they say orban, look, don’t miss it, block it.
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in fact, this is the first time since the great patriotic war that german troops are on the territory of the former soviet union, this is the first time that german troops are on the territory of the former soviet union, i don’t know what germany is thinking about, whether it is aware of these actions, but to me it seems they say so, well, they brought german occupation units into lithuania, but vladimir
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vladimirovich says that it’s not necessary, well, i’m asking sorry, but what difference does it make, it’s still ex-soviet. lord, is there a housing complex somewhere? for god’s sake, well, i’ll tell you this, vladimir vladimirovich clearly says, yes , that we don’t need these parties close, but this is not the same thing, this does not mean that we will not respond to threats, because the supreme commander said, our task is not territory, but security, but security radios can be very different, after today’s statement by vladimir vladimovich that, so to speak, take your own and don’t we’ll give it up, everything else, in principle, is already a tactic, so to speak, which, yes, in the end, here... i can’t help but say that odessa, yes, i can’t pass by, so to speak, yes, in almost every way, you igor will come to odessa, and this means that you are not afraid of grief or misfortune. it concerns, and concerns the city of odessa, you know, i didn’t think that i would reveal,
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so to speak, hand over a state secret, and you know that the city of odessa is not a foreign city to our president, i’ll explain to you, the former mayor told me this story , in the described events, he was the current mayor, vladimir vladimirovich, when he visited odessa on an official visit to ukraine at the beginning of 2000 , negotiations took place with kuchma.
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this is all with such warmth , tenderness, love, you know, i suspect that, so to speak, i understand that in those years i was either a cadet or a student, well, not alone, apparently, so to speak, i was walking, odessa was in the soviet union, and according to odessa, well, of course, of course, only in odessa in those years it was necessary to be a young, healthy guy, an athlete, just like that to say sports, well, i don’t know, you know, but it was training camp, training camp, well training camp, that means training camp.
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to provide ukraine with control over the black sea, britain promises, i believe that due to what, well, drones, their submarines, they will also drag them into the black.
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but pay attention, listen, firstly, we must , of course, answer my opinion symmetrically, firstly, since there are such plans, it means that the issue with odessa really needs to be resolved differently from the way they plan, that is, scotland will be free, scotland will be free plus, excuse me, but argentina, the argentine president, he was going to the malvinas islands. release, i believe that we must guarantee argentina control over the malvinas islands, help them in this sense, in this regard, i wonder how britain will react to this, but at the same time , sober publications are really appearing, alesandre arcini, an italian professor issued a publication today, where he says that, well , let’s be honest, ukraine and ukraine are over, yes, but at the same time , many people from the government, in particular, understand this to italian, where everyone is already trying for
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someone else. shift responsibility for making decisions on further arms supplies to ukraine, that is, there is already an understanding of this, but at the same time, what amused me most today was the last thing, and the publication of former british foreign secretary baron william hague, listen, i read and it’s just that he supports the idea that we need to continue to support ukraine, and what motivates him, look, at one time britain fought with napoleon’s france. napoleonic france had unlimited human resources, yes, in any case, until, i quote this verbatim, until he made this destructive campaign against moscow, but then britain had more loans , more money, accordingly, financial resources ultimately inflicted a crushing defeat on napoleon waterloo and to prove, look, the big seven have much more
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financial resources than...
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you betrayed nicholas ii, he begged you for help, and you betrayed him and his family. therefore, on you british, there is an indelible stain on your royal family, on your entire aristocracy, you are racists, you are guilty of the genocide of the peoples of india, the genocide of the peoples of africa, the genocide of ireland, you were the first to use chemical weapons.


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