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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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he begged you for help, and you betrayed him and his family, so there is an indelible stain on you, the british, on your royal family and on your entire aristocracy.
4:31 am
we should read the moral, it’s definitely not for you, if it weren’t for johnson, there wouldn’t be these hundreds of thousands of killed, unfortunate ukrainians, if it weren’t for this scumbag, who then thwarted all the stombol agreements with an ultimatum, note this scumbag, this lying pinocchio, who killed ukrainian men to hide their drunken adventures during covid restrictions, and ukrainians at least this do they understand? solely for the sake of informationally saving this drinking, vile, disgusting brute boris.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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who said that since the start of the special military operation, the territory , the liberated territory, has increased fivefold, here i would like to ask a question, a question to mr. johnson, whom igor recalled, are these now more favorable conditions for ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table, or will there be more better, well, because obviously it won’t be better, based on the situation that is developing at the front, someone will bear responsibility for this, i’m honest, of course you can despise johnson. i despise him as a person, but my grievances are not with johnson, for me johnson is nothing, he is the prime minister of a foreign state, that’s what concerns the ukrainian authorities, this is their responsibility for these political decisions, no matter who inclines them to this, it was not johnson who made the decision,
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it was the ukrainian political authorities, led by zelensky, who made these decisions, refusing peace agreements and the implementation of these peace agreements.
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he wouldn’t talk about it, the united states wants to negotiate on the ukrainian issue, the situation is like this, we don’t want it, we don’t want it. we are talking about something else, we are ready , once again, here is a fundamentally important question, that the situation has developed in such a way that they, not us, they want to negotiate on the issue of ukraine, this is an important point, we, the president said, we will no longer be naive, absolutely, and the president said, we can talk, but all the goals of the svo task will be fulfilled, that’s it, we’ll go. to end vladimirovich, this is what i told you about a month ago, and 2 months ago, of course, after three rounds of failed negotiations, minsk, then paris, then istanbul, obviously conclusions have been drawn, and i say again, no one will agree to what kind of agreements on that very
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failed scheme that was used three times, when the demand was first to stop hostilities, and then the political part, it will not happen, i am absolutely convinced of this. there may be an option when this demand for a cessation of hostilities will be the very last point after fulfilling all the political obligations he has taken on the political part, which will be spelled out in one or another , so to speak, points of the agreement reached, it means in the meantime zelensky is trying to work back the agenda , first of all, he leaks zaluzhny about mobilization, says zaluzhny wanted to call up 45,000, yeah. i say: no, you prove it to me, i don’t have money for this, yes, i say fight, then i said a phrase, there is a complete feeling that he is an idiot, he repeated the phrase, the ukrainian people may not know what it turns out that russia did not achieve a single military victory on the battlefield in 23 years,
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they didn’t even take a single village, yes, yeah, so we’ve had this thesis for a long time, no, well , maybe i don’t know where it was going solidar, artyomovsk, this... didn’t say that in the twenty-third year, as the americans believed, russia acquired more territories, even taking into account the temporary movement there in the counterattack area, he’s generally an idiot, there’s no one there who will say, and the king- then naked, he will say, boy, wake up, boy, well, he will say, i have it written like this, you have been since january i lost a month, and then there is a list of villages, hamlets and cities, you may have forgotten something, you once told the americans. absolutely
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what i heard today may be because of this, to be honest, after putin i don’t even want to comment anymore, i don’t even want to, it doesn’t matter at all. another, this cretin knows that in ukraine putin is watching, 73% of internet users in ukraine, without stopping, watched vladimir vladimirovich’s conversation with the people, the information field is everything, the people know the truth, that is, zelensky in this way he simply looks like a stupid idiot, although he not only looks, but is one, it seems to me that there is a simple explanation for this, that he looks like this, the fact is that he is probably still living in illusions somewhere.
4:42 am
vladimir vladimirovich started about this interesting article with financial times, it seems to me that the meaning of this article is where the author proposes to announce that ukraine won the war zelensky, he wants to lay straw on him, but in the west, though, because they understand perfectly well that in next year, even if you listen carefully to the board of vladimir vladimirovch, the situation in military terms will only get worse, they even began to guess about this in the west, there are such former nato officials as pyotr pavel. the president of the czech republic, he is already saying that next year we will have unpleasant news from the front, depressing ones, and in principle they are even
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introducing some kind of argument there, and there is still access to the black sea of ​​ukraine and that they managed to push the russian army back from kiev and that who throws away this is what they have i’m just listing them for you , the contract being fulfilled, that zelensky has finally extorted the right to negotiate.
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we all laugh at maryana’s rightfully bezugly, by the way, i’ve been with her on air in kiev many times, and everyone there knows very well that she has a certificate, she has a certificate stating that she has bipolar, then there is a person who is not very sane, so to speak, but at the same time she is a deputy, she also served aloud in some way before becoming a deputy and the security committee is not yet they are simply servants of the people who were recruited.
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at least somehow try to put pressure on zelensky that he has stopped violating rights, they don’t need to put pressure on zelensky, they put pressure on... their own, well, maybe on their own, they just understand well, now there is a crazy expense on israel, how is it now there everything is developing , we will have to fight, apparently with iran, with the houthis, and these are crazy costs, china is on the doorstep, and they say, why the hell do we have a corrupt country with an idiot who comes to us and ruins our ratings, why, there’s some ukrainian
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the fool said, let's send two ukrainian brigades to the southern border, they will decide everything, yeah, i want to see how the mexican cartels will simply bust them and send them back, and here's another piece of news that impressed me very much, today the ukrainian employment service, which is responsible for unemployment, reported with pride that the unemployment rate in ukraine had fallen to the minimum level, as many as 95,000 officially unemployed, and that this was a great achievement, but in fact there are two simple explanations for this: first, men they are afraid to stand up on the official...
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four times, four times the name of the state has simply changed, that just in case you have passports and birth certificates in the basement, so that when the austro-hungarian empire is restored, you will immediately say, i am an austro-hungarian, i i’m ready, i’m generally against the empire, especially listen, for that matter, for that matter, my grandmother said that it was such a good time when from 19 to 39, and this was her youth, she was born. slovakia and the czech republic, why not recreate, for example, such a state if, if things have already gone like this, let’s say, if everyone is bargaining, or maybe right away autonomy was then good for hungary, while orban will head a new state formation, well
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, orban is not just like that, you said at the very beginning that orban, i always knew that he not easy. guy, and this is understandable, yes , yes, yes, that’s it, that’s it, i, you know, this is not news for me, the most important thing is, i don’t even know how to say it, but so calmly, this is official news, i i read, a plane took off from boryspil airport, today a plane took off from boryspil airport, that is the resumption of regular flights is being tested, no, not because of this, he took off on the plane by agreement between everyone without the crew.
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sits on the podium, there is no one there, no one, just himself, here he is, the head of the press conference of the press service, and he himself is broadcasting, broadcasting, broadcasting, broadcasting, and he, like a wise man, says: i i don't know which one?
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when when you talk about what he says, when you talk about what - you can joke a lot about zelensky, mock him, but
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now listen, and now here is the grave digger of the ukrainian people, my ears are ringing after every speech by mr. shaigu, the minister of defense, who spoke monthly figures, citing the losses of the ukrainian armed forces. from the beginning of the counter-offensive, he called videos and so on and so on, i wrote, wrote, wrote, now on top of the fact that he named the figure of 150,000 losses during the counter-offensive, minister of defense shaigu named the figure of 383,000, this is the total loss of killed and wounded , missing persons, this is for the entire time of the large-scale conflict on the territory of ukraine, 383 thousand people, healthy men, they are not there, or they... the patients are wounded , again, again, i also confirm that the numbers can be correlated, because for each given number, that’s right, but for
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each lower one, for each number i always try understand who is in ukraine, the minister of defense of ukraine, the former current one, the president of ukraine, who can appeal to these figures and say, no, we don’t have such figures, no, these are the real figures, while we don’t know any others, let’s build on this . 383 thousand life of a man, what is this for? this why did ukraine suffer such huge losses? what are these goals? we discussed it yesterday and today, well, yesterday budanov said, today there is a loud voice, so wait, in ukraine , ukrainians really say, many ukrainians who leave say: i’m leaving ukraine, because the price is mine, that ’s really true not a war of ukrainians, this is really not a war of ukraine, so what are these people for? are dying, why are these people dying, why is this cheap franc, excuse me, zelensky, now he’s talking about what zaluzhny wants to send so much for mobilization , i say, no, i won’t sign,
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because i don’t see demobilization, i don’t see money, he’s talking nonsense, why doesn’t he now, speaking before, even part of the ukrainian people, say, i, vladimir zelensky, am guilty of the fact that these 383 he thinks that everything is fine with him, how does he think that everything is fine with him, what?
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will come to the defense next year, he says: don’t worry, don’t worry, everyone will give money, a little later they will give, and america will give, and europe, then he says, and if they if they don’t give us money, we will find other schemes,
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mechanisms, there will still be money. well, he’s a fool , he’s a fool, he’s a moron, he’s a moron, he’s a thimble, he’s a thimble, but you’re still sitting on a mindless education, he declares , i can’t dissolve the verkhovna rada, because i can’t hold elections during the war, i live by the law, which i myself came up with it, then declare war, you didn’t declare war, so he can’t declare war, right, then what is the law, and why can’t elections be held, and if he holds elections, he won’t be elected? what is this about? so what am i talking about that there is no law , there is a law for this, he doesn’t know, because when he had to practice jurisprudence, he was playing around, well, yes, he wasn’t educated, that’s the big problem, he hasn’t been educated yet, that’s the fear , the fear is , that when i see the confidence of putin’s performance, the confidence of shaigu’s performance, and with these terrible numbers, and i see the performance, i apologize, this is not even a comedian, this is not even an artist, this is a person who is trying to deceive himself,
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and in public multi-million dollar... that's all, see you tomorrow, one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars and asked to quietly steal a cannon from the regiment and
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shoot it with her own hands. siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself 2.
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5:00 am
today in russia they celebrate the day of security agency workers with a professional holiday. vladimir putin congratulated employees and veterans of the fsb, svr, fso and other special services. according to the president, one of the priority tasks in the work of the intelligence services effectively counteract attempts at terrorist attacks by the kiev regime. over the past year, much has been done to provide counterintelligence support for a special military operation. to protect the lives and safety of our citizens in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions.


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