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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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today in russia they celebrate the day of security agency workers and vladimir putin congratulated employees and veterans of the fsb, svr, fso and other special services on their professional holiday. according to the president, one of the priority tasks in the work of the special services is to effectively counteract attempts at terrorist attacks by the kiev regime. over the past year, much has been done to provide counterintelligence support for a special military operation. to protect the lives and safety of our citizens in...
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use a wide range of technical operational capabilities of our intelligence services, actively interact with the ministry of defense and other departments. the protection of state borders requires increased attention, especially those areas that are located in close proximity to the line of combat contact. at the same time, i ask you to provide. all necessary assistance and support
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to residents of border regions. russian troops have the initiative in the special operation zone. all attempts by the west to inflict a strategic defeat on russia failed thanks to the increased courage of our soldiers the power of the armed forces. the myth of the invulnerability of western military technology has collapsed. vladimir putin stated this at the board of the ministry of defense. the president assessed the situation over the past year and noted a number of priority tasks. key points were collected by anastasia efimova. it has been a busy year for the armed forces. soldiers and officers solved all tasks during a special military operation, courageously and professionally. the assessment that the president gave while speaking at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the head of state noted that the fighters on the front line today they ensure the country’s sovereignty at the global level, the leadership and personnel thanked everyone, and declared a minute of silence in memory of those who gave their lives for their homeland. well, we too, i would especially like to note the unprecedented support for ours. people
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, support for the defenders of the fatherland, the patriotic spirit of the absolute majority of the country's citizens, the unity and cohesion of people of different nationalities and religions, this is a reliable, indestructible support for our army and navy, we will always be faithful to the cause for which we gave our lives our comrades in arms, i ask you to honor their memory without silence. the supreme commander-in-chief formulated a number of priority tasks that must be solved first, among them equipping the most modern weapons and equipment, and timely supply of troops participating in the northern military district, and the first number on the list is maintaining the combat readiness of strategic forces at the highest level. is causing damage this
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year, thanks to the consistent implementation of the state armaments program, the efficient work of defense enterprises, the level of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces as a whole increased to 95%. and the marine component is almost 100%. by the end of the year , 15 launchers of the yars missile systems will be put on combat duty in the strategic missile forces and... we have received four submarines equipped with bulava ballistic missiles, the aviation component is being modernized, in particular, four tu-160m missiles have arrived. we must continue to maintain the combat readiness of strategic forces at the highest level. all approved in this area plans will certainly be implemented.
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by legal means to finally achieve their goals, but it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out, from decade to decade it just doesn’t work out, so in the end they decided on a coup d’etat, yes, of course, there were a lot of problems in ukraine, internal,
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economic, social, there’s a lot of injustice, but why a coup, go to the polls, that’s what we’ve been told all along, that’s all?
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these are the tasks of the current plan, which means that, as they believe, tearing off ukraine, breaking off russia’s relations with europe, in this in terms of plan, they achieved what they wanted, unfortunately, we just couldn’t behave differently, or we had to give up everything to watch them slurp, eating everything, our original russian, we couldn’t do that, they understood that we cannot do.
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you have to operate in a difficult combat situation, overcome serious challenges,
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but i know your mood, the mood of all our soldiers and commanders, therefore i am sure that we will definitely achieve our goals, we will reliably protect our people, the sovereignty and security of our homeland. thank you very much, thank you for your impeccable, valiant service, for your loyalty to the military. duty and oath, and the heroes in their response promised not to let us down, we are all very grateful to you for what you give us, you gave us a chance to manifest ourselves, we manifest ourselves, and we will go to the end, so that you know that we will go to the end, any situation, and in this regard i want to add to you the homeland for all of us, including me, who gave us the opportunity to reward us all and us with hers.
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and after the award ceremony , the heroes of russia told what specific tasks they had to solve during the special operation. i i heard the tanks, yes, that they were coming, but i didn’t see where they were. i came out of the trench onto the road, and the tank stood 50 meters away from me, and it so happened that i was a little faster. the enemy did not get through, that is, we repulsed the attack of the tanks, that is, the infantry also followed, which did not work out for them either, that is , they could not even approach us. the enemy was stunned by the fact that they... outnumbered us by five, six times, however, they were stunned by the fact that
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we acted too boldly, too brazenly, fearlessly, the guys worked, forcing the enemy retreat, contributed to a further offensive, the crew destroyed about five or six tanks and also several infantry fighting vehicles, including nat’s samples, receiving an award from the hands of the supreme commander is, first of all, pride. for myself, for my unit, since the reward is not only mine, but the battalion personnel who took part from the very beginning of the special operation. vladimir putin signed decrees, from which it follows that the german oil and gas company wintershell dia and the austrian omvi lost their shares in russian assets. according to documents published on the official portal of legal information, the president instructed the government to create russian legal entities to manage the southern russian sections of achimov's companies. provisions of the uringoy oil and gas condensate field, sogaz and gas
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technologies are invited to acquire shares in the created russian llcs. the un general assembly adopted a russian resolution on the fight against the glorification of nazism. the document calls for abandoning the practice of revising the history and results of the second world war, and also condemns denial the holocaust and manifestations of intolerance or violence on religious and ethnic grounds. the resolution was supported by 118 countries against it. 49 voted, including the usa, ukraine and canada. mutual trade between russia and china has increased by almost a third since the beginning of the year, with over 90% of payments made in national currencies. next. strengthening relations between moscow and beijing meets the long-term interests of both countries, prime minister mikhail mishustin said. in beijing, he took part in a regular meeting of the heads of government of russia and china. about the results reporting by our own correspondent, alexander baletsky. usually, state flags are decorated with the quisit of heads of state, but the special attitude towards russia is immediately visible,
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tricolors along the route of the russian prime minister’s motorcade and in front of the famous gates of heavenly peace. the head of the russian government, mikhail mishustin, and the prime minister of the state council, kener letyan, already met here in may, and today they are summing up the results of the work that ensured this incredible breakthrough, the trade turnover not only exceeded 200 billion dollars, but came close to 220. in the current geopolitical conditions, relations between russia and china have successfully passed the test of strength and demonstrate a high degree of stability. since the beginning of the year, mutual trade has increased by almost a third, moreover.
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it is aimed at ensuring that these agreements are preceded by painstaking work, so the finance ministers are discussing the continuity of mutual payments in national currencies, their share is already 90%, it is hardly by chance that there is a fish above minister siluanov’s head on the chandelier, in china a symbol of abundance and prosperity. it’s interesting, you noticed the moment, russian-chinese cooperation is precisely to make our countries richer, so that people live better. beijing met the russian delegation with an anomalous... generally rare, but it immediately became clear that there is no way without russian energy resources, and moscow is increasing supplies of coal, oil and gas, pumping power in siberia has reached its record levels, and yet power is next in line siberia 2 through mongolia, and joint projects in the field of nuclear energy, as well as artificial intelligence, space and of course education. at beijing
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beida university, deputy prime minister chernyshenko presents students with a large dictionary of the russian language and a unique edition of fairy tales. found and, as mikhail mishustin noted today, interaction within the framework of ishos and brix is ​​growing, and tomorrow the big political dialogue in beijing will continue, the head of the russian government will meet with the leader of the prc, chairman of sidzenping. alexander baalsky, nikolai zakharov, nikolai petrov, alexey korpukhin and andrey sorokin, news from beijing, china. at washington the money for kiev has run out,
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the press secretary of the us state department publicly stated this. according to him, the united states does not have the ability to help ukraine. due to lack of congressional resolution. let me remind you that earlier senators blocked a multibillion-dollar tranche to kiev. we don't have any magic pot ready from which we can continue to draw money for ukraine if congress does not pass a bill for additional funding. russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children open the doors of modern classrooms. we are creating new cultural spaces, and of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction. discover our achievements with you. countries, come to the exhibition forum russia, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt
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that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism, on ukraine has biological research facilities, people have begun to realize how...
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what this day in history is remembered for, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on december 20 , 1408, khan edigei lifted the siege of moscow, this ended the last great raid of the horde on russia. at that time, prince vasily dmitrievich, the eldest son of dmitry donskoy, ruled in moscow. he refused to pay tribute for some time; edegei’s campaign was supposed to be an act of intimidation of the straptian vassal. when edegey besieged moscow, he was frightened. vasily i left with his family for kostroma, followed by many noble residents of the city. the siege of moscow lasted 3 weeks. during this time, parts of the horde army
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ravaged dmitrov, kolomna, gorodets, nizhny novgorod, pereslav alzalevsky, rostov the great. but then khan received news of an attempted coup in the golden horde itself; in a hurry, edigei took a modest ransom of 3.00 rubles from the rebellious moscow. this is several times smaller than the usual size of denmark and the army was taken away to home. on december 20, 1803, the united states completed the acquisition of louisiana lands from france. the agreement was concluded earlier; on this day, in the town hall building, the french prefect announced the transfer of lands to the united states. louisiana in those days was the name given to the vast territory of north america, from the mississippi river to the rocky mountains. while negotiating with the french, the united states wanted to buy only lower orleans for $10 million. it was an important port for their trade. however. the ruler of france, napoleon, was thinking about something else at that moment and offered to give the americans all of louisiana entirely for just 15 million. they agreed.
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now almost a quarter of the entire country is located on the land purchased then. these are the states of arkansas, iowa, missouri, oklahoma, kansas, nebraska and a significant part of nine more states, including louisiana itself. on december 20 , 1936, an astronomical council was created in the soviet union. the organization appeared at the suggestion of two outstanding scientists, academicians, mineralogist alexander fersman and one of the founders of astrophysics, vasily fesenkov. this scientific and organizational center began to coordinate all astronomical research in the country, provided the soviet observatories with scientific instruments and represented the ussr in the international astronomical union. at the end of five. tenths , the astronomical council began monitoring artificial earth satellites. dozens of stations for this purpose appeared on the territory of the ussr by agreement with other countries in
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eurasia. africa, south america. the astronomical council also began to study the dynamics of stellar planetary systems. in 1991, the astronomical council was transformed into the institute of astronomy of the russian academy of sciences. on december 20, 1971, andrei torkovsky's film, andrei rublev, was released in limited release. the film about the life of the famous icon painter was banned from showing 5 years earlier. i had to remount it and cut it down. according to the plot of the film, the events of the end of the fourteenth, the beginning of the tenth. centuries unfold against the background of the struggle for power of the sons of dmitry donskoy. for the main role, torkovsky chose an unknown actor from sverdlovsk, anatoly solonitsyn. his photographic tests were approved by experts in ancient russian art. rus', rus'. still , she endures it dearly. everything will endure. it will be like this for a long time. a?
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rental under the original title of passion for andrey. on december 20, 1989 , the us invasion of panama began. codenamed operation just cause, it was the largest us airborne operation since the second world war. world war. 26 thousand military personnel, hundreds of aircraft, more than 100 armored vehicles, artillery, officially set off to defend
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the interests of 35,000 americans. in fact , the states were simply not satisfied with panama’s policy, which demanded the return of control over the panama canal, moved closer to cuba and the ussr, and supported the rebels and sandinistas in nicaragua. the military operation took place in violation of all norms of international law. the marines even blocked the embassies of other countries to prevent them from sheltering the panamanian leader, manuel narriego. he was taken to the usa and there he was sentenced to 30 years in prison, allegedly for drug trafficking. since then... in panama , a funeral march is held annually on december 20 in memory of the hundreds of victims of the invasion. this is what this day in history was like.
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such wandering musicians, we do not have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubadour, this is my group, hello my honates, here, where were you before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, you can’t do without it, i’m behind you , they won’t replace palaces with tempting vaults. never freedom she disappeared, call your son, accepted , grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, what, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians.
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