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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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coordinate our work to create a unified legal field. dear colleagues, i think each of you understands what a responsible time we have had to live in to serve our fatherland, and at the same time what unprecedented opportunities are opening up for our country today. as the president said, we ourselves will determine and create our future. this is our sovereign.
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on our country, on our electoral system, which, by the way, unlike many western ones, presupposes a direct expression of the will of the people, without intermediaries, without various electoral surrogates, the task of all authorities, our colleagues are with you, is to ensure the absolute internal legitimacy of the elections, to prevent the slightest violations, the recent... direct line confirmed that
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citizens in all regions support the development course to protect sovereignty, ensure security, they they see and feel that the country is moving in the right direction, that the president is in complete control of the situation, is deeply immersed in all current problems, and that the russian political system works clearly and effectively. on my look, such an ability in difficult moments to gather strength, to strain what is called all the muscles, all the resources to protect one’s mature, strong state, and of course, colleagues, i can’t resist, every time we say sincere words of gratitude.
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to our heroes, participants of the northern military district, during this time we have become convinced of what brave, courageous men we have, strong, real, beautiful, such fatherlands to defend their families, our native land, we are proud of them and are confident, absolutely confident in our victory . colleagues, once again i sincerely congratulate you on the thirtieth anniversary of the federal assembly, thirty years of the constitution and, of course, good luck, success and powerful movement forward to all of us. thank you.
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chairman of the state duma of the federal assembly of the russian federation, dear valentina ivanovna, colleagues, friends. today we are talking about the constitution, but of course, speaking about this, we cannot help but talk about the federal assembly, the federal assembly, think about it, in just 30 years, because in the history of the state, this is very a small stage of development, our country has come a long way. from a weak, collapsing
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state to the strongest european one. dear colleagues, the country has developed, modern russian parliamentarism has developed. it must be said that this time was very difficult, the state duma , the federation council replaced the supreme council, the body of people's representation, but for that period of time, it was spent... in debates, verbiage, making populist decisions that were destroying the country, discrediting the government, exactly at this time, in 1993, elections to the state duma took place, it was in this
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situation that our parliament was formed, after the elections, all these debates and discussions moved into the walls of the state duma. and this alone did a lot, because the discussion began to be conducted in accordance with regulations, procedures, rules, and we began to develop the practice of parliamentarism, improve political culture, i must say that not everything worked out right away, there were squabbles and fights.
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russian parliamentarism, speaking about responsibility, which should be when making decisions, rather than demagoguery and verbiage, which are destructive for our state, this is where, probably, we can take the starting point for the development of our parliament. then there was his initiative, namely his, in 2001, the creation of political parties, in the course of which they should, on a professional level, based on the support of voters, conduct a dialogue among themselves, a dialogue with the government
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when making decisions, but also of course, colleagues, it would be correct to say , given that the president... emphasized the role of parliament, and we must be objective, this role is connected specifically with it, because the next step was to develop within the party, within the factions, but the delegation of the general secretariat is present, and i would like to give the floor to the deputy general.
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as for the topics that were discussed at the forum, as mr. burito and dear mr. lavrov said, of course, there are a lot of topics, political topics, and topics that increase the level of cooperation between russia and the arab world, this is already the sixth forum, sixth meeting, a form of cooperation and , of course, trade, exchange between ours.
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they wanted to remain within the framework of their culture , their language, their history, they were subjected to a direct threat already in 2019, many laws were adopted under poroshenko, this continued under zelensky, which directly prohibited the russian language, well, in almost all spheres of peaceful life, and where the verkhovna rada did not reach, local authorities added, including a couple of months ago. the kiev municipality, or whatever it is called, the city council, may have adopted
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a decision banning any manifestations of russian culture, the russian language in the everyday life of the capital of ukraine, well , i can’t say that in 2019 the middle east was calm, although of course nothing compares to the catastrophic crisis that we are now witnessing. to which we devoted our main attention today, yes, probably, probably, the severity, first of all , of the palestinian-israeli confrontation that we are now observing, of course, it decisively influenced the agenda of today’s meeting, by the way, we mentioned and the situation in ukraine, a group of the league of arab... states was specially created, which
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visited the russian federation in the spring of 2022, we had a good conversation about how the ukrainian crisis arose, how it can be resolved by stopping the use of ukraine against the russian federation , through the cessation of the nazification of this country and through the cessation.
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