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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 4:30pm-4:57pm MSK

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several regions were at the mercy of a snowstorm and strong winds, sweeping the orenburg and chelyabinsk regions, tatarstan and bashkirtastan. traffic is limited on sections of the m5 ural highway; trucks and public transport are temporarily unable to pass. our correspondent murat zaripov is now in direct contact with facts from bashkiria. murat, greetings, tell us what the situation is on the highway at these minutes? yes, good evening, well, right now the situation is gradually starting. and passenger buses, minibuses , restrictions on the movement of freight transport concerned 14 sections of highways of federal and interregional significance, here, in particular , restrictions were on such highways as ufa beloretsk, tobosadka, also many municipal highways, as well as... restrictions
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have already been lifted, however, on the m5 highway, in a section not far from they still continue to operate, in fact, this is where we are now, in order to prevent emergencies, the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations for the republic of bashkakhstan even accepted today. the decision to deploy mobile heating points, such there were even four heating points installed on the highways, however , it’s quite warm outside now, the air temperature is about +1 -2°, so let’s hope that on the federal highway m5, as we see, from time to time there are minor traffic difficulties , however, they become difficult not because of weather conditions, but more because of minor traffic accidents that one way or another arise on the highway, and because quite a lot of snow has fallen,
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uh, to avoid such accidents practically impossible, since the two-lane road restrictions affected heavy -duty transport, restrictions on movement , however, passenger cars also remained in the same traffic jam, so trying to get around it, they drive into oncoming traffic, and naturally this only worsens the situation, the more i will repeat no less. now the snowfall has already noticeably ended, the restriction is valid until 18:00 moscow time, but if weather conditions allow, then i think that in the near future even such small gaps will still stop. yes, all hope is in the weather. thank you, murat zaripov is monitoring the situation on the m5 ural highway, where they noticed that traffic was restricted. one young
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lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged them to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, miraculously not killing anyone. what's the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court. everything is fine with my daughter, she is a normal girl, just like everyone else. and the girl seems to repent. let's play, we'll go to paris let's eat. it would be possible to forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be. siberia, siberia, we won’t solve it, we’ll sew it up. horses
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tore it apart, where are you going to drown yourself,
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moscow vdnkh exhibition forum russia, the exact coordinates of the central event of this year , the beginning of next year, the place where they managed to gather all of russia. all the most important things are in the diaries that we keep from here from our studio in the seventy-fifth pavilion. about 5.00 monuments of federal regional significance, over 3,500 lakes. the longest fortress in europe, active monasteries the capital of the church. of which are included in the unesco world heritage list, all of this is the pskov region, it is also classified as a border geostrategic territory, since it borders on three states at once, latvia, estonia, and, of course, belarus. the pskov region is a region with an actively developing economy. the basis
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of the industry is the production of food products, electrical equipment and machinery; one of the most leading industries is, of course, tourism. what did the region come to the exhibition with, let’s ask anastasia. panko, she's joining us. nastya, greetings, please tell us about the exhibition program of the pskov region. hello, georgy, you said that one of the main directions of this region is tourism. so let me tell you a little more about this part. this year, almost half a million tourists visited the pskov region, this is 100,000 more than last year, there are more of you, but if this is still possible. if you don’t personally visit the pskov region, you can do it like this say, remotely, by coming here to the exhibition at vdnkh, for example, or you can visit, you can look at the main attractions with the help of a bicycle, here, as you can see, there are such bicycles installed, a large screen, people sit down, they give out headphones, there is an interesting story there
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about the main, most beautiful places in the pskov region, you can take a ride like this and see, he is lucky in life, we are happy, he is our beloved. city, it is the best, we thank you for coming to this exhibition, we admire it, russia is great country, thank you, pskov, in general, used to be considered the blacksmith capital of russia, almost every pskov family had a blacksmith and a city, supplying the entire district with potions, pskov also had its own mint, which issued its own coins, then minted money until its closure in 1632.
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stand of the pskov region, you can play various interesting interactive games, go to this copy in the orlamovskaya tower, watch multimedia videos prepared there with interesting facts, send a postcard with the sights of the region directly from the stand, and of course
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the governor told us to find out interesting details about this region, history, what life is like, how the pskov region is developing, and what this region is generally proud of. well, actually, welcome to the poskov region. georgy. nastya, thank you, and let me announce your next live broadcast. today the zaporozhye region is also presenting its achievements, so in the next live broadcast panko will return to us and tell us about another pavilion. well on to other news about what's going on
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stand. and by the way, about the zaporozhye region, which is now located in the zone of a special military operation, but is actively developing on its territory. mechanical engineering , chemical, petrochemical. and light industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, and, of course, energy. today there are 81 machine-building enterprises operating in the region. about fifty are still to be launched. this year the region collected. 2.5 million tons of grain, an area of ​​cultivated land of more than a million hectares, just think about the open spaces, integration into the russian economy happens gradually, visitors, for example , visit the coast of the azov sea, victory square, a stone grave reserve, which is also called the zaporozhye stonehedge, a front-line post office is also open here, you can write to our frontline soldiers and leave reviews about the zaporozhye region, and by the way, about the development of the new russian region .
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understand the dynamics, are they returning, on the contrary, in the zaporozhye region, of course, at the beginning of the special operation, people were scared, not that they were fleeing from soviet power, as we say, seeing the red flag, but we are just people they were scared by the war, scared by sudden changes, these are living people, they tend to be afraid, so at the beginning there was a large outflow, then there was a pause, about six months ago, when people were afraid of this so -called...
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today about 15 centers are paid for this and four mfcs, which
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in the territory of two in melitopol, berdyansk and nargodark, the most important, well, let's say, the most responsible cities, where passports are issued today, and all the necessary documents are issued today, benefits that people must receive, are formalized, that is, the peaceful life of issues, of course, not everything has been resolved, we have about 400,000
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172 schools in our country operate in full-time mode, by the way, all schools operate in full-time mode, we feel confident about the future, they often ask, but how what about missiles , what about shelling, yes, it exists, you just need to get used to it and we, perhaps, as uncynical as it sounds, we are already accustomed to the fact that war is such a life, you just need to learn to live in
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the fact that you have a fifty-kilometer zone the enemy, and there are shellings, there are sabotage groups and... much smaller, all this is there, but we have a bypass road, all educational institutions are developing, we are taking every step to ensure that people do not feel inferior, so that they do not feel that they are in some region where they constantly write about war, shooting, blood, another important topic and area is, of course, construction, how work in this area is now organized, i am of course talking, perhaps even about housing, not only, for example, there -
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regime, people will return to their jobs you will need housing and a builder will come, an investor will come, your whole life will improve. let's have one last question, let's finish our interview with where we started with the exhibition, because it is, of course, largely dedicated to, perhaps , some tourist places that will attract people in the zaporozhye
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region in the future, maybe some -the gastronomic discoveries that the region shows here directly at vdnkh. you know, the range of what we provide today reflects all sectors of the national economy, but the highlights, of course, are not the main drivers of the economy, but the highlights , we have several directions, but first of all it is our melitopol cherries, the entire soviet union knew it, i emphasize once again, this is not the driver of our economy, but it is our brand, and i think we should be proud of our brand , maybe every region, everyone. region for the russian federation, so with great pleasure i can say that our cherries today are not just a brand, but also one of the incentives for the development of the agricultural pool and sector today it is in this direction, not just to sow grain, barley, wheat, winter, spring crops, we
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do it all, sunflower, corn, peas, everything is there, just pull it towards us... uh, what we have is strong, then , what distinguishes us in a good way, today helps exhibitions, people also learned about our region , that we have the most powerful nuclear power plant in europe - 6 million people, and accordingly, this is what allows us to attract investors today , which, we have solar, very powerfully developed, from electricity to wind, and this attracts those who... today are involved in this high-energy sector, also today mechanical engineering is represented at our exhibition, and accordingly, what allows everyone who is somehow connected with this industry in russia today to pay attention to the fact that the city of melitopol, which is now the capital, is a mechanical engineering city, and in
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the soviet union it was awarded an order of honor for mechanical engineering. thank you, productive work, thank you for this interview on... the topic of military operations and peaceful life, which is seething, thank you , just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button... and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum it’s more profitable to keep it in sberbank with prime. low prices wafer akulchev 159, i can, i can, i want , i’ll get cashback with a vtb credit card, i want, i can, i can, i want, 200 days without interest, i’m not kidding , get a credit card with vtb so as not to spend
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games of the future, a ticket program for a unique sporting event has also been launched, let me remind you that the games of the future will take place in kazan from february 23 to february 3. on february 3 , they found out their opponents, and tickets for sale were launched by one of the most popular bloggers in russia, vlad a4. tickets are already on sale , be the first, buy tickets,
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more than two have already announced for the games of the future, you need to prove yourself in cyberspace on the sports field, e-sports in its purest form and a special type of program, technology, drone racing, robot battles, sports programming. we specifically selected these disciplines in order to provide this international tournament. well, we have a plus. there were 10 test competitions, if you remember, we talked about them happily and for a long time, and it seems to me that i will probably be happy and level, and this word of mouth happened, the dissemination of this great knowledge about the hospitality of kazan, one of the most spectacular events of the games of the future will be fidital martial arts, this is when first the fight is in virtual reality, and then in the octagon, one of the teams is trained by a star mixed martial arts fighter, scoring and the final result, and victory-loss, it consists of two aspects, again a cyber battle, and a real battle, of course
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damage, but... everyone wants to win, so the task will be such that we will combine, try to combine. before the start of a new chapter in world history.
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