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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 20, 2023 10:30pm-10:54pm MSK

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the stone was brought, hello, the inscription that your son left in the basement of the seventy -third house, at the turn of 1.300 in the village of marrinka, the last wish was that we take care of you, help you, his sister and brother, the regiment commander said: that you accept the decision is either the stone remains at home, or we are now taking it with the regimental troops, so we will restore it, make sure it doesn’t crumble, that’s not the same thing, so decide, i’d like to go to the regiment, we want to make a monument, erect a monument. stone,
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so that all the officers and soldiers see, so to speak, admire the courage of your son, everyone gives a military salute and there is a reminder for everyone who directly carries out tasks in the special operation zone that they are doing all this for the sake of their families, children, their mothers, decide to leave a stone in the shelf, like allocating an apartment and treating his younger brother roman at the military medical academy in st. petersburg. roman was mobilized last year and this summer the assault group that he was part of was surrounded and all the bodies were found.
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when you meet such a story for the first time with such a soldier’s story, it’s simply amazing that he’s a very young man, and such masculinity, you know, that’s when i think that this generally stands on the same level as the river fortress, stalingrad, that is , well done, right guy brought up, that is , we need to be proud, the time will come and we will remember the exploits of all participants of the northern military district. rostovnadon botaysk. the daily losses of the armed forces of ukraine on the kherson front of the special operation amounted to up to 75 personnel killed and wounded, and this is not to mention the destroyed technology.
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across the dnieper in boats he transfers his elite attack aircraft to the left bank, there is no talk of strategy or tactics, the gray zone in a straight line is a little more than 4 km from here, this is the shallowed bed of the dnieper, behind it you can already see the city of berislav, we hear now the artuel is coming, practically thundering everything that stands on the line of defense, and accordingly , our scouts are now conducting aerial reconnaissance, monitoring the enemy in the bereslav area and in the area of ​​the entire right bank, now. the
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front line of the kherson region is increasingly appearing in front-line reports, the left bank is a tasty morsel for nationalists, and this is understandably desirable. hands on crimea are slowing down on the approaches to our shore, we can’t go any further. now the enemy has become more active, they often fly, also search, work, so, well, it’s like we don’t leave them alone. the operators are running towards the catcher and the beast, they spotted the dryer at the entrance of a five-story building in berislavet to walk along it. one after another, aerial reconnaissance aircraft fly to berislav and lead the target, in parallel, operators are already preparing an fpv drone, securing rpg grenades launch. in houses. hiding in the living and from which they carry out work, well, they bring up their equipment, settle there and carry out work, the roof, conveniently, put the drones in flight, the fvedrons are controlled by the fighters of the group of forces, the kiev regime is only intensifying
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the mobilization in ukraine in order to send the next batch to death . margarita semenyuk, alexander smychek, leading the kherson region, well, now footage from the presidential press service. let's start, as you know, last week the next railway congress took place, during the congress colleagues made a special attention to the importance of further development, the so-called great importance of the work that is going on within the framework of this large-scale, complex project. let me remind you that we have been consistently expanding the carrying capacity of the eastern range since 2013. during the first stage , over 5,000 km of tracks were laid and updated, bridges, tunnels, traction substations and locomotive facilities were built and reconstructed. let me remind you that the figures were higher, namely 157-168 million tons per year. at the same time
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, some work within the first stage is still continue. in the same 2021, the second stage of the project started.
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but, as they say, to lay down power reserves so that, if necessary, in a short time with small and problem areas, let's today discuss approaches to solving these problems, and again i want to emphasize that there should be one priority: the effective development of the railway network of the eastern range, timely increasing the carrying capacity of its highways in the interests of the entire country, all our regions, and the entire domestic economy.
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sees exclusively in the post-apocalypse genre. and here’s more news about those who for a long time imposed their thoughts on history, politics, journalism and so on on our country. in its own, an ngo that supports russian-language wikipedia announced its closure.
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the director of the organization published information about this. and why there was some manipulation here - boris ivanin will explain. wikipedia, even though it is a global octopus, is not blocked by anyone in russia. anyway. now around its closure regarding the dismissal of kozlovsky from moscow state university, where he taught for many years, allegedly under the brand foreign agent. a foreign agent, mind you, he has not yet been declared, but the liberal press is already... escalating, they hit a person, ngo employees are crying on the pages of the new newspaper europe in russia, it is recognized as an undesirable organization. experts write against kozlovsky, quotes of repression, terms and bias quite in the spirit of wikipedia itself. the fact that this structure, operating within the framework of western funding in the russian information space, quite legally falls under the fact that yes, and the status of an agent can be considered and... and there are some other questions, the topic of disseminating negative information about
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the russian armed forces, and the topic of justifying fascism and much more, the articles there are completely different, if you understand nothing of what they write about the tragedy in the odessa house of trade unions in may 2014, when the ukrainian the radicals, let me remind you, barricaded and burned dozens of people alive in the building, but wikipedia calls those who opposed the coup in kiev separatists, so we noted here the most drunken formulations,
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in bucha - this is a massacre, well, according to the version itself wikipedia and, of course, our military is accused of it, in the very first paragraph here from a foreign agent. and such a selection is made by supposedly enthusiasts, as the ngo convinces, but they contradict themselves, they say that the organization was created precisely for distributing grants. it’s clear where the money comes from if the law on foreign agents has blocked its flow. there are entire farms that specialize exclusively in forever. after all , wikipedia is a special technology, people there have special ranks, at the beginning
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of the northern military district a lot of money was spent on such work per day about 80 million dollars, despite the fact that now, for example, the amount of 100 million dollars is being discussed in the us congress. the fact that this is all a commissioned business in russia has been talked about a lot at different levels, and more than once it has been suggested to abandon wikipedia altogether. here are the words of russian president vladimir putin in 2019, an idea. in particular, you need to learn not to sacredly believe in the power of this electronic word that
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is written there, yes, but to understand that any source must be checked and double-checked. there is such a thing as fact-checking, that’s what it’s frankly about wikipedia is missing, but this is understandable, because the goal of the global octopus, to fetter the thinking of the audience, does not at all open the path to the truth. soldiers of the russian group of forces-center eliminated up to 180 ssu fighters on the krasno-limansky front in a day, provide communications with... which they often have to work right on the front line, report by alexey baranov. in the kremensky forest, just a few kilometers from the line of combat contact, we are moving in a connected armored personnel carrier. the machine provides communication between units located from each other friend at a distance of up to 40 km, and this can be done by the device and, of course, its backup kit. armored communications personnel carriers of the central military district operate in close proximity to the line of combat
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contact. they often drive straight to the front line so that the units operating on it can continuously exchange information that is vital during the battle, a communications officer with the call sign bronya tells us. we are the most obvious visible goal that controls everything, so we move at a distance without stopping, so that they didn't hit us. our radio communication. very little time, the longer you are on the air, the more likely it is that you will be picked out, but even short switching on of the equipment is enough to subdivide.
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they design, we practice, we are completely guided towards the target, this is imported equipment or strongholds, today salvo rocket systems. the salvoes of the rszz-hurricane, of course, are heard even on the way by signalmen who have received a new task and are moving along the line of combat contact to establish communications in that section where active operations have now begun...
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let's warm ourselves up at least, he doesn't tell anything about himself, and i'm interested in how i live , you ask, i'll be offended, definitely offended, i always miss you very much, it's so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, but you didn't listen, because you you're doing everything wrong. continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3.0 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. incredible power in a powerful package. x
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imaginative, hence life-changing technologies, only at alfabank, order. paid alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get a superkick every month. order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive 30% cashback on equipment. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. in yellow-bladed tones and chevrons with extremist inscriptions, lgbt military personnel. display showcase at christmas market in kiev, where some activists collected money for... sadomistic troops of the armed forces of ukraine. the report posted on social networks is filled with pride, saying that thanks to the sale of specific merchandise, they managed to earn money to cover the equipment needs of movement participants. car repair and medicine, only we are talking about only three hundred dollars, which is hardly what ukrainians can call, but this is quite enough for a report to western sponsors about how
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the country implements non-traditional european values ​​in practice. by according to media reports, several tens of thousands of gays, lesbians and trans people are fighting in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. however, it is likely that there will be more of them, since it turned out that this particular category of military personnel is entitled to special treatment. anastasia ivanova will talk about privileges. we recognize the kgbt as an extremist organization in russia. they handed over a whole package of humanitarian aid to the landowner. the one in the clean room should be grateful. the donor himself, however, let slip before recording the video who it was. and tell me the video is already on. my andryushka has come a long way, i as i understand it, it was 5 months.
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at the natural level of all these values ​​of theirs, including lgbti, so no matter what commercials they shoot, they won’t succeed, people don’t react to it. anna kurukina came to the ukrainian militant’s room. yes, yes, this is a woman, as it may not immediately seem, an independent bodybuilder, but also an open lesbian, who obviously also calls herself a volunteer in practice, works for the money of the rainbow fund, which she promotes. this is the extremist community, our sweet, that is, our world, was already told in the first country then that they them and...
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