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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today is a very important day, of course, the thirtieth anniversary of the federal assembly of the russian federation, but for many present here, this is a special day in the history of our country, this is a special day, the day of the security officer. is perceived as
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a national holiday, very important, and of course, vladimir vladimirovich today addressed the security officers, congratulated them, but for vladimir vladimirovich these are close people, after all, vladimir vladimirovich’s life is connected with the authorities, it should be noted that the attitude is largely ours countries changed to to people. and a heroic profession, but only upwards, respect, only upwards, but also today is the thirtieth anniversary of the federal assembly of the russian federation, the president congratulated the senators and deputies and recalled how in the ninety-third year a new russian parliament was created and the sovereignty of our country was formed, of course, i know here in there are people in the room who experienced all this themselves. made the appropriate decisions
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and can say, well, well, they adopted these laws, so what, they were not implemented, well, in some ways they were not implemented, in some ways they were implemented, however, a lot of things were not implemented, it’s true , gennady andreevich is smiling, i see he agrees with this, but you know what the meaning is , what the value of the decisions made was created legally, the legal foundations of the new statehood, this is... important, the foundations were created, guidelines, then , guided by these guidelines, gradually, together with deputies of all levels, including regional parliaments, we gradually succeeded on this basis, legal framework, to establish constitutional order, the necessary discipline of compliance with these laws.
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where issues of foreign policy, domestic policy, ideology are being worked out and discussed, i would like to just take it and publish it, because so many previously untouched topics are covered, you just need to study it, look at it, a balanced, reasonable, clear approach, but all the time we are talking about sovereignty, it is always about us.
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people who know what they are doing and know why they came to these authorities, for the sake of the people, for the sake of the people, for the sake of the people. our security officers work, so let's listen to how vladimir vladimirovich addressed his recent colleagues. today, when we are faced with serious challenges, the personnel of special services act competently and quickly. i thank the employees of the fsb, svr, fso and the main directorate of special programs for their high professionalism. in carrying out assigned tasks, for courage and determination, for clear, well-coordinated work. thus, over the past year, much has been done to provide counterintelligence support for a special military operation, to protect the lives and safety of our citizens in donetsk
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and lugansk people's republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. we know that the kiev regime, with the direct support of foreign intelligence services, has openly taken the path. state terrorism, these are sabotage terrorist methods, in fact against civilian objects, transport and energy infrastructure, terrorist attacks against civilians, representatives of government bodies and public figures, i emphasize that it is necessary to strengthen anti-terrorist work in all areas, to use a wide range of technical operational capabilities of our special services
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, and official position, why did i ask now that we set up, i was here the other day, i was just there, i was in one of the units, these are the guys from the national guard, but they are just busy cleaning the territory , but is fighting against the waiting people, against sabotage and reconnaissance groups, thanks , by the way, to their work, the terrorist activity of zaporozhye has decreased fourfold. the guys are working brilliantly, but they asked me for something, decide to show me, of course, the star is margarita, we, well, well, what are we we can, a sweet gift, this sweet
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gift, the guys handed it over, these are donetsk candies, guys, i don’t know how to stand up here without falling, well, i was ordered to kiss, which one, bow, guys? here's a low bow for everything you do, i was simply moved to tears, thank you very much from all of us who are here in the rear waiting for you and thanking you, thank you, thank you , we'll see about them on sunday, guys, amazing, these are the guys who are fighting for the independence of our country, for peace in new territories, which furiously annoys the americans, who furiously irritates europeans, which i can’t understand. and cannot accept our path, but the dogs bark, and the caravan moves on, although the dogs bark loudly, it’s not always clear what they want to say, that’s what kamala haris says, i couldn’t understand, i was lucky that during the entire
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time of my stay as vice president, in many situations it became clear to me that there are people of all ages and genders who, by the way...
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and if we don't quickly change course, if we don't mobilize all our capabilities, if we allow putin to win the war in ukraine , if we can't stop. the players are very active. the prospect is that
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a proxy war could be launched against the united states. the united states is a global and regional hegemon. russia, china, north korea, iran and many other countries point fingers at the states as the culprit of all these troubles. the united states blames what is happening in israel and the gas sector, just like in ukraine. and now russia and other countries are trying to isolate the united states. i would say the us is at a disadvantage right now. and putin will benefit from this, just like china. it's like a world in which three major fires are raging, two of them in full swing in ukraine in the middle east. and one slowly boils smoldering. rather, it smolders without fire, but can catch fire. in the indo-pacific region. you need to monitor all these fronts at the same time. the us global positioning on this issue is being questioned.
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if we want to have at least some leadership position and at least some role in determining what the system will look like, which will appear instead american world. the chinese world, built on china's terms with large participation from russia. it will be a completely different world, in which it will be much more difficult for the united states and the west to act. allies in the world on all sides, countries very much want to have a big say in international affairs, they want to supersede the us, they don’t want to see russia weaken, they don’t necessarily want china to be the dominant power, but they really don’t want the us to be on top. the unipolar american world has long disappeared and we are seeing its last moments. this fact may not be fully acknowledged here in the us or anywhere else. again, this is one of those turning points. if we want to take a step. forward, then this is the right moment, if we want to see how everything will turn out and not necessarily for our benefit, then we can
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relax. no, no, no , don’t relax, you can’t relax, because it’s not a fact that you have a second pair of trousers with you, yes, because senator ted cruz, he’s so worried about president biden, he’s so worried. look, we have a president. usachi, and the team carries an extra pair of pants with him whenever he travels.
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list of family members who travel with the president on government-funded trips? so, i need to double check if this is actually true because i asked about it. let me double-check, listen, i’ll say it more broadly. obviously you've seen the president with his family in the last couple of days. and i think you know why: they were celebrating a very
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somber anniversary for them, i don't have much more to add to that, but it was obviously somber moment for the family, so of course they were together to celebrate this anniversary, we will clearly note that we want to do this. treat this delicately: i have nothing to add about the family. it is obvious that the president is very close to his family. as for holidays, he obviously spends every holiday with his family.
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and these people want to rule the world and these people are trying to tell us something about themselves with these people we must agree on something i liked the new word in modern geopolitics that russia is trying to isolate usa, i heard correctly, wait a second, you were the one who tried to isolate us. just now, moreover, you claimed that we were isolated, and you see how it turned out, you know, what it’s called in russian, the same end in the same place, it turned out very beautifully, i think i won’t see it again this year you, not the tv viewers in this studio, so i would like, if you allow me,
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to make my speech today like this , a little bit about the results of the year, yes, since very respected political... experts are represented here, and i an expert who is more poetic than political , then i will end this year poetically, our wonderful poet, he is a proud man, velimir khlebnikov, as he called himself, the watchmaker of humanity, he once said that russians consider their main work to prove throughout their lives, that they are good people, and this reminded me, as my youngest daughter says, my eldest daughter, little, four years old, you see, mom, i have cleanliness, but mayana is a mess, you know why, because i am hayoshaya, and mayanas are not very good, it turned out this year that we are really good, they are not very good, it seems to me that the main result of this year is that what is happening in israel and done by israel has proven to the whole world and to those who still doubted ourselves, in
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ourselves, in our country, that we are good, they not really, so... this is sovereignty, sometimes it even hurts me a little to listen when we talk about it in the sense that we need to achieve sovereignty, because it seems to me that we have already achieved it, we see that it turns out that it was possible, and it is possible now, but we don’t do that, because we free to choose their own method of waging
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war, trying to cause as little grief as possible, trying to cause as little grief as possible to our families who are waiting... and fighters, well, and to the people there, not all of whom are scumbags, freaks and russophobes, not all of them , from which we can then live together with god’s help, and despite the fact that we can do it differently, we still have the freedom to be who we are, as velimir khlebnikov formulated it, i don’t know if he knew such a word as sovereignty, he called it self-freedom, and it’s very cool, self-freedom to start a special military.
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which was once occupied by roosevelt, who was once occupied by churchel, despite all the claims against him, he was still a great man, there are the same claims against his other contemporaries, including ours, let’s not get into that now.
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from the point of view of preserving it, no residual, well, at least decorative, demonstration of such sovereignty, it would be better than it
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is now and what it will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow with god's help, a man has arrived for some reason, churchel’s post promised mountains for some years, with his puppet he pulled the strings there, these unfortunate tractor drivers, taxi drivers, drivers went. not to listen to those who are not with us, to listen to those who are with us, we really haven’t been able to do this for 30 years, have we? suddenly it turned out that people's love is hard to win
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and easily lost, that people's love is not the love of a flock of sheep, because the people are not a flock of sheep, as we found out, many of these people believed it all these years, when their people idolized, gave them his money, listened to them, took them out, met all my p
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she, in terms of self-incrimination, never knew her equal. don’t touch russia, gentlemen, what do you need and well-fed, dressed from that country
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that, having saved half the world, is sad and poor today. do not touch russia, gentlemen, now you praise truthfulness, but blindly believing your justice is an undertaking worthy of a buffoon. this is what we are talking about, we no longer believe in their justice, i think this is amazing. the result of this year, and the fact that he wrote that now russia is sad and poor is also amazing result of this year, not sad, never sad, they didn’t even force us to turn our economy and our lives on a war footing, so that people would feel an unbearable burden, yes, they wanted to achieve this, so that people would complain, well, no still people are interested.
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i want to say a toast, a new year's wish, i need to rush for artyomovsk champagne, yes, and some candy, thank you again, guys, you were so moved, have a snack , it is quite obvious to a person who is interested in these issues that the scientific discoveries of mankind, today's and tomorrow's and through five-minute and religious premonitions, prophecies of humanity,
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they come out of point a...
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when the earth is overpopulated, living conditions are acceptable due to various cataclysms, natural, military, there will not be many left on earth, the question will arise about who will actually remain on earth to live, and if now we are close, humanity is close to deciphering a person’s thoughts, very close, already in many countries there are experiments where chips are implanted into the brain and a completely paralyzed person can even tweet write, just thinking about something, that is, this is an installation, this chip reads his thoughts when...
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than he already has, to bring more good into this world than is already in it, unfortunately, no , because good is the antagonist of evil, according to, if we go back to science, according to the law of conservation of mass, one energy displaces another, every time you take revenge on someone, there is less forgiveness in the universe, every time you are aggressive, in there is less peace in the universe, every time you lie, there is less faith in the universe, i wish us everyone... so that our memory at this terrible judgment, no matter what it is called according to science, has something good to tell about us and as little bad as possible with the upcoming one, beautiful, very, and then can i continue this topic mikhail vladimirovich mishusin, because today he also spoke directly in chinese, according to the lunar calendar, this is the year of the dragon, which is one of the symbols of china, i wish you and
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all chinese friends good health and... not really, but one young lady got drunk with the hussars of wine, asked for the sake fun to steal from the regiment a cannon and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, oh my!


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