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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 12:00pm-12:28pm MSK

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the election headquarters of vladimir pu for the candidacy of the incumbent president starts on december 23. let's talk about the work of the headquarters. with a speed of 110 km/h , the m12 east highway from the capital to tatarstan is now opening to kazan in 6 and a half hours. what are your plans next? what are the dangers of blocking the suet canal? european companies, including kay, are already announcing product shortages due to supply disruptions. how will this affect prices and are eu countries ready to participate in the american operation in the red sea?
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collection of signatures in support of the candidacy vladimir putin's presidential election starts on december 23 and will continue until the end of january. this was reported at his election headquarters, which began work today in gostiny dvor in moscow. regional headquarters will open within a few days.
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we reiterated once again that russia is a powerful, sovereign, independent state, that russia has not only coped with all the new challenges of the time, but is confidently building a new, fair world order, our autumn session is coming to an end, i will be at the plenary session tomorrow. our work, but in general i want to say that all the senators of the federation council worked very responsibly, professionally, and there is satisfaction from the work done, this is true, i want to note that we worked calmly, promptly, there were situations when it was necessary to immediately respond to a particular problem, all committees ...
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they all equally try to fulfill their duty honestly and face equal conditions - they are their families, so this is very fair. remark, in general i want to say what kind of legislative activity regarding ensuring the military defense in general, relating to the protection of participants in a special military operation, their families, it was a priority for us, we adopted 96 laws, but at the same time there is still something to work on, various benefits , support measures and so on, they are scattered across different laws and... a lot still needs to be done to bring it all together, correct it so that there are no contradictions, and of course, this order of the president has already begun to be implemented, the chairman of the government of the russian federation gave
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the command to the ministry and department appropriate, now the word is primarily with the ministry of defense and the social bloc, but our specialized committees have already actively become involved. interaction with the government, and i believe that in january we will already be able to consider such bills, the topic is sensitive, important, it not only has some kind of material dimension, it has such a moral, i would say dimension, that all defenders of the fatherland are equal in our country and we treat all of them with deep respect, understanding the great mission they carry out.
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they will abandon, as they abandoned iraq, as they fled from afghanistan and so on, this is the corporate style of the collective west, only their interests are nothing more, no one counts 1800 sanctions anymore, sanctions, russophobic hysteria, they have deployed in the world, a project based on ukraine anti-russia, now the economy will quickly collapse, russia will explode inside. they will win, they very much promoted, as you remember, a counter-offensive, but now it didn’t work out, moreover, they, of course, did not achieve the goals that they set, the goals were clear, they were
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cynically stated that these are the best investments when only money, and... proportionately small, and with the help of ukrainians they will force russia to submit to the investment, because we will load up our military-industrial complex, there will be jobs, there will be profits, and so on. as a result, they achieved nothing except undermining the nord stream, which is, i still consider, an act of state terrorism, and weakening europe .
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ultimately led to the death of a huge number of ukrainians, they did not achieve any success, and most importantly, they destroyed the economy of their states, and we see what stagnation is now in the economy in
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european countries, and the leading economy of europe to germany, what processes are taking place in the united states and inflation, the rise in price of everything is all to reduce living standards. at the level of people and unemployment and so on, there was a possible stop to this conflict and...
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and the investment, as they said, it also failed, we need
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to explain something to our taxpayers, no longer selling a counter-offensive, no longer selling the victory of ukraine on the field battle, they need to sell something to their taxpayers, here’s the marketing their politics are bad now, they have nothing to sell, they failed, they spent hundreds of billions of dollars, they burned in the furnace. and they haven’t achieved anything, but that’s their business, let them think and let them, it’s impossible to do this anyway, let them fully understand that russia is a self-sufficient state and will never compromise its sovereignty with its interests, i don’t yet see, to be honest, the prerequisites in order for this conflict to stop, but the fact that the west remains interested in the ukrainian topic is that they have no arguments left for - highlighting
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additional large funds for ukraine in their parliaments, in front of their population, this is a fact, and we see what confusion and lack of understanding in ukraine now what will happen to them tomorrow, i still hope that common sense will prevail - everyone will understand that russia, thank you, valentin ivanovna, colleagues, let’s move on, news please, and valentin ivanovna, hello, ivan kapustin, izvestia newspaper, and speaking during the federation council’s announcement of presidential elections, you placed special emphasis on the internal legitimacy of future election results, does this mean that we are no longer interested in the position of foreign observers, and do you think it is worth inviting observers at all?
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and speaking of internal legitimacy, this is , by and large, the trust of the population, in the authorities, in the electoral system, and absolutely transparent, competitive, legitimate elections that cannot raise the slightest question in anyone. in fact, i say this sincerely, believe me, i know international experience, our electoral system is one of the most perfect. she is transparent, she honest, we have nothing to hide, so we
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are interested in foreign observers taking part in monitoring the presidential elections in the russian federation . now the federation council, the state duma, we are jointly preparing an invitation to take part in monitoring the presidential elections in russia in various international parliamentary organizations. and structures, we are preparing proposals to our parliaments of friendly countries, and believe me, there are a lot of them, we are very interested.
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but the federal assembly in recent years adopted a solid legislative framework that does not allow outside interference in the internal affairs of our country, and we will not and will not allow anyone to interfere, our commission, which was created under the federation council to
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precisely prevent interference in internal affairs and violation of sovereignty, is now in the most active way... russia is still considered a leading influential country, and of course, most countries in the world are interested in positive results of the choice, realizing that a strong russia will continue to exert serious influence on the overall international situation. thank you, colleagues, businessman, during the autumn
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session, the council for the integration of new regions began working under the federation council. in fact, its first meeting was recently held, but it was closed. can you tell us what was discussed at it, what are the main issues in the context that remain the most pressing, what did the representatives of the new regions complain about, maybe what is going on with their budgets? that part of it took place in an open mode, it was shown, colleagues, well, in general , integration in the united regions into the legal, legal, social, economic field. this was one of our priorities, we adopted 56 laws, thereby, mainly at the federal level, we completed the formation of the legal framework for the integration of these regions, but the federation council is the chamber of regions and of course we cannot stand aside legislation the formation of regional municipal authorities, and for this we
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have created an integration council, which deals with both some systemic issues and private ones...
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they really want this, to return this status to them, so that they are self-sufficient and so that they are donor regions, earning their own living, the president has already said about this, even during the special military operation at the expense of the economic activities of these regions, they listed more than 170 scientific, scientific and other ones, they are now starting. an enterprise is opening, recently , for example, the famous ilcha plant in mariupol opened, yes, that is, both mines and enterprises, they are starting to work, but at our council
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the agricultural producers said, we produce we will produce agricultural products, but we need everything to be formalized in the legal field, formalized in the legal field, i am sure the harvests there will be significantly higher, this is me for example, but such questions... thank you, colleagues, we continue further, agency, we have more interfax, agency , please, anna seneva, interfax, valentina ivanovna, in the coming years we expect a significant increase in budget expenditures,
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is it possible in this regard to expect an increase in the tax burden on business, for example, an increase in income tax, vat, and are not discussed whether ideas for additional differentiation? budget expenses.
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a banal phrase, but it is key: creating favorable conditions for business, because look, the fact that we managed to cope so well, the fact that we are expected to have a 3.5% growth in domestic product with a complete recession in most european countries and so on, is the merit of our large and small medium-sized businesses, which managed to...
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in this regard, that colleagues, this is not only, so to speak, an economic measure, a financial measure, it is a stability factor when business knows that the government does not shy away, that it
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does not change... every month the rules of the game, that it does not change tax legislation, he can plan his activities in the horizon, he can analyze more deeply, take measures for growth, to improve business efficiency, this a very important, significant factor, we must not forget about this, let’s have another agency, a couple of questions, please, alexey moroz jealousy, valentina ivanovna, president vladimir putin at a press conference last week instructed the legislator: to evaluate the advisability of imposing prison sentences and especially long ones for some economic crimes; today, for essentially non-violent crimes in this area , the court can give up to 20 years in prison; do you think it is appropriate to mitigate punishments for such crimes; do you, as a legislator, plan to make any contribution ? to solve this problem? thank you. yes, dear colleagues, both the president and the government and the federal assembly have been doing a lot lately.
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specialists and carefully analyze, and if we see that somewhere it is necessary to change the criminal code, and not the existing judicial practice, then we will do so, if the defendant stole a billion.
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