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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 2:00pm-2:28pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the smo-plus anti-terrorist exercise was successfully conducted with the participation of more than 600 military personnel from twelve countries. together with laos , it chaired the smo-plus expert working group on humanitarian demining. this year, the armed forces provided high intensity operational and combat training with foreign partners. organized and participated in seventeen international ones. training, the most significant combat training events in which our contingents took part were joint with the armed forces of the people's republic of china, naval exercises, maritime interaction and operational-strategic exercises interaction 2023, as well as military exercises in the csto format in belarus and kyrgyzstan. annual international military-technical
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forum of the army. this year, delegations from the defense departments of 83 foreign countries visited, including 41 delegations led by their deputy defense ministers, about 200 bilateral meetings were held with foreign partners, more than one thousand domestic foreign enterprises and organizations showed over 28 thousand. samples of military and dual-use products. the eleventh moscow conference on international security was held in august. more than 800 delegates from 76 countries and six international organizations took part in the forum. the conference discussed issues of global security, a multipolar world, as well as the interaction of military departments in modern
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conditions. dear ladies and gentlemen, next year work will continue to create conditions for post-stabilization. now footage from the presidential press service. dear colleagues, friends, everyone, are you ready? good afternoon. today we are taking another important step in the development of the m-12-east highway, which will become part of the international highway. eurasian transport route russia, as you know, we opened this highway in stages, including in september of this year the section from moscow to arzamas was put into operation, now the entire modern expressway between moscow and kazan, our largest business, tourist, cultural
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centers, the road, and this is more than 800... kilometers will take about 6.5 hours, which is almost twice as fast as before. in general, car travel in this direction will become more convenient and, importantly, safer. the volume and efficiency of cargo transportation will increase, and the development of domestic tourism will receive a good incentive. the route passes through the moscow, nizhny novgorod, vladimir regions and the republic. chuvashia, and of course, through tatarstan, will certainly increase their investment attractiveness, will contribute to the creation of jobs, to housing construction, opening and growth of companies in industry, agriculture, logistics, and services. well, it always happens, the road appears. i thank all the specialists, workers, engineers, designers who participated in the construction of this important transport route. thank you for your enormous work
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. high pace of work, i’ll say more about this now, and of course, for completing construction seriously ahead of schedule, that’s what we’re talking about, this is also very important, for such a period, and these are only 3 years infrastructure projects of such scale and complexity , an excellent example, a good guideline for the future, another proof that we can and are ready to build with high quality, faster and more, this applies to social and industrial... housing facilities, railways, other infrastructure, it is necessary to increase the pace of the construction complex, our related industries are ready for this, i note that during construction, like a bridge across the volga near kazan, more than 3 km long, and my colleagues and i paid special attention to this, local residents will be able to drive across this bridge faster and even a little cheaper than the current
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one... and local roads, in regions including donbass and novorossiya, more than 188 million square meters of asphalt concrete were laid. these are record volumes and a significant contribution to the development of our country’s road network and to improving the quality of people’s lives. i would like to emphasize once again that reliable transport arteries are of fundamental importance for russia and that our plans in the field of road construction must be in place. implemented in full, further development of the route is among the priorities east, it will have to be extended to yekaterinburg and tyumen, and bypasses will be built for tyumen, omsk, novorossiysk, kemerovo,
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kansk. special attention should be paid to clearing out bottlenecks on the russia route in the far east, including access points for the comfortable travel of our citizens. the opening areas must be landscaped and provided with modern road service facilities for stable communications. there is a lot of work ahead, but i have no doubt that all tasks will definitely be completed, and, as always, in the most worthy manner, professional level. and in conclusion, i want to say once again, the good of russia and our citizens. you set the task for the construction complexes and the transport complex of the country to build transport infrastructure at a faster pace, and
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from the moment of your instruction i can say that we do not have a single one on time, there is not a single facility that was commissioned at the wrong time, we are building all the facilities either on time, or meeting deadlines, today we are introducing the most ambitious project. we built it in 3 years, something like this in the history of our country has never happened, even if we compare it with international experience, taking into account from the idea to registration, yesterday at 11 at night a document was received to register the object, we have never built such objects in 3 years, even in the world, few people build such objects in 3 years, today this work is construction of this route, it generally gave a powerful stimulus to the development of not only, not only housing, not only industry, not
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only but also... mortality and injuries as a result of road accidents, will create 85 thousand new jobs, will have a powerful effect on tourist flows, we we can already see that the commissioning of the first sections gives up to 42 thousand, that together with the construction of the route we synchronized a number of road facilities, moscow has built its own high-speed diameter, for which i want to thank sergei semyonovich, because today a passenger or car from st. petersburg can . get to moscow, drive through the high-speed diameter or promptly go further to kazan and subsequently to tyumeniy, which means further to vladivostok, thanks to this road we are additionally
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building and reconstructing sections of the gold mine rings to vladimir, the road from arzamas to nizhny novgorod, we have a good example that when we started building the road, tatarstan took the initiative to connect the m5 and m7 highways. we have m5 today, one of the busiest highways. next year, in the middle of the year, a section of 150 km will be launched, which will make it possible to move from the m5 highway to 30 investment and 30% federal, that is, this is a good example of a ppp, we are actively pursuing work on bypassing talyati, bypassing talyati and this section, which will allow us to go from the m12 highway to the border with kazakhstan next moving to china, colleagues from the kazakh side are also working to expand their part of the roads, we agreed that as soon as we fully expand this road, in the twenty-fourth year the crossing will be ready, the border crossing
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will also be reconstructed, today the road construction has been completed all the plans, and i can say that according to the national project we had tasks for 52% of regional roads. 50% to bring roads in regional areas to standard condition, we already have a figure of 52%, 81% in urban agglomerations and 70% of support roads networks are in a standard state already as of... today's date has been completed, i think that we would, of course, pay great attention to tell you that we will be able to carry out all your assigned tasks, taking this opportunity, vladivich, i wanted to personally, without your support, without your constant attention and all the decisions made, we would never have achieved such results in road construction, in general in the development of investments in the entire development of the entire infrastructure, we managed to implement this because we worked in headquarters mode, that’s all government. 3 years ago i held a meeting
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, which means that we also determined the routing, set the task, and we, with the entire government at headquarters, were engaged in the implementation of this project, and we closely promoted cooperation with the presidential administration, with all colleagues, which means that we worked on regional policy, the ministry of construction, regional headquarters policy with all the governors, all the governors with their teams worked on... under this task simply in headquarters mode, i would like to separately note the work of the federal assembly without changes legislation, we definitely would not have been able to build so quickly, huge changes have been made in the regulatory framework, we constantly report to you about this about the reduction in the investment and construction cycle, this allowed us to build this route on time, a huge amount of work was done by the ministry of finance to advance the construction of the heads of state expertise, colleagues from rosavtodor, rosreestr, ministry of transport, rostekhno. ministry of natural resources, i would like to say separately that we
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worked closely with the entire security bloc, all structures of the ministry of internal affairs, the fsb, the prosecutor's office, the courts promptly considered all emerging issues simply in manual mode. gazprom, transneft, rosseti, which means that the leaders personally controlled the relocation of all utility networks, we have never rebuilt giant oil and gas pipelines in such a time frame, and we have rebuilt dozens of them, we have never done this, that’s personal. mars malanorich, some of them brought together the seven largest
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contractors in our country, plus, that means, they built part of the site themselves and today we have all the best companies on this project, these are dsk avtobahn, transtroymekhanizatsiya, which is included to the company roads and bridges to the group of companies, the regional construction company wat stroytransgaz, and even the chinese in a separate area, the world's largest company crcc also worked on this project, i want to say a special thank you, at our peak until... in the morning it started from the moscow kremlin
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, which means the motor rally has started, all our domestic manufacturers, lada, uaz, gas, solers, kamaz, they have also already reached the middle of the route, i think that they will also tell their impressions of how they drove along this road in the morning i spent them today, i i think they will share their impressions, thank you very much vladimirovich, thank you rustam nurgalevich, please, tatarstan. dear, on the territory of the republic the seventh , eighth section, 142 km, 67 artificial devices, and a bridge at 3,362 m, this is a huge job, 500 people, 1,400 units of equipment, but most importantly, vladimirovich, yesterday i personally drove to moscow, words
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gratitude. districts, further, respectively, for cities to the east, well, thanks to this we or due to the fact that we see that it is active auto tourism is developing, we have invested in our strategy for tourism development and the hospitality industry the auto tourism segment and discussed these issues at the russian exhibition at vdnkh on december 1... with federal experts and with colleagues from other regions in the context of the development of auto tourism in the volga region, thank you for your decisions that open up these opportunities for us, and we will work to turn these opportunities into concrete results for people and for business, so that the quality improves life, and economic activity
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, thank you very much, thank you, please, nizhny novgorod region, dear colleagues, on september 8, as we remember, the amasa movement was opened, with your participation, only 4 months have passed and the construction of the section from arzamas to kazan has been completed the m12, passing through the territory of the nizhny novgorod region, is completely ready, i wanted to note that it is the longest in general in the m12 highway, 278 km, now residents of the nizhny novgorod region will be able to get to moscow or... one and a half times faster. in the orbit of the project a number of large investment projects have been launched, which is also very important. i would also like to draw attention to the importance of multifunctional zones on the highway; placing them in the space of information materials about investment locations, tourist sites, optimal travel routes, and nearby recreation areas will
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increase the flow of interested investors and tourists. this is very important for us, and all conditions have been created for both in the region. thus, the synergy of the new expressway with the potential the nizhny novgorod region will significantly increase its investment and tourist attractiveness, i want to say thank you to the road workers for their valiant work, rosavtodor was really impressed by the demonstrated style of work in standard mode, which marash aychas said, this is certainly impressive and inspiring, and of course, vladimirovich , thank you very much, thanks
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to your support, the social potential will reveal our regions, all six regions of our country that this route unites, of course, will receive huge advantages. vladimirovich, thank you very much for the fact that you still made a decision, despite all the economic and financial difficulties that we are going through, nevertheless, you did not stop this project, moreover, you accelerated it, this is of course important for economy as a whole in the country. thank you very much, vladimir. thank you, and i want to thank all the regional leaders, because we know very well what it means to lay a highway, which means not only
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building it, but initially, allocating land. please, petushenko. dear vladimirovich, your order to build a road to kazan has been fulfilled. 810 km of illuminated highway, not a single traffic light, not a single intersection at the same level. 323 artificial structures, with a total length of 24.5 km. we have the most powerful builders gathered here, and this is just the setup period. you know about this, 30,000 builders worked, but these are also producers of crushed stone, these are
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metal producers, these are network workers who worked simply superbly on this route, but we built not only a road, we built infrastructure service, today 18 are already open, today every 93 km, you can stop by, refuel, or have a snack. one of the pearls that we have at kilometer 173, a simply magnificent gas station, all this work could only be done together, thank you, the government of the russian federation, because we felt that, in fact, the concerns about the construction had been resolved ahead of time, thank you very much to all networkers, without a doubt, this is to my
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colleagues in... despite the weather, especially here it is in recent days, we have, so to speak, several such difficult moments, everyone has withstood, russia in the main championships and with the support of the rosneft company we are achieving high results, we are becoming the owners
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of the russian cup and we are becoming champions of russia, now having driven along this road, it is precisely the pilots and racers who can to appreciate the quality of the road surface, and you know, now, having probably already covered half the way, i will take the responsibility to say that this road is truly a qualitative leap forward in the national road construction and special thanks to all those involved in this project, to all the builders, to you, vladimir vladimirovich, huge gratitude, and you know, we still have a road to kazan ahead, i want to get enough of all these impressions and thank everyone again near the walls of the kazan kremlin, great, i really hope that one day i will also be able to drive along this road, i even envy you, because it’s really a special feeling,
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and now you’re here, i want everything... naturally, this quality will have to confirm yourself during operation. thank you. kropiin, alexey andreevich, he
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should also be in a good, interesting place, in a beautiful place. please. on the bridge across dear, dear vladimir vladimirovich, i speak on behalf of the labor collectives of the national project construction group of all construction companies participating in the implementation of this unique project. we are all very grateful to you for the opportunity to take part in the construction of the m-12 highway. at the eighth stage, where we are today, behind us, there was built. in record time , the krasavets bridge across the volga, its length is 3 km 362 m, the height of some supports is more than 50 m. this is one of the longest bridges built in our country in recent years after the crimean bridge and the presidential bridge in the city of ulyanovsk. work at the site was carried out
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around the clock. the number of employees at its peak exceeded 1,500 people. 300 units of equipment, i want to say words of gratitude from our entire workforce, the government of the russian federation, rais and the government of the republic of tatarstan, to all labor collectives of construction companies, design institutes, to the customer, of course, you , we completed the construction of this facility ahead of schedule, previously i assume... by december, in fact, we are all ready to move on to yekaterinburg, tyumen, we we are ready to carry out all the tasks that will be assigned to us in the same short time with quality, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, and dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, dear colleagues, i want to join. to those warm words that were said to the builders, designers, to the companies gka avtodor, modernization, stroytransgaz, vat, autobahn, crc, in fact, a huge job has been done and first of all i want to thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, for your constant attention and concern for the development of transport infrastructure, thank you everyone
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