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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 6:30pm-6:49pm MSK

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the author of the material calls not to give ukrainians false hope, he focused on the reluctance to help kiev and added the words that europe has switched to a war economy myth, key eu countries, with the exception of poland, the sergei koryakin chess club. the regional governor igor babushkin took part in the ceremony. in honor of the opening of the international, the grandmaster played with beginner chess players. today , about 6 people in the region practice this sport
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sportmaster - only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. express delivery at purchases in the sportsmaster mobile application. the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets. i would like to say, stop the moment. on the contrary, just a moment, don't stop. mega cashback discounts, apartment
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to glass boxes of hospital wards. after the rest, 125 children were taken to the saratov infectious diseases hospital, along with 11 accompanying persons. on the way home they were taken straight off the train. here we see that absolutely everyone has been raised to their feet. medical staff all children are from the lugansk people's republic and were vacationing in a camp in the tyumen region. the alarm bell about a massive outbreak of the disease sounded that night. twelve-year-old veronica became ill on the train and lost consciousness. they tried to resuscitate her. accompanying doctors at a stop in the pendensky region , an ambulance quickly arrived, but the child could not be saved, this is what the mother of the deceased girl says: a child of fresh air, she was taken out by the vestibule, other children, they wrote about this means that
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management was not negligent. after the tragedy, already at a bus stop in balashov, saratov region, rospotrebnadzor specialists deployed a mobile laboratory, the accompanying children were examined by doctors and sent to a medical facility. as the only first-class center in the region, it is marked with a quality mark: the best for children, on an area of ​​8 hectares, two residential buildings and a sports and leisure center, the idea was demonstrated in a story on local tv. the filming was carried out during the holidays of children from the lugansk people's republic, in the girl managed to admit the material of the t-shirt worn over the turtleneck. everything is fine, it’s just very cold, it’s fun, it’s also beautiful, the end of the shift, all the guests were healthy. an organized group of children from the lpr left the olympic children health camp on december 19 at 9:30 am. during the shift, medical staff
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performed thermometry three times a day. before departure, the entire group underwent a medical examination. there were no cases of fever. in connection with the death of twelve-year-old veronica, a criminal case has been opened. improper execution. in the basmanny court of the capital, according to investigators , businessmen deliberately bankrupted their own enterprise so as not to pay off a large loan with the bank. the day before, the basmanny court had already sent the former representative of the plant, alla kutsakova, to pre-trial detention; the head of the sales department of zuhrazi ediny is now under house arrest. the chairman of the investigative committee
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of russia met with students of the moscow st. petersburg academy of the investigative committee of russia. orphans and children left without parental care are in the area of ​​special attention. news.
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traditions. maxim shevchenko, lead: duty department. now there are operational news that our editorial team receives directly from the information feeds. in the czech republic, new footage has been released from the scene of the shooting in the charles university building on jan paloch square in prague. it is known that of the victim and dozens of victims, this has already been confirmed by the
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czech police. the criminal settled his life according to the preliminary publication. the judge is on trial and after the verdict in petigorsk, the former servant of efimida, who caused a drunken fatal accident, really does not want to reconcile. that sits in a colony. maxim yakusha was sentenced to a harsh sentence, but he continues to fill the court with papers, and continually delays the completion of the process. details of olga zhurinkova. the accident occurred in may 2018 at the 44th kilometer
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. after being discharged from the stavropol hospital , he disappeared for several weeks, the status of a judge and probably the connections of the father of the former mayor of cherkessk helped him remain untouchable for a long time, and his mother did her best to protect him from the attention of journalists. room, i won’t let you in, man, he’s guilty of something, what do you think or not, he is not guilty of anything, but why then such secrecy, that ’s why i need it, in that terrible accident. nineteen -year-old vladislav glatskoy died on the spot, and blood tests and the third fifth , probably, was, now i don’t think that they will find anything there or in his blood, but the connections of the magistrate did not help, i ended up in the dock, and last summer heard a sentence of 7.5 years in prison, found yakush maxim mikhailovich guilty of committing a crime while now in prison, yakuzh tried to appeal the verdict, but he constantly postpones the court hearing. experts note that this is not due to the chosen defense tactics, but one way or another
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this cannot continue for long; the court will, in any case, consider the case and make a decision on the complaint. more than five years have passed since the accident, the relatives of the victims admit that their pain has not subsided over the years, but it is important for them that the person responsible for the death of their children receives a fair punishment and spends exactly the term in prison to which he was sentenced. olga zhurenkova, andreva, as well. authors telegram channel honest detective is happy to join in the congratulations and wish the bright birthday girl good health, family happiness, creative success and professional victories. an impeccable legal education, experience working with journalists and tv presenters of various projects on federal channels allow irina volk to brilliantly represent the russian ministry of internal affairs, successfully manage huge teams of the press center and supervise regionally. and soon she defended her dissertation and received it.
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the ministry of internal affairs of russia has become more open to the entire journalistic community and ordinary citizens, and undoubtedly this is the great personal merit of irina volk. happy holiday irina vladimirovna. minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev awarded the police officers who saved two people in the tambov region who fell through for almost 10 minutes and could not get out of the trap. employees of the ministry of internal affairs came to the rescue, warmed the kids and took them to. hospital, fortunately, hospitalization was not required, the police officers, for their dedication, were awarded departmental
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medals for courage in the name of salvation, after incident, they had already met with the guys, congratulated them on the upcoming new year and asked them to come and not play on thin ice. the information picture of the day is supplemented by our colleagues in hello, this is what we will tell you about in our issue: he did not give way to a locomotive, an ezhkorolin resident in his priora drove... onto a railway crossing, and as a result of the collision, the passenger of the car died. what punishment did the court choose for the inattentive driver? deadly fire due to fuel construction. i poured gasoline into the flood and my canister caught fire. investigators questioned about this and much more in the final episode of the program, hosted by duty officer maril. colleagues. thank you, alina. and we return to federal news. find new friends, meet true love, build a career, and we are talking about those convicted of various crimes. they
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live in the moscow correctional center , work and serve their sentences without separation from society. vlada egorova will tell you how their everyday life goes. this is my room. and then the convicts rush to work. alexander is a warehouse operator in a large internet company, works 8 hours a day, meets with loved ones in his free time, but then rushes back. i never had the desire to... for about six months i came here from a strict labor colony, so to speak, for good behavior, and to quickly settle down after being released, this is an alternative to imprisonment, and the alternative is not to tear the convict out of society , leave him in society so that he works, so that he meets his family, communicates with parents, children, practically you
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live like a person, how - you can create your own unit of society. my worldview has changed in many ways, and i don’t want to go back to that life anymore. and in his new life , an incentive appeared, konstantin found a soul mate, he says, they met by chance on the street. i learned what love is, in fact, we were looking for each other. according to konstantin , the correctional center gives convicts a breath of fresh air so that when they are free they can breathe deeply. teachers help you adapt faster. they assist in finding employment, resolve conflicts, conduct lectures, and if in camera, in parallel with this... documents are sent to the court, proposals to replace forced labor with imprisonment, those who behave well have a chance to be released on parole, konstantin is among the applicants, at work they are happy with him, in the center too, time he doesn’t waste it in vain, for example, he helps utility workers clear streets and roads, this center is more like a hostel, here convicts not only live, spend the night, but also
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eat, there is everything necessary for this, for example, they allow you to go to the store, of course, about a thousand prisoners visited the correctional center, about 200 of them were released on parole. most of those who were here no longer wanted to return to the colony; many mastered new professions, started families and lead a law-abiding lifestyle. vlada egorova, vitaly melkov, lead the duty department. and more urgent news from news agencies in mytishchi near moscow, as a result of an accident, one of the cars collided, he was summoned for questioning in a bribery case. according to the investigation, the owner of one of the car companies, alexander. krylin could bribe the judge by giving him a luxury car for his convenience. in return, he received a series of contracts for his company. according to the information, the interrogation turned out to be very short. the retired judge took advantage of the fifty-first article of the constitution, not to testify against himself and his loved ones, and refused to testify. it is known that efanov is involved in the case as a witness, but it is possible that his status may change. himself as soon as possible, right away. material
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by danila sukhoruchko. despite a strong snowstorm in the corridors of the kirovsky district. ufa courts full house. many have been waiting for this process for years, so that under the stern gaze of themis they can look into the eyes of a jeweler who is considered a fraudster. and a silver chain. it needed to be reduced. and in the end he never returned it to you. no no no no. moreover, he said that it was all taken to the police. and the judge, the victims came in vain. the defendant with the name of the famous renaissance artist raphael did not honor those gathered with his precious attention. his defense lawyer handed over only the school one. excuse, got sick, he always said, let's come, and then oh, i i got sick, oh, i got sick, i was on sick leave , and this happened very, very often, so this is his favorite practice, in the words of the jeweler there is no place to put samples, the victims joke with bitterness, the story is that he will find justice against me for i wanted to pick up my things,
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he mocked me, practically pushed me off the chair, well, in general, this is a real bully. the victims complained, even flowers, once in response to the complaints, raphael allegedly locked the door and began, like a true artist, to paint the wall with caustic paint, which made people feel sick. he can mock you that you run to him endlessly, you know this, this is not just a scam, he’s all uh with a gold bracelet, and with a big one...


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