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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 21, 2023 8:00pm-8:19pm MSK

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swimming rules. the relevance of the northern sea route for international transport was again discussed this week in connection with the escalation of the situation in the red sea, where the yemeni houthi rebels are attacking ships of western countries, allegedly because these countries support israel’s operation in the gas sector. the united states hastily assembled a coalition and announced the start of a military operation against the houthis in the region. this route is longer and more expensive, but... safer, but the northern sea route is even cheaper, shorter and safer than both southern routes, and at the same time, that the volume of supplies from china and india to the european union will only increase in the coming years, and the importance of the northern sea route as an alternative route will also grow. today, the northern sea route is already actively operating, according to the administrator, and most of the refusals were... ships flying the russian flag, in
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accordance with the federal project for the development of the northern sea route, the relevant russian departments responsible for its work are taking the necessary measures to ensure safe sailing, everything about elections in russia, we will tell you to vote, choose a candidate, we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many here? observation of the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard ; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, he will record a moment of this incident, observation, choosing in the country freely, important, honestly convenient, in the next hour, prayer before the battle, unforgettable footage.
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the leading faith of our soldiers against the obscurantism of kiev. escaped to europe? return to the trenches. the kyiv regime intends to call for front of ukrainians who left the cordon. a resonant interview with defense minister umerov to german media, but why do his own children live in the usa. kzrk, japan. an army of ukrainian drones made of plywood. yes, they didn’t bother with the design of the new pva.
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seem like footage shot by a professional video, which at first glance could have been made by filmmakers, but this is not a film, real life. the scene of the action, a special operation zone, is served by the sound series, through the howl of the piercing wind, it is difficult to hear, but you can still discern a monotonous the voice of a priest who reads a special prayer from an ancient rite for soldiers going to battle.
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russian history, the quiet , heartfelt words of a priest above our kneeling ranks, these are attack aircraft, these are scouts, and maybe snipers in a characteristic mass, the video was sent by father victor lenok, he, along with other priests, often goes to the front through the military department of the moscow patriarchate, says the fighters really need this. we, together with the guys, with the whole detachment, after they confessed, communed the saints of christ secrets, they prayed before their next release , they prayed to god, not a historical film, not a reconstruction, look, the real army of christ, there’s no other way to say it, that’s what kiev, the west, what are they trying to oppose to such an army, today’s ukraine is moving ahead of the western course. both philosophical and
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religious, they are building a post-human civilization, where identity , like gender, is denied, of course, we are the force of light, god is with us, here is a video from... this is also a tradition, this is military history, here are our fighters in the midst battle under the enemy's return fire, they save the wounded, pull him out, because we don't abandon our own, this is suvorov's commandment, we treat prisoners humanely , this is called the mercy of a prisoner and they will bandage him, this is the fighting spirit, this is faith, when in the kiev pechersk lavra the sect begins to take over... the photo, by the way, is from the official website of the city council; in the pauses between battles, vysushniki rehearses the funeral, naturally with an imitation of some kind of semi-pagan funeral ritual of their own and hooting in the background. in confrontation with these sectarians
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ours pray before battle, and this is the present, this is the depths of the state on the eel, they came out with a black banner on which the face of man-made salvation was depicted, and this in itself.
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has adapted to changing external conditions, vladimir putin announced this today at a meeting of the council for the strategic development of national projects, as the president noted, the business managed to maintain the rhythm of work, replaced foreign components with domestic analogues, so the west is strengthening ties with the countries of the eurasian economic union, but by the way speaking, i want to note that we are not closing ourselves off from the american continent, from north america, the usa and canada, we are not closing ourselves off from european countries, it’s generally time for them...
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in general, as well as the growing demand of the domestic market. as for the tasks for the government, as the president noted, the pace of current work suggests that the authorities are able to fulfill all the goals set. of course, i want to repeat this again, the more we do, the more horizons open up for what still needs to be done, this is absolutely obviously, and this is such a general law, there is no escape from it. we just need to be happy that we have new tasks. despite everything, the minister is full of optimism and a positive description of the de-occupation of crimea. in an interview with german journalists , umerov said that the kiev regime will seize the peninsula next year, he says, he
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is 100% sure, since this is a strategic goal for the armed forces of ukraine. it is surprising that even after none of kiev’s forecasts regarding the notorious counterattack came true, the western media reacted to the character’s words quite seriously. the kiev regime essentially announced overseas mobilization, from which even rustem umerov cannot hide. the first in the foreign press is explosive, as it has already been dubbed, the fire from which, after publication, they rushed to extinguish in kiev itself, they say it is only about the importance of military duty, although here is the exact quote: all
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ukrainian men of conscripted age from 25 to 60 years abroad must report to recruiting centers of the armed forces of ukraine, they will be sent an invitation. catching citizens of ukraine and simply physically taking them across the border to the border with
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ukraine, that is, in fact, europe does not care about its cannibalistic essence, but about its own son umerov, but they will only catch ordinary ukrainians, they are indignant in the comments, they save their own skin, and the rest are turned into cannon fodder, people write, what is the point then in defending such a state , where the authorities do not plan the future with... children, and how effective is the defense of ukraine with such a minister, if at the slightest danger he himself is ready to flee overseas. from the very beginning of the special military operation, all leading ukrainian politicians were taken out their children abroad, continuing to carry out military operations against the russian federation, they continue to deceive their people, continue to steal money and send this money so that their children can rest in peace...
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what do the leaders who came to power do, they try to send their people as quickly as possible , during the so-called
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counteroffensive, the troops of the kiev regime were unable to overcome even the tactical zone of the russian defense and paid with colossal losses for attempts to attack the positions of our armed forces. such statements were made today by valery gerasimov at a briefing for foreign military officers otash. the chief of the general staff emphasized that despite the enormous support from the west, the ssu suffered an unequivocal failure. what else were we talking about? are destroying the norms of international law, the united states and its allies are systematically undermining the role of the united nations as a key institution harmonizing international, interstate relations. washington's deliberate actions destroyed all the basic agreements.
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the countries of the collective west ignored russia's demand to conclude an agreement on mutual security, demonstratively supported the neo-nazi regime in kiev, which unleashed the extermination of the russian-speaking population, losing about 160 thousand people. colossal losses lead to persecution of the ukrainian leadership and result in outright terrorism with the support of western
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intelligence services. thousands of violations of international humanitarian law have already been recorded. on the territory of the donetsk people's republic alone, more than 4,700 civilians have been killed since february 2022, including. initiative in the hands of the russian army. kiev's inability to control this process. the share of modern weapons in nuclear defense has been increased to 95%. the troops received thousands of units of modern armored vehicles, hundreds of airplanes and helicopters, the composition of the navy of reliable mutually beneficial bilateral relations within the framework of the union state, the csto, the cis, as well as with friendly states from
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the asia-pacific region, africa, the middle east and latin america. the course towards developing a comprehensive strategic partnership with china and india. established active. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. help may come from a partner outside europe. full of hope, a quote and articles from the washington post about how the united states is looking for new ways to at least strengthen ukraine’s air defense and is primarily interested in sending additional ammunition to the zelensky regime.
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no, there is nothing to charge. ukraine is keeping the latest report, counting down the remaining ammunition on which the ukrainian armed forces are still holding. there is nothing to attack or fight back with. it's gotten to the point where washington was forced to ask tokyo for missiles for its famous patriots. there seem to agree with conflicts such as ukraine and israel. however, the scheme is too obvious to fuss about: america is transporting japanese missiles to its warehouses, and what was lying around and rusting in american arsenals goes to ukraine, and there you look at the needs
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of the most corrupt regime on the planet , other holders of patriots will rewrite their laws, for example, germany will like this fact only during one of our attacks on the military infrastructure of kiev on may 16 ukrainian patriots shot 6% of the annual production of this type of ammunition. the ukrainian authorities used the missiles the way they wanted. moreover, initially we carried out several air operations, which were designed to target kiev propagandists. why did the epiphany come only now that ukraine simply does not have enough ammunition to confront the russian army, it was said almost from the very beginning of the northern military district, but then the west waved it off, they say, don’t listen, continue to die, that’s what kind of vileness is now oozing from pages of reuters,
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we have less ammunition than we need, they are extensive, that is, the production there of new ones... it is even more interesting to observe what is going on behind the backs of the so-called zahisniks, how the collective west manages the cash flows supposedly allocated to kiev, but in reality directed from a pocket smith, an increase in demand is followed by an increase in price. keeping the same proposal, since we keep in mind that the western military-industrial complex is not ready to go for a multiple increase in production. that leaves the americans call for help from satellites.
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