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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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we will take on this matter, it will be fair.
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detective, we’ll tell you what this day in history is remembered for right now. hello. on december 22, 1317 , a battle took place that went down in history as the battle of bartenev. they fought near the village of bortenyev not far from tver in the battle, prince of tverskoy mikhail yaroslavich defeated the united army of moscow prince yuri danilovich and the temnik of the golden horde of kavdygai, who invaded his possessions. this battle was the first to describe in detail the victory of russian weapons over the horde. written about her in nikonovskaya or the patriarchal chronicle. the tverites also captured the wife of the moscow prince. she was the sister of the ardyn ruler khan uzbek, died
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in... the horde did not forgive mikhail tverskoy for all this, they called him and killed him, but the prince became a hero, he knew what awaited him, he still went to the horde in court to rid his principality of a new invasion horde people. on december 22, 1905, an armed uprising began in moscow, and this became the culmination of the first russian revolution. shortly before this, under pressure from the general strike, nicholas ii already went to the ledge.
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plan called google raw, the state electrification of russia. in fact, it was the first comprehensive development plan for the country. it lay in ruins, the civil war continued, and to achieve its goal it needed industry, transport, and a good supply of fuel. many considered the plan absolutely fantastic, but in just 10 years it was exceeded. they restored the power plants of bygone times, launched many new ones, and as a result, production was achieved in the thirty-first year. production has increased compared to
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tsarist russia seven times, soon the ussr in terms of electricity generation volumes became second in europe and third in the world. since then, december 22 is a professional holiday - the day of the power engineer. and exactly 100 years ago, on december 22 , 1923, the red army introduced compulsory training for soldiers and commanders in the game of football. such an order was issued by the referral military council in those years , the highest authority. then football.
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the united states declassified a document developed back in 1956. it planned a nuclear attack on the ussr and a number of friendly countries. hit it was supposed to be applied already in fifty- nine. there were hundreds of targets on the hit list. in moscow, leningrad, east berlin, warsaw and even beijing. basically , it was planned to hit production facilities and government buildings, as well as soviet bombers, so that they would not have time to take off for a retaliatory strike. it was assumed that hundreds of thousands of people, possibly millions of civilians, would die, but this did not matter, at that time the us nuclear arsenal was 10 times larger than the soviet one. they were going to use bombs with a power of up to 9 megatons, that's 600 times more than the baby bomb dropped on jeroshima. however, by
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1959, the soviet union had intercontinental missiles and new anti-aircraft weapons. the inevitability of a retaliatory strike against the united states forced the plan to be archived, and there was peace. saved, this is what this day in history was like, everything about the elections in russia , we will tell you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote if you’re sick, your grandmother is busy in the morning, looking for something on her phone , here is the number of the election commission, i i will vote at home, adult citizens of the country are given all the opportunities, even those who are asked to decide without moving. call the elections home, take a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, registers them in advance with voting on the road, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choose in the country, free, important, honestly convenient, well
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, our broadcast will continue with the program instructions, maria kudryavtseva will talk about who has the right to apply for russian citizenship and why one can lose it, how to become one? owner passports with a double-headed eagle and why citizenship is deprived, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the instructions. first, about how many citizenships you can have: citizens of the russian federation who have dual or multiple citizenship are considered by the russian federation only as their own citizens. the acquisition of foreign citizenship by citizens of the russian federation does not lead to the termination of russian citizenship. citizens are required to notify the ministry of internal affairs of their foreign citizenship within 60 days. notify a russian citizen who has received foreign citizenship, citizenship or type of residence , must always be in all cases, but you need to understand that in this case we are talking about obtaining citizenship either as a resident, or type of residence, that is, obtaining
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a permit for permanent residence in the territory of a foreign state, and report on obtaining permission to temporary residence is not required. a foreigner can apply for russian citizenship after receiving a residence permit and living in russia for 5 years, passing two russian language proficiency exams on knowledge of history and the foundations of our laws. elderly people over 70 years of age and disabled people of the first group do not need to take the exam in language and history. but many may not wait 5 years; those who have signed a contract to serve in the army for at least a year can immediately apply for citizenship. refugees and those who received political asylum, as well as those who came to russia under the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots, but all these citizens still need to pass an exam in language and history. without exams and without waiting, those who can apply for citizenship
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who was born or lived in the rsfsr, or all citizens of the ussr who had permanent registration in the russian federation as of november 1, 2002 , are also immediately in reserve. can those who have relatives in the direct ascending line, father, mother, grandparents, or those whose daughter or son are already citizens, apply? as a general rule, a child acquires citizenship of the russian federation if at least one of his parents is a citizen of the russian federation. the same rule applies to relatives in the direct ascending line, even if at the time of filing the documents the relatives have already died. it is not necessary that your relative in the direct ascending line be a citizen of the russian federation; it may be that he was a citizen of the ussr or the rsfsr. if the federal or regional authorities have issued a combat veteran certificate to a stranger and have written a petition
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to the ministry of internal affairs, then he can also receive a passport without exams without a long wait. marriage to a citizen of the russian federation does not in itself give the right to citizenship. we need another common child. passport you can get a diploma from a russian university with honors for good studies, successful completion of a bachelor's or master's degree with a year of work in your specialty in russia, that's all. this gives the right to contact the nearest migration department with an application for citizenship. the application itself is considered for 3 months. this period can be extended by the same amount if time is needed to verify all documents. if you are abroad and apply to a consulate or embassy, ​​the application will be processed for up to six months. the president of russia has the right admit a foreigner or stateless person to russian citizenship in a special manner without five-year exams. length of life in the country, the president can do this for special services to the country, or if this person
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is of interest to the state because of his special knowledge or talents. not all applications for citizenship are approved, for example, those who brought false documents, fought against the armed forces of the russian federation or simply serve in foreign security forces, participated in extremist organizations or are under investigation, or is serving a sentence in his... country for crimes that have analogues in russia. citizenship can be terminated, either voluntarily upon application from the citizen himself, or upon commission of serious crimes. this is a crime against sexual integrity, counterfeiting money and securities, drug trafficking, weapons, espionage, treason, evasion of military service and desertion. this is not the entire list, the main thing is that the crime committed or the preparation for it be created.
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only in relation to a foreign citizen, who was recognized as a citizen of the russian federation or was granted citizenship of the russian federation, that is, not in relation to someone who received citizenship by birth. so , to summarize: the new citizenship law gives more people the right to obtain citizenship in a simplified manner, without having to wait until they have accumulated five years of experience living in russia, but some will still have to take exams on knowledge of language, history and the basics of the law. and some, for example, the elderly , can do without it, citizenship can
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terminate if it is not received by birth, but only for actions that threaten national security. if you want to learn more about migration rules or how to prepare for exams in the russian language, history, basic legislation, write to us on telegram, we will ask specialists and tell you about everything in the next issues of our instructions. we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in an application or on a website, you choose what you need and give it application, and literally 10 days after the auction. property can enter into an agreement and you can work, create something new
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, you will need to make a financial model, if it is delicious, of course, cakes, polyona, then great, things will definitely go well, that is, films were made here before, no, here previously, there was a project for a vegetable warehouse in which props were stored, an example of proper cooperation with private business, as a result of which the state studio... received, that is, phenomenal capitalization. we need, of course, more effectively work to sell property that could be useful for the development of regions, for high-quality territorial planning, and social projects. in october 2022, we launched the federal property online service, here is the result: sales of real estate state property have tripled, and 65% of all applications for the purchase or lease of land are received. online, what are the advantages of this solution, we went to
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find out from the entrepreneurs themselves. sometimes it happens that the lift gets confused, for example, a person’s eyes widen, fear, panic, and you have to evacuate down a snowmobile, well, once a season it happens, i think, once a week, especially on weekends, borovskaya kurgan, a historical place, in the late forties it was discovered by a young skier. and the future general designer of the zvezda plant, guy severin. the company develops life support systems for astronauts, and the pilots underwent training and rehabilitation on this slope. necessary. be sure to try it on, it fits into the spacesuit itself, and indeed this glove was in the open in the nineties of the 20th century space, and cosmonauts also helped create this place, yes, yes, yes, with the support of georgy beregovoy, a cosmonaut twice hero of the soviet union, they fought together for a long time so that the zvezda plant received this site.
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the business is continued by the grandson of the legendary designer ilya severin. now there are already four tracks here and they are preparing to open. there are 3 years and 3 months, there is a difference , i subscribed so that notifications would come, and as soon as it appeared, they immediately started this process, it’s quite simple, again everything is online, on the new route the terrain is more difficult for those who
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have been involved in winter sports for a long time, but for beginners like me there are easier slopes, mom! you can find marketplay on the rossimushchestvo website here you can set a filter, rent or purchase, designate your region and select an asset from the land plot to the wood remaining after construction. submitting an application will take no more than 5 minutes. for business, a convenient service for the state is an opportunity to give new life to objects that stand idle. as a result , increase the contribution to the treasury, i have a bag of money and came to buy or rent some state asset, i think that’s enough, well, there’s probably five million here, you can rent something, i think some kind of premises for running a small business can be rented try yourself
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in the real, real business, that is, become a pre-field cooker, i love it, especially dessert, i think it will go well with you. how to buy something or how to rent? i’ll say a foreign word, marketplace, where you can see what’s for sale, what’s for rent, starting from buildings, land plots, transport, and sales of what is confiscated by the state and put up for auction, before, papers were carried when property was growing, registration took 3 months, rent premises for business development, maybe buy... a plot for opening agricultural production, all this is now contained on the website of the federal property management agency, and for this you just need to register, open your personal account, about 50 thousand such personal accounts already exist, and the number of participants is increasing every year increases increases, because after all, the state is a major
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owner, the state probably has the best conditions for the sale of property, you can... take advantage of various benefits that the state provides, all this is here, it turns out that what is the advantage for a businessman for an entrepreneur , speed, now in 20 days you can arrange everything, open a personal account, this is from and to 20, yes, and the main thing is that you can see what will be put up for auction, it’s not a pig in the bag, everything is published here in advance, the territory of the central moscow hippodrome, here in the middle of the century a legendary riding school was founded , but in the nineties it ceased to exist. the tradition was continued by the equestrian club, which at the beginning of the 2000s reconstructed the manege building, but how was the issue of renting land resolved? the story is that in the twenty-first year we applied to the property authority and received a lease of two
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plots of land on which our club is actually located. is it more profitable if you rent from the state? since we have a sports facility and we directly we carry out activities in the field of equestrian sports, develop equestrian sports, and a preferential rate is provided for us. the legendary shwe in the ussr, it was the only riding school of such scope for both professional athletes and amateurs. now there are more than seventy horses here, any support is important. why is it important that you don't rent at full price? our task is to make sure that horses are always in the best conditions; a horse cannot be treated as in some kind of business, equipment, it is a living thing the creature is our friend. so he bows to you and says that he is the most important here in the equestrian club, in 2022 the club was one of the first
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to register a personal account of a tenant of treasury property on the website of the russian state property management agency in order to save not only money at a preferential rate, but time? document flow has become much faster, you can track the status of an application or letter on absolutely any topic, track it online, the order of requests, the answer arrived in less than a day, that is, in a hurry, in a hurry, we galloped through and got everything, before we had time to unsaddle the horse, the paper had already arrived, in general, with the speed is all very great and of course it’s convenient to use, you are an entrepreneur and want to find a state asset at a preferential rate, through the marketp of the federal property management agency you go to the giz bidding portal, you can participate from anywhere in the country, an important point, for the application you need a qualified digital signature, just use the gosklyuch application. bidding takes place according to three scenarios: classic bets on price increases. if the lot is not sold, plan b. dutch auction, where rates go
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down. the third option is without announcing the price. the participants themselves voice how much ready to pay. a large amount of property is under the jurisdiction of federal state unitary enterprises, or even simply under the jurisdiction of our federal ministries. today they are in use. the property is effective, not effective, we don’t know , because it may be rented out to non -specialized organizations, it may simply not be used, and often no one is looking after it; it is deteriorating, so it is necessary to carry out such an inventory, and if this property is not properly used or misused, such the property should be included in our database, and we, together with the russian property management agency, are preparing a corresponding proposal to... the government and will consider them, when will it be? we will make these proposals, and i think that next year we will begin such work. massfilm is one of
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the largest film studios in europe. since its creation in 1920, more than 2,500 films have been made. 10 years ago, a unique project was launched here: the developer received a plot of land for the construction of a residential complex, in exchange he built two modern pavilions, a house costume and props, and also... the first cinema and concert hall on the territory of masfilm, there is a solution, twenty-fourth issue, camera, motor, karyn georgievich, good afternoon, this is a familiar prop for those who work in massfilm, but now everything here is very unusual , for us this is of course such an epoch-making event, we can say that to a large extent we rebuilt the mass film, because it increased our capacity by 30 percent, there was nothing there, the land that you transferred for the construction of a residential complex. dovecotes, that too the performers were pigeons or it was just the local residents, not there yet there was basically such a wasteland there was just the building of this
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vegetable warehouse, in which the costumes were buried, but it had to be demolished, because it was monstrous, it was cold, completely unsuitable, we took the outskirts of the mass film for our projection, that is, we practically did not demolish anything here except this, this old vegetable warehouse, yes, and, accordingly, inside the mosfilm. we also identified free unoccupied spots where we agreed to build those facilities infrastructure they need. in the two new pavilions, work is scheduled six months in advance, it is important to save time; in the new house , costumes and props are available, any of the hundreds of thousands of items can be found in a matter of minutes. it turns out that this common base has moved here, moved here, yes, in fact, it’s such a high-tech building, all the passages and levels are arranged in such a way that the director can visually identify it without climbing into the streamer. and those objects that he needs there for his idea, for his painting. alexey, well, who ordered the taxi? to dubrovka? and this movie was, but not only,
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beware of the car. tritopol on prishchikha, quite a famous car. a unique feature of this garage: any car can be taken for filming on any day. and before, there was also a garage where all this was stored. some cars were stored on the street, some cars were stored under a canopy, and the fact is that they have all moved now. to a warm garage and completely different opportunities for maintaining technical condition - this is , well, 100% the infrastructure that was needed for this fleet. you can’t watch this on tv or on a computer, it’s such a scale, it’s a completely different feeling. before this cinema and concert hall appeared, where was it shown? that is, just some kind of viewing rooms? well, when you make a picture, naturally you don’t look at the time, and then they just sent it to the cinema. all this construction has increased capacity, what does this mean, more projects, yes, yes, there is the seventeenth pavilion, you
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saw how much the car is. pavilions are in great demand, very necessary, especially high-quality ones; frankly speaking, we have a lot pavilions were built in factories, you know, that’s something else. by the way, to create infrastructure, transport, engineering or social, businesses can take advantage of support measures such as infrastructure bonds. one of the objectives of the national housing and urban environment project is to create effective conditions for partnership, business and the state. so, these bonds make it possible to attract funds from the market. securities and then they are used for infrastructure development. to date, there have been six issues of such securities worth 90 billion rubles. already 42 projects were approved in twenty-two regions, totaling almost 138.5 billion rubles. in the middle of the 16th century, catherine ii was engaged in a clear delineation of land into private and state. in 1765
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, a manifesto on general land surveying was even published. registration of a lease or purchase of land could take years. now more than twenty business processes necessary for this have already been transferred into digital form, and every third contract for the purchase and sale of plots from the federal treasury is concluded electronically on the marketplace.
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this is our signalman’s lane, he’s running somewhere, somewhere he is in polish, somewhere he is squatting, a mobile kit, this is the main means of communication, the most important thing is that this household
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needs it. out of ten radio stations, we repair eight of them here, well done. vladimir putin today took part in the opening ceremony of a new highway to kazan via videoconference; the president thanked everyone involved, the m12 east team, and spoke about plans for the further development of this large-scale project.


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