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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the most important thing is that this facility must be ensured to function continuously, out of ten radio stations we are repairing eight here, there is communication, there is, well done. vladimir putin today took part in the opening ceremony of a new highway to kazan via videoconference; the president thanked everyone involved in the m12 east project and spoke about plans for the further development of this large-scale project. this always happens,
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the road appears, life is in full swing, i thank all the specialists, workers, engineers, designers who participated in the construction of this important transport highway, thank you for the enormous work, for the high pace of work, i’ll say more about this now, and of course for completing the construction seriously ahead of schedule, that’s what we’re talking about, this is also very important, for such a period, and this is only 3 years. infrastructure projects of this scale and complexity have never been implemented in our country before; this is an excellent example, a good guide for the future. another proof that we can and ready to build with quality, faster and more. i would like to emphasize once again that reliable transport arteries for russia are of fundamental, strategic importance, because that is why we agreed that...
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in the field of road construction they must be implemented in full, among the priorities is the further development of the vostok highway, it is to be extended to yekaterinburg and tyumen, build bypasses of tyumen, omsk, novorossiysk, kemerovo, kansk, pay special attention to clearing bottlenecks on the russia route in the territory far east, including approaches to vladivostok, which will significantly increase. our logistics transport capabilities and in conclusion i would like to once again say thank you to everyone involved in the development of the m12 east highway, i certainly wish you new, great achievements for the benefit of russia and our citizens. today, putin held a meeting of the presidential council for the strategic development of national projects. it was about solving problems for the development of our country. at the same time , the head of state recalled that cooperation with our former western partners. russia has never refused,
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we are not closing ourselves off from the american continent, from north america, the usa and canada, we are not closing ourselves off from european countries, it’s generally time for them to stop fooling around and waiting for us to collapse. it became clear to everyone that if they want to benefit from cooperation with russia, they must do it, we are not pushing them away, it is their business, their decision. they themselves think what they are guided by, some ephemeral considerations of the destruction of russia or the interests of their own country, their people, their people on the development of relations in the world as a whole , modern democratic ones - the modern democratic foundation of a multipolar world, but i repeat, this is their business. the west is not going to finish anything, they are doing their best.
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they are trying to increase pressure on russia, nato is counting on strengthening aerial reconnaissance along the border of our country, the so-called new defense plans of the alliances have especially inspired the czech republic, they decided to declare russia not just a threat, but a potential military adversary , they are already seriously preparing for the future battles with our army, although today a nightmare happened there, and there was shooting , that is, people died, but they are driving their society to some kind of complete hysteria, agitation is driving them crazy, and what is happening, of course , is absolutely terrible, three times increase the number of active reservists, although you are in the bundeswehr, macron said that although france is not at war with russia, it cannot allow our victory, macron, what can you even allow, what can you even allow, you pathetic nonentity, and of course, here i have to tell you how the west is preparing for military with us, and today i
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have two pictures in the background all day long, so real, just two pictures, for many who are here, we don’t even need to say anything to each other, so we think in the same direction, we feel in the same direction, for many decades we had the so-called pop music, well, it’s such a bohemian, people of the demimonde, inherently untalented, but morally and ethically, of course, quite... insignificant, they are such a projection of hollywood, this is an eternal attempt to become a child prodigy, eternal competition, such an endless collective elochka the cannibal, this is such a projection, it was all cute, touching, they were
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young, then they stopped being elderly, then they stopped decrepit, old, getting younger, endless plastic surgeries, changing teeth of husbands and wives of orientation. all this was there somewhere, and then the war began, suddenly it became clear that these, it’s just some kind of scum, at the same time, they have absolutely phenomenal spiritual deafness, they don’t even realize what they are doing, i’m not saying that this everything happened in moscow, on the day of the chekist, that on that day the president of the russian federation, that i, i won’t even talk about this, that on that day, how donbass was shelled, i won’t talk about what flew across donetsk, i won’t talk about how our guys died, i just want to show you two russias, russias the one i love, who
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are real, and these, many of whom i know personally, and who just died for me yesterday, they are so... disgusting, they are so, well, well, this is some kind of crap, look, our soldiers in prayer before battle, opposing enemies, angelic light poses, terrible enemies, terrible, what i worship heart and glorifying, this is the holy russian army, these are the men before going into battle, these are the assaults, and the young
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priest who comes to them and reads prayers, at the same time in the capital of our homeland in moscow, the howling city. who is doing everything he can to win, a certain anastasia ivleeva in the moscow club mutabore, which i hope is already closed and will never open, is throwing a party, this is a naked party on the day of the chekist on december 20, these are people who consider themselves idols, it seems to them that's very witty, this is very cool, this is...
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islam, people dying at the front, our wounded, a boy who believed so much in the country that when i die surrounded, i shoot back
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to the last, writes to those who find me, take care of my mother, brothers and sister, what are these? cares with diamonds in the ass, who can’t wait until it’s all over, and who, of course, argue that war is bad, patriotism ugh. homeland is where it’s good, and we will continue to pretend that everything is fine, and says: well, no need to do anything, let 's just giggle, i hope that no one will ever play any of these people's songs, book their performances, i just hope, doesn't mean that it will happen, i just hope, but. .. what we see, well, this is a classic, these are sodomites
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, this absolute moral deafness, of course surprises me, well, this is a simple approach, sodom and gomorrah must be destroyed, this is what, in my opinion, they have no place among us. no, no, i’m not calling for doing anything with them, but there was such a practice of astracism, but that’s just so now the whole country should try to say, okay, stop it, what’s wrong, it won’t work, it won’t work, yes, there should be an answer from those, and why are we discussing these? i need to tell others, these are your idols, well
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, they’re not just taken for nothing, but they parasitize on something, so to speak, live on something, this is this idol that you can’t create for yourself, we of course see such things, they are called the degrading social part, the degrading part... but everything is known, everything is said, what happened, then
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will happen, it will happen again, well, if someone doesn’t understand this, it’s their problem, you need to turn to those who are able to understand, i ’m turning to them, because you create idols, and you need to think about this question, what and how to worship ? this is, perhaps, the main thing for me, because turning to those is completely, well, pointless, so i turn to others, to the majority, the majority, the overwhelming majority of our country, well, probably, yes, it’s difficult, of course, to move on to discussion, things that really matter, you understand when...
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as a people and as a country, in principle, you know, it’s just visible now, the country is at war with our big and main enemy , the united states, not with ukraine, the question is about our essence. the anglo-saxon world and this hegemony can only exist on the terms of disparate
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actions, disparate relationships , in which they take the lion's share, the overwhelming share of the necessary resource or surplus product, whatever you call it, if they are deprived of this right, they find themselves in a situation vital for themselves, all this system. marx didn’t discuss it in his well, in his works , he didn’t have time, well, i didn’t have time, i don’t know, but i’m not his judge, i’m saying this now with absolutely detachment, i’m not engaged in criticism, that the whole system is western, which we, well, after him, are usually called capitalism is a system that exists
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due to the disparate withdrawal of the most diverse resource.
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thirtieth year, somehow this is, well, now we understand that this is extremely realistic, that the overwhelming majority of what we plan is coming true, not just coming true deadlines, and often ahead of schedule, well, for example, those strategic objects that we are introducing, these roads and the crimean bridge, and there - nuclear submarine cruisers and
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in general everything that is there in the field of strategic weapons is being done by our armed forces and the military-industrial complex, everything is moving at an accelerated pace , yes, it’s clear that some things will have to be pulled there , starting from space and some other things, but this is also said directly, it is also said directly, so we have a strategy, and we have a future, we and we have something to defend, something to fight for, for this, this the second, well, the third, of course, is more related to the current one , it’s very important... biden, when he came out a few weeks ago, said that it means that if ukraine goes, we will have to fight, it was not, not a slip.
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the next step should not be discussing what weapons were supplied, at what cost, from what budget, for what loans, how much was taken from social benefits, none of this should be discussed in europe, in america too, why? because a vital question has been raised so that this reaches everyone, now , as if on command, all western european media they are discussing what you said, how... we will collide, pistorius is in charge, we discussed this with sasha the day before yesterday here, how we will in the coming years, ukraine will collapse, we will have to fight with russia. this is an absolutely conscious,
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meaningful manipulative campaign that is being carried out. no one is discussing that if this happens, then here are all the light armored personnel carriers that the czech republic gathered for... to buy and 10 thousand of some kind of infantrymen, this is, as they said in sayings, a poultice for the dead, because if this happens , then all these actions and the fears they are spreading will not matter at all, because this will not be a special military operation if it comes to that, and if they are in their hysteria, well...
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by the way, not only the press is involved in it, mind you, it involves the entire american nomenklatura on the european continent, ursula fondern, barel, and further down the list is less significant, a statement by the official representative of the state department that they, the americans, are going to turn poland into a european leader and force them to admit it germany and france, and the external plan, well, britain. germany and france
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must support it, form a single fist , they can’t wait, i don’t know, i don’t know, i just understand, we will discuss this separately, someday there will be time, i am now expressing a hypothesis that will determine the themes, situations and goals of the next several. it’s quite difficult to communicate with the west, dmitry did a brilliant analysis, i just have a question: why would a european go to war with russia? that is, what is going to be
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left behind?
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saxons, or we who moved again, you know, what kind of germans are we, we are liberal germans , we are like the french national football team, guys , in what language is it more convenient for you to speak to yourself, so here, who do we have to fight for, for the colonial powers that
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persecuted us for many years, who joins the army, who joins the army ? as a rule, people go who for some reason have not found themselves, well, i mean the european armies, that’s why they go, well, okay, in germany there was a certain tradition, but this is a tradition now that they will defend fagots, or what? i can clearly see how germans, germany went for a good salary, very small, but they won’t die for this salary, that’s not enough, let me remind you that inside the army structures there were a large number of people with very, let’s say, tough views, they don’t understand why, americans, well, well, they have a president.. ... of course, for which everyone is ready to die, well, look, here is the president who sees non-existent people, how many familiar faces?
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maybe he thinks it’s funny and cute, but in fact it’s scary, it’s just really scary, so when vladimir vladimirovich says who to negotiate with, you can imagine, for example, the leader of china, who is talking about something, with this person, just about what, what, try to imagine it in advertising. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for fun, and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut,
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miraculously killing her. she didn’t kill anyone, what ’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, they sent her to paris, we’ll devour an oyster, we could forgive it, but according to the law you’re supposed to go to siberia, siberia, siberia, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown yourself.


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