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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
hello, he's coming back, oh , i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge all seasons at once, an amazing person, we just have talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now. sklefosofsky, we look before everyone else in the application or on the website.
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but you just know, here we are, i also consider myself part of ours, our society, we ourselves created the conditions and raised this entire elite ourselves, we continue to do this, despite everything we say, and despite everything there the struggle that was waged there with the berlin patient, with his group, with everyone who was around him, but nothing changes, just nothing changes, but you remember when the special military operation began, this story with... squares, no war, so everyone who was there at the party, these are all those who drew these black squares, and after that these people did not receive, excuse me, orders, money, titles, what kind of state is this that gives gifts to the singer, who earns millions in medals for turning 55 there years old, well, give it to some turner then, we also reward the turner, well, yes, i know, we also reward it, but no one knows about it, and the turner? i’m a little behind life, but i
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have this practice, it’s labor, this practice has in no way stopped, it exists to this day, i’m just here is my opinion, my deep conviction, if a person participates in or lives in this beautiful profession, a blogger , artist, singer, whoever, he gets a lot of money, b, he gets satisfaction from the fact that everyone loves him, and the state doesn't...
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receive awards at all? and why? that is , what happens with us, a person works there brilliantly, does a lot of things there, then he cannot be rewarded, why is volodya mashkov bad? why shouldn't he receive a state award, he works hard give it, reward the people, this is not a gift, it rewards the people for what the people have, what the people think, the people think so, so for the people he is a hero of the people, sorry, when there there is a concert in aleppo, and the destroyed one, that’s not worthy of respect, just a minute, wait a minute, just a minute, but you’re suggesting, you’re suggesting everyone, no, wait a minute, you started talking about the entire class of artists, no, i’m not talking about the whole class, i’m talking about this returned elite, culture doesn’t ride on crosses, there’s no doubt about it , but no one considers sobchak a representative of culture, but
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when excuse me, when we have a performance there in oset, yes, when there is a performance, yes, when this great concert is going on there, of course people deserve awards, of course. that’s right, during the great patriotic war, propaganda brigades traveled, received awards, took risks themselves, they risked it, now vanya is cool in the donbass, he caught a bullet in his bulletproof vest, and the maly theater is at the front, but when you simply say that you can’t reward people just because they acted in culture, i agree with this, i said, you can’t reward people to award on a birthday, well in russia in general the order is not given on a birthday, well in russia it’s like that. the history of awards of any european country
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is not given, please look through all of germany, you can see there and so on, because...
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you don’t agree with me? i don't agree with the fact that class is impossible, no, you don’t agree with me, that these people should not have been rewarded, i won’t tell you more, that ’s good, but there was such a general in the russian army in the soviet army, stalin’s favorite pavlov, even pavlov was shot , yes, but there was such a general vlasov, stalin’s favorite, for the same
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forty-first year, and as i understand it, he was awarded, an order bearer, i don’t even understand what we are arguing about, i’ll explain what’s the matter, for those under.. which he accomplished, he was a worthy technographer, yes, it is believed that he fought quite competently, but this is not, this is not justification for his subsequent actions, no, so there is a nuance here, well, by the way, for sure. of course, he certainly doesn’t intend to fight himself, and i think he named these 6-8 years , of course, not by chance, but the fact that we are talking about a contract army is very interesting, because there was a contract army in germany...
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he doesn’t want to go as a conscript into the army, contract soldiers go, go for small salaries, officers, soldiers receive in comparison with well-paid other professions, very little, very little, but they have their own advantages, advantage, they have a guarantee of receiving these salaries, they have a guarantee of receiving government, government various assistance, including insurance, pensions, etc., etc., etc., what pistorius wants to do, he wants to introduce a modernized and... and modified swedish system, and this swedish system stipulates that everyone should be drafted,
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that is, everyone will be examined, everyone will be determined how ready people are for conscription, but from this group of those who have been reviewed, they will be singled out only the elite, who, due to their physical, intellectual and other various qualities necessary for serving in the army, will be drafted into the army, for a period of one to two years, they are talking about two years, well here... of course there was a big fuss, because everyone they immediately said: well, then it turns out like this: you examine all the young people, then you take the most literate, the most interesting, the most intellectual and send them to 2 years, you will tear them away from normal life at least and it is not clear what will happen to them next, but for this is something completely different, they really want to do this, but in this way, of course, a step will be taken towards creating this...
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now, too, it will turn out very difficult for you, for example, how will you go to fight in the east, if you have half there, half will say, but we won’t go to war, they, you know , i don’t agree with this, because there is an example of the same israeli army, in which the druze are fighting, in which people are fighting who say, and we are muslims, but we are not we are fighting less against hamas, it’s going very well very good. it should only be noted that there are very few of them, there are few of them, because there are simply few of them, but this does not mean, and for them they are not relatives, yes, but here you will have direct relatives of the turks, you will have direct relatives of the kurds, i say not even just about faith, but i’m talking about these connections, well, this is undoubtedly a question, i think that this issue will be dealt with, but another interesting thing here is that this elite will be educated in the spirit of what the future will be?
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"we are not criticizing you, i am telling you, and you are trying to convince me that i am not i’m right in this, we don’t criticize you at all, and we are in no way, we’re not talking about you, we’re talking about pistorius’s plan, we’re just discussing it, i’m trying to tell you about it so that you understand how germany will go, and not so so that you can now say, yes, this is all bullshit, i think so, excuse me, we will decide what to say to us,
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well, why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says
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not to leave the garland unattended. the military results of the year were summed up today by the chief of the russian general staff, first deputy minister of defense, army general, valery gerasimov, it’s interesting that it was founded not so long ago.
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they kicked you, and so seriously, for your bravado, your fat lip, for your sticky ones , and you learn, because in fact , the death of ukrainian soldiers is in your ass, as a result... so you didn’t study valery gerasimov’s work well, you turned out to be, valery zaluzhny is weak, and the army general, hero of russia, valery gerasimov turned out to be more accurate, smarter, and professionally much better prepared. at a briefing for hatashi's foreign military, he described how, within the framework of a special military the operation managed to break the ukrainian plans. this year, the main task was to repel the counter-offensive of the strike group of the ukrainian armed forces, the backbone of which
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was made up of brigades trained and equipped by western countries. during offensive operations, the command of the ukrainian armed forces planned to defeat our groups and deprive russia of a land corridor to crimea. the enemy's plan included. by the fifteenth day of the offensive, block melitopol, and subsequently advance with access to the coast of the azov sea, the city of mariupol and the border with crimea. to achieve this goal , by the beginning of june the enemy concentrated an offensive group of 50 battalions and more than 230 tanks in the zaporozhye direction.
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losses were able to make little progress in the zaporozhye direction, unable to overcome the armed forces of ukraine at a colossal cost , even the tactical defense zone of our troops. the additional supplies of western weapons to the kiev regime and their introduction into battle by the ukrainian command of strategic reserves did not change the situation on the battlefield. these actions only increased the number of losses by...
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look how very safely they stored the drugs, you can be sure that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
4:00 am
now zelensky says yes, that half a million people are asking me for one, but where will they get them? now the dead are starting to scare even those who hid in germany. in search of additional soldiers for ukraine, the new minister of defense rustem umerov, in the coming year, wants to recruit also men living abroad. those of fighting age between 25 and 60 years in germany and other countries should be asked to apply to an armed forces recruitment center. umirov said this in an interview for bild, welt and politico. the minister spoke about the invitation, but at the same time made it clear that if anyone does not follow this invitation, sanctions will be applied to them. the ukrainian army wants to mobilize between 450 and 500 thousand additional troops to defend against
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the russian offensive. well, wanting is one thing, but they still need to be trained, now the germans say that they have half the centers for...


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