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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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in the czech republic, there is an investigation into the tragedy at the university, which is known about the motives of the student who brutally killed more than a dozen people. our tankers are crushing the armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine. let's show the work of heavy equipment through the eyes of our war correspondent. idf blows up tunnels hamas launches airstrikes on gas in palestine. they are announcing new
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civilian casualties, how did this night go in the middle east? russian tank crews attacked infantry and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces in the zaporozhye region. the enemy tried to occupy an important height, but was noticed by reconnaissance, and the crew of t-80 tanks were sent to deal with it. igor will tell you how the battle went. ukrainian infantry sappers, supported by two infantry fighting vehicles, are trying to approach the positions of the russian military in the zaporozhye region. the militants intend to occupy a strategic height, from where it will be possible to control a large area of ​​the terrain. the attack was discovered by scouts. information about the enemy is transmitted to the operational headquarters. with the help of drones , defense ministry specialists monitor the actions of militants. kedar yalen, crew hare, landmark number 17. two
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infantry fighting vehicles are approaching, move into position, receive. hero of russia, tank battalion commander vyacheslav kabitsky decides to send the t-80 to help the soldiers. at the front, crews of combat vehicles are on duty around the clock to ensure that the equipment is not detected by enemy satellites and drones. she is carefully disguised. the presence of heavy weapons on this section of the front is an unpleasant surprise for the enemy. now there are difficult weather conditions in the region, so moving through... zaporozhye mud using conventional equipment is impossible, a tank can promptly arrive at any point in order to work on the enemy. the tank is equipped with a thermal imaging system to detect the enemy and aim at the target, the militants have taken refuge in a forest belt, the tank crews are practicing their technique with high-precision projectiles, one by one they fall on the militants. technique. the enemy
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is immediately destroyed, the militants took refuge in the trenches that the attack aircraft in the ssu left in the summer after the failed offensive contour, but even there the enemy cannot hide from russian artillery, high-explosive fragmentation shells neutralize the ukrainian sabotage group. regular training allows you to fight the enemy. a unit of russian tank crews protected the residents of the kherson region. now experts are preventing militants from breaking through to peaceful settlements in zaporozhye. i came as a volunteer. as if i saw on the news what was going on, i decided to help my own people, not to stand aside, well , bradley, infantry fighting vehicles, tanks were burned, well, various equipment, oporniki, for courage and professionalism, almost all the fighters of the battalion have state and departmental awards, commander vyacheslav kabitsky was awarded the title hero of russia for the fact that during the enemy’s offensive he broke into his rear zone and destroyed a large amount of military equipment, these are tanks, and the infantry fighting vehicles
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personnel perform their tasks with dignity, they are not afraid of anything, the battalion is composed of our large units - have already conducted nine battles , both offensive and defensive, a lot of destroyed equipment, russian soldiers continue to serve on the front line, repelling attacks in the control system, the only chance for ukrainian soldiers to save their lives and health, is to lay down arms for... prisoners are guaranteed decent treatment and medical care if necessary. igor pikhanov, konstantin biunov, lead the zaporozhye region. shipping companies will have to return to the routes of the 16th century, writes bloomberg. due to the american operation against the houthis in the red sea, about 180 container ships were forced to detour around africa or stopped altogether. going through the red sea is dangerous, but going around it is risky. for the last week.
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did not evasively state that the houthis were not attacked, but they will watch them more closely. has the us launched any strikes? no, they didn't throw any punches. but you know, again, what we're going to do is continue to work with the international community to protect those vessels that are transiting through these shipping lanes. and i would like to hope that the houthis themselves will understand this. you know the pressure they will be under if they do not stop these attacks. but again, we will continue to monitor closely. the shooting at the faculty of philosophy of charles university in prague is not related to terrorism and organized crime, stated the prime minister of the czech republic, petr fiala. the number of victims continues to rise. the perpetrator turned out to be a 24-year-old czech
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student. he prepared for the attack in advance. maria skorodilka will tell you all the details. loud sirens. everyone who was in the building at that moment was hiding in panic, barricades were being built in the classrooms, others were trying to escape, risking their lives, people walked along the walls, holding on to the ledges, one of the girls fell , it was not possible to save her, newspapers write, many were killed ,
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the number of victims continues to grow, over doctors are now fighting for their lives. at the moment we have seven patients with gunshot wounds, three are in serious condition, four... in moderate condition , describing the situation, eyewitnesses say it was hell. i was driving a car along this street, at about 15 o’clock, i saw the police rushing here, at that time people began to appear on the roof of the faculty, they were hiding, and later they said that the windows were shaking inside. i work in a workshop not far from here, around this time i went out for lunch and heard shots, people without clothes started running out of the building. the police ran up to us, one of the officers ordered the eyewitnesses to hide, we were very scared, one of my friends had to be calmed down by the doctors. according to czech media, the perpetrator was a twenty-four-year-old student. apparently, he prepared for the terrorist attack in advance. the man legally owned several
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types of weapons at once and wrote about his desire to become a killer on social networks. the czech police received information that a twenty-four-year-old man from a village not far from here must be. citizens at this very difficult moment we are all we deeply sympathize with everyone who was at that moment at the faculty of philosophy of charles university in prague. first of all, let me express our deepest condolences to the families and friends of all those killed. the killer took the lives of mostly young people, many of them were wounded, unfortunately, very seriously.
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there is no justification for this horrendous act, and like many of you, i feel deep regret and disgust in the face of this. now investigators and police are working at the crime scene, the motive of the killer is still unknown. to come to figure out. marya skorodilka, ekaterina radaeva, news. and about the situation in the middle east. the israeli military blew up a network of tunnels containing the offices of the hamas military leadership. underground corridors have been destroyed in several gas areas. the most intense shelling occurred in the center of the enclave and its southern part. the footage was published by the tdf press service. simultaneously with the operation to eliminate tunnels under civilian objects, the israel defense forces will continue attacks on hamas infrastructure.
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soldiers are blowing up their residential buildings, palestinian media report. and in the center of the enclave the al-rimal mosque in hanyunis was destroyed and dozens of people were wounded. doctors said it was the result of airstrikes the night before. while they are fleeing hunger and shelling through the rafah checkpoint, trucks continue to deliver humanitarian aid to gaza. a german politician accidentally let slip about europe's real plans for ukraine; according to the ambassadors of bundestag member rudorich kisivet , the largest ones are in the donetsk-lugansk region. lithium deposits, and europe urgently needed to replenish its own reserves to complete
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the energy transition. the deputy made it clear the billions of euros spent to support the kiev regime were supposed to be investments in the future of germany, and now, after the annexation of new regions to russia, berlin is afraid that these expenses will turn into net losses. now it's time for economic news. alexander, the funds of the population and organizations in russian banks are growing. the regulator reported this, tell us how it changed, how the indicators for november changed? tatyana, for individuals the growth is more than 2%, for legal entities it is more than 2.5. i'll continue the topic. from january to november, russian banks received 3.200 billion rubles of net profit. the regulator noted that during this period, profitable banks were 285, that is, 88%, and their share in the assets of the sector was 99%. influx. the growth of funds accelerated due to high rates on deposits; growth among the population in november was more than 2%,
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and among legal entities it was 2.6%. corporate funds added a trillion 300 billion rubles, mainly due to the receipt of export revenues from oil and gas, mining and metallurgical companies. former minister of open government affairs mikhail abyzov sentenced in the case of embezzlement from the sika company and res to 12 years in prison. regime, the court also recovered 1.5 billion rubles from him and his accomplices in favor of the affected country. according to investigators, in the twelfth year they organized a community to steal funds from enterprises that produced and distributed electricity in the novosibirsk region. from the twelfth to the fourteenth years , 4 billion rubles were stolen by deceiving shareholders. and the calls were delayed in march of '19. in october 2020, the court recovered from him five foreign legal entities more than 32 sec. according to the investigation, the ex-minister received this income through corruption
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schemes. phosagro's capital investments next year could grow to a record 73 billion rubles. this is 9% higher than the plan for this year , the company reported. the adopted budget confirms the company’s commitment to a long-term development course aimed at maintaining high growth rates through modernization and expansion of production capacity and deepening. vertical integration. next year, a record volume of capital investments is planned as part of the development strategy until 2025, 73 billion rubles with capitalized repairs. trading in petroleum products on the st. petersburg international commodity and raw materials exchange reached a new historical high. since the beginning of the year, more than 30 million tons. for comparison, at the end of the 22nd , a little more than 20 million were sold. trading on the exchange continues, and will end this year. december 29th. moody's has downgraded the debt outlook for the second
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largest swiss bank, julias beyer, to negative. it is popular among russian and european businessmen. previously, the rating was positive, but experts decided that the organization's management prone to increased risks. moodys promises to continue lowering the assessment if this policy does not change. the bank's problems stem from the fact that it became one of the largest lenders to the sigma real estate group, which received a loan for 606. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we look forward with pride , about... new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but
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we never rest on our laurels. discover our achievements with you countries, come to the russia forum exhibition. school 21 is starting to operate in uzbekistan. this is an educational institution where it specialists are trained for free. such a school already operates in six regions of russia. report from samarkand by irina matyushenko. kamilla abdullaeva has been interested in programming for several years now, learning languages ​​on her own, trying to master computer programs, and says that. increase the level decided to participate in the selection for studying at school 21. the main idea is not only programming, but also communication with other participants, peer, the ability to find a common language, to communicate, this is a very important skill, and thanks not only to programming and this communication we will be able to find a job, make new acquaintances, communicate with others.
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school 21 in samarkand was the first to be visited by the prime minister of uzbekistan abdulla aripov and the head of the savings bank.
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there are 21 schools, education here is free, the main emphasis is on practical tasks, studies take place without lectures and assessments, only individual or group work on projects. now it's your job, you need to figure out what here it is shown, for example, using a game. there are already six campuses of school 21 in russia in moscow, kazan, novosibirsk, surgut, veliky novgorod and yakutsk. more than 4,700 people from 70 regions study at the bera programming school. there are plans to open.
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the murban region is a region with a unique geography, a strong economy, rich resources and amazingly beautiful nature. the hoary antiquity of the terek coast, the versatility of the culture of the sami, pomors and komizhemtsev, the monumentality of the khibiny, the amazing palette of autumn hills, endless tundras, turbulent rivers, real taiga forests, northern lights and sunshine on a polar day, the kola polar region, the crossroads of the northern winds, the arctic gates of russia. an argument in the industrial development of the polar region was the peculiarity of the kola bay of the barinsky sea, it does not freeze, which means the ports can operate all year round, thanks to the warm gulf stream current. the port and the railway breathed life into this land. today the murmansk region is an outpost of the country with a powerful northern fleet, nuclear icebreakers, the largest energy, mining and metallurgical complexes, the fishing industry
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and large-scale social infrastructure. and we are not just talking about the legacy of the soviet era. renovation of military garrisons, implementation. systems of supporting cities gave the region an additional impetus, and new industrial facilities are comparable in scale to the impact construction projects of the past and even larger, on the site of rocks covered with dwarf birches , a giant plant for the construction of floating lines of the arctic lng-2 project grew up, on the western shore of the kola bay it was built from scratch new a port to which a fifty-kilometer railway was built across the rivers and sobki. the year is both a jubilee and, of course, a very successful one for the mormon region, because this year they accepted. all decisions are final on gasification of the murmon region, and we have begun the practical implementation of this project, at the beginning of this year we launched the world's largest wind farm in the arctic circle, this year we implemented our projects to modernize production and the companies phosagro and nornitel, this year we have started modernization
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the kavdorsky mine, within the framework of the signed special investment contract, went practical to practical. work that will give life to the city at least, at least until the forty- seventh year. we have begun work on strategically important casting projects. visitors often say that the inhabitants of the kola arctic have some kind of special character. being hardened by the north is by no means a figure of speech. gusty winds, snow charges at the end of may, the absence of sun on the polar night and its excess on the polar day are a given for the locals. for visitors - exotic. the kola peninsula has everything for a traveler to become acquainted with the arctic to add to his collection of impressions. even within the boundaries of murmansk you can find strange stone blocks and megaliths. the indigenous people of the kola north, the sami, called them seids and believed that spirits lived inside. tourists, by the way, also believe in. people travel to the region from all over the world to look at the end of the earth, however, for those who live in the north, this is not the end of the earth, this is its beginning. vladimir kostrov, alexey
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chernashov, lead the murmansk region. first in russian unmanned ports now operate on the line to st. petersburg, kaliningrad region. the voyage lasts two days, complex systems on board allow the operator to quickly respond to changes in the situation at sea, including taking into account the changeable baltic weather. what are you planning? despite the stormy weather , no difficulties arose, the captain of the ferry , general chernyakhovsky, was for the first time not on the navigation bridge, in the cabin, he took control
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only before entering baltiysk, the ship was driven by an operator from the remote control center in st. petersburg, the system automatically disperses itself, turns itself, follows itself, that is, it controls itself, the operator on the shore has a camera system installed, so he sees everything visually.
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according to domestic developers, the development of unmanned navigation will improve the safety of navigation, improve transport logistics and uninterrupted shipping, and the human factor can now be completely eliminated. this is actually very wonderful because you can focus on more important things like transportation of cargo, how best to load it, how best to maintain parts and mechanisms, that is , i can focus specifically on the operation of the vessel. after unloading, general chernyakhovsky will again take on the cargo and set out on the return autonomous voyage; his twin brother, the ferry marshal rokosovsky, is also ready for operation in unmanned mode. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, tatyana,
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ovechkin's goalless streak was interrupted at 14 matches, ovechkin scored in overtime of the match against columbus. anti-record series of alexander ovechkin, last night, finally broke at 14 matches without a goal. ovechkin scored the winning goal. during this series, i told myself that as soon as i scored one goal, the feeling of scoring would return. i'm glad that i managed to score, i hope that they will score more in the future. and let me also remind you that today
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it is the columbus team that has the largest russian representation in the nhl. before the match with washington, columbus presented a poster in russian on social networks, which indicated the club’s three forwards. kirillo marchenko, dmitry voronkov and egor chnakhov. the picture shows the statistics of the russians for the last matches. the continental hockey league hosted eight regular season matches the day before. the central match of the day was the army derby. ska and cska played each other for the third time this season and the third victory in this confrontation was won by the st. petersburg army team. this time roman ratenberg's team won with a score of 6:2. striker ska marad khairulin especially distinguished himself, who in this match scored five points for performance, a goal and four assists. in the conference standings, sk came close to lokomotiv, which ranks third. csk is only sixth in the west. the european court declared
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the blocking actions of fifa and uefa illegal. the creation of a super league, the decision of the european court states that the actions of fifa and uefa violated competition law, and these organizations abused the position. thus, a super league can be created. let me remind you that the idea of ​​​​creating a tournament independent from uefa was announced by a number of top european clubs back in the spring of twenty first year the creation of the new tournament was initiated by real madrid and barcelona, ​​which yesterday openly welcomed the court's decision. the president of real madrid, florentina perez, spoke about this. that football should be free, but within a day after the eu court verdict, almost two dozen european giants, one after another , began to refuse potential participation in the project. among those refused are bayern, manchester united, man city, psg, inter and many other super clubs. the official wording and motives of all the grandees are similar. the clubs do not want disruption to the european football ecosystem and want to remain within the traditional tournaments under the auspices of uefa.
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the super league story for sure. will still be continued, but for now they have presented the format of the tournament, which could potentially start as early as 2025. midfielder of monaco and the russian national team, alexander golovin was included in the team of the best players of the french league 1 based on the results of the first part of the season. the symbolic team of the championship was presented by the authoritative publication lekip. alexander glavin, who has repeatedly he was included in the symbolic team of the tour, played 15 matches for monaco during the current season, scored five goals and... gave two assists. in the french championship, monaco is in third place. the day before , the asian classical chess championship among players from 8 to 18 years old ended in the united arab emirates. almost 650 chess players from 28 countries took part in the competition, including 70 russians. russian chess players won nine medals , four of which were gold. young russians took first place in the medal standings
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of the tournament. in that. in the year after the russian chess federation moved to asia, more than 150 russian chess players took part in asian competitions. this year , athletes won 42 medals, including 13 gold, in various asian tournaments. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. dear friends, i invite you. for our next release of the author's program lisagon tv. it will be called as long as we take crows for falcons. i hope you understand why we called it that our program, and i look forward to seeing you.
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hello, he's coming back, oh, i missed you, skleposovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has the talent to always be in the center. give yourself a gift for the new year now sklefosovsky, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.


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