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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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check-in within 5 days after the trip itself, either in the mobile application, or on the website, or at points of sale. all information collected by cameras on the highway flows into a central control center and is processed by an intelligent transport system. on the m12 road, the court has more than 700 video cameras with machine vision, which online monitor and inform about events such as reversing a vehicle or stopping a vehicle. in the wrong place, a person or animal entering the roadway part, as well as many other events, there are also more than 600 transport detectors, which online also record the movement of vehicles and their parameters. there are 27 crews of emergency commissioners on duty on the m-12; you can call for help by calling z 2323. according to the regulations, the emergency commissioner has 15 minutes at the place of arrival, we arrive and provide assistance. we set up a cone, that is, our most
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important task is to protect the user from vehicles passing nearby. our film crew decided to interview drivers find out their impression of the m-12? excellent route, i didn’t think that they would build it right up to the house, from house to house, it’s just a cosmic feeling, but no, we’re saving a minimum.
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what's next? m-12 is part of the russia transport corridor, which will connect almost the entire country, from st. petersburg to vladivostok, with high-speed highways. the length of the route is 12.00 km. its zone of attraction will include 24 regions and more than 64 million inhabitants. the total effect for the russian economy from this transport corridor is estimated at almost 4 trillion rubles. thanks to it will be created for him. 10,000 new jobs, and cargo traffic will increase to 23 million tons annually, by the thirtieth year. plus, of course, travel time will be reduced, from st. petersburg to tyumen from 40 to 22 hours, from moscow to tyumen by almost 9.5. after kazan, the m12 highway will go through yekaterinburg to tyumen. we have divided the entire road into stages, divided it into sources of financing: federal, regional, borrowed, and concession. funds, this is such a big
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program until the thirtieth year, the task is that from st. petersburg to vladivostok it is possible it was possible to drive along comfortable, high-quality roads with minimal travel time costs. construction work is in full swing, road specialists are working almost around the clock on the dyurtyuli ochit section with a length of 275 km. the segment will unite the largest regional centers of the volga and ural federal districts.
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the stability of the russian banking sector
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has grown significantly over the past 2 years, as stated by the head of sberbank, german gref, in an interview with our tv channel. about countering sanctions, the credit market and forecasts for 2024. he told my colleague irina matyushenko. german oskarovich, hello. good afternoon. almost two years have passed since western countries introduced unprecedented sanctions against the russian economy, including against the banking sector and sberbank. how has sber changed during this time, what did you have to change , and how do you generally assess the impact of sanctions on your company? well, of course they changed the model a lot.
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such as swift, such as mastercard visa and so on, this is bad news, from the good news is that we have learned to live self-sufficiently; of course , all western products have fallen out of use,
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the banking sector is primarily financial products and it products, both of which have fallen out of our sphere of circulation.
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sanctions pressure will obviously increase, but it seems to me that it’s hard to surprise with anything here, in general, we have even stopped monitoring sanctions, because today we are one of the most sanctioned companies, one of the most sanctioned countries in the world, so i i can’t imagine sanctions
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which would harm us even more than what has already been done, that’s why i don’t expect any radical negative changes here, rather, probably, on the contrary, there will be positive changes, because businesses are gradually adapting to the situation, more and more of their own are appearing there products , and so from the point of view... not only corporate, but even consumer mortgages are still supported by
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government subsidies, but of course, the growth rate of the loan portfolio next year will be significantly lower, well, in general, from the point of view in terms of the risk of the loan portfolio or the health of the banking sector, it seems to me that everything is fine here, you said about inflation, indeed, recently the bank of russia has been systematically raising the key rate, how does the rate increase affect sberbank on the market as a whole? it seems that there will now be a large pent-up demand, which will begin to be realized in the second half of next year as
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rates decrease, well, it is clear that the banking sector is not simply due to the fact that in addition to raising the rate, the central bank makes a whole series of twists, so-called, tightening regulation of the banking sector, and of course the growth rate next year will be significantly lower than even this year. but in general, any global risks or such serious problems, the growth rate of the economy , according to our estimates, will most likely grow, its growth rate will be single-digit, of course, not very high, but nevertheless, for now , unfortunately, some dramatic news that would have sold out as a headline, i can’t predict, most likely that situation. will be more or less stable. the central bank constantly talks about the risks of overheating in the mortgage market.
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president vladimir putin recently spoke about the same thing. in your opinion, are there really risks in the fact that the mortgage market is developing so rapidly? well, look, we don't see any overheating. if someone tells us, in addition to the word overheating, what it is expressed in, they tell us two signs. the first is the differential in rates between the primary secondary market. but it is obvious and natural with such large subsidy programs from the outside government of the primary market , as soon as subsidies are reduced, these rates begin to level out, today the difference in rates is approximately 36-38%, it is explained only by the huge share of subsidized mortgage loans, the second sign that i ...
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will gradually fall, plus affordability the mortgage loan is now very
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difficult, so we will also see a drop in prices on the market, in general, well , to be honest, the fact is that market overheating is not only when the price rises, but the market should have a tendency to burst, yeah, but we have such unsatisfied demand that so far... i, for example, don’t see such signs of not only a bubble, but also a bursting bubble, this problem definitely won’t happen in the coming years relevant, if we want to scare each other, then this is a good thing, we can scare each other. but objectively, i can’t find a single prerequisite, if someone tells you that today it’s 55% of the mortgage market and more than 50% of the lending market, housing construction, if someone tells me at least one sign of overheating, i’ll tell him i can immediately check - using our data and confirm or refute, believe me,
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no one else is interested in identifying this very bubble, because we will be the first victims if it arises. we have a single inflation, we must have a single cost of money, the standard of living in different regions is expressed through demand restrictions through prices on the market, there is a different cost per square meter in moscow and , for example, in magadan, respectively, this is from the point of view of the total mass of payments, interest payments, this differentiates
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payment flows and the level of wages in the respective regions, so this happens automatically. with the help of natural economic, harmonious economic mechanisms, and here any distortion will only be harmful. your forecast for the mortgage market for 2024, you have already partially said about lending, what is bera’s forecast for mortgages? well, we believe that next year the market will grow much more slowly, due to the restrictions that have already been mentioned, but uh. it seems to us that we it’s unlikely that we’ll reach the volumes that we issued this year, well, our forecast is somewhere from 80 to 100%, here’s this year’s output. the government is discussing the possibility of privatizing russian companies. in your opinion, does it make sense to privatize now? if so,
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which specific large companies do you think makes sense to privatize? will there be demand? well, you see that there is great demand on the market, on the stock market, and for all types of instruments, both shares and bonds, so there is demand, there is no problem with that, is privatization necessary? necessary, we have a very high share of the state economy to increase competition, well, actually meeting people’s demand, today private investors dominate in this market. that would actually be a good thing, i haven't heard any talk like that, but if it happens it will be helpful. which companies can be listed now according to your estimates? there are many companies in which there is a very large share of the state or a completely state-owned company? well, this is a rhetorical question, i generally believe that
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the vast majority of state-owned companies can be privatized. including sberbank , we are a very attractive asset , they will be happy to buy us, i think that if the state at some point in time decided to privatize, say, 25% of sberbank, and for the state to control 25 plus one share is enough, then this would increase the investment attractiveness of the russian market and would stimulate. there is a financial market, but the money from privatization should be used for some investment projects, i don’t know, there is the construction of infrastructure, a high-speed highway, i don’t know there, roads, something else, it seems to me that this is a good thing, because just such investments in infrastructure will increase the tax base and expand budget revenues,
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which will allow solving social problems, for example, sberbank already has 1.8 million shareholders, in this this year you... paid a record 565 billion rubles in dividends, what will be the future dividend policy, what should shareholders expect? our dividend policy has been defined and published, we are going to pay out 50% of net profit, we have record results this year, so our shareholders should expect record dividends. this year has been a breakthrough in terms of the development of artificial intelligence, izber has been at the forefront of these changes, do you have a neural network? what major changes in technology do you expect over the horizon of 3-5 years, what could all this lead to? technology will...
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each and every industry will be affected and will be the beneficiaries of these changes if they start using artificial intelligence and other technologies first. we see that banks are actively implementing digital solutions, artificial intelligence, how do you see the russian banking sector in this regard, say, in 5 years, how can it change? well, it’s difficult to predict, but it’s obvious that our banking sector is very well developed, because you’re probably a user. european banks, possibly american , then our banks in general, and in particular
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, are much more advanced than our western competitors, precisely because we use all the most modern technologies, including naturally artificial intelligence, banks will change very much, today the vast majority of decisions... in banks are made by artificial intelligence, not humans, banks are becoming more and more secure, because all of our cybersecurity is built on artificial intelligence systems, in the future i think that in combination with blockchain technology, banking and the banking model banking business can change radically , make it even simpler and more accessible, regarding cybersecurity, sber recently announced that, according to your estimates, the volume of stolen funds from... russians in this scammers could reach 19 billion rubles this year, is it possible to somehow defeat the scammers and solve this problem? you know, this is as always
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a race, scammers today use such sophisticated methods to deceive people that often a person cannot resist it and therefore we believe that our mission is to help a person overcome the most sophisticated scammers without giving them money. we at sbury have the highest proportion of prevented cases of so-called social engineering. we have 99.6%. this is a case of preventing fraud even when when the person himself decided to give the money.
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and today scammers are so sophisticated that they first hack accounts on social networks or instant messengers, send you a message on behalf of your friend or colleague with a request to transfer some small money to there or vote for a child there in some competition, and so on. further and so on, after you just display the coordinates of your phone or bank card, the next fraudulent action immediately occurs, of course you need to be very careful, this is the whole model.
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and, unfortunately, a lot of people went to prison, which is why it is very important to be on alert and not give in to the instructions of scammers. you are actively developing the dfa platform, not so long ago you allowed credit organizations to use it, in early december it became available to individuals, what transactions will retail investors be able to make on the platform? well, we hope that in the near future we are testing now, transactions will be available soon, yeah. you will need to
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open a wallet, transfer money there and make transactions, buy, sell creating digital assets, this is the most important thing, derivatives for various instruments, including , say, square meters of real estate, this is a very promising direction, i think that in the next 5 years we will see huge growth in this market. german oskarovich, we are talking in uzbekistan, where the school of the school 21 project was opened, tell us how this project is developing, why uzbekistan. in what other countries is school 21 planned to appear? so far we have such specific plans only here - we opened here in 3 months - the first branch of the school, but this is a record, uh, the president and prime minister of uzbekistan personally supervised this project, so this speed record was
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set, yeah, we... in early october we discussed this project in moscow and decided that perhaps it could be implemented, here in in december we already opened it, today the prime minister was at the opening and we discussed the possibility of opening three more schools in uzbekistan, he will discuss this with the president of the country, if he supports it, then i think next year we will open three more schools here . german oskarovich, thank you very much for this interview, thank you, win when you create special moments, when you find a reason to get together, when you give joy to your loved ones. order at scooter, sbermarket and megamarket and win 10
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look with confidence. go ahead, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, saving with prime is more profitable. for the fifth year already, the all-russian charity event tree of wishes, its participants are children in difficult situations, orphans, children with disabilities . mi, as well as gifted children. new year trees decorated with balls with children's dreams are installed throughout the country. among those who joined the wish tree are deputy prime ministers and ministers of the federal government. angelina from the republic of bashkartastan, 14 years old, dreams.


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