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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 1:00pm-1:27pm MSK

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targeted amendments to the law on presidential elections, which synchronized changes in legislation regarding a unified approach to elections at all levels, to act as an innovation, innovations in our electoral system, it is obvious that unfriendly countries will now try to rudely and persistently interfere in our electoral process, therefore authorities... at all levels, civil society institutions must make every effort to ensure that the election campaign is held in strict accordance with russian legislation and without violations, there are some of our comrades who, well, make god go crazy, nothing is needed, we must ensure absolute... legitimacy, transparency
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of elections, competitiveness of elections, do everything to preserve the political affairs of the sovereign affairs of the russian federation, so work, what is called here is the start of the election campaign 24 hours a day and monitor any attempts to interfere, we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs, and we will be glad to see everyone at the same time... international observers who are ready to come with a mandate next year, colleagues , of course, we have a large amount of legislative work ahead of us, at the same time the year will be marked by major events in the federation council in the regions, including on the international track, it will be opened by the twelfth christmas parliamentary the meetings that will be held in the federation council in january of this year will be dedicated.
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russian federation tenth brix forum within the framework of its chairmanship in this very important integration association, as you can see, there is a lot ahead ambitious plans, serious tasks, so i wish you to have a good rest during the new year holidays. charged with positive emotions, gained strength for active, productive work in the spring session, it seems to me that there is some element of symbolism in the fact that our meeting is taking place on the day of the winter solstice, which means that from tomorrow the sunny day will lengthen every day, and of course ours... to improve and
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move in a positive direction, i want, colleagues, to thank all the senators, i really always say this sincerely, for your active work, each of you, all together, thank the heads of committees, deputy chairmen, there were no indifferent people, there were no people who didn’t care, you were all personally gennady ivanovich golov. chief of staff, assistant senators, for such conscientious, high-quality, professional work, and of course, i want to wish that the new year brings you, your loved ones, good health, prosperity, joy, i congratulate you on the upcoming new year, christmas, state organs. thank you, colleagues, thank you very much
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, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, yes, and colleagues, a special thank you, i want to say to the representative of the president, the federation council artur alekseevich muravyov and the government representative in the federation council, they always respond in such a constructive, constructive way. thank you very much, colleagues, the issues on the agenda have been exhausted, once again i want to wish you good and productive and joyful - it will take place on january 24 of this year, and 500 next year. so time
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flies quickly, the 558th meeting of the federation council, the autumn session of '23 is declared closed. russia, i pray, great glory , insistence, throughout everything.
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my lord, for the dreams and for the life that preceded us, they open up to us, our whole thing is being fucked, it was like it was a joke.
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this was a broadcast from the federation council, where the final meeting of the autumn session took place today. now a short advertisement, and then our company will continue the interview with the rector of ranhix and the general director of autonomous. non-profit organization russia country opportunities by alexey komissarov. deposit - the best interest rate in savings - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. and savings
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hope that this is just the beginning and the popularity of the presidential academy will only grow. the main thing is quality, the second thing i wanted to say is that we focus on the quality of the programs, ensuring that the academy’s graduates are in demand by employers, ensuring that good practice and internships are a must. among students, well , we will continue to work on the quality of programs in the twenty-fourth year, and the third thing that is important to say is work with new regions and new regions, and this is a huge job, the programs were not standard, prepared for different levels , for heads of municipalities, for heads of various organizational services, the demand for this program was very great, because of course our... colleagues need information about how russian legislation works, how russian
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officials work, but new ones for our new regions, and most importantly, these educational programs united people, inspired, and we all felt so one big family, but the presidential academy just this year launched three projects aimed at training managerial personnel, these are schools,
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at the municipal level - these are the leaders that each of us encounters most in everyday life, from which require maximum impact
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, we decided that we need to prepare future civil servants from the very beginning at a very high level, so that they know well history, mathematics, information technology, any manager, so we are placing a serious bet on this program , already this year we had a competition of about seven people per place, i think that this competition next year will be even larger. will increase, since there is a lot of interest in the program, and how is the university’s connection with the government, with the presidential administration, but how does the university react, for example, to the current political situation, are any candidates made in connection, for example, with sanctions? firstly, we are a presidential academy, an academy that bears such a high name, of course, we are grateful
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to the president for his support, for the attention he pays to our work, and... very close work with the government, special words of gratitude to the chairman of the government of the entire team, because we feel the demand for scientific research, for expert, the same work with municipal and regional teams, it goes on in such interaction with the presidential administration, the challenges before us, before everyone, are very big, we all know about the unprecedented sanctions against our country, and the experts of the academy, the researchers of the academy are working on in order to analyze the situation in order to propose the most correct solutions for the development of the country, we now have a very optimistic view of this situation, despite the difficulties that we talked about, the prospects for our country are good,
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we believe that russia will remain the best, the most powerful. country 2023 is an anniversary year for the russia-land of opportunities platform, share the results. and 5 years ago, already more than 5 years ago, the president signed a decree on the creation of a platform, and a lot has been done, if we talk about numbers, it is important to note, probably, that 20 million people have gone through our projects, there are many projects. today there are 26 of them for any age, for any profession, and the project increases people’s motivation and faith in possibilities, this is confirmed by specific figures and facts, when we were just preparing to launch these projects in 2017, when asked whether you believe in the possibility
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of self-realization in russia, i’m sure yes, or rather yes, in total i answered: about 37% of people, now just recently we received new the data is in general, and this percentage has grown to eighty, last year it was around 75-7, well, every year this growth occurred, and i think that this is the most important result of the work of the platform of all other projects that are being implemented in the country, that they allow something really big number of people to make sure that our country is a country of enormous opportunities, and recently the names of the winners of the district finals of the fifth season of the competition of managers, the leader of russia, became known, tell us about the results, the features of this season and what we can expect in the super final of the competition. leaders of russia is the project from which the russia land of opportunities platform actually began, this is our flagship,
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main project, for the project we received more than a million applications, by the way, not only. from all regions of our country, but from 150 states of the world, the interest is enormous, the interest continues, and we see that more and more new, one might say, generations of practically managers are coming who are interested in testing themselves, proving themselves, finding some new opportunities for themselves, and this was the end of the district final in the central federal district, which... became the largest, 1051 people were assessed in person, a grandiose event, all the best experts in the country, about a hundred experts took part in this, this year... in general every year we try to introduce some changes, based on the experience of previous years, based on feedback from participants, partners, instead of assessing competence there was
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an assessment of roles, certain roles in the company, and this could be the organizer, the team leader, the transformer, the one who introduces changes and so on, but the super final will take place... at the beginning of the twenty-fourth year i will not reveal all the secrets, again we try to give new tasks so that the participants cannot, i can say that this will be a very bright super final with very strong participants and i think that, just like previous years, we will get new bright names who will become, as we already had, someone will become the mayor of the city, someone will become the governor, perhaps someone will go to study at the school of governors , which we have at our presidential academy. we are implementing, which we have already talked about, someone will receive an offer from employers, well, everyone will definitely find new friends, new knowledge and new opportunities for their development, in
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september a competition for families appeared on the platform, this is our family start, which gave the president personally, the final of the competition is also in 2024, this is also the year of the family, what are the first results of this competition, are there many participants, how are its participants? and what tasks do they perform? indeed, the start was given by the president on september 1 in our workshop , the management of senizh, which, by the way, should also be noted as one of the important results of this year, the russian platform of the country of opportunities, because those who have already visited new senizh, it seems to me, are not indifferent , we invite everyone, we will be glad to see you there, a very good place, place.
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amazing stories, i remember a family from the nizhny novgorod region, which recently got older, the older generation of this family celebrated seventy years of marriage, they are about 90 years old already, they are the parents of five children, who in turn are grandparents, a huge family, very friendly , very creative, very interesting, and there are many such examples, there are entire dynasties, dynasties of railway workers, dynasties of teachers, in general, we have a wonderful wonderful family, and the finals will take place, at the beginning of the year there will be district and semi-finals, and the final will be held in the summer of twenty-four,
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there will be a bright event and, of course, serious prizes, for which it is probably worth participating and worth fighting for, 300 families will receive in the country, and 30 winners will receive certificates for each 5 million rubles. to improve living conditions, they can be spent either on buying a house, apartment, or on renovations, or on covering a mortgage, but i think that this is a very significant contribution to the development of any family. distance stages are already underway, the tasks are different, interesting, by the way, for their completion waiting on the path to victory, what must they accomplish? very different, there are many of them, the main thing... the task is that these tasks should unite the family itself, make sure that generations get to know each other better, so that children learn something from their parents,
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grandparents, perhaps grandmother , grandfathers learned something from their children, and in order for this to happen, teach, say, the older generation computer literacy or all together, perform some kind of family song or tell about the family recipe for some dish together with his whole family cook, plus the competition implies communication between families, and we really support the story when families do not just do something for themselves on the street, in the city, in the village, and thus life becomes ours, somehow relationships are warmer, life , life is becoming kinder and better and... just recently, on december 19 , applications for the award started, russia land of opportunities, who can take part, how the selection of contestants will be carried out, what this
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selection will consist of. the idea of ​​the award belongs again to us, our participant, chairmanship of our president, vladimir vladimirovich supported, gave instructions to organize such a prize, and we are waiting for applications from any citizens of our country, over 18 years old, and who use their lives, their labor, their work, their actions.
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