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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 22, 2023 3:00pm-3:27pm MSK

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and not look for easy ways to make money, remember what the result of this untruth is that children, say, who came to this yeltsin center and watched this animation, are fed up with, this is what they say when leaving the yeltsin center, answering the question of where they want to live, i think i want to move to some other country personally to study, because at least.
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the upbringing that you heard from every iron, you were not afraid, which led to such results, over which we smile sweetly, not understanding the horror of what happened. victory the soviet union won over the nazis, under the leadership of stalin, but immediately after the war he gave the order to shoot the famous commander, and i believe that he did it without thinking, suvorov i would. awarded would you know from which work natasha rostova and andrei bolkonsky and from turgenev, in my opinion , the battle of kulikovo took place who chelubey attacked correctly who him who knew him chelubey on the kulyakovo field god remembers this in what class vladimir the red sun is famous for what the name dzhukashvili is famous for no idea stalin and this is stalin, listen, well, i may not know this, that’s normal, it doesn’t stop me from living for. but really, let’s ban the series
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by zhura krizhovnikov, the boy’s word, and let’s leave akunin, who himself is amazed that his books are on the shelves, or the award winner oksana vasyakina’s big book, telling about the difficult fate of tamara delman, she reads these lectures to russian youth in tver about humanism and goodness, or lectures by fashion designer alexander vasiliev. who believes that all patriots need to change their shoes to bast shoes, he gives lectures in the main university of the country, at moscow state university, or, for example, the dean of the faculty of political science of moscow state university, andrei shutov, wittingly or unwittingly, ruining the archival program against the right to vote, all this taken together are small cogs and bolts of the huge mechanism of that same chimera.
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which we talked about earlier, which we encountered even earlier. on september 8, 1380 , on the kulikovo field, it was then that the russian ethnos was born, he claims that it was then that the russian ethnos was born. this is what he writes: the russian ethnic group was born on the kulikovo field, on a cramped area covered in copses and swamps.
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the man who led the genoese mercenaries was the same military ideological chimera, which is very reminiscent of when the mercenaries go ahead, mamai relied on an alliance with the west, and not only the genoese merchants were in the forefront of this battle, but also the lithuanian prince jagiello also hurried with his squad to join this chimera, and what is most amazing... the once great, truly great golden horde, this connection with the west is happening today in the western world with europe, it corroded from the inside. there is a legend that dmitry donskoy, before the battle of kulikovo began, together with his friend and legend, dmitry mikhailovich bobrok, volynsky, who was considered a prophet who could. listen to the language of birds, animals
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, which they know how to listen to the earth, they went at night closer to the camp of mamai to hear what was happening there, in tomstan and when... he raised his head, he said to dansky: he heard that he was crying, great sorrow a certain wife, but she laments in muslim style, beats on the ground, and groans, cries out pitifully for her children, then, that this wife was fighting on the ground in front of dmitry, that it was the defeated, the vanquished, who did not speak his language, who was crying, maybe it was the same chimera who was crying the next day, no one knew the outcome of this battle , perhaps, except for sergius of radon, who in his monastery prayed non-stop throughout the entire battle,
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naming by name, most importantly, in this battle the russians did not have hatred, the birth of the russian ethnic group. it was then, on september 8, that sovereign russia was born. i don't know, maybe maybe i’m wrong, but i have a strong feeling that approximately the same thing is happening today. we do not feel hatred for the enemy, we experience a feeling of the revival of the same one.
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he absolutely agrees, but crows , unlike falcons, will never agree with them , before fulfilling our already familiar tradition, i want, firstly, to congratulate you on the upcoming new year, merry
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christmas, we are going on vacation , but we don’t say goodbye to you, because throughout the holidays you will have the opportunity look, remember ours... we leave one by one, if anything happens, we geologists
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are looking forward to, god willing, our new meeting in the new year. well, we return to the news review, russia will continue to supply essential goods to the gas sector, including medicines. and medical equipment, the kremlin press service reported this following a telephone conversation between the presidents of russia and palestine. vladimir putin and mahmoud abasa discussed the situation around the palestinian-israeli conflict. the russian president informed about the steps that moscow is doing to promote de-escalation. the leaders also stressed the importance of the early establishment of the state of palestine within the 1967 borders. ensuring biological safety, both in russia and throughout the post-soviet
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region, concerns all of us, our closest neighbors, we will have meetings with our colleagues, with the leaders of the cis countries on the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth, we have popova as our speaker today, we’ll ask her begin. for the fifth year now , russian charity event tree of wishes. its participants are children who find themselves in a difficult situation. orphans, children with disabilities, as well as gifted children. new year trees, decorated with balls with children's
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dreams, are installed throughout the country, including in the government house. the deputy prime minister of industry and trade also joined the action. so, well, so, alexey, moscow, 17 years old, dreams. with pilots and testers inspecting a fighter aircraft. alexey, we will definitely
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fulfill your wishes. leo republic of crimea, 14 years old, dreams of visiting a military plant in st. petersburg. we will definitely take you to the plant in st. petersburg. to choose from. we have quite a few factories there, dmitry, republic, mordovia, 13 years old, dreams of meeting with the lokomotiv football club, we will also organize this, vladimir, ivanovo region dreams of visiting the museum of the soviet automobile industry, but here...
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vladimir, moscow city, 15 years old, dreams of a gift, a surprise, so, okay, then the surprise will be ours, we won’t tell you in advance, you’ll already get what we let's figure it out, alexey, leningrad region, 11 years old, dreams of flying on an airplane, the city will be fulfilled, and you and i.
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yesterday at the meeting i will tell you about the government’s decision on the automotive industry, we will provide it with additional support to help our enterprises quickly develop what they need... and fully guarantee the stable functioning of conveyor lines under sanctions. the president instructed to accelerate the development of production of the entire necessary list of critical automotive components. foundation about 39 billion rubles have been allocated for industrial development. and a significant part of these funds will be used to implement key projects of leading domestic
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automakers, including promising scientific research projects. and development work, the industry faces ambitious plans; it is extremely important that russian cars are not inferior to foreign models in terms of reliability. the installation of basic equipment has been completed at the sites of eco-technoparks in the saratov and kurgan regions; they are being created by rosatom within the framework of the national project ecology. now almost everything is ready for individual testing of thermal waste treatment plants. thanks to import substitution , production will be installed to a greater extent. russian equipment at new enterprises will not only neutralize industrial waste of the first and second classes, but the winners of the selection and inclusive practices are open to everyone, its goal is to attract business to create an accessible environment for people with disabilities, develop and adapt goods, services and services, help them with their studies and employment. more than
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a thousand companies joined the business community, and project leaders to which they made a significant contribution were recognized in various categories. the government has been implementing an accessible environment program for several years, and this ensures the accessibility of infrastructure, social infrastructure, mainly for citizens with disabilities, for people with disabilities, good health, but a lot, everything that surrounds us and forms the quality of life for every person , lies in the plane, in that including non-government services, business services and services, and here it well depends on the decision of the manager.
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will return, in addition, it is important to say that infrastructure budget loans that are given from the federal level are given subject to co-financing from extra-budgetary sources; for every ruble invested, at least a ruble of extra-budgetary funds is invested, thereby creating such a cumulative effect for social economic development of regions.
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due to infrastructure budget loans built four kindergartens and two schools in tyumen and the moscow region. more than 3,500 children will be able to attend them. the city of dobrograd is actively developing in the vladimir region. roads, communal infrastructure, a kindergarten, a school, and a park and sports center are being built. the tyumen region used the ibc mechanism for the first time this year. we have two residential areas there, this is the so -called southwestern area. it is located here in tyumen sloboda. now we have already built it, by september 1st we will have it. successfully entered, except this is the interchange at the intersection of the cherevishevsky highway, here is the federal highway, the second district is the so-called cape, here on the cape we got an object, this is the construction of a transport interchange at the intersection of melnikaetiya street and friendship street, the so-called three-level, the first three-level in the city of tyumen denouement. by
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the end of the twenty-fifth year, due to infrastructure budget loans in the constituent entities of russia, they will be implemented. 940 projects, but this is only one of the instruments of strategic initiative and federal project infrastructure menu, which stimulates infrastructure development throughout the country. for the same purpose , additional funds from special treasury loans are allocated. the work is being carried out on behalf of the president, for the first time financing on a basis with priority in favor of the housing and communal services sector. the regions of the far east will receive 30 billion rubles for the implementation of master plans. rub 25 billion will be allocated for the restoration of communal infrastructure in new regions of russia. 50 billion will be allocated for the purchase of buses in municipalities. nizhny novgorod region. as part of this mechanism, it has already received 24 vehicles; in total , 300 buses will be purchased for nizhny novgorod municipalities in 32 municipal districts.
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next year we plan to put into operation about 900 facilities and these are facilities and, as i already say, social infrastructure, engineering, and transport infrastructure. we also plan to put about 6,000 buses on routes by march 1 next year. this will also have socio-economic effects. another tool for infrastructure development is funds from the national welfare fund. over the 11 months of this year , almost 300 housing and communal services facilities were built, reconstructed or modernized in 28 regions of the country. thanks to this, more than 2.5 million russians are provided with high-quality utility services. here you go. a meeting of a high-level group of the council of ministers of the union state was held at the coordination center of the russian government, our correspondent alexander perfilyeva followed the work, she has now contacted the studio directly.
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alexandra, hello, tell me what discussed? yes, yuri, welcome, but the agenda was very busy, we discussed issues in the field of transport, we talked about the m1 motorway, also in the region, i cannot help but note where the meeting of the high-level group was held. level of the council of ministers of the union state, this is the coordination center of the government, and so to speak , taking this opportunity, let me show you what is here, at the beginning we are met by our prime minister mikhail mishustin , now he will appear in our frame, here is the structure of the government, so say, we will see several deputy prime ministers. you can click on the screen, but that’s okay, sometimes there are interruptions everywhere , several deputy prime ministers are represented here,
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including alexey overchuk, he was present today at a meeting where 15 agreements were signed between russia and beriatia, they help not only bring the two states closer together, but take stock and outline.
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a video conference was displayed on the screen, there were connections between minsk and moscow, and we also talked, i would like to say what agreements were signed, there are 15 of them in total, in the region development of transport, we also talked about medicine, in addition, i would like to note that this year alone, it was also noted at the meeting that this year alone...
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