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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 12:00am-12:32am MSK

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shot into a peasant’s hut with her hands, miraculously didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, they drove her to paris , we’ll devour the food, one could forgive it, but according to the law, it’s siberia. it’s supposed to be, siberia, siberia, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you , we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses , where are you going to drown yourself, two.
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local branch of the election headquarters of presidential candidates vladimir putin opened in the regions, the collection of signatures begins today, volunteers were briefed on what it consisted of: seeing new year's moscow, asking test pilots or visiting a car plant, government members helping to make children's dreams come true, and what else? lithuania is blocking the exit of trucks from kaliningrad, goods are not getting to their addresses in time, what will happen next? why is vilnius mocking people? and a special report by nikienkova’s way to the east about the launch of traffic from moscow to kazan along the m12, how long how long will the trip take and what is the cost? ensuring collective biological safety in russia and the cis countries has become.
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the main topic at the operational meeting with the security council, which was chaired by vladimir putin. the meeting was held via videoconference with the participation of the head of rospotrebnadzor. today we will talk about ensuring collective security in the cis, collective biological security. well, taking into account the problems that we faced during covid, the situation is not the same now, of course, thank god, but nevertheless. difficult from the point of view of the biological situation, but - biological safety concerns all of us, our closest neighbors, we - on the twenty -fifth of the twenty-sixth will have meetings with our colleagues, with the leaders of the cis countries, this is one of the issues that, in general, interests everyone, of course, therefore our speaker today is annavna popova, we’ll ask...
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the collection of signatures in support of the current president begins today, yesterday a local branch of vladimir’s election headquarters opened in the russian regions putin. according to the law, in order to register a self-nominee, it is in this capacity that putin is going to the polls, you need to collect at least 3,000 voter signatures. anastasia efimova has details. from morning to evening, from monday to sunday for the next almost 3 months here almost every day. today we participated in the opening of the headquarters in khantemansiysk, very good feedback from all our representative offices in the district, everyone is ready for fruitful, responsible work, we will succeed. cities and towns in the khantymansi autonomous okrug are in touch, how regional election headquarters of presidential candidates vladimir putin are opening across the country. fortune-telling
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, trusted persons and members of the initiative group have gathered together and determine the primary tasks that need to be solved first of all. first of all, a reception area will be set up at the election headquarters. appeals from citizens on issues that concern our citizens today, issues that are relevant today on the agenda of our lives, in addition, the headquarters will regulate the collection of signatures of citizens for presidential candidate vladimir vladimirovich putin. vladimir putin is going to the elections as a self-nominated candidate according to the law; at least 300,000 signatures must be collected in his support.
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situations, orphans, children with disabilities . its participants are children who find themselves in difficult circumstances, as well as gifted children. new year trees, decorated with balls with children's dreams, were installed throughout the country, including in the government house. varvara nevskaya will tell you what dreams will be fulfilled. a second's thought and another childhood dream becomes one step closer to to its performance. nine-year-old zakhar from avstrakhon decided to visit. by a happy coincidence , deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko is ready to make this wish come true at the international exhibition russia. zakhar, well, i myself have just returned from this exhibition, a wonderful desire, of course, to see not only our past achievements and current ones,
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which we are proud of, but aspirations for the future, will leave an unforgettable impression for you and for your entire family. simple touching wishes of an eleven year old. from norilsk really wants to see new year's moscow to go ice skating and carousel rides, and for her peer zhenya from berabidzhan, the best gift will be a microscope. evgeniy, 11 years old, berabidzhan, dreams of a microscope, worthy, zhenya, science is interesting, we will bring you a microscope to berabidzhan, see you in the jewish autonomous region. the wish tree gives you the opportunity to fulfill a dream that, without outside help, is unlikely to come true. in yaav, the kindest event in the country helps to give a new year's fairy tale to those who grow up in low-income families or are left without parents at all, to children whose fathers defend their homeland on the front line, for schoolchildren and children living in new regions, and for children with severe diagnoses of disabilities. well
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, look, it means, in fact, this is the place where he is, not the presenter of the program at the time, and the news, here he is actually sitting on this table, on the eve of the dream of thirteen-year-old ksenia. hello, yes, ksyusha, hello, is that you? yes it's me! yes, great! ksyusha, how is your vastankin internship going? everything is super, i did two eyeliners, it turns out in a virtual studio and in studio program time. i really liked it, i got a lot of experience, and in general i’m very happy. it is this sincere joy that is the main reason for the christmas tree.
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park, definitely, angelina, your dream will come true. an absolute record, as many as seven balls from the wishing tree were collected by denis manturov, all the dreams were as if they were selected, as much as possible at the address. seventeen-year-old lyosha is eager to meet pilots, testers and inspect the fighter, and fourteen-year-old crimean lev wants to visit the military plant of the northern capital. we'll definitely take you to the factory lev in st. petersburg. to choose from. we have quite a few factories there, dmitry, republic
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, mordovia, 13 years old, dreams of meeting with the lokomotiv football club, we will also organize this, the dream of vova from the ivanovo region will come true to visit the museum of the soviet automobile industry and arslan from tatarstan, to visit the legendary uaz plant, eleven-year-old lyosha from st. petersburg dreams of flying on an airplane. well, vova from moscow gave a surprise gift for the new year. the wish tree has already fulfilled the deepest dreams of more than 100,000 children. all over the country. the promotion will last until march 31, 2024 . varvara nevskaya, vesti. deposit - the best interest rate in savings - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made,
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one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, savings with prime are more profitable, dad, look, it’s correct to say, look, but not...
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i demand that the banquet be continued ryaba, fabulous tasty. new year's eve, a kind wizard conjured miracles for every resident of the city. and my dad built a real castle without any magic. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so celebrate yourself. scooter, holiday. it is you! the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable! get a supercake every month! how nice it is here, thick walls, high floor, signal interference? in order to have good mobile communications in your home, you must first get a cat who will teach use you. in wifi with wowifi technology , use mobile communications even where
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there is signal interference, can you leave the cat? belaine is on your side. we have known each other for a long time, we are always next to you. gp is our choice of batteries. gp batteries: see it, buy it! with a credit card, everything will be as you want. everything will be as you want! pay for purchases with any sberbank credit card . an apartment in moscow can be yours.
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sberbank credit card is the best in the country. dragons. there are all sorts of tough guys, cuties, bullies, they’re all good, but we still have our own expensive. beeline values ​​its customers and gives away 100 gigabytes per year of the dragon. happy new year. by your side. only at alfabank. order a free one.
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the agenda, local media reported. 25 people are going to be drafted, although in fact the ukrainian authorities previously promised that they would not touch the athletes, they say, continue playing and don’t leave the country. there was even a version in the ukrainian media that supposedly this step could have been initiated by the team’s head coach as a kind of educational work due to poor play. but anyway it's another example of the fact that there is simply no one left to fight. well, for now the kiev regime is trying to drive ukrainians en masse to the russian front. the armed forces are consistently hitting the enemy, the latest data from the ministry of defense is covering special operations: in a week our troops carried out 39 strikes on ukrainian armed forces targets and mercenary locations, all targets were hit. here's what else the ministry of defense reported. in the kubyan direction , units of the western group of forces repelled 53 enemy attacks. enemy losses per week in this direction
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amounted to over 355 military leaders, four tanks, including two leopards. the center, with the support of aviation, fire, and artillery, repelled 13 attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, the accumulation of manpower of the twenty-fourth, 63, 116 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as the twelfth special forces brigade of the national guard of ukraine in populated areas, was defeated. chervonaya debrova, petrovskaya, kuzmino, lugansk people's republic and torskaya donetsk people's republic. for a week in this direction the enemy lost up to 1,155 soldiers killed and wounded. a tank, 19 armored fighting vehicles, 21 vehicles and seven field artillery pieces. in the donetsk direction , a unit of the southern group of troops, with
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the support of aviation, fire, and artillery in some areas, improved the situation along the front line. enemy losses. in this direction over the past period there were more than 1,610 military personnel killed and wounded, three tanks, 17 armored combat vehicles, a haimers launcher, 24 vehicles and 44 field artillery guns. in gersonian direction, all attempts to land enemy sabotage groups on the islands and the left bank of the dnieper were suppressed. during the week, air defense systems shot down four enemy aircraft, one.
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the topic of organizing such work with those returning from the front line was raised during the year-end program with vladimir putin. pavel prokopenko will continue. catching a car among obstacles is not an easy task, especially for those who are learning to walk again, a computer game as part of rehabilitation. now i can at least sit while walking get up. many of those who are recovering want to return to the front, but the doctors have the final say. the military medical commission is the final stage. of any treatment and rehabilitation, in fact , the fate and future of the patient is now being decided here. the consultation meets strictly at the place of treatment, the patient receives a conclusion from the attending physicians,
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there is no need to go to the unit. the process of conducting a military medical commission and its conclusion, it is inextricably linked with the treatment process and cannot be carried out somewhere outside, where there is no medical diagnostic base, where the patient they treat him, and there he undergoes a military medical commission. marine dmitry galushkov came under fire, was wounded, was treated, was ready to return to his comrades, but... the mission decided otherwise: dmitry would go to severomorsk to his native northern fleet. when i left the hospital , roughly speaking, i was already employed at a new duty station, that is, again, this is at will, that is, i received insurance, i received presidential payments, that is, housing is provided by the military registration and enlistment office, official housing. in any rehabilitation center and vishnevsky hospital is no exception, the patient they will help you with all the necessary documents. you have honestly done your part. military duty, our duty is to take care of you, your family and friends, each of you will undergo
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a military medical commission here, receive the appropriate documents to establish and receive social benefits and guarantees. after a rehabilitation course, military personnel leave the hospital with new ranks and new assignments. right here they received new specialties or improved their existing qualifications. in the hall. future employees of military registration and enlistment offices, teachers of military universities, sergei shirokov, awarded a medal for courage, will continue to serve in the makeevka commissariat. it’s hard for him to remember everyday life at the front, but he knows exactly what his native donbass is fighting for. i was born in donetsk, well, in the donbass itself, and grew up there, and it’s a pity for the population that exists there. 14 patients are currently being prepared for discharge. very soon they will see their relatives. new year with family, at home, the most valuable gift. just live, hug my children, i have a son and a daughter. first of all, to them. pavel
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prokopenko, ivan panomarenko, andrey verishchagin, news. the queue of trucks in the kaliningrad region on the border with lithuania continues to grow. the lithuanian side lets cars through, but so slowly that the wait stretches out for a long time; ahead of the new year, the border guards confidently say: it will definitely not be better. about how vilnius mocks people, marina naumova. they cannot bring goods produced in the region to the russian market. the trucks contain sweets, canned fish, semi-finished meat products and dairy products. the cargo must be delivered to the customer by the new year, but the drivers they doubt they will make it in time. i would like to be able to load up before the new year and still have time to get home, that’s what i need. for almost a month, lithuania has been blocking the exit of more cargo from the kaliningrad region. truckers have been standing at the checkpoint for weeks.
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the new multilateral checkpoint dubki, designed for a flow of 400 trucks per day , cannot be put into operation for 3 years due to the fact that lithuania does not open the rambynas checkpoint. from the slow work of our lithuanian colleagues, over the last 3 weeks we have seen an accumulation of queues from 180 to 240 freight. transport funds, there was a day when from 12:00 pm to 1 am not a single vehicle was accepted, now all heavy trucks are sent for x-rays in order to screen for smuggling. those who have already undergone
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inspections on the lithuanian side know how carefully and leisurely lithuanian border guards carry out such checks. 5 hours on the lithuanian side in line for x-ray, they have orders, that’s probably all. to avoid collapse in the border zone , the state traffic safety inspectorate and rosgranstroy transport prosecutor's office monitor order. all trucks have arrived now. are required to register and join electronic queue , which is already several days behind the stated time, however , cars can only approach the checkpoint in accordance with the booked time, so all the nearest gas station parking lots are now filled with trucks; they track travel time through a telegram channel, which is available for drivers , then they arrive on time; the lithuanian side, unfortunately, takes very few cars. we can’t influence this, many drivers, in order not to live in their cars, now leave their trucks in paid parking lots under they go home to kaliningrad as security guards,
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we lose money, we waste time, that’s the same. to make the wait more comfortable for drivers, containers for solid household waste and dry closets were installed at the border. additional batches of gas cylinders, which are used by truckers, have been delivered to border shops, and until the new year, sellers are sure, there will definitely be a demand for them. marina naumova, evgeny bekish, alexander naumov, evgenia korneeva, conduct the kaliningrad region.
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this gas price helps the serbian economy very much. serbia and russia today relationships at the highest level. there has never been a better relationship in our history and this is thanks to our president vučić and your president putin. domestic volleyball is 100 years old. this sport has always brought great results to the country. 71 gold medals in world competitions. today in russia almost 2.5 million people play volleyball. it was held in moscow in honor of the anniversary. the festive match was watched by stas ridikultsev. the big people of the big game are celebrating the centenary anniversary in a huge concert hall. firstly, over the years there have been so many famous champions that only this room is large enough for them, and secondly, domestic volleyball is a real concert. the history of the country through a volleyball match, eras replace each other, but one thing remains unchanged - the triumph of our volleyball. 71.
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our volleyball players won a gold medal at world competitions at the european level; no other game sport in our country has such an achievement. we will have even more gold medals once the international olympic committee is gone weak. stronger and will not succumb to the pressure that is put on him. olympic awards, medals from the world and european championships, the golden ebb of the great careers of outstanding champions. the creators of these victories are today in the splendor of evening dresses. i want to congratulate everyone on this holiday , on the centenary of volleyball, wish, of course, health, beautiful victories, beautiful games, because now, as i, as
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a fan, i’m already very happy when... and without performing in any competitions, well , i think there is still some kind of common intelligence, probably from international functionaries , who i think, no one benefits from this either, neither we nor the international federations benefit, so i think that in the near future i hope that this whole situation will change, unfortunately, world
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sport is a little us... is on pause in the russian federation, but i am convinced that it is impossible to contain a country like russia for long, and we, having good experience, good knowledge, will prepare with all weapons to return to the world arenas, and even better than victories nothing has been invented for children so that they reached out and came to practice this sport. even in the conditions of sanctions and global sports russophobia, volleyball remains the flagship of team sports in russia. of course, this is a very good example for other sports, especially team sports, we see that... volleyball, well, it is very difficult to practically repeat the victorious history of volleyball, when our national teams, both women's and men's, became olympic champions. it is important that now, despite the difficult period, such sanctions, volleyball continues to actively create and strengthen its system, through the holding of competitions, through the production of domestic balls, domestic equipment, shoes, the game beloved by millions will enter the new century, as
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it should be for athletes, on the court. the finals of the russian volleyball cup will take place this weekend. sta sredikultsev, andrey shner, dmitry tolstoukhov and umar tuskaev. news. selling scrap metal for thousands of russians is another opportunity to earn money. now the system has been transferred to non-cash payments, why this was done and how to profitably hand over scrap and waste paper, marie kudryavtseva will tell you in program instructions. the scrap metal market has become more transparent. from october 1, payments moved to non-cash form, that is, money for delivered scrap can only be received on a card or e-wallet. what are the advantages of this? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the instructions. the main advantage is safety. now when. if you hand over a hefty lot of scrap, you won’t have to fill your pockets with banknotes, which means there’s less chance of being robbed or losing the money yourself. another advantage is protection against counterfeit banknotes and payment fraud. when the money comes in the bill, no longer
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it will be possible to deceive the amounts when issuing. the third plus is a detailed payment history. you can always see how much money you were given and what weight of scrap metal you were charged for. by the way, any account in any bank will do. you will have a property loss, this is 200.


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