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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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ensuring collective biological security in russia and the cis countries became the main topic at the operational meeting of the security council, which was chaired by vladimir putin. the meeting was held via videoconference with the participation of the head of rospotrebnadzor. at our meeting today we will talk about ensuring collective security in the cis, collective biological security, well , taking into account those problems. which we encountered
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during covid, but now the situation is not the same, of course, thank god, but nevertheless difficult from an ethiological point of view situation, but biological safety concerns all of us, our closest neighbors , we will have a meeting on the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth with our colleagues, with the leaders of the cis countries, this is one of the issues that, in general, interests everyone, of course, that’s why we have today's speaker is annavna popova, let's ask her to start. the collection of signatures in support of the current president begins today; yesterday, a local branch of vladimir putin’s election headquarters opened in russian regions. according to the law, for registration self-nominee, it is in this capacity that putin is going to the elections, you need to collect at least 300,000 signatures of voters. anastasia efimova has details. from morning to evening, from monday to sunday.
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a huge number of people contacted us asking how they could express support for the current president. one region, and this is also a legal requirement, should have no more than 7,500 signatures. there is time to gather until the end of january, however, the headquarters are confident that they will cope faster. we know that by law there must be 3000 signatures. i'm sure is that in the near future, without waiting until the end of january, as is envisaged by law. our republic will collect the required number of signatures. for the first time, according to russian laws , four new regions of the country will elect a president. the working conditions here, of course, are especially difficult, the front line is very close, however, the rules are the same for everyone, and they are ready to follow them, no matter what the difficulties. in order for volunteer people to correctly understand the process itself, of course we will train everyone individually in order to subscription sheets.
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not a limit, the law allows you to exceed the norm , but no more than 5%, in other words, not only quantity matters, but also quality, which is why all the requirements are explained to volunteers at the headquarters in such detail, they promise not to let their candidate down. in a week , the ukrainian armed forces' facilities and mercenary deployment sites. russian armed forces carried out 39 strikes on all targets. here's what else the ministry of defense reported. in the kubyan direction, units of the western group of forces repelled 53
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enemy attacks. enemy losses in a week in this direction there were over 355 military personnel, four tanks, including two leopards. 19 combat. armored vehicles, 13 vehicles and 12 field artillery pieces. in the krasnolimansky direction, units of the center group of forces, with the support of aviation and artillery fire, repelled 13 attacks by assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, the accumulation of manpower, the twenty-fourth, 63, 116 mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as the twelfth special forces brigade of the national guard, was defeated ukraine in the areas of chervonaya settlements.
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over the past period amounted to more than 1,610 military personnel killed wounded, three tanks, 17 armored fighting vehicles, a hymer launcher, 24 vehicles and 44 field artillery pieces. in the gerson direction , all attempts to land enemy sabotage groups on the islands and the left bank of the dnieper were stopped. during the week, air defense systems shot down four enemy aircraft, one su-27.
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why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? ministry of emergency situations say, without a garland do not leave supervision. mikhail vladimirovich, hello, hello, 2023, what has it become for the khabarovsk territory, what are your results in terms of budget revenues and how is the economy doing now? we can definitely say that the twenty-third year is a year of development, a year of growth, because
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in just 9 months we increased the revenue side by almost 14 billion rubles. and if we take 3 years from the twentieth, then by 45%, it was 79 billion. we earned in the twentieth, this year we will probably reach somewhere around 115-116, good numbers, all this, of course, is the result of the policies of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, the russian government, a separate program for the development of the far east has been adopted, huge government support measures are being provided to business, and of course this is bearing fruit, yeah, the largest projects that are being implemented in the region, they are all now... a high degree of readiness, well, one of these flagship ones can be called the malmysh mining and processing plant, this will be the largest enterprise in russia for the production of copper concentrate, this is the pacific iron the road from the elginskoye field in yakutia
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to the shore of the sea of ​​okhotsk in our khabarovsk territory and the new port of elga, at an accelerated pace, such that even the bamovites did not manage to do back in komsomol times. 270 km were built in a year and a half in the taiga, in the wilderness, now the adjustment is underway, these are our gold mining enterprises.
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the project has already been launched, and we are, of course, in the focus of attention here, the leadership of our country,
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together with the ministry of natural resources, putting new deposits on the balance sheet of russia is, of course, strengthening the economic power, strength of our state, in terms of exploration we are not in the tail, we have 58% of the exploration of subsoil, and according to the results of the implementation of this order of the president, this federal project, we will reach approximately 75. therefore, our industrialists will be provided for for decades to come, our children, our grandchildren will build new enterprises, they will explore the subsoil and supply the country with much-needed resources, but i have already mentioned tin, copper, gold, silver, platinum - this is all about the khabarovsk territory, there is more and coal deposits that we have are actively exploited; last year we produced 10 million tons. coal this year is approximately within the same limits, what is the geographical
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advantage of the khabarovsk territory, the ports are nearby, and here it is also in full swing, in general , the president’s order for the modernization of bam, we say bam, we mean the khabarovsk territory and ports, pacific vanina, soviet shit, terminal ports, the baikal-amur mainline, foreign construction is proceeding at an accelerated pace in these... this is an opportunity to deliver to the east from the west and from siberia the much needed goods for export resources in the opposite direction container transportation. and so on, so we see the rapid growth and turnaround of novostok, which
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our president said recently, vladimir vladimirovich, it began not today, not yesterday, but the day before yesterday, and let me remind you, vladimir vladimirovich said in 2000, i think 13, that the far east and its exploration and development is a task for the entire 21st century; i can attest to the revival of construction projects of the century.
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there you can build a career in our east, excellent opportunities, if we talk about the weather at all, just imagine, always for everyone i say:
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the imported one flew in august of this year, this is a historical event and after the certification of the pd8 engines, completely domestic, is completed, it will fly on our power plants. shipbuilders are building corvettes and small missile ships at an accelerated pace; we recently launched two small missile ships , and we are preparing to order frigates from
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the komsomol plant. this year. if you remember, the president gave the command to raise the flag on the alexander deev ferry, yeah, which we built in komsomolsk, so it is already running today along the ivanin kholmsk line to sakhalin, the second one is being completed, vasily oshchepkov is called, so all competencies are multiplied, our workers work day and night to make russia powerful. strong and sovereign, most importantly. as part of the turn to the east, which you have already begun to talk about , relations with china are becoming very important, and here the khabarovsk territory has, well, a geographical advantage, just, yes, neighbors, what are the prospects here, how are relations with our eastern neighbor developing now? we work to develop a comprehensive partnership, and in which our
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the president and the chairman of the people's republic of china have agreed. to say very successfully, well, first of all, this is, of course , cross-border trade, the movement of goods, we have finally achieved retraining, the checkpoint on the island of bolshoy usuriysky on the amur, to a cargo-passenger one, for a long time we could not move, we finally agreed with the chinese side , we will build a cargo and passenger checkpoint next year, we calculated. cargo base and we see that in the first year we will move a million tons and up to a million passengers, this is also a huge contribution to the economy of our region and russia as a whole and the chinese side, they just reported to me that we have a pontoon bridge, almost completed, across the usuri river, to
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the chinese bank, a checkpoint will be opened, well.. therefore, trade goes on. ozon, the company has launched a large logistics center in khabarovsk. russian post built and launched the largest hub, here too in khabarovsk. everyone is waiting for the opening of the cargo and passenger checkpoint. but for now we are moving by air or through neighboring regions cargo or by water during navigation. by the way, we have a million tourists this year. yes. this is a record.
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pelogeya spoke, such cultural events are needed, they attract people, well , the cities in the khabarovsk territory are also changing, megaprojects, as far as i understand, you have two cities.
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well, such things that are invisible - these are networks, transport, from gas to electric, komsomolsk is a city of special
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attention, the leadership of our country, and mine, as governor, this is the engineering capital of the far east, we will next year we will complete the long-plan, so-called , not because it is long, but because it is long-term, small money poured out from the federal budget from... the regional budget, and we are just starting to implement the master plan for the development of komsomolsk, there are also new facilities there, new embankments, new schools, we will revive the tram , the komsomol members asked me about this, this is a capital-intensive story, unfortunately, the previous leaders apparently did not treat the tram very well and it has now given up its life, but we...
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we we compete with sports clubs, in in hockey, you know, the famous far eastern derby, cupid, admiral, your volleyball players won the championship, literally today or yesterday, it’s nice that you are following, we are a region that is based on three professional clubs, traditionally, in hockey it’s cupid, iska oilman in russian hockey, by the way, khabarovsk has all the trophies , the super cup, the cup, and the russian championship, a powerful club, we support it,
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in komsomolsk, they have been put into operation, children are engaged, in khabarovsk, there is a large regional martial arts center, where everyone sambo wrestlers, judokas, boxers, fencers, karatekas, taquandists, that is, all martial arts, we have almost 50 thousand people who practice martial arts there, all now have the financial resources. recently the russian boxing championship was held in khabarovsk, you remember, thank you, they covered it, vgtrk, this is also, in general, a major
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event, an event for us. so we are waiting for everyone. mikhail vladimirovich, in the far east, we compete with everyone, but at the same time we support khabarovsk and the khabarovsk territory. and success to you, not only sports, but also economic. thank you very much. thank you. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. on the website.
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this is our signalman’s band, somewhere he’s running, somewhere he’s in polish, somewhere he’s squatting, a mobile kit, this is the main means of communication, the most important thing is that this facility must be ensured to function constantly, out of ten radio stations we repair eight here , there is a connection, well done.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously, she didn’t kill anyone... she didn’t kill anyone, what ’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster , one could forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, but i’m now...
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hello, i’m boris sakinov, and i’m oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the near future. 40 years, see you in the future.
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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical novorossiya” program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its
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present day, to find it typical. features and find out:


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