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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 12:00pm-12:27pm MSK

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it will turn out to be beneficial to index pensions for working pensioners. third, the issue of supporting russian military personnel, participants in special military operations, combat veterans, and members of their families is extremely important. there is complete consensus in the state duma on this issue. let me remind you that our party has been implementing a special fair assistance project since april of this year. each of our 6,000 deputies of different levels takes a procession over the families of participants in the special military operation. including the families of the victims fighters, since then we have provided assistance to tens of thousands of defenders of the homeland and their relatives, and we will continue to do so. at the beginning of november 2023, at an expanded meeting of the council of veterans affairs and the expert council of our party, a resolution was adopted proposing to give the defenders of the fatherland fund the authority to provide assistance to combat veterans who participated in any military conflict. it is necessary to create a unified system of medical rehabilitation for combat veterans.
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so the initiative to work is already beginning below. fourth: despite the efforts of the government , there is no real progress in overcoming social inequality; a full-fledged progressive tax scale has not been introduced. evleniya are deprived of any development budget for an acceptable standard of living and self-realization. we believe that the presidential program should include eliminating unfair salary inequality within state-owned enterprises and organizations. ratio.
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salaries of managers and ordinary workers need to be returned to the level of one in eight without exceptions. the problem of social inequality is not only about money, but also about access to significant resources of society, which the masses of the population will not work for. in his orders , the president draws attention to the fact that the direct constitutional duty of the state to teach and treat its citizens is not implemented consistently. as a result , we get an undereducated generation and a fragmented commercial tutoring industry, but... higher educational institutions have turned into trading platforms for the sale of educational services. due to the commercial degeneration of universities the economy is losing talented youth. despite the fact that over the past 2 years these expenses have increased by an average of 68%. at the same time, the cost of medical services increased by 15% last year. and this year only from january to april by another 10.5%. fifth. we sent an official appeal to the head of the central bank, elverina biyurina. with a proposal to create conditions for
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repaying consumer mortgage loans of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations at the expense of bank profits. we are talking about citizens with children with low incomes, victims of fire, flood, earthquake or war. this benefit should also be provided to borrowers who have lost their jobs or become victims of fraud, robbery or theft. we really hope for the president’s support in this matter. the banks are not poor. since the beginning of this year they have already earned two. on september 6 of this year, our faction contributed more than 17 million people to the state in debt, the fact that according to the new rules that came into force on july 1 , the total overpayment in courts will not be 150, only 130%, does not change anything, this change the feudal rate, we have a very simple alternative proposal, yes , we understand that people need to intercept somewhere, borrow money somewhere, our proposal is the following: the state should create
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special credit organizations that will stimulate consumer demand, which means support the country's economy directly, through the consumer, bypassing financial speculators and intermediaries. sixth, one of the most difficult problems for the majority of citizens of our country is purchasing housing, then that the majority of transactions up to 80% are mortgages, this only means that people have nowhere to go, so you understand, the mortgage will seem to be... inherited, families will pay, they will pay, they will pay money, then the grandchildren will also pay, and here , of course, we need to consider other mechanisms, but i won’t even remember about construction savings banks, we first introduced such a bill 12 years ago, things are still there, well, our proposal to build preferential social housing, in the end , here is - conditions in the barracks - or there
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very cramped, here's an alternative: it means either - you save money for a mortgage, then put it all like a skullcap around your neck, then it will be your property, or the state is now giving you normal social housing, at normal prices, it will not be in yours property, but you can live now, and your children can live, it is absolutely clear that the majority of people who just don’t have a penny will agree to social housing, but building social housing and renting is our proposal, we also do not we agreed... with the ministry of construction's proposal to abandon fezaccounts as part of the overhaul programs and we want to receive the president's support in this matter. the same general fund that the department offers is not a transparent financial hole that serves the interests of a special account, but this corrupt common cauldron in which
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citizens’ funds are dissolved. seventh, we want 2024 to mark the beginning of serious changes in russia’s migration policy. as the president said, migrant issues must be respected. the official who issued it illegally was arrested, think about it, 100,000 citizenship documents for people who don’t know russian . minister of education krovtsov, listen, you know that in some schools in russia there won’t be new year trees for children,
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because parents of emigrants, children of emigrants, say that this is what a christmas tree, what a new year, this is not customary here, you came to our country, please, respect not only the laws, respect our traditions and we don’t need to go to someone else’s monastery with our own rules, we have our own rules enough, this connection our proposal, yes, we are probably the political party that has the most radical proposal, i understand that the president, taking into account, including international relations, must look at everything carefully, but nevertheless we say, maintaining... the visa regime with the countries of central asia , expulsion is mandatory, he will answer according to the law , the whole family must leave here, and i’m not even talking about the fact that schools should not have classes where more than 5% of children who speak russian poorly are migrant children, these are all
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necessary measures, i am sure that we will have to to instruct on this, eighth, a little about sports, the international olympic committee did the russians... a favor to allow them to participate in the olympics in paris, and it was especially emphasized that those who actively support a special military operation will not be allowed in. nothing else should have been expected. the international olympic committee, unfortunately, today is a politicized russophobic structure that follows the instructions of the west to isolate russia, while trying to sit on two chairs, allowing some russian athletes to participate in competitions, because without them the games will lose their entertainment value. i think that the solution can be made.
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that the threat to our statehood should be sought not only in the hostile policies of nato countries, but among the domestic bureaucracy. on the day of the thirtieth anniversary of our constitution, the chairman of the constitutional court of russia valery zorkin stated bluntly. i quote: the problem of corruption, which has already acquired a dangerous character for people’s lives, remains relevant and very painful for society. therefore, the fight against corruption is a vitally important issue for our society, the solution of which is up in the air. we draw the candidate's attention. the presidents said that people are tired of general discussions about corrupt officials, dishonest entrepreneurs hiding in the west with lavish money, it’s high time to equate corruption and the waste of budget funds with government changes, and we will insist on this. tenth, briefly about my personal
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proposal for the presidential program: during the plenary session of the 2023 eastern economic forum, president russia vladimir putin noted that the percentage of studying... subsoil in the far east on average for the region is only 35%. to increase the volume of geological exploration , a frontal strategy of geology and revival of the legend was launched. this is quite superficial.
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so now gennady zyuganov emphasized that the communist party of the russian federation is a warring party in the sense that 119 humanitarian convoys have already been sent by russian communists to the line of military contact in new, in fact historically russian, liberated and liberated territories. according to tradition, the congress began with the presentation of party tickets, this time party ones. he told us, in particular,
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that if it were not for the communist party, the formation of these troops would have been much more difficult. well, of course, the main issue of today's congress is the nomination of a candidacy for the post of president of the russian federation. the day before there was a plenum of the central committee, which recommended the participants of the current congress.
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dari is behind everything that is happening. yes, thank you, anton, we are waiting for the actual voting procedure for party members, after which, as expected, the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation will begin his participation in the presidential campaign. anton potkovenko spoke about how the congress of the communist party of the russian federation is taking place. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, grandma, busy in the morning, looking for something on her phone. here is the number of the election commission, i will vote at home. adult citizens of the country are given all the opportunities, even those who are motionless
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are offered a decision, call the elections home, take a portable box, the commission comes to them, carries out the procedure, formalizes them in advance with the departure of voting, which means the elections are equal, citizens of my country, choose in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, four people died, more... were injured as a result of an accident in the rostov region, according to the ministry of health of the region, 11 people are in hospital in a condition of moderate severity. suvs collided on the rostov-stavropol highway. and a minibus. according to preliminary data, one of the drivers lost control. the circumstances of the accident are still before the winter beaches. it's snowing in a mountain cluster. access to vehicles without winter tires is limited. the operation of cable cars and ski slopes at the resorts has been suspended. and in the weather is expected to deteriorate further in the coming hours, wind and rain are expected. all
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city services have switched to an enhanced operating mode in areas where flooding is possible, and watches have been organized. sochi airport is currently operating due to actual weather conditions , at least 19 flights have already been sent due to the independent position of the organization. the iba returned the right to russians and belarusians to compete under the national flag. the organization has been led by russian umar kremlev for 3 years, this also irritates mok members. for information about the situation in world boxing, see a special report by stas radikultsev immediately after the advertisement. deposit-the best interest in savings is a simple way to profitably invest money online, just one button, the contribution to your child’s future has already been made, one button, savings grow at the maximum rate, one button and you
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the international boxing association is writing a new chapter in sports history, now in the professional ring there are two superstars of amateur boxing, our olympic champion, famous among star fighters and star fans, the night of champions is a bright event in the world of martial arts, a shocking fighter has taken a place in the front row, the strongest are pitted against each other,
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the fights are interesting and i think that soon the aba champions will meet with world titles and fight for unified titles, so well... in any case , there should be success, because the best are pitted against each other, there is very high competition here. the main fight of the evening is batergaziev-alvarez, two, and now ten for the right to be at the top of the already professional olympus. a beautiful duel between great masters and rivals who deserve each other. no one is ready to give in; they fight until exhaustion. the russian fighter won by unanimous decision of the judges. to say, despite the political situation,
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it is very pleasing that sport is not politics, everything that we do, we will do together with the national ones. federations, we will hear the countries, everything that the international association earns, this money should belong to the athletes, coaches and assistance to the national federations. the night of champions is preceded by the historic day of the congress of the international boxing association, at which a revolutionary decision was made; the oldest amateur boxing association will now develop professional, an example of how global sport can grow. without the interference of politicians, they were still accepted at the congress, iba provides, can simply explain how a child went to kindergarten, school, college, but there was no place for them
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to work, now iba provides but champions, this is a professional platform where boxers perform , show their beauty and still earn money to provide for themselves, their future, of course their family, this has already been the long-term policy of the iba, the international boxing association and... all this against the backdrop of an unprecedented political confrontation between the international olympic committee and the iba. in june, mock stripped the association of recognition. for the first time in history, a sports federation was not accepted and expelled from the olympic movement. the main reason is the independent position of the international boxing association, which refused to deprive russian and belarusian athletes of the flag and anthem, despite the possibility. maybe i’m so naive, like an adult already. the naive thing is that i didn’t think that sports and politics should be combined, but it turns out that this is not the case, although certain.
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the people's association and its president umark kremlev responded not only by appealing to the court of arbitration for sports, but also by a series of grandiose professional boxing tournaments.
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