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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 5:00pm-5:23pm MSK

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vote, choose a candidate , we walked in, i immediately froze, dad, why are there so many cameras here, monitoring the progress of fair elections by the people guarantees the law of our rights on guard ; if there is a suspicion that a violation has occurred, he will record the moment this case, observation, choose in the country is free, important, honestly comfortable, promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, this is ours: a communications band, somewhere he is running, somewhere he is in polish, somewhere on his haunches, a mobile kit, this is the main means communications, the most the main thing is that this facility needs to be constantly functioning, out of ten radio stations we are repairing eight here, there is communication, there is, well done.
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we continue our news review. today, the campaign headquarters of vladimir putin began collecting signatures in his support. the current president, let me remind you, is running in the upcoming elections as a self-nominated candidate and according to the law he needs to collect 300,000 signatures. this is also done by popular front volunteers. regional ones are located in the urals, siberia and the far east. so the collection of signatures began in krasnoyarsk branch of the onf. they said that although the work is only on the first day, the active one has already been introduced. response from people. krasnoyarsk residents come to the headquarters with their whole families. the irkutsk branch trains volunteers and signature collectors; they also receive citizens’ appeals and prepare lectures. in yekaterinburg they said that in less than the first hour of work more than twenty people came; in general, in the regional branch based on the onf , one of the points for collecting signatures was opened in a shopping center and there they could sign their support for vladimir’s candidacy there was even a line lined up for putin today. and the onf said that all the signatures will be there.
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the pre-election congress of a fair russia for truth is taking place in moscow today; the party decided not to nominate its own candidate; they supported the current president, vladimir putin, who, let me remind you, is running in the elections as a self-propelled candidate. details just russia decided not to nominate its own candidate, but to support vladimir putin. the country needs an experienced, strong leader who has already proven his ability to take a punch. putin brought the country out of disaster.
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a smaller area for the construction of a house, a dacha, well, according to the far eastern hectare scheme with a military contribution to the program of the candidate for the post of president of russia, among them the question: the final match of the russian women's volleyball cup has started. for the first time in the history of the tournament , the local team leningradka and the current trophy winner moscow dynamo met in a decisive meeting. our correspondent danilo makhallin is following the game. he got in direct contact with the studio. danilo, greetings. so, who is considered the favorite?
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confrontation? state maritime technical university, yes, it is here, in this new complex and new building , that the final of the women's cup is being held. russia between dynamo moscow and the local leningradka. dynamo, of course, is the favorite of this confrontation, given that five titles have already been won by dynamo this season 22-23, perhaps there will be a sixth, given how the first set is going, and dynamo, while forced to take a time out, perhaps everything will work out in favor of dynamo, this time, this team relatively recently won russian championship. this was also talked about in honor of this season, just in honor of the centenary of domestic volleyball, is held under such a motto and under such a trend, and dynamo just turns out that this year the centenary of domestic volleyball is leading in all
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many 2.0 spectators, but in recent years minutes she was huddled to capacity and as you can hear, as you can see, the fans are driving leningradka forward, yellow and black. at the final match of the russian volleyball cup among women's teams from st. petersburg, but we will monitor developments with him closely . it is getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. a deposit with a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application, i want, i can, i can, i want, 300 days without interest, i ’m not kidding. apply for a credit card at vtb.
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clinics, which residents have been waiting for a very long time, this is a big presidential program, a big presidential project, which is being implemented on his instructions, these are clinics of central district, district hospitals, these are medical and obstetric centers, medical outpatient clinics and so on, the program is large, it is designed from the twenty-first to the twenty- fifth year, in addition...
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it’s very impressive that it was not the communist soviet union that was destroyed, but the historical russian state, that’s this is how my political life began, by that time in her professional baggage norochnitskaya had become, in her words, a convinced slavophile, i was always amazed, especially by our militant liberals, westerners, they coming abroad, you just know, it’s sweet to hate your homeland, if i suddenly found myself abroad, i still wanted to use my wings, you know, to protect my... country from desecration, she is in a hurry to return to moscow, where she plunges headlong into political life, we
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must creatively combine their values ​​with ours. after many years, she will greet the return of the city to the russian glory of the entire crimea with tears in her eyes, so for me it was simply the fulfillment of some kind of god’s reward simply for the fortitude of our spirit for determination, this is a milestone that will remain, the collection has begun. in the historical process, narochnitskaya, an expert with a worldwide reputation and authority, is taking a very active part, she will suffer against her, she will lose a lot, precisely in the absence of a russian great power, she will become the backyard of world politics. narochnitska is called one of the brightest national conservative thinkers in the country, the fatherland is an eternal gift for her, now i think, we also need to understand that on the surface there is a struggle with... for liberation, life, the safety of russian people, here in the east of ukraine, world discussion
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platforms, not everyone likes this, 2 years ago the moldovan authorities did not let her into the country where narochnitskaya flew to be an observer from the public chamber at the elections in transnistria, what is happening now , it opened our eyes to a lot, we need to take care of our education, cleanse everything from that nano-foundation that distorts our historical consciousness, so that... “oh, it ’s you, how we love your performances, how is this thank you, it means it’s necessary, it means you’re not burning in vain. dmitry kaistra, elena fenoshina, konstantin morozov, ilya korchuganov, news. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business." yes, continue with alfabank, the best loyalty program for
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the rate on a savings account is 16%. buy a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb. in the feed there are two pats, not one 57. this is getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits , the best interest in savings. deposit with a favorable rate. apply literally with one button mobile application in sberbank with prime is more profitable. this is our signalman’s band, we have this training format and there was a confident reception, at the stages of individual training, at the training stages, units work out
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all the questions from simple to complex, one of them was the signalman’s band, we improved it here, with him here... and transitions, and poles, and uh, laying the line , that is, basically the poor are pulling the rod, the standard is to be felt not on a treadmill with a cable, but specifically, and specifically when all the conditions are met, not on the table, climbed, a tree, a table, it happens, that is , how to cross the road under the road, how to pass through sections secretly, move around in different environmental conditions, somewhere he is running, somewhere he is in a polish position, somewhere he is squatting, that is , loaded. fully equipped and a time standard, yes you give him some kind of standard, yes there is a standard, well, it’s so conditional here, well, yes, yes, that is, the best has passed, and we are pulling the rest to him, another second, here he now has a smoky passage, that is, roughly speaking , there are some kind of vaults in basements now understand to move on, and he must still get used to the conditions of real sound
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; he should not be afraid of the gap, that is, he must understand that he must take care of the gap. don’t raise your head, lift anything, lower, with your legs, work with your legs, push with your legs, push with your legs, all these guys who passed, who did this strip, they themselves suggested, i came, there on the tree, but how do i on...
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they study there, learn how to splice cables, how to splice cables correctly, how to work with a vole, how to work with wire cutters, how to work with a switch, because that field switches are currently in service, they are now modern digital ones, but to work, to deploy , to be able to sign correctly, to draw up a call diagram correctly, that is, they must clearly do this, they will soon be mobilized in a year and a half, that’s for sure, and before that what did you do? but he worked at a construction site, so now you build there, you destroy here, although it’s not here that you establish communication, no, we build here too. the logic of sending it to an enterprise is quite large, that is, for now it’s better to get here, for example to moscow, until they receive it there, while they are repairing the matter, now
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the group, the repairs have been arranged in such a way that 85% of the communication means have been restored locally, the contract soldiers are mobilized, mobilized, at home they did the same, no, but that at home they installed more, it turned out that talent, i had to use a soldering iron you can, and you me? i am directly involved in my activities, that is, i serve as a foreman, we , taking into account all the testing of all innovations, from such a telephone set through a switch we can access cellular communications, interesting, probably the most interesting section, our basic radio means, we built quite large radio access networks on the basis of these means of communication, that is, from the team...
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repairs of the syrian republic back in the sixteenth year.
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