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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 6:30pm-6:50pm MSK

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on monday, in the samara region , the head of the regional head office of the ministry of emergency situations, oleg bayko, was detained and accused of accepting bribes worth 25 million rubles. according to investigators, the money was transferred to the major general’s card; he allegedly provided patronage to the owners of companies that dealt with fire safety. bayko was taken to moscow, where he was arrested by the basmanny district court, nursing home, the woman had numerous bruises on her arms and legs. according to the victim, a boarding house employee attacked her with...
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energy companies in siberia, accomplices obyzova will also go to jail, they received from five, then the current employees of the investigative committee noticed the fight, but did not break it up, and judging by the surveillance cameras, they joined in the beating, by court decision zykov received 10 months...
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exiled mothers with children from - because of the mistakes of youth, prisoners who have long passed the time behind barbed wire see their babies only in the first years, then either relatives or a foster family take them, is there always a need to send women behind bars, seals, after 5 years of despair, fate presented an unexpected surprise. my husband came to see me on a date, i became pregnant, and a completely different way of life now begins. in correctional colony number five in mozhaisk near moscow , several hundred prisoners are serving their sentences. these women are behind
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bars for the first time and are rehabilitating themselves through painstaking work. in the morning they sit down at sewing machines to make work clothes for law enforcement officers, bedside tables for personal belongings, in general, everything necessary to pass the night. in the women's colony there are no bars on the windows ; armed guards and dogs do not walk around the territory. all conditions have been created here for the comfortable detention of prisoners, but still almost every convict yearns for female happiness. the territory of the children's home at the mazhaisky women's colony, there is an atmosphere here that allows, so to speak, to abstract from the everyday life of the correctional facility, where the mother behaves for the mistakes of her youth for the fact that two more children are growing up in the wild without her. to me it’s very painful when my children suffer, that i’m here in these imprisonment walls, it’s very hard for me to worry about all this, out of 6 years she still has a little less than four left to serve, when timofey turns 3 years old, she’ll have to say goodbye to her son, his father
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... they will give such rules to relatives or to a foster family, you don’t feel sorry for yourself , it’s a pity, of course, we are also used to them, but not a single, even the most experienced and sensitive teacher can replace communication with your mother, for the sake of these happy moments it’s worth it to live - says natalya orishchenko. she ended up in a colony being pregnant, the former accountant used to strive for the wealth of power, but was caught in a fraud when she siphoned off the assets of one of the large consulting companies. after the birth of david, her world... completely turned upside down, i had a very deep reassessment of the general principles of all life, that is, crime, pregnancy, or the presence of children did not save them from imprisonment. our program has already repeatedly discussed with experts the issue of humanizing justice. women charged with minor offenses articles, are kept in pre-trial detention centers for 5 years, or even longer. then the courts, like a carbon copy, impose impressive terms of imprisonment in colonies, although the punishment could well not be related to deprivation. who
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grow up without mothers, what is the need here, in early december this topic was discussed at a meeting of the human rights council under the president of russia, journalist and human rights activist eva merkacheva spoke about the difficult fate of convicted women. next year is our year of the family, a lot is said about the need to support a woman’s desire not to communicates during the first important not only hours, but also days. merkacheva asked vladimir putin about a possible amnesty, the head of state suggested carefully studying this topic. let's together , together we'll look at it all again, we'll turn to the state duma, to the government, to the public all together, well , the supreme children who can be
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great scientists, why not, just good people, during the filming of this report in the mozhaisk colony we asked convicts are asked the same question: glade, this territory is considered protected from construction, but the official allegedly promised to resolve the issue with concluding the necessary agreements, he only managed to accept from the businessman the first part of the bribe in the amount of 1 million rubles post from the internet, in just a few clicks the treasured box with a bow will be delivered to your home
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by a courier, but what if the gift has arrived, does it even contain a surprise for the customer, for example, instead of an apple-brand smartphone for 150,000 rubles , there is apple-scented soap? more than sixty clients of a large marketplace faced such deception, instead of expensive they got whatever gadgets they wanted, but not phones. with the courier, i opened the parcel and the tape, and then the bubble wrap and finally the cardboard. this is a small gift from a hardware store for a six-figure sum. what's this? and there are dozens of similar videos, a wave of phone thefts swept across different cities. my husband handed the package to me, i hide it and see it. instead of a phone, a spike of five pieces of soap, to say that we were shocked is to say nothing, we were shocked by the purchase of the phone assembly, moreover, the handover to the courier, we filmed all this on video, we store all these videos for a long time, because if then the phone
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is even lost somewhere, we are asked to send a video that we sent it at all. according to the businessmen, they carefully studied the condition of the parcel, it left the seller intact, it arrived at the marketplace warehouse opened from... re-sealed, it turns out that large aggregators have intermediate, so-called consolidating warehouses, couriers at delivery tables, and often cameras too don’t work, it’s not clear what’s being packaged there, and the couriers, when they pick up goods from sellers, they don’t have cameras in their cars, so no one knows what they took and what they delivered to the buyer, the new year’s rush plays into the hands of various criminals, when the number of orders increases several times, neither bosses nor the guards don't have time. nevertheless , experts advise not to buy too expensive goods via the internet, and if you really want to, then choose those stores where you need to pay upon receipt of the goods. by the way, to failed owners of smartphones, about which
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we told you, we started returning the money, the sellers from the store were blocked by the marketplaces until the investigation was completed, just in case, for them the season of big new year sales and long checks seems... closed, but for those who have already started shopping, they are trying to deceive. experts say that every second can may be counterfeit, due to the migration of fish there is a shortage of raw materials, but do not stop the plant before the new year holidays. but you can try to stop our correspondent daniil sukharuchok, who decided to find out what is happening in canned goods factories fill tin cans. at the cannery in the city of lakinsk, vladimir region, our film crew was greeted with big hugs. one of the directors. and two guards forcibly threw you out, so what? call me, you’d better do the fish like me. a little later we will tell you how the conflict ended, but for now we will explain what brought us here. lately, experts have increasingly begun to find fake
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canned saury on the shelves of russian stores. the security forces became interested in the situation. fsb and police officers checked several warehouses and enterprises in the moscow and vladimir regions and discovered clandestine production at a completely legal plant. it happened. the police seized more than 12 thousand cans, and a criminal case was initiated. we decided to check how things are now at one of the enterprises, which attracted the attention of law enforcement officers. as part of a journalistic experiment under the guise of a businessman. we came to a meeting with the management of the plant, tried to agree on a wholesale purchase, but for some reason there was no saera listed in the catalog for buyers, we would like tuna, mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, saury, so standard, nothing personal, just business, it turns out that we made a social shelf, like an auction one, where on this social shelf, accordingly, there will be a discount for...
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producers resorted to a trick and began to replace the more expensive saury with cheap types of fish, herring sardines. together with experts from the popular front, we decided to inspect the moscow counters, in many retail outlets the cost of scarce saury in jars turned out to be suspiciously low, what is here even with the price tag and what kind of product there might be inside, we don’t claim that it’s here... yes, really, if it’s not one, two or three canned goods, but there’s always a whole one there. daniil
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sukharuchko, maria bukata, alexander dvornikov, oleg ivanov, sergey zabarov, dmitry frolov, andrey netreba, conductor, duty department. early. as a result of the armed conflict , three people were injured. one of them later died. the most experienced investigators and criminologists joined the investigation of the criminal case. they find out why there was a scuffle and who started the shooting. the first violin of the world of thieves played. in st. petersburg this week , another sentence was handed down to repeat offender yakov subboti. the leader of a gang of so-called ninja turtles was sent to a colony for robbing banks and... under the name
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ninja turtles he will be punished in the nineties , jacob on saturday was nicknamed the first violin of the thieves' world, but he himself never knew how to play, the virtuoso thief became famous for plundering the treasuries of russian art, about this our colleagues from the program eduard petrov's investigation made a film in ninety-six on saturday, stolen from the russian national museum of music. they offered to buy the museum, they offered to buy the museum, they showed these violins. the investigators decided to make a deal with the raiders, but on day x the operation failed. the attackers sensed an ambush and lay low, but soon made themselves known again. from the state historical library of moscow, someone brazenly stole 296 rare volumes, including the first book of the apostle, whose surname is saturday, printed in russia. was the first time he was behind bars. i needed to send, as they say
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, a little thing here, a little thing to my accomplice at that time, this little thing was intercepted by the operational case, but after leaving the colony , the repeat offender did not stop, the gang of so -called ninja turtles, which he put together while in the colony, became even larger, crime, car, others knocked out part of the ceiling using fire hoses, went down to the salon, immediately a ladder appeared from the hole, followed by two bags flying down, it took people in masks 10 minutes to clean everything out, on us fell from the ceiling, people in camouflage, saying something, something like this? they put everything on the floor, in fact we just lay there, didn’t beat, didn’t mutilate, thank god, saturday began to prepare a new robbery, without shouting or noise they handcuffed the employees and silently took away the money, as before, no one was hurt, but soon greed the gang took over and dramatically changed its principles. st. petersburg resident svetlana egorova recalls that in
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2012 she worked as the head of a commercial bank, the raiders tracked her down, broke into her apartment, the whole family... ended up in hostages, torturing and threatening a pregnant woman , people in masks demanded to know the password to the vault, the husband lay all beaten up, others remained to guard the prisoners, among them was saturday, here a man who had been checking his every move for years made a mistake, he ate from the table peach, but left the stone, later it was from it, more precisely from traces of dna in droplets of saliva, that criminologists found the leader of the gang, in total the attackers stole money and property amounting to more than 65 million rubles. when committing crimes, they used, in addition to weapons, burglary means, masks, gloves, and other things, her son remembers how her yasha dreamed of becoming a clothing designer, but took a wrong turn. this is how we lived happily all our lives. i love him madly, he couldn’t do anything differently, i couldn’t do anything, well, i screamed on the way, why, why? well, it didn’t help, anyway.
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only years later, in pre-trial detention , saturday admitted to our colleagues that he committed all his crimes to get even. unrequited love for the casino drove the repeat offender to the very bottom of the debt hole there on kutuzovsky prospekt, my family, including including my brother who suffered as a result of my exploits in quotes, do you now have some kind of debt? now, now there are no people, to whom i owed money. the melody of the first violin was played for three robberies , creating a gang, the court sentenced him to 12 years on saturday. a skilled thief will lead them to a penal colony. alena skachkova, eduard petrov, lead the duty department. and soon after us on the russia 24 tv channel. a new investigation of eduard petrov. the safronov case. how the famous special correspondent of the kommersant newspaper collected secret information from high-ranking officials officials of defense and strategic enterprises of russia. and how much money did he receive? the big premiere is in a few
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minutes. spy or journalist, the veil of secrecy of the case has been lifted and... sheet for committing a crime, he received an excellent education and was a talented correspondent, made a dizzying career, now he is a prisoner serving a twenty-two-year sentence for high treason, he felt somehow in the water , as they say, he had found his niche, the main thing he had was - this is a source of information which my father gave him about the inheritance, the investigation believed that i was bringing with me at least 20 thousand euros earned by criminal means. so, investigation. will continue legal broadcasting on the russia-24 tv channel. even more news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective, subscribe, also our releases are available on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab and turn on honest detective. that's all for us, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you. everything about the elections in russia. we will tell you in detail. it's not difficult to understand them.
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it's important, honestly. i immediately dressed my grandfather up and got him binoculars. i have such vision that i can see any violation like an eagle, besides , i have undergone special training, according to russian law, a smartphone is enough for me, now my granddaughter knows which icon to press, i am trained in the procedure, i bought a cooler camera, i’m a friend i won’t be lost, i won’t let society down, choose investment rating economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether russian industry is capable replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that this is because
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they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera. in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington, a unique laboratory of public healthcare. and the spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will just sell vaccines and medicines.


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