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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 23, 2023 9:30pm-9:52pm MSK

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european russia is feverish and whether frosts will return for the new year, we will talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we will touch on. in kiev, metro tunnels are now propped up with beams to prevent them from collapsing, but what to do with thousands of emergency bridges throughout the square, how much the ukrainian infrastructure has degraded since independence, entertainment no more than space satellites up to fields. how much has roshydromed expanded its observational network over the past 12 months and what plans does the agency have for the next year? you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zabuchenkov, hello! the prolonged thaw on the russian plain has come to an end, but severe frosts should not be expected just yet, which is not without the most striking weather disasters of the week. turned out
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to be a lot of trouble for the residents of the european part of russia. temperature changes caused the formation of dangerous weather phenomena. due to ice and fog in different regions major accidents occurred in the country. after a massive accident at the end of the work week , the highway near lipetsk was blocked. visibility in the vicinity of the city deteriorated to 50 m. and this is the nizhny federal highway . in the incident, six people were injured. the main cause of road accidents. the atmosphere acquired this hue due to the scattering of sunlight in the clouds of the cyclone. in the midst of the heat , rivers of melt water flowed through the streets of moscow, and lakes appeared in the courtyards. such a sharp change in weather in winter, rather. next video from moscow region the bench takes the hit.
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it’s scary to imagine what would have happened if ice blocks had fallen on one of the passers-by, this is st. petersburg, a man was born in a shirt, only by a miracle he was not caught, here is yaroslavl, snow... fell on a three-year-old girl and her father . the investigative committee is conducting an investigation into the incident. as we leave nezhlavinsk, cars, bus stops and sometimes passers-by suffer. here is my car, parked near the house, the far window was broken, well, in general, i went out and was happy with my life. individual messages came from the south from dagestan, among the leaders is the northern capital. the city's climate is humid and in winter the proximity to the baltic sea leads to rapid. thermometer readings in the vast territory from the upper reaches of the dnieper to the banks of the ob went into positive territory, and on thursday-friday the warming in the east of the russian plain, the urals and southern siberia
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became record-breaking, here the temperature regime overtook the calendar by 3 months and entered the climate of the last ten days of march . in western europe. in russia, warm records have stood, but here they are melting. let me remind you, on the eve of warming , snowdrifts, unprecedented for this time of year, formed in the region; in just a week they settled by almost a third of a meter. as a result, about 100,000 liters of melt water from each hectare fell onto the streets of our cities, but now the weather pendulum has swung in the other direction, however, this will not bring stability to the atmosphere. the fact is that. that he entered the russian plain after the volga and don, but the atlantic is not yet going to give up. literally on the heels of this stream, air warmed by the gulf stream will again begin to make its way into the continent. masses. for example, in central russia the temperature regime will briefly return to
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the climate. in moscow, on sunday-monday the daytime temperature will drop from saturday's +2 to -2 -3. but already from tuesday the region experienced average temperatures. the days of december are usually strong enough to warm the russian plain on new year's eve; according to statistics, the chances of moderately cold weather on the holiday are estimated at about 30%. for detailed forecasts, see our next issues. due to the emergency condition of the bridge over the dnieper, kiev may close the iceberg, in more than 30 years. independence, the infrastructure of ukraine not only did not develop, but degraded , the situation with bridges is especially difficult, many of them require urgent repairs, some crossings are so damaged that they threaten the safety of people. details in our
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story. a symbolic photograph from an emergency section of the kiev metro. metal supports were installed in the tunnel, cracks appeared in the walls. against the backdrop of a transport collapse in kiev, some ukrainian. deputies predicted new infrastructure accident in the capital of ukraine, they are sure that the poton bridge will collapse next, this is one of the key transport arteries connecting the left and right banks of the dnieper. the bridge was built in 1953, the object has long been in need of reconstruction, they started talking about it back in the nineties, but during the period of independence no money was found for repairs. no one made their bridges at all, no one knows how long it will stand, and if closed, it will be a collapse, the left bank from well from the city will be from... ukrainian bridges are really tired of falling regularly. at the end of july this year, the span of the bridge over the tiresva river in transcarpathia collapsed, along with a truck and a car driving across it. the crossing is of great logistical importance, as it is on the way to the borders of four eu countries. at the same
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time, the bridge has long been recognized as unsafe; it should have been repaired back in 2020; out of 16 thousand bridge structures (10,000) do not meet modern standards in terms of dimensions and load-carrying capacity. and more than 2 thousand are in need of urgent repairs, the bridges of the ukrainian capital are in the most critical condition, this was stated by the director of the ukrainian state road research institute artem bezugly. his words fully confirm the emergency that happened in kiev at the end of september. in broad daylight, the dekterev overpass collapsed. the bridge was formed, we decided not to rush. the entire infrastructure of ukraine, especially public utilities, is in a deplorable state, while theft has reached gigantic proportions. instead of repairing networks and bridges. he considered that in order to bring the infrastructure of ukraine to the level of the belarusian one, well, with the russian one, of course, ukraine should be compared it’s impossible, then for this ukraine needs 100 billion dollars and 40 years. the best
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illustration of the scale of corruption in ukraine is the long-suffering podolsk-voskresensky bridge. on december 1, 30 years after the start of construction, it was opened with fanfare by the mayor of kiev , vitaliy klitschko. true, because. the pipeline cannot withstand a heavy load, traffic along it is limited, only emergency services are allowed one route of public transport, so that one bus crosses the dnieper from the right bank to the left. spent 20 billion hryvnia, it is necessary to expand the observation network, new weather stations are installed in new regions of the country, because, as prime minister mikhail mishustin noted, new subjects of the federation should have exactly the same access to roshydromet information as other regions, with the help of which technologies they are now monitoring about the weather in russia, we will tell you about achievements and plans for the future in... the story, this year alone 425 dangerous
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weather phenomena have already been registered, their timely forecasting helps to minimize economic losses. it is growing due to the timing of our warnings about such weather phenomena, for example, if we take the latest events in the far east, typhoon hanun in the primorsky territory, this is when 600 mm of precipitation fell, well , in simple terms, this is 60 buckets of water per square meter, and we worked quickly and gave a warning for six and zaporozhye. areas. roshydromet is working to improve the qualifications of new specialists and is engaged in their retraining. we are actively working to create and restore the state observation network, installed communications equipment, software, computers and so on. we are also working with the russian property management agency to secure property as federal property. we are implementing the program for the socio-economic development of new regions in full. the most important source of data for the meteor, condor and arctica m projector
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. in addition, on behalf of the president, a system for monitoring long-term water pollution is being created in the arctic zone. the first 20 stations have already opened this year. the russian federation became the first country in the world which systematically creates this type of monitoring. 140 monitoring stations will be located by the beginning of 2026 in the zone of perennial myrzloth spread. this project will allow us, first of all, to get three of the five modules already erected. trial operation of the facility will begin in january, and all work is planned to be completed. by the end of 2024, this means that russian polar explorers will be able to continue studying
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the ancient subglacial lake located in this area. the most valuable information obtained from the relict reservoir is not only will provide an opportunity to learn more about the state of the earth's atmosphere in the past, but will allow russia to remain at the forefront of predicting the climate of the future. science: the conclusion of scientists is clear: horoscopes do not work. there is no connection between the position of celestial bodies and the characteristics... of a person’s personality and destiny. work on the official memorandum took several years; scientists from various scientific fields took part in its preparation: astronomy, physics, biology, medicine and statistics. the document outlines the main arguments and suggests methods checking these connections. there is not one, but many reasons to consider astrology a pseudoscience. astrology, although it claims to be scientific, does not correspond to most of the fundamentals. and do not withstand
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experimental testing. the popularity of astrology is not explained by the real influence of celestial bodies on the destinies of people, but by psychological reasons that make it possible to introduce scientificity and validity, as explained in the commission to combat false science, and for that matter, doubts about the predictions of astrologers also arose not today, not yet in ... they agree, they believe that astrology is something more than just a science, it is also
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an art, to understand it, you cannot limit yourself to logical thinking, you need to have, quote from the epts, the results of the latter are disappointing, for example, in india, where astrology is especially popular, one of such checks was carried out by astrophysicist jayant norlikar and his colleagues, 27 a... with extensive professional experience and one astrological institute were involved in the study. based on the time and place of birth of schoolchildren, they were asked to determine which of them is better, than... random guessing, even the astrological institute gave 102 correct answers out of 200, which approximately corresponds to the mathematical expectation if the outcome was determined by a coin toss. here is another example, an extensive study of divorce statistics in the usa did not confirm that people of certain zodiac signs are better compatible
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with each other, as it turns out, and rather this is... therapy that should calm you down, set you up for some good thoughts, but by no means does not guarantee any forecast. moreover, we see that there is no connection between the movement of the planet of stars on the one hand and life on earth, especially the fate of an individual person, no. it is worth noting that russians tend to believe that their fate depends only on themselves. in custody. the commission against pseudoscience recommends that astrology be treated only as entertainment, and that astrologers themselves think about changing their profession. and now from astrology, let's move on to astronomy and real astronomical forecasts. right now ours is in spots, right now
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opposite the earth is the largest in this year, the pyakin group is number 35. 29, however , these areas do not show serious flare activity, the sun still has room to grow, it is apparently worth counting on updating records for the strength of flares and magnetic storms in the new year, we note that the sun is potentially very active now , that is , if someone looks at the photographs, so there is no need to be afraid that they will certainly accumulate energy; i repeat, strong explosions are possible at the end of the week, but by that time some of them will have gone far from... from the direction to the ground. december according to current it is estimated that it will end amid calm sunshine. in the last two decades, there have been cases when the new year began with magnetic storms. however, now, despite the overall high activity, the likelihood of such a scenario in 2024, and what was shining, surprised the inhabitants of the earth in the outgoing year. we will summarize the results
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in our next program. do not miss. that's all. enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye! i always miss you so much, counting payments, accounting and lawyers. alfabank is the best bank for business. the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive additional income. apply online at hello, there is a gift waiting for you in the megaphone. only at alfabank. order a free alpha debit card, spin the reel in the app and get a superkick
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