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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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you don’t feel sorry for yourself, it’s a pity, of course, we also get used to them in 3 years, it’s like our own children already become. at the moment , 43 children are being raised in the orphanage at the colony, the children are under the constant supervision of nannies and doctors. but no one, even the most experienced and sensitive teacher, can replace communication with the mother. these happy moments are worth living for, says natalya orishchenko. she ended up in the colony while pregnant, a former accountant. strived for the wealth of power, but fell for fraud when she was withdrawing the assets of one of large consulting companies. after the birth of david, her world completely turned upside down. i had a very deep reassessment of the general principles of all life, that is, if earlier i was chasing some material benefits, now, of course, i will invest more in myself, in my children, in self-development. all the heroines in our report have a different fate. but they are all serving sentences for non-violent crimes. neither pregnancy nor having children saved me.
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them from imprisonment. our program has already discussed with experts several times the question of the gammanization of justice. women accused of minor charges are kept in pre-trial detention centers for 5 years, or even longer. then the courts, like a carbon copy, impose impressive terms of imprisonment in colonies, although the punishment could well not be related to imprisonment. in the twenty- second year we had 28,361 women in prison. and there were even statistics on the number of women who were mothers, it was 62%. you can imagine the number of children who grow up without mothers, what is the need here. in the beginning of december this topic was discussed at a meeting of the human rights council under the president of russia; journalist and human rights activist eva merkacheva spoke about the difficult fate of convicted women. next year is our year. not women
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give birth, but if a prisoner gives birth, then she is returned from the hospital to the pre-trial detention center after 2 hours, we had such precedents, just recently it happened in moscow, a woman gave birth, after 2 hours she was sent to the pre-trial detention center, she could not recover, the child at the same time they left him in the hospital, she did not see him for many, many days, in general, what happens, that he’s a little man, he doesn’t communicate with his mother at all, the first important ones are not only hours, but also days. merkacheva asked vladimir putin a question about a possible amnesty, the head of state suggested studying it carefully. this topic , let's look at it all again, let's turn to the state duma, to the government, to the public, all together, well, the supreme court, the prosecutor's office, let's all think about it, the amnesty that journalists, lawyers, social activists are so actively talking about, first everything should concern those who stumbled for the first time, and this decisive step with side of the state... will not be left without
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attention and support, women are very grateful people, they appreciate any attention from society and the state to them, and i am sure that they will not let us down, and if we help them, god forbid, they will educate and children who may rise up as great scientists, why not, just good people, during the filming of this report in the mozhaisk colony, we asked the convicts the same question, what is the main value of life for them, for me, in fact, the most valuable thing is meaning life in a family, in children, in a loving a person, when everything in your life is good , well, in your family, your children are nearby, everything will be fine with you, this once again gives hope that after the liberation women will take the path of truth, marina nikhaeva is waiting for a joyful event, one of these days a young mother will be released on parole, a new life awaits them and their little daughter, but not everyone is so lucky. sultan zeganov, oleg ivanov, konstantin berzov. sergey mukhlaev, vesti,
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duty department. there is only a week left before the new year holidays. and it's time to think about gifts for loved ones, what could be more convenient than ordering them without leaving the couch via the internet. in just a few clicks , the courier will deliver the treasured box with a bow over it. but what if the gift arrived, and it even contains a surprise for the customer? for example, instead of an apple brand smartphone for 150,000 rubles. apple scented soap. more people have encountered such deception. 60 clients of a large marketplace, instead of expensive gadgets , they received everything they wanted, but not phones. in front of the courier i opened the parcel, oh my god, my surprise, there were three pieces laundry soap, well, to say that i was in shock is to say nothing. here are the unboxing shots: first a thick layer of tape, then bubble wrap , and finally cardboard. this nesting doll contains a gift from a hardware store for a six-figure sum. what's this? and dozens of similar videos.
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a wave of phone thefts swept across different cities. my husband handed the package to me, i opened it and saw a spy instead of a phone. made of five bars of soap, to say that we were shocked is to say nothing, shocked customers immediately began to hang up the phone to the marketplace support services to try to contact the sellers, the latter , surprisingly, also stated that they were deceived , so where did the phones go ? videos are stored for a long time, because if then the phone is even lost somewhere, we are asked to send a video that we are... in general, according to businessmen, they carefully studied the path of the parcel, its condition, it left the seller intact, the marketplace warehouse has arrived hidden again sealed, it turns out that large aggregators have intermediate, so-called consolidating warehouses, couriers bring goods there, there they are collected in
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large packages and sent to marketplaces, the weakest points are insufficient control, because yes there are cameras, but they are often not. .. work , the cameras on the packing tables often don’t work either, it’s not clear what is being packed there, and the couriers, when they pick up the goods from the sellers, they don’t have cameras in their cars, so what they took and what they delivered to the buyer, no one knows, the new year's rush plays into the hands of various criminals, when the number of orders increases several times, neither the bosses nor the security guards have time to carefully monitor the assembly, this time the thieves have fallen prey to goods larger than ours...
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it may be counterfeit , due to the migration of fish , there was a shortage of raw materials, but you can’t stop the plant before the new year holidays, but you can try to stop our correspondent, daniil sukharuchok, who decided to find out what’s going on at the canneries stuffing tin cans.
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at a cannery in the city of lakinsk, vladimir region, our film crew was greeted with strong hugs, one of the directors and two security guards forcibly threw the reporters out of the territory of the enterprise, take him away, don’t touch me with your hands, a little later we will tell you how the conflict ended, but for now we’ll explain , what brought us here, recently experts have increasingly begun to find fake canned saury on the shelves of russian stores, the security forces became interested in the situation, fsb and police officers checked several
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warehouses and enterprises that have made a social shelf like an auction one, where on this social shelf, accordingly, there will be some slightly jammed banks with a discount, which seem to not be going on the main network there, when the director realized that he was talking to journalists, he immediately
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pointed to door, i told you, put away the camera, this is not for you, you understand, it’s not for me, not for you to film about this about saury, about sardine, why not me? why did the conversation continue on the street, why did they take me away, you took my id now, i i’ll take a photo of him, get acquainted with him, i ’ll introduce him. rushed to the attack as soon as we decided to inspect the workshops where canned food is made , there is a bridge there, yes this is all happening, why are you bothering me, why are you touching me, enough of me , why are you touching me, why are you doing this, there is the main production behind the checkpoint, the persistent fishy smell in the area reminds us of this, can you see?
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then it turned out that dozens of manufacturers were involved in such frauds; russian quality specialists also conducted their research; the results were disappointing. there was a lot of falsification there a lot, more than 70%. at the same time, this year we will again return to researching these products to see what the current situation is. according to experts, saury began to be counterfeited en masse a couple of years ago, when this fish began to leave the sea waters of russia, the catch decreased, and the price of foreign catch increased, then many, it would seem, even... special manufacturers resorted to a trick and began to replace the more expensive one. saury, cheap types of fish, herring and sardine. together with
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the experts of the popular front, we decided look around the moscow counters. in many retail outlets, the price of scarce saury in banks turned out to be suspiciously low. what 's here, even the price tag, and what kind of product might be inside. we do not claim that this is a falsification or something else. we see that simply sardina costs the same as saira. and this is already strange, because we know for sure that it is sardina and sairra. do not differ in price. seeing the journalists, market employees began to fuss; some sellers immediately began to curtain their counters. and here on the counter there is saury, which is produced precisely in the city of lakinsk, vladimir region. most likely at the plant where the violations were found. for large-scale production and sales of fake canned saury, you need a lot of people and you cannot do it without patrons. we have a number of acceptances and checks, yes, including various government bodies and, as a rule, some persons, at least there. are involved in or are aware of criminal activity, well, for some kind of mercenary component, so i will say, so
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i think that, well, really, if it’s not one, two or three canned goods, and there are whole batches , then this is some kind of organized group, one person cannot organize this, but in the meantime, the choice of saury for the buyer is a lottery, you never know exactly what will be inside the can, you can count on the conscience of the producers not always necessary, daniil sukoruchko, maria bukata, alexander dvornikov, oleg ivanov, sergey zabarov, dmitry frolov, andre. not required. news, duty department. the first violin of the world of thieves played in st. petersburg. brought out this week another verdict for repeat offender yakov subbota. the leader of a gang of so-called ninja turtles
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was sent to a colony for robbing banks and a jewelry store for more than 65 million rubles. how did a peach pit help expose a skilled criminal? alena skachkova will tell you. the gray everyday life of jacob saturday of the famous thief of the northern capital is denigrated by another verdict. the skilled robber is accused of three raids on a jewelry store, banks, and also. in creating an entire gang called the teenage mutant ninja turtles, he will be punished in the nineties by jacob on saturday the first was nicknamed the violin of the thieves' world, but he himself never knew how to play, the virtuoso thief became famous for plundering the treasuries of russian art, our colleagues from the edoord petrov investigation program made a film about this. in ninety-six, on saturday , two rare stradivarius and steiner violins worth half a million dollars were stolen from the russian national museum of music at the crime scene. as if as a mockery , the thief left the funka, and then, together with the counterfeiter, demanded a ransom, they
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began to bargain, they offered the museum a ransom, offered to buy the museum, they showed these violins, the investigators decided to make a deal with the raiders, but on day x the operation failed, the attackers sensed an ambush and lay low, but soon made themselves known again from the state historical library of moscow, someone brazenly stole 296. he was detained during the attempt. sell valuable copies, so grigoriev, who would later take the surname saturday, was behind bars for the first time, i needed to send, as they say, here a little thing, a little thing to my - at that time, my accomplice, this little thing intercepts the operations department. but after leaving
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the colony, the repeat offender did not stop; the gang of so -called ninja turtles, which he put together while in the colony, became. even more, the crimes are even harsher, the methods are even more dangerous. in 2012, the group found an alcoholic on the street, he lived just above a jewelry store, methodically getting the poor fellow drunk, the raiders quietly, day after day, cut a hole in his floor to get to the jewelry, in this operation, everything was thought out to the smallest detail, while one distracted attention, setting fire to car on the opposite side of the street, others knocked out part of the ceiling along the fire hoses and went down into the salon, immediately a ladder appeared from the hole, behind it two bags flew down, people... the mask took 10 minutes to clear everything, people in camouflage fell on us from the ceiling, something... they said, somehow this is how they laid everything on the floor with you, in fact, we lay there like that, didn’t beat, didn’t mutilate, thank god, saturday began to prepare a new robbery, this time of a bank, to find out the location of the safe, the criminal
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used wiretapping, on the fateful day the turtles entered the department through the basement, without shouting or noise, they chained the employees with handcuffs. and silently took away the money, as before, no one was hurt, but soon greed took its toll and the gang abruptly changed its principle. st. petersburg resident svetlana egorova recalls that in 2012 she worked as the head of a commercial bank, the raiders tracked her down and broke into her apartment. svetlana’s entire family was taken hostage, torturing and threatening the pregnant woman; people in masks demanded to know the password to the vault. my husband was lying all beaten up, i felt very sick, horribly, at that time i was. in a position for a very short time, i folded when svetlana named the combination , the gang members split up, some rushed off for the loot, others stayed to guard the prisoners , among them was saturday, here a man who had been checking his every move for years made a mistake, he ate a peach from the table and the pit left, later it was from this, or rather
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from the traces of dna in droplets of saliva, that criminologists found the leader of the gang, and the attackers stole everything. money property amounting to more than 65 million rubles. when committing crimes, they used, in addition to weapons, burglary means, masks, gloves, and other means that obscure their identification. yakov’s mother, an intelligent partner who sewed outfits for famous artists, now strokes her son’s photographs and remembers how her yasha dreamed of becoming a clothing designer, but took a wrong turn. this is how we lived happily all our lives. i love him madly, he couldn’t do it any other way, i couldn’t do anything, well, i... screamed, why, why, well, it didn’t save me, it doesn’t matter. only years later, in pre-trial detention , saturday admitted to our colleagues that he committed all his crimes to get even. exactly unrequited love for the casino drove the repeat offender to the very bottom of the debt hole, to a place from which he himself could not get out. in order, yes, to cover part of the debt, my mother was forced to sell her apartment on
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kutuzovsky prospekt, my relatives, including my brother, suffered as a result. their feats in quotation marks, do you currently have any debt? now, now there are no people, to whom i owed money. the melody of the first violin was played for three robberies , the creation of a gang, the court appointed 12 years on saturday, a skilled thief will spend them in a correctional facility special regime colonies. with the verdict, saturday silently agreed to changes in fortune, he was no stranger to it, now the main thing is that in a dozen. once free, he again did not decide to win back. alina skachkova, eduard petrov, lead the duty department. and soon after us on the russia-24 tv channel there was a new investigation of eduard petrov. the safronov case. how the well-known special correspondent of the kommersant newspaper collected secret information from high-ranking officials of defense and strategic enterprises in russia and how much money he received, a big premiere through
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a couple of minutes. spy or journalist, the veil is slightly opened. only we have the materials of the criminal case, classified until recently, and an interview with a co-investigator of the federal security service of russia. sofronov used the work of a journalist to commit a crime. he received an excellent education and was a talented correspondent, making a dizzying career. now a prisoner serving a twenty-two-year sentence for treason, he felt somehow driven. how much money did ivan safronov receive from czech intelligence services? ivan, didn’t you sell your homeland? we took over this case and conducted our own investigation. so, the investigation of dord
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petrov will continue to be broadcast legally on the russia 24 tv channel. even more news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. subscribe. our episodes are also available on the watch platform. go to the tab. turn on an honest detective. that's all for us, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive supercake every month. win when you find a reason to get together. order at zbermarket, megamarket and scooter. and win 10 million rubles. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb my investments application with low commissions on transactions. professionals work. new year's
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alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more more profitable. now withdraw cash from any atm for free. the commander has already decided. what exactly did the commander decide and other new points? tank asked for previously unknown footage. what should nato consider? they also showed everything, but only we saw putin’s documents up close. also, what does the new year's tree look like in putin's office? this is the best opportunity to consider it. and our detailed work. i brought new shots that will only be available before the new year. broadcast: how intelligent, we partisans all year showed you much more than others, you have great connections, moscow. kremlin putin,
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watch on sunday at 22:00. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is it capable?
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no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world, then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. now watch edward's new investigation petrov about the details of the criminal case of the former correspondent of the publication kommersant and ex-adviser to the head of roscosmos ivan safronov, who was tried for treason.
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spy or journalist, the veil of secrecy in the case of ivan safronov has been lifted. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. watch today. this is not a sleeping area, this is a daytime area . like when?
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he received an excellent education and was a talented correspondent, worked in leading russian publications, kommersant and vedomosti newspapers, made a dizzying career at the age of 30, received appointment to the post of adviser to the head of the roscosmos corporation, but... in the past, now he is a prisoner serving a twenty-two-year sentence for high treason, all this is about ivan safronov, a young man, unexpectedly for his relatives, friends, and, it seems, himself, found himself in trouble detective spy story with an unpleasant ending. in this program we will try to talk about what ivan safronov was accused of, how he lives now, why?


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