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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 4:30pm-4:53pm MSK

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is that what you were doing? no, what? well, there’s more middle-life. did you find out that there is something talent? i had to use a soldering iron, that’s all, we are from the battalion defense area, and from such a telephone set we can access cellular communications through a switch. interesting, probably the most interesting section, our main radio means, on the basis of these communication means we have built quite large networks of radio... access, that is, from the group’s command post to the strong point, the commander operates in the frequency range mode of 20 thousand jumps per second, almost irresistible irresistibly, yes, out of 10 radio stations, we repair eight here, everything we do, everything we operate, everything that we now identify, we naturally quickly transfer it to industry, well, here we have another small area, we have now come to
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the fact that the training ground is a complex area of ​​terrain where all communications specialists are engaged in their military specialties, this is technical tactics, special, special training, and combined arms are also engaged here, which is the most important thing, that is communications training, we let the attack aircraft pass here.
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in the hands of already military personnel, everything is warm here , all today, all this will go away and it will be a joy at home for the guys, i can say a hereditary signalman, my father , a lieutenant colonel in the reserve, finished his service, served in kazakhstan at the emba training ground, our country’s air defense training ground - and somehow in the footsteps,
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in the footsteps of the father, well, in the footsteps, in the footsteps, but higher up, well, let’s say, probably, the upbringing and still the father, laid this here, the father is alive, the enemy is trying to suppress communications, the enemy today has means of suppression, i i will say that they are ineffective, they mainly try to suppress the control channels of ethereal devices, here is a network of repeaters and a network of automated workstations , through which every repeater that we install is controlled, firstly, there is either a battery on it, or if somewhere an industrial network is some kind of uninterruptible power supply, that is, there must be teams that are engaged in maintenance. who have transport, that
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is, they are lined up throughout, in the entire direction, and not only in the direction, they they also close down the food areas and the communication system, it’s like a spider’s web. begins to grow, grow, grow, and for her, that is, now we have reviewed it from beginning to end, this is, let’s say, the basis of all the foundations, if earlier we said a field backbone communication network, now we have introduced for the term itself is a transport communication network; it is combined. it consists of, it opens up a lot, a lot of opportunities for us, as for signalmen, through which we begin to integrate all the means, combining them, using this resource, we try everything
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the experience that we have gained, positive and negative, can be refracted within the framework, but what needs to be done in order to retrofit the cents? he travels among the troops, goes to the front line, to control points, works with signalmen, comes, collects information, and here he tries to modernize, improve something, i came up with something, well , for example, let’s go, yes, here is the station satellite communications, provides uninterrupted signal supply around the clock, there is encryption equipment, yeah, well, this is a voice, this is a voice, the voice of those separated from...
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at any control point, can they run you over? no, and what’s most interesting is that now the field automatic telephone exchange has begun to come into service, that is, what replaces the field switch, a digital, very interesting thing, we have revealed all its capabilities here, connected it with mobile kits, connected it with digital radio stations for anyone trains signalmen? the communications academy trains signalmen. on the basis of the academy of communications there is a cadet faculty, there is also an operational unit, we have cut all the schools, there is only one left, that is, now there is not enough, the chief approved it
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the chief general, the minister of defense , the decision, because resources are needed, but i think that we will still come to the conclusion that the number of schools will need to be increased, of course, but these are the signalmen who are there when the assault group is marching, they are simply assigned , these units have three radiotelephonists, one who always works with the commander, and two who ensure the preparation of communications equipment, and if necessary, that you have to run with a machine gun, of course, altai, altai, he shoots, he conducts combat operations performing a task along with the shooters, what kind of war? counting from the year ninety-two - the lieutenant graduated and arrived to serve in the twenty-seventh guards motsolkov division from the year ninety-two chechan
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companies syria svo, so the experience is gigantic, but nothing compares with svo, no. you can’t compare it linearly, you can compare it in terms of efficiency, i believe that now in terms of the control system, through communications, we are not inferior to the enemy, and in some places we are even superior, especially in the transport network, which have unique options when we we bring internet tools and rostelecom services
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to the forefront, here they are new switches, field, push-button numbers.
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there are grandchildren, yes, of course, there are five, five grandchildren, yes, but how many years, 48, well, 49 already, you were somehow in a hurry, if grandchildren 5:48, that’s not the right word, just like, like i managed to do everything, i’m 60, i’m five in the leg, and you’re 48, it’s always been the most difficult thing, always, starting from the time of education, here are the connections, this is 1919, well...
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yes, absolutely true, but at the same time , as a backup backup connection, did not reach
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the messenger, the weight of the head, or the dog, the dog, our, our property of the republic, the skit, comrade captain, vasily sanych, what he came up with, the director of transtelecom. when i left the army in 1999, i went to work as an engineer at transtelecom
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, in fact i rose to the rank of director there and it turned out that it works well, well, quickly and is actually not that expensive, at the moment we are checking the serviceability of the welded line, so the light passes through us on the cable, yes red, that is, well, the cable is in good working order, but we can measure it. that is, before how to deploy it, what will it fix where we have broadband, radio lines based on b, what is broadband? so to speak, in the risk zone , the so-called last mile, that is, we brought the internet cable to the point through the plates to the battalion at the pressure point, already a section, this is already a distribution, here is another developer, another head for which even
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unfortunately yandex does not provide , writes ukrainian names, but this is for clarity, yandex is generally a separate topic. exactly, here you have a fully interactive map, they are here now they developed a segment, here they are in my border, i’m there for you, they pulled out this picture here via the internet, that is, i can give it essentially to any security point where there is internet installed bpredley for weeks they tried to evacuate, but the place was targeted, it was the front line, and they repeatedly mined it. approach to it, accordingly , there was a prepared crew, a repair and evacuation group, which , having waited for good weather, there was fog, rain, i like the definition of good weather, good weather, they set out and completed the task, of course it was not so simple, but i think, guys, what was the main thing, that is, under fire, and in the night, without flashlights, without anything, because it was
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early morning, this is on to the touch, to the touch, yes , that is, together and immediately for this the men, it’s nice, nice, very nice, who gave it, the deputy commander, during the evacuation also their non-standard fastenings were torn out, yeah, they exposed their earrings, well, before accordingly, our crew would go out , prepare reconnaissance, work on interfering, that means it was probably about five minutes before you drove away and mortar fire began on the point where the evacuation took place, and cluster bombs went off and the mortar fired. we were already far away, well, tell us what kind of beast it is, bmppdley m2, three modification, this means this car was restored in the twenty-second year, it is modernized, it has an engine from the twenty-second year, the mileage is 240 km, then there are fresh ones, that’s for sure, well
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, relatively speaking, if we compare even our breadly bmps. well, of course we have weapons here we are much more powerful, there is a twenty-five-millimeter automatic machine gun and a 762 machine gun, respectively , we have a one-hundred-millimeter cannon , for six people, uh, what other disadvantage does it have, it is completely digital, this model is digital, in combat conditions, in conditions of military operations it is not subject to military repair, that is... only if it is taken to the factory and such events are carried out, yes, here and there it gets through, but you can only get here out of great trouble or there is also a dwarf, it is about 70 cm higher than the bmp3, that is, it is noticeable, and , accordingly, the engine is weaker and the maximum
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speed here is 56 km/h, while ours is 76, that is, our equipment is more maneuverable. here ours are an order of magnitude better, well, the weight is 34, then it doesn’t float, that is, it’s not clear what they got, they have armor-piercing shells, the set is 900 shells, they have 300 loaded, and the remaining 600 are put under their floor, in case if you need to get ammunition, you need to remove this floor and pull it out from there drawers floor well, this is not a quick job, has this additional body kit already been done or what? this is what also complicates everything, that is, we are superior in all respects, in all respects, we restored everything, did it, but inside the turret is not so hot and there is not much space, there is very little space,
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they tried to get through here and there , no, it’s impossible, in winter clothes, you won’t be able to climb in, right? it’s very difficult, and if you evacuate, it’s just a disaster, bradley, bradley, ugh, well, realistically speaking, well, we point out the president of the russian federation for his valor, courage and courage during a special military operation was awarded. i congratulate everyone on these high state awards, i probably wish only one thing, a speedy victory, take care of yourself and your subordinates. remember that in your hands is not only a stable, reliable connection, but the implementation of those tasks that are entrusted to you, i wish you success, thank you for your combat work,
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keep it up, guys, thank you, one young lady got drunk on sgusars of wine and asked to steal a regiment for the sake of peace. siberia, siberia, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang it, we
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’ll sew it together, i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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