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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 5:00pm-5:21pm MSK

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end wars, crawl, jump and run , and most importantly, win for it, there is such a job, to be a defender, when you become a professional, it becomes your life’s work, military work, serve, call your heart , join your people.
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much more than others, you have great connections, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00.
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or by phone vladimir putin and ilham aliyev. the russian leader noted the high level of relations between moscow and baku and congratulated his azerbaijani colleague on his birthday. today ilham aliyev turned 62 years old. vladimir putin noted his great contribution to strengthening allied relations between our countries and azerbaijan’s success in the development of the economy and social sphere. vladimir putin allowed rosbank to buy out ussr shares in russian companies and banks , among others. french financial group ccet. the general, let me remind you, stopped its activities in russia last year, rossbank previously belonged to it, the deal to sell it to vladimir potanin’s interest was closed last may. the new people party and the growth party decided to unite and nominate a single candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. the leader of the new people, alexey nechaev, announced this at the pre-election congress today. let's find out the details from my colleague anton potkovenko, he is now joining the broadcast, at the same time in a businesslike manner, in the spirit of his party.
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it’s also not accidental and not just like that, it’s innovative, it’s starting its election race, and from today it’s already working out. yuri, yes, anton, thank you, anton potkovenko, about the results of the pre-election congress of the new people party. hundreds of russians have already signed in support of the nomination vladimir putin to participate in the presidential elections. the collection of signatures, let me remind you, is taking place throughout the country. the current president runs for election as a self-nominated candidate, according to the law he must collect at least 300,000 signatures. no more than 7.5 glue holidays during the new year holidays are the most people. 20 sites have been opened in the krasnoyarsk territory, most of them in the capital of the region. dozens of points in the novosibirsk and irkutsk regions. there are currently four signature collection points operating in st. petersburg. but tomorrow they will open in every district of the city. a
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you can support vladimir putin’s candidacy in kursk. there, the election headquarters works in the regional branch of the popular front. new regions are also actively collecting signatures. in the kherson region, points are opening. all collected signatures will be transferred to the cbircom center. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and save up for the wedding faster. class. and everything will work out at vtb. vlitual. new year's gifts are absolutely for everyone. buy two and get thirds free. everything is best when you find a reason to get together. order at sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. magic conditions, real rate of up to 16.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive additional income, apply online at the 2 billion draw
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the two strongest teams in the country in recent years, the capital's dynamo and kazan zenit, competed for the trophy, and our sports correspondent stas radikultsev is watching their confrontation, he has now contacted the studio directly from the dynamo sports palace, i welcome stas. how is the game going, who is ahead? great, yes , yuri, greetings, but here at the dynamo volleyball arena today there is practically no place to fall to the apple, and people keep coming and coming, and there are really countries, dynamo moscow and zenit from kazan, i must say that they have this confrontation is still interesting in itself, because there are great lineups, great masters, and the first set ended very well.
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not only me, but the whole family is with me, we love it very much, we practically never miss a single match on tv, so it’s a great date and a great one. the final of the women's national cup took place in st. petersburg and
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the dynamo volleyball players won there, but we will tell you about how events will develop here on the court about our next broadcasts. yura, yes, well, we’ll keep an eye on it, stas, thank you, stas ridultsev, about the final match of the russian volleyball cup with the participation of dynamo moscow and kazan zenit. now the enemy’s next attempt to take positions on the left bank of the dnieper was thwarted in the spetsop zone. what happened was that eight direct hits was very good. the military of the jet division in the kherson region is now
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working on the principle of response, as soon as there is noise in soushniki, ours pacify it. now our cities have beautifully flown to the area of ​​the right bank of the dnieper, to our enemy, to swim to our left bank. in the calculation, the military from bashkiria and crimea, here at the front they defend their native lands, the soldiers in the positions clearly understand. fold the package and quickly leave the fire zone, because he notices very quickly and escorts and responses arrive, constantly in the sky, stow the parachute, refuel, change the battery, the intensity of enemy strikes periodically drops, the impact of shell hunger and a sharp reduction in personnel, in groups of militants of the kiev regime they are trying to enter the left bank of the dnieper, but here they are already
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met by our artillery. our goals are different these are boats that are trying to land on our shore, these are groups of drgs that were discovered on our shore from settling in a house. guys from donbass are fighting here in february last year, when the russian army stood up to defend a resident of the ldpr, local men immediately signed contracts and went to the front with the russians. military groups of dnepr troops are conducting a counter-battery fight in the kherson direction, reacting quickly to prevent militants from approaching the left bank. margarita semenyuk, alexander snichek, lead kherson region, embankment sidewalks. aipetra suffered the most, traffic there on the mountain roads is literally paralyzed, cars cannot get through and get stuck. and in sochi , they are eliminating the consequences of a powerful storm that has been raging in the region since friday, due to strong winds, which... one person died, the roofs were torn off from several residential buildings by the wind,
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power engineers are restoring electricity supply in four areas where the power line was damaged, in weather: thousands of lives saved, thanks to the unique equipment, with its help the surgeons of the institute monica performs operations on heart vessels without anesthesia incisions. every week they operate on about 80 patients with various heart pathologies. with details. on the monitor there is a 3d image of the affected heart vessel, the surgeon examines it from all sides in order to choose the exact treatment strategy, an urgent need for which is widely known, which is most represented in our specialty, it is performed in 99% under local anesthesia, that is, by puncture or radial artery, that is, there is such a small prick on the arm, and here is a small little prick we...after essentially a meter, we reach the artery of the heart, endovascular
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surgeons of the moscow regional research clinical institute for birth of heart attack. in just a week , monika’s surgeons perform about 80 operations, the next patient is 64 years old, this is his first heart operation, the case is serious, so leonid was immediately sent from the moscow region to the capital’s surgeons. this was recently in the cardiology department, so here’s a call from there. i came, iago, they took me here to this monica, they say that i had a heart attack, and i nothing since the age of 70 with severe , to compensated concomitant pathology, today is exactly the same... case when the patient has two pathologies at once: a heart defect and atherosclerotic heart disease, in general - endovascular surgery was created precisely for solving such problems. the next patient is sergei, the blood supply to his legs is disrupted, cholesterol has accumulated in the walls of the arteries, plaques have formed, and the lumen of the artery is blocked. the man had previously undergone surgery.
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research clinical institute named after vladimirsky also specializes in therapeutic areas. more than 100 professors and doctors of science and about 2.0 doctors and nurses work in monica. every day, patients at the institute receive multidisciplinary medical care. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. actress blogger anastasia ivleeva commented on the situation around her scandalous party in one of the moscow clubs, where many people spoke. for this i apologize to everyone, to society and to my guests who became unwitting participants. of everything that is happening in the media, i am fully aware of my responsibility for what happened, all proceeds from the sale of tickets on the second day, i will personally send to charitable organizations, and not as an act of good deeds for the sake of justification, but simply to do everything possible to stop moscow. western media are increasingly repeating thoughts about the need
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to freeze the conflict in one way or another before the kiev regime collapses. with details natalya goncharova. great disappointment with this epithet characterized the ukrainian counteroffensive former commander in chief of the us army in europe ben hodges. according to him, the blame for the failure in the ssu lies entirely on the shoulders of the west. he admits that all the military's forecasts were to analyze what they were counting on in terms of air force, long-range precision weapons, and other things capabilities that were necessary for this counteroffensive to be successful.
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russia today has an even more powerful army than it had at the beginning of the ukrainian conflict, according to an american political scientist john merschmeier. according to him, this conflict clearly indicated to the west that their army, that the british and germans together could wage a war against russia today, cannot be taken seriously. russian soldiers are well trained, armed, and the german army, like the british army, is in a pitiful state. sanctions imposed by eu countries against moscow. returned against europe itself. over the past year , 50 large fertilizer production plants have closed in the eu. this happened due to attempts by european authorities to attribute profits. approximately 75% of the price of nitrogen fertilizers is the cost of gas. such a step, as experts note, will force owners to continue to close their production facilities, which
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will hit european agriculture hard. natalya goncharova, lead. the ruler of the chinese leadership to further strengthen the comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction between russia and china. mikhail mishustin noted that this year russian-chinese trade and economic cooperation has coped with difficult external challenges reached a new level.
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a meeting of the council of heads of government of the cis took place in moscow. during his speech, mikhail mishustin spoke about the priorities of work within the framework of russia’s chairmanship in the commonwealth bodies in the coming year. this is deepening economic interaction, expanding cultural and humanitarian ties and connecting eurasian integration projects. heads of government. the cis signed the interregional cooperation prepared by russia and for the development of all participants. this is precisely where we see the priority of the russian chairmanship. mikhail mishustin and the head of the delegation also inspected the gallery of russian achievements and the exposition of russian regions at the exhibition at the russia forum. at the end of the excursion
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, the chairman of the russian government called on his colleagues to direct all efforts to the development of industrial rubles, a significant part of which will be used to implement key projects of leading domestic automakers.
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