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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 24, 2023 7:30pm-7:46pm MSK

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the strings of a harp and sinew, the body of a hollowed out piece of wood, the neck is crowned with the head of a horse or bird. on harps, a crane's neck is made of wood, this is what the khanty and mansi people call the harp. this boy’s horse does not stand still; it feeds on foot feed almost all year round. its ancestors - small scythian horses, famously pursued the troops of darius i, took part in the indian campaign of alexander the great and even stormed berlin in 1945.
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half a million horses came to the soviet union from fraternal mongolia. even the ancient iranians worshiped the sun. they counted gold materialization of divine energy and royal power. the golden sun and silver moon have long been symbolized. day and night, the heavenly and underworld , between which the world grew, scratch the camel, you will see a deer, and this is a deer mask with branched antlers from a sarmatian mound in altai, it was put on a horse, in the north they believed that when in the spring a deer sheds its antlers, it comes new year, scratch the deer, you will find a horse, most importantly...
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a hero of the eurasian world. mithra the archer, the sun god, agrees to the treaty, pierces a deer with an arrow. from drops of blood grows the tree of life, on which the fruit ripens, either a falcon or an eagle soars in the sky. solar whirlwinds around the miter mark the energy of the new annual cycle and the deer again. in the amud delta. sculptor belar tsarikaev draws inspiration from the bronze wonders of the kabansky burial mounds. the relatives of the skiifs buried there were the ancestors of the alan ossetians, ingush, chechens, turkic-speaking balkars and karachais. look at these
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turkic runes, they resemble scandinavian ones, but are read completely differently, which is quite a typical phenomenon for eurasia. it is known that these runes were used during the time of the turkic kaganate; in the middle ages, a book of signs was inscribed with their help. irkbetik, as valuable for the turks as for the chinese of the skavokaganate.
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not only the texts of the holy scriptures were written on it, ordinary people corresponded in cyrillic, as evidenced by novgorod text messages, birch bark letters and graffiti on the walls of sophia of novgorod. in the horde era , russian texts became the main alphabet using ur runes, the slavs say. comes from the word, therefore slavs, people who speak intelligibly language, unlike the germans, that is, dumb, but scratch the russian language you will find hundreds of anglicisms, germanisms, and of course turkisms, pants and a jacket, a scarf and a hat, a robe.
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the first books in cyrillic were the gospel psalter. the word psalter goes back to the psaltery, a middle eastern instrument of the times, to the sounds of the kanthal sounded from the mouths of karelian rune singers, the world-famous kalivala. the belarusian cymbals, the persian kanun, the chinese qin, and the korean have their history. the instruments have one thing in common, like many eurasian musical instruments.
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cows, snakes or cowries. kauuri symbolized fertility, protected from evil spirits, they were placed like nickels on the eyes of the deceased. at the same time, cowries served as money; their shape formed the basis of the first hieroglyph. most cowries were found in the maldives. the question is, where are the beaches of the maldives? and where, say, are the forests along the great indian path, the elder brother of the great silk. in this reton from a parthian city, a mesa in
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modern turkmenistan, indian ivory, the image of greek gods and the indorian simurgh coexist perfectly, winged, horned. more familiar than the coins of the later kushan kingdom, here are shiva and the bull nandi from the hindu pantheon, the greek hephaestus, the iranian goddess ardohsho, the amu darya solar mithra, all minted at one state mint. chorkasro, dot mardeyaram. در عرب بود گفت لا من اینب خواهم نه انگور ای دغا آن یکی تورکه بود و گفت all rights
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reserved ک کنیم استافیل را از دانیشدهی گفت هر یکتان. because i'm from the north, or what? i'm ready to tell you about the field, about the wavy face at to the moon, shagan, you are mine, shagan, because i’m from the north, or something, that the moon there is 100
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times huge, no matter how beautiful the time was, it is not the best of ryazan’s expanses, expanses, expanses. because i'm from the north, or what? this festive outfit of the 19th century preserves the memory of how, thousands of years ago, the armenian people saw off their beloved king artashes i on his last journey. in a gold-woven mantle, as historian mavses kharinatsi writes, the king reclined on a silk bed, which was the first mention in armenian history. iran and armenia to the middle east, the mediterranean to europe. armenia to
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the great silk road began to be recognized by carpets. it is not for nothing that the english carpet is so similar to the armenian carpet, a knotted carpet. one of the central branches of the silk road passed through central asia to the shores of the caspian sea, from where the route lay to the caucasus and yes. the silk road changed its channels more than once, forming new branches and channels. and oxbow lakes, the memory of the eurasian highway is preserved by camels on
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the coats of arms of chelyabinsk and semey, these treasures floated along ancient routes from the voryaks to the greeks from... it is now easy to imagine everyday flights from baghdad to stockholm, from istanbul to san petersburg, in the 9th-11th centuries? perhaps, at this time, trade, cultural, and political ties were in the center of everyone’s attention. living overseas is not bad, you shine, what a miracle. the first route led ships along the dnieper and the black sea. constantinople, the gate of eastern christian byzantium. according to legend
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, in 907, oleg, having hung a shield on the gates of constantinople, having concluded an agreement with byzantium regulating the trade of russian merchants, returned home under specially tailored greek, gold-woven, silk robes. the second route went through the caspian sea along the volga. connecting europe with the lands of the central asian empires, and later the arab caliphate , ensured the economic well-being of the three states of russia in the upper reaches of the river, volga bulgaria in the middle and the khazar kaganate in the nezovye volga. bolgar is the capital of volga bulgaria, the strongest of the heirs
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of the turkic koganate, about the homelands of the modern tatars, bashkirs and chuvashs. once upon a time this was the only gateway for trade between russia and the east. how many times did the bulgarians destroy the golden horde? the bolgars reached their greatest prosperity under the rule of uzbek khan. stone even appeared in the city buildings that have partially survived to this day. in the 15th century, bolgar passed the baton to kazan, the capital of the kazan khanate.
7:44 pm
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