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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
the commander has already decided, it’s me, what exactly the commander has decided, let’s look at the presidential passport. and
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new footage from the political behind the scenes aired for the first time. good evening, meeting, meetings, meetings, telephone conversations, the closer the end of the year is, the busier the president’s schedule. this week, vladimir putin submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the presidential elections. i met with the winners of the championship in professional skills, the council on...
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we are getting together, you and i, including me, will go to the end, defending the interests of the country. hello, we now have completely new personnel, the commander decided, putin said so. what are these words about? let's see. the activity of the nato military bloc as a whole, which is working to support the kiev regime and the war in ukraine, has increased sharply. the west continues to wage a hybrid war against russia. assessing the current situation on earth. our troops have the initiative, the enemy is suffering heavy losses, all attempts to inflict military defeat on us were defeated by the courage and fortitude of our soldier, we are grateful to you for what you give us, you gave us a chance to prove ourselves, we manifest themselves, and we will go to the end, so that you know that we will go to the end in any situation, and in this regard, i want to add a homeland to all of us, including me.
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they jumped straight up, stroked them on the head, persuaded them, put them in some kind of patriotic mood, the enemy knew why he was doing this, he was actively working to solve the problem of the disintegration of russia itself, in parallel, he was no less active in the post-soviet space, a special support always became an enemy to ukraine, we worked inside, and there with doubled, tripled by force, why? but because they always believed that... that russia, having lost such potential, would never return to its previous geopolitical positions and would not pose any kind of threat as a competitor, the bet, of course, was placed primarily on the nationalists. russia, for obvious reasons, relied on the southeast of ukraine, where millions of relatives live . this had important domestic political consequences because it prevented extreme nationalists from doing so. achieve real
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power through legal political means, always those political forces that aspired to the highest... posts in the state always had to take into account the opinion of voters in the south-east of ukraine, it was always impossible to come to power without them. the west , with an emphasis on these active, aggressive nationalist forces in ukraine , is faced with the fact that it is impossible to finally achieve its goals by legal means and drag the whole of ukraine to its side, but it doesn’t work, but there is this southeast that comes to the polls and votes for those who talk about the need for good relationships with russia, this is what happened in real life: we did everything for decades in order to build normal relations with the neighboring state, i woke up in the morning and began to think what you did
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for ukraine first of all, and the main thing is that ukraine and russia , truly strategic partnerships.
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simple, because it is expensive, i emphasize, we are talking about a qualitative breakthrough in bilateral relations between russia and ukraine, and the main thing here is not even the money saved in ukraine or lost by russia, the main thing is not gas, and not even the fleet, no matter how important all this is, for our country, for ukraine, the main thing is still the relationship between the two peoples, the relationship of trust in each other, the understanding of commonality, interests and historical goals , the feeling of elbows, well, leonid’s recognition kuchma, how ukrainian politicians told their
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people about russia and relations with it, that to some extent we deceived people, that when they said that ukraine feeds all of russia, they counted everything that was produced in ukraine, i say this politely, at world prices, but the fact that russia is must deliver such confessions from a man who, while still president, predicted what such games would lead to, it would be bad, first of all for ukraine, you can’t wander from side to side, because you can twist the cervical vertebrae while understanding. in order to support the budget of ukraine , the government of the russian federation decided to place part of its
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reserves from the national welfare fund in the amount of 15 billion us dollars in securities of the ukrainian government. i want to attract your attention. we were told all the time, only political means, only this way, where is all this, no hunting
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here, the cameras are working, showing certain gestures, yes, but you understand what gestures i want to show now, that’s what they showed us, they understood that to finally screw ukraine under themselves exclusively by political means failed, and carried out a coup d'etat, depriving us of the chance to build relations with this country in a normal political way.
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near our fence they stick out here and have been sticking out, sorry, they took the baltic states, they took all of eastern europe there, also why, well, just like that a country like russia is not needed, it’s too big , it needs to be divided up and subjugated in pieces, just as they are subjugating europe in pieces, they were very worried about the rapprochement of russia with europe, very much, they should be the masters there, they were frightening all the time, now evil russia is threatening you, the leadership of the united states states says: if russia wins in ukraine now, the next nato countries, why
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do we need these nato countries, we never need them, we never needed them, we don’t need them now, we won’t need them in the future, and why do they say that, to induce their money? pay, that’s why, the united states , having solved their own problems, tearing off, as they believe, ukraine, breaking off russia’s relations with europe, in this regard, they achieved what they wanted, unfortunately, we could not do that, they understood that we... could act, but they did it on purpose, they deliberately dragged us and europe into this conflict, achieved their goal in this sense, pulled russia and europe apart, the weak-willed, spineless generation of today's politicians in europe cannot resist this, having in i see a colossal dependence in the media, in the economy, in politics, but in the political consciousness of many peoples of europe, changes are taking place, they see that the united states. they brazenly, mercilessly exploit europe in their own interests, but
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this is their choice, this is the choice of the peoples of europe, but what exactly we will do is we will defend our interests. for the sake of their country, the largest, most beautiful, for the sake of their homeland , they performed the heroic deeds of russia. all our citizens are proud of you and believe in you. thank you for impeccable, valiant service, for loyalty to military duty. for the precise fulfillment of the assigned task, on such a day at such a moment they are as collected as possible and you need to try to get them to talk, maybe you will smile, finally , why frown so much, today is a big holiday for you, it seems to me that this is always the case, or are you worried, but there is a little , and the photo with the supreme commander-in-chief will be like this, we still managed to find out some details. wounded and continued to fight, and accordingly i was the company commander and supported my guys and fought back
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the enemy’s counter-offensive and such a military brotherhood in everything that we fantasize about, i was worried about you, yes, that’s right, putin remembered the award ceremony that took place in the kremlin a week and a half ago, we are showing all these footage on television for the first time, such a reliable comrade, he is after the award ceremony came up and that's it. what is the question, this is the moment captured by our program, a real man, like me. given, thank you, but why are you a commander worse, just like me , he didn’t know that how the whole crew would be awarded, he didn’t really know, as they say, was worried, so he turned to the president , the military brotherhood was manifested in this, the military brotherhood always exists, will be, nothing can be done without it, but by this time, in my opinion, by
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this time he simply didn’t know, he didn’t know, but ...
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all the awarded heroes, of course, would like to see their relatives now, but the decision depends on their commanders, the commander has already decided, it’s me, although it’s true that putin has completely different intonations and emotions when he talks about nato, and this twice. the west does not give up its goals of harming russia defeats. well, we are not going to give up our goals for a special military operation.
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meeting room of the central election commission, the presidential elections in russia are getting closer, vladimir putin has become the first to submit documents for nomination as.
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fulfillment of all procedures is one of the guarantees of the legitimacy of the elections, we can start accepting documents, yes please, we need to fix the start time of the reception, today december 18, 2023, 16:36 it was just now, 16:36, putin recorded another fact: i'm needed there i was supposed to write my last name, first name, patronymic, i wrote it, but i didn’t have enough space there, i had to wrap it up like that, probably, well, that’s okay, that’s normal. we will probably break it down, the footage from afar showed everything, but our program sees more than others and took a closer look at the presidential documents, passport photocopies, so you submitted
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a statement of consent to run for the post of president of the russian federation, please, a certified copy of your passport, we just got the original reviewed, please, a certified copy of documents about vocational education. certificate from the main place of work, information about sources of income, keep up, information about property, information about expenses, some of the documents were transferred electronically on a flash drive, everything was opened, yes, after checking and processing the documents, the initiative group receives the right to collect signatures for the candidate, how many signatures are there now?
2:53 am
putin in the kremlin is ready for a new most important highway, the entire modern expressway between moscow and kazania, in such a period of time, and this is only 3 years of infrastructure we have never implemented projects of such scale and complexity before, this is an excellent example. now you can get from the moscow kremlin to the kazan kremlin twice as fast as... the president has a huge booklet in his hands, thank you very much, thank you, because the road plans are big, our task is to get to yekaterinburg, which means that for this
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we must the bypass around the embankments of chelny will be completed, by the end of next year the bridge is also a busy one, a serious bridge, almost 100-odd kilometer of bypass, many artificial structures, we must expand the existing m7 highway, build a new section from bashkiria to the sverlovsk region and the perm region. that is, in the twenty-fourth year we will reach yekaterinburg and in the twenty-fifth year we will reach tyumen. and the second point, very important, this route, it’s like the main transport axis, it begins, as you know, with a big river, such streams are connected to it, regional and municipal roads join it.
2:55 am
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2:57 am
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2:58 am
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2:59 am
3:00 am
important advice for strategic projects, but i have equally important things to do, i must go away for a few minutes. unexpectedly, putin goes into his office and gives instructions over the phone. ksenia, yes, ilinich,
3:01 am
thank you. while they are connecting with ksenia ilinishna, the president turns on the lamp, makes the light stronger and works with documents, well, that’s it. the same face.


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