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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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you know, i look, here i am, i may be wrong, but i have this inner feeling that i personally lack an objective biography and analysis of stalin.
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here, deprived of both anti and pro, well, just serious, objective work, because over these 2 years, somehow a lot of things are perceived completely differently, without justification for repression, that is, i ’m not talking about this in any way, but you begin to perceive a lot of things as if completely differently, by the way, just now with my comrades before the transfer we discussed some one detail from his biographies, but today, while preparing for the program, i watched how... well, by chance i watched some films there, including how they were preparing for the defense of moscow, and on october 15 an order comes out, already an order, and not signed by stalin, but prescriptive, including stalin had already left moscow on october 16th, he saw this order, well , there are different ministries in kuibysh, in samara , the current one, he said, no, this is out of the question, but panic has already begun in moscow, panic in this film is also shown, historical movie, well, okay, i’m not talking about this now, since skorod
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asked me, about stalin, my comrades and i were meeting yesterday, just at one of the borders passing along the istra, so you showed him the chechvarka, so let him do better joins us, so we gathered with my comrades, who from all over russia collected 150,000 new year's gifts for the front, 150,000, you can imagine, and take them to the trenches there, 20,000 were already taken from rostov, here are my comrades...
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happened, now this this this provocation has acquired due to an incident that was discussed by the whole country, well, including with your presentation, but i want to focus on something else, why i am grateful to you, because this sodomy has haunted us all these 30 years, it jumped out on the screens, it’s with a blue moon, every new year’s light, she and house two accompanied us to the transfer. with films , which always accompanied one festival or another, we finally began to feel what we had gained, in this connection, through this blood of people, through death, we began to acquire a little self-awareness, this moral, sometimes, this this happened most often on programs, sometimes you, for example, i am grateful to you for this, although you and i often argued here, because of stalin.
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but sometimes a ray of light penetrated into your programs there in the form of prokhanov or zyuganov, on others not, but who stood opposite us, rehenhaus, there were private performances where these gennady andrevich and aleksan andreevich ran naked, the doors are always open, that is, i don’t know , they say it’s a pass-through, yes, but you know, you’re a creative person, apparently you did it, well, most likely you’ll be there your marsist essence prompted us, by the way, we called gennady andreevich, he somehow...
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how many, you’ll start interrupting me, this is not an election program, so i don’t want to go deeper, but i’m grateful to you that even in those sadomistic years, you still tried somehow to maintain this... this balance, this incident, it is more valuable to me precisely because for us it becomes an exception, but we have all forgotten that this was the rule , this was the rule at school, so yesterday i was traveling from istra, yes, from this activist, from our congress, i always stop by this line, which passes near snegeri, where my father fought, my grandfather, as part of these siberian divisions that came then, and before that... i drove past the new jerusalem monastery and i think, but it was blown up, you know, yes, the germans blew it up when they retreated, they blew it up, and i note this for myself, i think it’s a strange thing, and today these 30 years have passed,
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the line of defense passed through the church, through the soviet past , on russophobia, on communists and certainly on the church, and today on the church in ukraine, and today from memory. and in this sense, i return to this, the pass that alexander mikhailovich gives me from the press conference of the past president, where he says: we need to equalize everyone who is fighting at the front, although there are volunteers, and i immediately noted for myself , we need to level up not only volunteers or non-volunteers
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mobilized, we need to level up all teachers in our country, this is a very important task, it can be more important than even the key rate, because a person receiving 40... thousand in buryat is a teacher or 150 here in moscow, these are different things, because i told you, i told you, in tajikistan there is a russian school that we built, russia, 600 people per place, a teacher, a competition, you can imagine this somewhere here in russia, just that, it ’s about the same salary as in moscow for a teacher, that’s all, and there won’t be this sadomy, we’ll bury it altogether, returning to... what worries us today before the new year, before congratulating, of course , each of us feels in our hearts what is happening in russia, ukraine west, look how the rhetoric is changing , you showed it before you started the program, but in fact, nothing has changed,
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suddenly russia lost again, they all say, stoltenberg, everyone else, just recently 2 weeks ago they said ukraine, unfortunately, they sang defeat with this, well, the russians achieved nothing, we just need to get together and continue to supply , with a counter-offensive, and now after 2 weeks, supply, supply, and before that they said the same thing in turkey, yes, when we almost agreed, supply, why am i fighting? i’m repeating this seemingly well-known truth , which we experts often say here, i want to say the following, you know, volodya, because of course... they are dying, this senator said, russian ukrainians, well, it’s like he’s 1000 vers far away in america, and then he seemed to say this simple truth, why should we rejoice, and how should we russians rejoice or there for the death of russians or
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ukrainians, but then i want to say the following, isn’t it time for us to break this paradigm, the point is which, look, is not beneficial either to us or ukraine, europe, and the south cannot fight. which also you are talking about china there is india, not only even our people, it means that no one benefits except america, america is doing well, the economy is growing, growing, orders from the military industry are growing, they are interested, we say, but we are not , well, then we need to, i tell myself like this inside and i decided to say it to you, we need to break this, but how can we break the americans, if it benefits them, you won’t force them, they will continue to do it. so i’m leading to the next thing, i’ve already expressed this to you once, but now i want to escalate things, so how can i force america? america can be forced not only there are 500 people, you say , some mercenaries died there, only when it feels like in afghanistan its own, its own future loss of blood, and that means danger for itself,
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then we need to get out of those international treaties that hit... the time has come to withdraw from all the resolutions, even if they do not entail anything, that we signed at one time in the security council, we were not mistaken a lot, you also need to answer yourself, that ’s what the president said correctly about trust , he didn’t decipher it, but there was also libya, it was active trust, when the president was really another person, it was afghanistan, when we helped these americans, it was from urdes that we left, they left kamran, so... it seems to me that we need to re-evaluate these agreements, we need to get out of them and let them be afraid that we
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are negotiating with the koreans there, about what, about what technologies, where, what, how, we need to get out, there is no need be afraid, because when i listen to the deputy minister of foreign affairs, who says: here they are, they’ll take away our funds now, and we ’ll stop diplomatic relations with america there, but what, why didn’t we stop it earlier, then, i say to myself, they immediately pulled our butt, only, he’s supposedly what - he will supply weapons that supposedly can be used to kill someone from the americans, but these have been supplying weapons from which they kill russians for so many years, when they confiscate them from us, it means that it’s better to confiscate them, because they still don’t have this money , and what you say about foreigners, they are still working bad, they are working, it is necessary that we not only do not make it difficult for them to get out, this exit, by the way, the chinese and vietnamese have long ago made it difficult, they did it without any war, go take it out, you can bring it in, here we need to get out of all international...
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to what extent i know, maybe i’m wrong, of course, but mechanisms for withdrawing from a security council resolution do not exist; something can be announced. you can leave the security council, of course, who will be better off from it. i still want to return a little about something else, so to speak, to our ukrainian
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affairs, this week there was an extended meeting, an expanded board of the ministry of defense, there was a report from the president, very informative, as always, and there was a report from the minister of defense, plus it was repeated on friday by the chief of the general staff at the annual meeting on thursday. say a few words about the rear, about the rear in the broad sense, such as the state of the economy, the state of industry, agriculture, the level of public support, a special military operation, and in the narrow sense, about those branches troops that ensure the conduct
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of combat operations, if we talk about the rear in a broad sense, the minister of defense in his report cited very... such figures are indicative, but firstly, our defense industry has quadrupled its production capacity since the start of the special operations and switched to round-the-clock operation. the number of tanks has increased five and six times, infantry fighting vehicles by 3.6, armored personnel carriers by 3.5, and unmanned vehicles.
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aircraft are reconnaissance and attack landset types. moreover, in the field conditions, defense industry enterprises have deployed 270 mobile repair shops for complex medium and large repairs of military equipment, despite the fact that it is possible. and the repair capabilities of the armed forces increased by one and a half times, in the shortest possible time the railway connection with the donbass was restored, and if we talk about the activities of the engineering troops, railway troops, military builders, now ukraine has switched to defense, it seems to have begun to build
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these lines of defense, but now you look these are ukrainian. rollers when the excavator digs there is a trench that immediately fills with water, because naturally no drainage work is being carried out , well, i want to cry, of course, there i stand knee-deep in water, well, you can’t stand it often , wait, general alexander stovitsky would quickly bring them to their senses, yuri mikhailovich can’t have something like this, ours builds in such a way that you’re surprised, here are the numbers, which is good, downright amazing.
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shelters for equipment, just think about these figures, this is the amount of work, and, as the minister of defense said, 82% of all work in the zone special military operation was carried out precisely by the engineering, construction and railway troops, that is, this work, which allows, firstly, very... well, i won’t say there, of course the word comfortable does not fit, but in any case, in our human conditions military personnel and fight and rest in between battles , ammunition, as the minister of defense said, our troops, our grouping is provided 100% in the scope of the tasks performed, well, let's add, just so that people understand, at the first stage, the west was sure that we
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we will fail, because the russian army has always , as they read, been weak in logistics and will not be able to... keep up the advance, as experience has shown for 2 years, we deliver to the front line every day, let me remind you, it is 2,000 km long, we deliver millions, yes, millions, i visited the railway troops , took a ride on the legendary, by the way , railway, well, an armored train that ensures passage, so they brought it, i spoke with the major general, he is responsible for this part of the work in... one of the groups, the men are amazingly trained, that is, here they are they are traveling on this armored train, they are restoring the tracks, clearing mines, working out. against the drgs they ensure the passage of cargo, they only dragged more than during the great patriotic war, that is, just imagine, that is, we are talking about millions and
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millions and millions, that is, this is all that is delivered, and on time on time, this is the uninterrupted operation of everything, starting from water, ending with the most complex equipment and personnel, that is , it should work amazingly, so speaking, speaking about engineering... our board, the board of the ministry of defense, the report of the president, the minister, saber-rattling, war hysteria, well, in general
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, all these, this is good, yes, and this is true, because, just as the minister cited numbers, there the triad has practically been updated by, well, by 82%, and for some components by 100%, the ground forces have received. many target submarines and eight surface ships, while the united states, by the way, this year, as far as i remember, launched one virginia and
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two surface ships, that is, who is there whoever lags behind is angry, this is still necessary, this is a controversial, controversial issue, but as the minister of defense said, and if we speak so to speak, this is about the overall military potential.
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the entire system of military training has been rebuilt, 800 training centers are operating around the clock, 60,000 people are being trained in military educational institutions of the ministry of defense under new programs, the experience of a special military operation is being quickly introduced, that is, how quickly the leadership of the ministry of defense reacts , and management state's response to what is happening in the zone of a special military operation is simply, simply amazing, well, in conclusion, i want to say a few words, the foring affairs magazine is considered almost a mouthpiece, so to speak,
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the main think tank in the field of foreign policy, but sometimes you read the articles, but it’s such a shame, on thursday they published an article: there is a real nuclear threat from russia, i won’t retell it, it’s complete nonsense. recommendation: you need to give a very clear signal to the so-called ours that you can avoid a shameful defeat, not without humiliation, you can avoid defeat without humiliation, a way out of this conflict. we need to convince our elites that only a few will be punished for the so-called aggression. senior officials that reparations to ukraine will be very moderate and limited, sanctions will probably be lifted, and russia will be allowed...
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don’t think that the west is going to turn into a friend, that the west should strain itself, so lower it, no, no, that’s why i still we have to repeat the photograph of my grandfather at the urdenburg gate and reach lisbon, vladimir vladimirovich said that these countries are not for us are needed, but just to explain something , sometimes you have to... knock so politely on a visit to ask, now you understand this, please, well, i’ll continue what you just said, i can’t help but quote sunzu, and he most likely was not the first to say that war is a path of deception, and what we see now in the american press, all sorts of different comments that, in fact... is
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the propaganda that accompanies real military operations, for example, talk about that now we really want to go to negotiations, because putin definitely needs negotiations, because he has achieved what he wanted, achieved, and now for some reason he wants to make peace, right? russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science. our children open the doors of modern classrooms, we create new cultural spaces, and of course, we open new routes to the point of attraction, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, i asked her to quietly steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at her court, my daughter is fine.
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drown 2. hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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