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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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and in our case, of course, we are not a nation in the sense that barel and every other european official assumes, because the moment we become just a nation, we will cease to exist as the greatest power in the world and become several fragments in this territory, which will be an excellent opportunity for our western colleagues to carry out expansion.
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loves, but at the same time the elite is like this all the time, and this does not change in any way, and to understand for yourself, honestly answer the question that we, for europeans, as a collective society, both for the population and for the elite that this population represents, we will always be an alien element, inexplicable, incomprehensible, at best we can cause fear and a desire not to mess with us, at worst if we wish to end this now, we will never return to this issue. and uh, you know, don’t confuse
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the joy of receiving luxurious tips with love for the people, 100%. and, to understand this perception of us, here is sekorsky, minister foreign affairs of poland declares, says: “the russians want to usurp the right to give permission to one people to become a nation, but not to another.” but unfortunately, it so happened that over the last 100 years, during the period of the soviet union, we had a specific policy, one of many. peoples who are peoples, historical communities, but were not nations and did not have experience of statehood, artificially made a state with whom today we are trying to build relations in general, it just so happened this space, this space that the russian people mastered, created political institutions, developed statehood and spread their civilization and culture in this space, if the europeans do not understand this, it will only be worse for the europeans, because they are exactly the same as...
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will not imagine evaluate, there is a lot of controversy about this series, but not about it, i want to say that if we analyze these relations between the west and us, this large, variously called, east slavic, eurasian, russian-orthodox civilization, this is for outside of political, diplomatic , economic relations there, these are already psychological relations, and europe, the west, they are sick with such a russian complex, this constant attempt to unravel the russian soul, it’s so...
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this is a typical affective state, fast, explosive, when it seems everything would have been clear in the spring, it was necessary to conclude an agreement, something didn’t work out for the russians, something didn’t work out for the ukrainians, the west didn’t succeed in ’22, but suddenly johnson comes and says: no, there’s nothing to conclude we will, now articles are coming out one after another in which they discuss what happened, why this happened, just now an article has been published in the new york times, one of the authors, by the way, i think is russian by birth , anton troyanovsky, and two americans, and there is an interesting point that is constantly repeated in western analytical texts , publications, to humiliate, to inflict a humiliating defeat, that’s what evgeniy petrovich was talking about, defeat, but without humiliation, they have such a complex in front of putin that they have this
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desire to deliver to him even for a minute something unpleasant, it evokes some kind of voluptuous feeling in them, look how in the west every birthday of the russian leader...
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but what will happen to the usa and what kind of outburst will go outside, we cannot guess this with accuracy or not, but simply analyze on the basis of objective assessments, but let’s be fair to ourselves, we have the same complexes, our main complex and our main weakness, that’s where we started the program. this is ambivalence, what is it? we have a combination of tender hostile feelings towards the west, that’s what we’re talking about, that is on the one hand, we understand that we are part of this culture, we don’t need to explain who picasso is, which means great french literature, german classical philosophy,
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we are part of this tradition, but on the other hand there is a certain continuity of accumulation of hostility that there is both rejection and overcoming. i say, listen, how to determine the people or the pleps? i say, there are some criteria, how can we separate the people from the plebs? says, well, it’s in the sensations, that’s it , those who go to parties are like that, that’s it they accept that this is the part, the rest is the pleps, and i ask the following question: who is greater, the people or the pleps? says, well
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, you know, there can’t be too many people, the people are the chosen ones, that’s the pleps, that is, the pleps are the majority, and this is a very, you know, accurate definition of how westerners are. perceives their own country, their own civilization, as something that needs to be overcome, look at how they treat our cult, how they treat our culture, the soviet past, everything is negative. i was also at one of the discussions and we remember there the blockade of leningrad , cakes ate in smolny there, it means 401 years of heroic deed of a soldier, there is something there, that means, the ribentrop hammer pact and you must find some nasty thing in your history, or even it wasn’t even possible in principle, often invent it, spin it to the incredible scale and then splash out to say, well, well, we must tell the truth, but the truth is so specific, in conclusion, it’s not for nothing that stalin was today... we remembered, here is our friend, comrade, amazing belarusian journalist, grigory azarenok, on stalin’s birthday
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produced such a large text, in general, somewhere it sacralizes the figure of the leader, but it makes you think about a lot of things, now it’s christmas, the 24th, twenty-fifth, yes, among catholics, in the west, and some, some orthodox christians celebrate according to the so-called new julian calendar , but let’s not go into it now , on the twenty-fifth, christmas in hitler’s propaganda... will confirm a big role, they said, well, here’s christmas, let’s wait for christmas, all your problems will be solved, you’ll be in warm houses there, you’ll have gifts from the fuhrer and so on, every christmas of the 41st, 42nd, 43-4 was dreary, i found this term from one german writer, today in the west there is a dreary christmas, a dreary christmas, they have no good news for their voters, for their citizens. next year is coming, and you know, for some reason i remembered in this regard, the year forty-four,
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next year we will have the anniversary of the liberation of belarus, when we celebrate independence day, the year forty-four was the year of ten stalinist blows, let me the completion of today's program will be almost like a toast, let next year be years of putin's blows in all directions , economic, political, diplomatic and so on, because russia's victory...
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this russophobic feeling from this issue does not leave, that is, this it doesn’t
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matter at what level the person meeting the person is, who is it? is this a high-ranking, quote-unquote, high-ranking person sitting somewhere in high political circles, or is he just an employee of some company, they still ask this question, but they ask it not because they are interested in where i get such an accent, but because inside them is what vadim said, this inner fear, it is really present. that is, as soon as they hear a russian accent, they automatically have this really feeling of anxiety, which is very difficult to hide, when then, then it all diverges there after the first or second, sometimes after the third, well, they already begin to take it calmly , well, after the bath, in general , all questions are removed, i almost always i’m asking a question, what gives you away is that you are a russian saint talking about a bathhouse, a hat, earflaps, a parachute that drags behind you. parts
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of which stick out , approximately so, but here i am some time ago, well, just recently, i was well known to you in the city of rome and i managed to visit a place that probably not everyone can find themselves in, i was on the roof that building that adjoins st. peter's cathedral, that is... right on the roof itself, i literally could touch the dome of the cathedral with my hand st. peter, well, that is, already in the vatican it turns out, this is in the vatican, yes, this is directly in the vatican, from the place where i was there, this square is clearly visible in front of me.
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they are the same as us, everything is the same for them , here they are torn off, here they don’t succeed, there is a staircase along which somewhere i climbed there, well , i won’t tell you in detail, but you also ask yourself questions about where it all comes from, and then you start talking with these people and you understand how different we are, this difference, it was not by chance that i said about this the square on which the christmas tree is installed, because look, no one in the west thinks about this, no one asks this question , they say all the time, we can’t... install this, as they say, christian tree, christmas tree, because that here we will offend someone, there we will offend someone, but in russia the christmas tree is not set up for christmas, for the new year, that is, this, well, this is a little thing that peter once probably invented it there or he conceived, but in principle it is a spruce that brings joy, which is not staged for any particular
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religion, every needle makes us happy, absolutely right, this is such... this is understandable, this is absolutely normal, so much of what is now written and said in europe, in particular in germany about russia, i have does not cause surprise, i understand that it causes surprise among my colleagues , what biel writes, what spiegel writes does not cause surprise to me, because i understand quite clearly, they do not understand us, i am also part of the russian world, definitely, never hid it and did not
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i hide it, on the contrary, i emphasize it everywhere, they simply don’t understand us, they don’t understand our mentality.
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and we will fight against russia, well, finally , i just promised here, and i will definitely tell you this, remember, i literally just recently told you that it is imperative to increase taxes, now the so-called economic sages, there is such a group in germany, that’s what the wise men call them, they came up with a proposal that is 100% already discussed at the top, let’s increase the vat a little, but this is such a hot topic,
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because society doesn’t just... go for an increase in vat, but there is a justification, there they give a justification, well, look, today we are saying that our budget is cut, we don’t have the opportunity to allocate money, but we understand that ukraine will disappear without us , but how can we find this money, if we increase vat just a little bit, today vat in germany is in different amounts, in principle, about 20%, we will say, it varies there, for different categories of services, for different categories of goods, it may vary, this, let us let's increase it a little. then, for a year, every resident of germany will invest about 70 euros into this piggy bank through vat, but if we multiply by 88, almost 90 million of the population of germany, we get... there are approximately 70 billion euros, exactly the money that is needed germany in order to patch up its holes, which will then be transferred to ukraine. i think that this
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idea will not pass, that is, neither the bundestag nor the population will pass this, but this is necessary for this in order to throw in this idea and discuss it, for this we need a war in ukraine, because otherwise it will not be possible to increase the vat, but if, through biel, through spiegel, we bring all this to hysteria, that’s it. we will have a war , now it is already on the threshold, come on, what is 70 euros, well , you won’t even feel it, but we will give it to ukraine, they will fight with russia, this needs to be understood, we will take it into account, christmas gifts are good, but not interrupted when it came to the humiliating defeat for russia, but there were humiliating moments in my life, probably the most humiliating was the performance yeltsin, god bless america, well, so realistically speaking, it’s hard to imagine that this is more humiliating. and the orchestra? this was already the vulgarity that followed, but when it was public, this idol of communism, i
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couldn’t hear it directly, and the joy, and the joy of all the congressmen, well, why did you come for them and sign of your weakness , the main enemy, that is came with surrender, that is, of course it was humiliating , probably one of the most incomprehensible images for me, well, i still remember this picture, when the flag is flown on new year's eve our homeland, and you think, why, why? now years are passing, yes, when we really realize the full horror of this global world catastrophe, because all the wars that are taking place and took place on the territory of the former soviet union, in fact, they were generated by stupidity, lack of will and betrayal of the elites of the last soviet union. or peter, well, someone like putin and ten , you remember greatness, you remember stalin with blows, lukashenko can be touched here, this is greatness, and humiliation is yeltsen,
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now advertising, after that we will continue, look, to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch. this is the earliest mention of the most important christian holiday. by that time , the ban on christianity had already been lifted in the roman empire, and the new religion was becoming more widespread. according to some sources,
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jesus christ appeared on the twenty- fifth. there is a version that on this day the romans celebrated the festival of the sun for centuries, and pope liberius chose this date. and according to the julian calendar, which the orthodox church follows. the son of god was born in night from 7 to 8 january. one way or another, for all christians. this is a bright holiday. baby jesus received gifts from the magi, and this is where the tradition of giving each other gifts at christmas came from. on december 25, 800, charlemagne, king of the franks, became emperor. the ceremony took place in rome in st. peter's basilica. charles founded the kingling dynasty. he conquered many nations and conquered vast territories where france, italy, germany and other states are located today. first. after the fall of the roman empire, charles united most of the western and central europe, which is why charlemagne is called the father of europe. on that day , the coronation was not officially planned, everyone
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gathered for christmas mass, but pope leo, as if unexpectedly, put the crown on the head of the monarch as he prayed at the altar. the king pretended to be dissatisfied, but did not refuse. even the byzantines recognized his title, but after the death of charles , the unity of the empire was preserved. failed, the heirs divided it among themselves. in 1936, on this day in the ussr , the main state christmas tree was installed for the first time in columned hall of the house of unions. immediately after the revolution, christmas trees were abolished as a religious relic. only in the mid-thirties, a prominent soviet figure, pavel postoshev, of course, not unknown to stalin, called for reviving the tradition of organizing new year's holidays. the fifteen-meter-tall beauty was crowned in the columned hall. star and other ideological symbols, but this did not prevent a fun carnival and masquerade with father frost and his granddaughter snow maiden, this was her first appearance as a new year's character.
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the country's tenth main christmas tree was moved to st. george's hall of the large kremlin palace, and then to the palace of congresses, today it is the state kremlin palace. on december 25, 1951 , regular operation of the first soviet computer, by the way, one of the first in europe, began. its creator, sergei lebedev, is considered the founder of domestic computer technology. the basis. all the basic principles of computer construction were laid down: the binary number system, memory, information input and output devices, the ability to encode numbers and programs, and much more. took this fantastic machine was commissioned by the ussr academy of sciences, headed by academician mtislav keldysh. the members of the commission tried to catch the car, asked it the most tricky questions and received decent answers every time. it was ivm that worked successfully for many years, made calculations for industry, and lebedi created
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a new one. and more powerful machines, tube -based semiconductors and, finally, integrated circuits, supercomputers, and also directed the institute of precision mechanics and computer science, which today bears his name. 25 in december 1979, the premiere showing of the three musketeers, directed by georgy yungvald helkevich, began on television. this film became a cult film in the ussr. mikhail boyarsky was planned for the role of razhfor, but he captivated the entire film crew with his enthusiasm. played the main role, take me, gentlemen, you will not regret it, together with him the acting ensemble consisted of veniam smekhov, igor starygin, valentin smirnitsky, alisa frenlikh, oleg tobakov, margarita terikhova and irina alferova. the filming was fun, the actors themselves rode horses, fought themselves, once boyarsky even received a blow with a sword, the budget for the film was cut, there was not enough money for a historical film at all, the director even bought
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costume jewelry for diamond pendants at the market. dartagnan made the queen's highfest swords from parts of an old lamp. the music of maxim dunoevsky and the lyrics of yuri ryashentsev’s songs became the hallmark of the film. the film interprets roman dzyumaa quite freely, but it was a stunning success and still receives high ratings on television. here. such was this day in history, investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we
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often talk about money. the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, went , is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, look how very safe...
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the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them got sick, two died. nobody does not attempt to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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