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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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the airport's route is also subject to significant changes, including new taxiways and new parking areas. we are also currently constructing a new airport complex and modernizing the old airport complex so that we can service wide-wing aircraft. the new passenger terminal will serve domestic and international airlines; for the first time in the history of the amur air harbor, it will be equipped with jet bridges. the facility is expected to be commissioned in 2025. there are also plans to reconstruct the road.
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from blagoveshchensk to the airport, vladimir putin gave instructions to the federal ministry of transport to finance this project. victoria satenko, denis lugov, conduct the amur region. the chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, brought documents for nomination as a candidate for president of russia to the central committee. last week, delegates to the party congress supported his nomination as a candidate for the post of head of state from the ldpr. can anyone attend? we proceed from the fact that people in the regions, and russia, like the ldpr party, has always been and will remain strong in its regions, they will say about these tasks. meetings with people, collecting problems in communication, if i may say so , then solving them systematically, this is the best way to work. for a candidate
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for the highest government post, breaking news davankov submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the presidential elections, vice speaker of the state duma, first deputy head of the duma faction new people vladislav davankov submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the presidential elections of russia in 204 , but let me remind you that on the eve of his nomination it was unanimously adopted by the congress of new people. since the new people have a faction in the state duma, well, accordingly, their candidate will not need to collect signatures in their support, and the russian presidential elections are scheduled for march 15-17 next year. investment rating, economy through.
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look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. nikolaev, new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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russian economy. this year increased by 3.5%, while investment in fixed assets shows the most significant growth in the last 12 years. the head of the rdif, kirill dmitriev, told my colleague maria kudryavtseva about this. watch the full interview now. kirill, good afternoon. hello maria. the year was difficult for the economy, market instability, restrictions from unfriendly countries, but at the same time we see that adaptation is taking place. this is what you see, what the results are. on the part of the russian direct investment fund, what new interactions are going on with your foreign partners? well, you know, from an economic point of view, this is not just an adaptation , these are truly amazing results, we believe that the economy will show growth of 3.5% this year, which exceeds all previous
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estimates , including the certainly pessimistic estimates that a number of people had western analysts. investments also show very significant growth, investments in fixed capital will increase by 10%. this is... the largest growth in the last 12 years, of course, investments are the basis of the economic growth that is important for russia, and investments are the basis of economic, technological, infrastructural sovereignty, therefore , of course, the contribution that rdif makes to the investment process , extremely important, here are our 2.2 trillion rubles, which we invested together with our partners, this is certainly a very important and significant figure, this is in fact all, for example, pensions savings in russia, this is what we were able to invest together with our partners, of course, we are now investing not only with our friendly foreign partners, but with russian partners, with russian pension funds, this question is about uniting domestic investors, how
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to do this in order for pension funds to be directed to infrastructure, the rfp certainly plays a significant role here, and we also promote our companies in foreign markets, in the friendly market. arabia to russia, and we built these investment bridges between our countries, moreover, we did it on the basis that we greatly respect the achievements of the emirates, the achievement of saudi arabia, we are not only moving along the investment track, but along many others, including the cultural track, for example, and
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the fact that we brought the marina theater, and the marinsky theater held the first concert of classical music in saudi arabia, together with the armitage of saudi arabia we organized the first exhibition of artificial paintings... successful projects, many of which were made from scratch, this is also a new element, which is 30% reduced traffic through moscow, and this certainly helps muscovites and guests of the capital, this is an investment in
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infrastructure projects such as m4, this is an extremely successful road to vladivostok airport, which is one of the largest airports in russia and had 2 million passengers. flew to this airport, so these are very important, familiar projects, this created 500,000 jobs in russia, because more than twenty projects with the emirates are investments in companies from scratch, and they are also very large investments in the field of health, because we built the first centers in the moscow region for the fight and detection of cancer, we together invested in the online medicine company doctes, so there are a lot of important... examples, of course, the emirates also played a crucial role in the approval and promotion of the sputnik vaccine, because that it was one of the first countries to register the vaccine, where we also conducted clinical trials and they also allowed us to promote the satellite to a large number of markets, so very broad interaction, very successful
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interaction with the united arab emirates. what projects are already in the works with saudi arabia, what are you discussing? yes, saudi arabia is 40 joint investments, that’s a trillion. raised funds, and we plan, as i recently said, to attract another trillion from saudi arabia in the next 2 years, and these are very interesting projects, for example, investments from scratch in a project. zapsibneftim is one of the largest gas chemical complexes in the world, sibur company. this is also an investment by saudi arabia, together with rdif, in the largest technopark in russia rostik city, building from scratch one of the three largest logistics companies in russia, plt, which shows very powerful results. accordingly, there are many infrastructure projects, and what is planned is continued investment in the infrastructure component, in technology... companies in russia, promotion of our companies to the saudi market, and the saudi market is extremely promising
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for our companies, therefore, accordingly, very full interaction with saudi arabia, on the opec deal, on investment, according to the projects, and indeed a very deep friendship with saudi arabia, which in the most difficult times showed that saudi arabia is a real partner of russia, and supports russia in many areas, that’s just... they said about trusteeship plus, the russian direct investment fund, you personally played a very important role at different stages of the opec plus deal, but how do you now assess the prospects of this deal, how long will it last, how long? well, really the most important deal for the world, maybe one of the most important transactions for the world over the last 10-20 years, and this is important not only for energy consumers, for energy producers, for people, because it has allowed prices to stabilize around the world, to stabilize. supply and demand, but for the russian budget, which is very important, we will announce this estimate for the first time today, it
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has already brought 30 trillion rubles to the budget, this is more than 300 billion of our assets that were frozen abroad, all this is the result of a very dense , trusting cooperation with saudi arabia, with other members of opec plus , we went through many really difficult stages when there was misunderstanding, you remember, the price of oil at some point even reached - dollars per barrel, but now demand from supply is well balanced, of course, russia, saudi arabia, others apec plus countries are setting an example of constructive , creative cooperation that is beneficial to the whole world. during the pandemic , the russian direct investment fund invested in test systems, a drug against coronavirus and a vaccine, satellite, this particular vaccine was recently updated to combat new strains, but now we see that the coronavirus has somehow loosened its grip on you now. are there projects of similar scale and what are these projects? yes, well, firstly , the coronavirus has indeed become easier, but it is very important that
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the gomaley institute, which is one of the leading, leading institutes in the world, managed to update the vaccine, and this is our platform for any further diseases and those epidemics that may still occur . rdif played a key role in promoting the sputnik v vaccine and not only in progress, but we, for example, came up with the initiative to create the light satellite, this is a single-component vaccine. which is now mainly used, so it is very important that the rdif focused at the beginning of the epidemic on our triad, these are tests, drugs, a vaccine, we were able to mobilize a fund to protect hundreds of millions of people with the sputnik v vaccine around the world, and work very deeply, conducting clinical studies in various countries, publishing in the lansett journal in other journals, studies that showed that satellite - this is one of the best and safest ones
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that are now aimed at investment growth and working with friendly countries. another important topic is infrastructure and its development. quite recently , a duplicate of kutuzovsky prospekt, bogertion avenue, was opened in moscow, and it is important that this project involved not only funds from foreign partners, but also funds from domestic investors, the pension fund, and the gasfond. this is how interesting it is in the current conditions for domestic investors to participate in your projects, how do you break it down direction? yes, indeed it is.
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yes, of course, and we plan to invest a large number of infrastructure projects together with russian pension funds and with our friendly partners from friendly countries. i can’t help but ask this question: you said 7 trillion in pension savings, is it at least roughly clear how much you can now attract from these funds, plus or minus, what are you looking at now? well, we believe that it is possible to attract up to 2 trillion pension funds in the near future, which could be used for infrastructure projects in russia, moreover , this needs to be done, and we... then maybe we’ll talk a little about our investments in the national welfare fund, but we were one of the pioneers on how, instead of investing national welfare fund funds abroad, we need to invest to russia with a good profitability, and we showed the national welfare fund funds yield was 30% higher in russia than was obtained abroad, these national welfare fund funds were not frozen, unlike the national welfare fund funds
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abroad, and three most powerful, largest, most important for russia were built projects, therefore, just like us... well, how about national welfare , if we talk about this co-investment mechanism, you were really the first to use the funds of the fund and attract them specifically to infrastructure projects. in the current situation, in what form is this possible? yes, we believe that this is certainly possible, and the rdif played a key role in showing that the funds of the national welfare fund can be invested reliably; we invested in three key projects. this is zabneftim of the sibur company, in eliminating the digital divide together with the rostelecom company, which made it possible to deliver the internet to small medium-sized cities in russia and in the smart metering network, a project with rosseti companies, which made it possible to install a large number of smart meters that sharply reduced losses in our energy system, so these are not only important projects for people, but these are projects
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that returned one and a half times more nwf funds than we invested, lived very reliably with profitability, of course, in the future it is very important to invest nwf funds within the country, but to do this reliably in a protected manner, and here the example of rdif and working together with rfi certainly provides this additional element of control, reliability and quality of investments. another important topic is ipo, we see that issuers are now becoming more active, this is what your partners are saying now, how interested are they in a public offering? public markets are extremely important, among other things. sovereignty of russia, in order to also use and invest the funds that russians currently keep in banks, and, accordingly, the stock market - this is a very interesting, good, correct tool for investing and creating, participating in the profits and growth of companies, rdif acted as an anchor investor in 70% of public
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offerings over the past 2 years, we, our partners, have raised about 20% of all funds in... over the past 2 years, so yes , the markets for public offerings in russia will grow, by the way, this year was a record market for public offerings over the past 15 years, 23 placements this year shows that the market for public offerings is growing in russia, which is extremely important for investors, and for companies market. if we look now at the history of the development of the russian pharmaceutical industry, we see that we have always placed emphasis on the development of high technologies, this is how things are now, that is, how interesting this area is for... a third of all our investments are investments in technology, of course , investments in the field and what exactly is interesting, what projects? around artificial intelligence - this is a significant priority, and we see that artificial intelligence people often think, well, this is , accordingly, an opportunity to communicate there with the bot, we see more industrial applications of artificial intelligence, where artificial intelligence significantly increases
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efficiency in many industries, and we are partnering with a number of companies. according to the artificial intelligence alliance, we will create such a very important forum on the industrial application of artificial intelligence, where there will be companies that show how efficiency is increasing significantly in various industries, and also artificial intelligence, it will play an important role for each of us, it is difficult for us now imagine, but literally in 7-10 years we will have an assistant in our hand who will be 100 times, maybe a thousand times smarter than us, so artificial intelligence will definitely change our lives, everything, for example, this is not a territorial issue, it is a matter of control over production of chips for artificial intelligence, so artificial intelligence is a priority, we invest there both in infrastructure, in various data centers,
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and in many companies in the field of artificial intelligence, for example, motor skills, which also uses artificial intelligence for prosthetics, turnover increased seven times after rdif investments, so we see this as a very big priority for us, including for promoting our artificial intelligence companies to foreign markets, and we are now promoting... a company that is one of the best in video recognition to the saudi arabian market, in the field of online medicine using artificial intelligence to the saudi arabian market, and we believe that our artificial intelligence companies will help in the area of ​​technological sovereignty, which is also necessary for russia and the global south, including the brix+ countries, therefore very active cooperation with friendly countries in the field of technology, you spoke a lot today about cooperation with the middle east, but there was... an equally important visit by president vladimir putin by invitation to china, tell us , because you have a very large portfolio with chinese partners, what is happening with this track now, what development is going on, what
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investments? china is an absolutely key partner of russia, together with china we have 40 successful investments in 40 successful russian companies, this is 750 billion rubles, which we , together with key chinese investors, attracted into the russian economy, and here is a very important example - we invested 70% of the first railway bridge between russia and china, when we started these investments, many people said, why you have a bridge between russia and china, suddenly a bunch of some cheap goods will go to our market, but we have shown that this bridge, which reduces the travel distance for trains by 700 km, and russia and china now plays an absolutely key role by up to 10% trade turnover between russia. china can cross this bridge, which rdif and its partners invested 70%. therefore, this is a very significant investment, together with chinese partners, this cooperation
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will certainly continue, and we see that now is such a golden age for investing together with china, including in the chinese currency, and we have now announced two new funds, one will invest in the aviation industry, one will invest in the agricultural sector. therefore, there is definitely interaction with china will increase, and the fact that we have 40 successful projects is a very important basis for other companies to increase investments with china based on the examples of successful investments made by rdif. you are one of the five members of the business council approved by the brix president, this is the direction now, if you look, this is essentially almost half of the population of the brix country, this is how you think russia can use its...
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for example , next year , we discussed, as chairman of the brix financial group, the creation of a single payment system, and we believe that this must be thought about and developed, we discussed the creation of brix arbitration, because we see that many courts in western jurisdictions are biased and they simply behave extremely incorrectly, so the judicial system of the brix countries - this is certainly promising, we see the opportunity to cooperate in the field of artificial intelligence, we plan to create a joint
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3:00 pm
the message from serbia indicates another attempt by the west to shake up the situation in the country using the technique of the maidan coups. this is how the official representative of the russian foreign ministry commented on the unrest in belgrade maria zakharova. meanwhile, the authorities in the serbian capital are eliminating the consequences of the unrest, and opposition supporters have announced new ones.


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