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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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voter, dad, mom, supported, i already wrote a statement about this, by the way, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile, choose in the country, freely, important, honestly convenient. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot into a peasant hut, miraculously did not kill anyone, what is the difficulty, her mother is at her court, an important person, everything is fine with my daughter, she normal girl. just
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like everyone else, and the girl seems to repent, we drove to paris, we’ll devour an oyster , we could have forgiven, but according to the law , siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes , i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, where are you going, drown, two. hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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look at how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, there are
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biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses. and let’s return to one of the first topics of the issue: reports from serbia indicate another attempt by the west to shake up the situation in the country, using the technique of the maidan coups. this is how the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova, commented on the unrest in belgrade. everyone has the latest news from
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ekaterina shamaeva. apparently, this is what, according to supporters of the party with the eloquent name serbia against violence, a peaceful protest looks like: armed with a stave from the national flag, the demonstrator is trying to break down the door of the capital’s administration. having cleared the paving stones near the building, the rioters threw cobblestones at the policemen defending themselves from the inside. here is a young man with a covered face trying to hit the law enforcement officers with a stick. according to serbian authorities, two security forces were seriously injured during the brawls. one of them had difficulty stopping the bleeding. after the first unsuccessful attempt to storm, the crowd began to throw fire at the building, but the police managed to push back the protesters and build a cordon around the perimeter. this is what the room looks like from the inside. after the pogrom, broken
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windows, destroyed equipment and bricks, mixed with garbage and beer cans. the acting mayor of belgrade gave an unambiguous assessment of what happened, calling it: the collective west is trying to shake up the situation in the country, this was stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova, according to her, the only possible reaction to this is respect for the choice of the serbian people. and strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the country's constitution. belgrade has irrefutable evidence that the protest supported from the west. the russian ambassador to serbia shared this information with our tv channel. the diplomat held a meeting with aleksandar vucic today. it is important to emphasize that all
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the dissatisfaction with the attempt to shake up vucic’s power is, first of all, connected with his firm position on non-joining anti-russian sanctions, he is on these. are really clearly visible in the serbian protest movement, this is not only a demand to revise the election results, where aleksandar vucic’s coalition won a landslide victory, as per the manual, the demonstrators could see eu flags, posters in english , banners with fist. the fact is that
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this movement, which called itself patriotic, by the way, misled many serbs on the territory of serbia. it was just organized. in may of this year, they position themselves as a pro-european movement, that is, a movement for acceleration of rapprochement with europe. it's not about throwing vučić out, it's about putting pressure on him to make a decision. he must recognize kosovo's independence if he wants to remain in power. in in any case, this is the message of this movement. and second, he must impose sanctions. call on belgrade to consider holding a new vote in some places , citing osce reports, by the way,
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belgrade has questions for this organization, we will ask the osce, which the opposition, 3 days before the elections, stated that it did not recognize the results of the vote, since it knew , what they will be like, why is the osce talking about this?
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militants who were discovered by scouts, saboteurs in the ssu are trying to break through to the left bank of the dnieper, a battle begins in a dense forest,4 small with the support of artillery, the russian military neutralizes enemy positions
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, the enemy regularly sends assault groups, on this section of the front they will land and gain a foothold on the shore, the marines do not give the militants, every attack for the ukrainian armed forces ends in failure and heavy losses, in our area of ​​responsibility the situation is improving every day , he eliminates the offensive potential of the enemy, that is, this has already become noticeable, as for small arms combat, the enemy... is losing to us, our soldiers are better trained. in order to to secretly move to the left bank of the dnieper, the militants use silent boats with an electric engine, but this does not help them. intelligence monitors the situation around the clock; artillerymen destroy motorboats as they approach the shore. we have a uav working, detects them in a thermal imager, detects them simply by visual contact, already transmits the coordinates to us, we make corrections and fire. against. russian military and civilian population in front-line villages, the enemy uses
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cluster munitions and shells prohibited by international conventions disintegrate into small anti-personnel mines, the soldiers destroy them on the spot, and these are the collected trophies. these are these insidious minions stuffed with lead balls, shropnel, well, we shoot them, destroy them, trying to turn the situation around at the front, ukrainian militants use chemical weapons. our soldiers on the front line are ready for anything, they use gas masks, but the enemy uses some kind of smoke, gas, stinks, before that they worked on us with artillery, tanks, remotely mined them, the marines are at the very difficult directions of the front, defended the donetsk people's republic, in the zaporozhye region they repulsed enemy attacks near the village of rabotina, and are now stopping the attempts of the nationalists to land and gain a foothold on the left bank of the dnieper. 80 years ago, in these same places , the same marines, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, beat this brown evil spirit, this plague of the 20th century,
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the germs of which passed into the 20th century, now we, 80 years later, are fighting just so bravely, because behind us stand our ancestors, our heroic chronicle of the russian marines. for courage and professionalism, almost all fighters of the unit were awarded departmental and state awards. officers say this is the result. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, lead zaporozhye region. construction of the expedition vessel for the antarctic ivan frolov began in st. petersburg. the head of roshydromet, igor shumakov, took part in the metal cutting ceremony at the admiralty shipyard plant. ivan frolov will make it possible to replace obsolete ships serving russian antarctic ships. expedition and bring out scientific work in antarctica is at a modern level; the icebreaker is scheduled to be put into operation in
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december 2028. the scientific expedition vessel ivan frolov is a truly multifunctional vessel, which is an icebreaker, a tanker, a dry cargo carrier, and a passenger ship at the same time, it is intended to support the activities of the russian antarctic expedition, that is, this vessel will... descend the southernmost pole of our planet, is capable of carrying on board, in addition to scientific equipment, laboratories that will be installed there are 2,500 tons of general cargo to support the livelihoods of our polar explorers in antarctica, who are there all year round. the government has prepared a concept for improving control and supervisory activities in the coming years. of the year. earlier, vladimir putin noted the results of work within the framework of reform in this area. during its implementation, the number
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of checks was reduced by five times. as mikhail mishustin stated, this is important when creating a good atmosphere for business. on instructions from the head of state, the moratorium on inspections has already been extended next year, except, of course, objects of extremely high and high risk, as well as when special indicators are triggered. such an exception. necessary to ensure the safety of our citizens, their health and well-being. in other cases, priority, of course, should be given to prevention rather than punishment. this mechanism is convenient for conscientious entrepreneurs. we will continue to further develop risk-based approach tools to prevent possible violations. on instructions from the president, we pay special attention to feedback, and this development of pre-trial appeal. when each person being inspected has the opportunity to submit an appeal and not
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only a complaint in a simple accessible form, and accordingly any appeal for us becomes a kind of task or task setting that we work on to improve all our norms, procedures and rules. in essence, the idea of ​​the concept comes down to the fact that the control procedure ceases to be an instrument of punishment and becomes a tool for creating conditions under which it is much more comfortable and profitable to conduct business in compliance with current legislation without breaking. the minister and deputy prime minister took part in the all-russian wish tree campaign; new year trees decorated with children's balls were installed throughout the country these days.
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and of course the festive new year at the kremlin christmas tree. very soon, ira from donetsk will not only finally visit one of the most beautiful cities in the country, st. petersburg, but will visit the best universities of the northern capital, including the oldest stieglitz academy. the balloon with the girl's dream went to valery falkov. the wish of eight-year-old maxim from moscow will come true, to get a new year constructor. apparently, as a future engineer, we will definitely find a suitable designer. moreover. i think we can also combine this with an excursion to one of the russian universities, for example, to the new campus of the bauman moscow state technical university, our leading engineering university, which is under construction. the kindest action in the country gives faith in miracles to those who especially need miracles, children with disabilities fighting serious illnesses, those who grow up in low-income families or are left without
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parents at all, children whose fathers are fighting in the zone svo. alice.
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your dream will come true, you will definitely get there. and eight-year-old anton from stavropol will visit new year's moscow. but i want to say that the capital blossoms before the new year, it becomes even brighter and more beautiful and you should definitely visit it. well, during a visit to moscow, i think that andrey and i will visit the russia exhibition together, which has a lot to see, it is really very educational, both for children and adults. fifteen-year-old arina’s ball from saransk from the christmas tree. in just a few days arina was invited to the regional ministry after a short excursion and meeting the local santa claus, and the girl was given a new snow-white bicycle. dream, believe in miracles, miracles come true.
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we give it personally from vladislavamovich kolokultsev. your wished gift is a bicycle. thank you very much. the wish tree gives absolutely everyone a chance to become a good wizard on new year's eve, making the deepest dreams of more than 100,000 children all over the country come true in 5 years. the promotion will last until march 31 next year. varvara nevskaya. news. documents submitted to the central election commission for nomination for president of russia. today , vladislav davankov, vice-speaker of the state duma from the new people faction, submitted the proposal. on the eve of the new people party congress, he supported him as a candidate for the post of head of state. during the congress, the leaders of the new people and the party of growth, alexey nechaev and boris tetov, signed an agreement to merge the parties. code name new people growth. yesterday
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there was a congress, a congress of both the new people party and the growth party, which we were letting down. as a result , they announced the unification of our parties and actually nominated candidates unanimously for me, today we are simply submitting documents, documents for nomination, a big meeting is taking place today, we are just discussing the program that we will present in january, but before that we have a lot of trips ahead, and my colleagues, and our entire headquarters, the first trip will take place in smolensk, in fact my hometown, next we plan to visit almost all regions of the far east. and today the chairman of the ldpr brought documents for nomination as presidential candidates to the central election commission. russian congress delegates last week parties supported his nomination as a candidate for the post of head of state from the ldp. moscow mayor
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sergei sobyanin opened a new electric bus fleet in the capital's novokasino district. construction of the complex took 2 years. the new fleet operates electric buses that transport passengers to four destinations. by the end of march, environmentally friendly transport should be available on eight more routes. in the future in the new. it is planned to introduce electronic waybills for drivers in the electric bus fleet, we tried to make it comfortable and to service, relax, and work , the latest and greatest equipment, every year we are increasing the number of retrobuses in moscow, we are already approaching one and a half thousand, for this it was necessary to create several parks, this is the sixth park, three of them have been reconstructed, three new ones have been built , here 's a new one. completely from scratch, the park will serve 12 routes, 40,000 inhabitants. hundreds of people are stuck at novokuznetsk airport
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due to flight cancellations. most of them are tourists, snowboarders and skiers who came to relax at the sheregesh resort. however due to weather conditions, flights are delayed and people cannot return home. and new tourists, accordingly, cannot fly in on vacation. the time for resumption of flights has not yet been announced. in germany, since the beginning of the year , about 50 fertilizer production enterprises have closed, and at the same time , not only chemical enterprises, but also other industries are experiencing serious problems. dmitry maruk understood the reasons for what was happening. the german economy, which was recently called the engine of the european union, continues to lose power amid a massive closure and relocation of industrial production, experts openly declare large-scale. enterprises with high economic importance completely ceased their activities in germany. among the most affected industries
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is the chemical industry. according to a study by mitsubishi financial group, 50 large fertilizer companies have closed this year. among them is the enterprise of the largest chemical concern basf. one of the reasons is the situation with energy resources, which have risen sharply in price due to the lack of russian supplies. maybe, the most mentioned word. in the german press this is an economic term - this is deindustrialization, of course, the most affected industries, well, this is the electric power industry itself, because it is clear that a very large share of electricity in germany is obtained by burning natural resources, which would become more expensive due to sanctions, and well, other industries is also in very poor condition, well, in particular, we can mention the chemical industry. the concern is such a pride of the german economy, but we see what problems have already begun there. pace industrial production in germany
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continues to decline every month, according to the federal statistical office, the most noticeable drop was recorded in september of almost 1.5%. in october, the decrease was another 4. in addition to high energy prices, the situation is explained by a number of factors, from high rates of the european central bank, which... makes it difficult for enterprises to access loans to high dependence on chinese imports. it is necessary to take into account that the rate of profit and profitability in european companies, they quite modest and for a long time european business operated successfully, including in conditions of extremely low inflation. eu standards assume annual inflation of no more than 3% per year; in germany itself it was much lower for a long time. the explosive rise in energy prices has actually eaten away... so they are forced to either increase production costs or switch to more german companies in the manufacturing sector and favorable markets. last week
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, a large metallurgical plant of the valurek company ceased operations in germany. in on the last day, its workers staged a farewell torchlight procession. due to the closure of the enterprise, more than 2.0 of them will lose their jobs, and the production itself is planned to be moved to brazil. this is just one example of such a relocation according to german calculations. economic institute, last year investments worth 135 billion euros were withdrawn from germany, this year more than 30% of the companies announced plans to move to other countries, including the united states. they are moving energy-intensive production and moving it to the usa, because, as i already said, in america cheap natural gas, that is, natural gas is produced as a by-product of oil, oil production, so it is cheap. this comes first. in chemistry, which is the most energy-intensive, consumes the largest amount of natural gas, and the fertilizer industry is primarily nitrogen fertilizer,
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which is simply made. from gas, where gas is the main raw material. plus, such energy-intensive industries as, for example, car production. the german economy continues to contract for several years now quarters in a row. according to imf forecasts, by the end of the year the gdp decline will be 3%. the inflation rate in the country is more than six. domestic public debt rose to 2.5 billion euros from january to september. a serious expenditure of resources is associated with financial assistance to ukraine, which berlin has not yet refused. recently, the economic council under the german government proposed increasing income tax in order to thus attract additional funds to support kiev. i came to the zone of a special military operation at the call of my heart, according to the years, of course they they approached, but as a military specialist, i considered it necessary to be here at a difficult time for russia, so i just went to the military registration and enlistment office. the time has come for russia that it was necessary to get back into line with its own people.
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former colleagues , men, our fathers, our grandfathers, during the great patriotic war , stood to the death for our homeland, many, even children, fled to the front to get to, take up arms and fight this nazism, now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts, doubts are everything away, join our ranks, take up arms, defend our homeland, victory will always be ours, until we destroy... this nazi hydra, we will not calm down. serve under contract. russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and, of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction.
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discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition.
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the russian navy has been replenished with three new vessels; the navy flags were raised today on the frigate admiral golovko, the small missile ship faminsk and the sea minesweeper lev chernavin. vladimir putin took part in the ceremony. we continue to work on serial production of planned deliveries of modern ships to the navy.
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admiral heads.


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