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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 25, 2023 9:00pm-9:29pm MSK

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spare parts signed by the rabbit, don’t forget to say thank you to the guys, just wondering why? our guys did a great job, it can be seen, if there is so much damaged equipment out there in the open, let’s say, air , it’s actually a graveyard of military vehicles, why weren’t they towed at the wrong time to all sorts of repair shops that are located in... nearby zone, but were simply abandoned in the open air, which means we can conclude from this that this equipment is unsuitable for further combat operations, the territory in the video most likely captured and turned into a military facility by fighters of the forty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces; it is considered elite. this is the only
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unit in ukraine that has been entrusted with american bradleys. in the middle of the month, this elite was surrounded in avdeevka and suffered heavy losses. it is possible that ours shot all this game there. specifically, in the published footage, the damage to the vehicles is very different - mangled hulls, the result of being hit by missiles and artillery shells from drones. many bradleys have torn or missing tracks. apparently the destruction was preceded by a collision with... as for the crews, they were most likely destroyed too; the american bmps, as it turned out, could not withstand the attack at all. in the event of a bottom mine explosion, this means that the crew receives a minimum of a good concussion, a maximum of two hundred. in the event of a hit under the tower, under the tower, it means personnel with a high degree. well, here’s another interesting
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detail: for some reason one of the infantry fighting vehicles is surrounded by red tape, what’s wrong with this specimen? it is quite possible that the red ribbon is waiting for the sappers so that they we cleared the mines of this ammunition, which still remained undestroyed in this vehicle. however, the main question is why collect all this rubbish in... one place, we already understand perfectly well that bradleys burn well, the ukrainians know this, it would seem that they knocked out the equipment and to hell with it, leave it like you abandon wounded brothers-in-arms or some dutch armored personnel carriers, but no, risking their lives, the dryers pulled out at least a dozen broken infantry fighting vehicles from under fire, for what? probably in order to please the owners with beautiful numbers, let me explain, the americans have a very interesting interpretation of the concept of destroyed equipment, taco.
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only cars that cannot be restored are considered , those in the video, probably in theory , can be repaired in the states for a lot of money, so technically the americans have a reason not to count this scrap metal as losses, the reputational loss is big for the american military-industrial complex, in particular, they they are watching this business, they are going to continue to trade this whole business, so naturally they are trying in every possible way to make sure that... let's say russia did not show any video there with american armored vehicles shot down here and there, and certainly did not show such videos filmed in our patriot park. perhaps it is precisely this kind of american casuistry that explains the discrepancy in statistics. force propagandists, for example, claim that the vsushniki lost three dozen bradleys in ukraine. our experts, based on objective control means. we counted
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about fifty. however, judging by the footage from the bmp cemetery, even this estimate may be underestimated. evgenia tishkavets, nato trash. the commander of the tank battalion, alexander troshin, who became one of the heroes of marinka, was promoted to the rank of major, but was a senior lieutenant. the decision to slightly change the current procedure for awarding the rank was made by vladimir putin during the report of the minister of defense on the capture of a settlement in the dpr by the president. i would note a hero who distinguished himself in the most difficult direction. andrey grigoriev will tell the story of the battalion combatant. the commander of the tank battalion, alexander troshin, has been fighting near marinka since 2022. just like in '41, infantry with tanks, tanks with infantry. and today the president names his name among the heroes of the long siege of the final assault on the city. there are commanders, fighters who are already known, all to the commanders.
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yes, a senior lieutenant in a position under the chin. yes. what suggestions? this means that i will send you a summoned captain ahead of schedule. in a rare case in army history, the president personally ordered the immediate promotion of the rank of major. this is not according to the regulations, but there are special circumstances here. i know that the regulations on military service do not allow you to skip a step, but this the situation was approved by presidential decree, so the president has the right to correct it.
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he saved equipment, he succeeded, he fought with dignity, he himself destroyed five tanks and 23 armored vehicles of various classes. in these frames , an enemy shell hitting the tank is gutted. the crew got out and evacuated to their own, and so on several times. igor in t-64, t-72, t-80. three times i went into a tank attack and they knocked me out. alexander trushin, a native of the village of barabash levada in primorye, graduated from the suvorov military school, then from the kazan tank academy, from the ranks resigned from the armed forces to go to the donbass as a volunteer, here is his mother, who is in constant contact with her son, for two weeks my son was not in contact with my son, i felt, i
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knew that he was on the front line, just today i received an sms, mommy, how are you doing, everything is fine with us, i love you very much, and this is my wife, i met my wife beyond the next rank in donetsk, endless pride, i just want to cry, and alexander just, literally half an hour ago , came home and took his dress uniform by by presidential decree, he was sent to moscow. recently, russian tanks in the marina direction were increasingly on the attack; a tank burst into an enemy company stronghold, was hit, and was blown up by a mine.
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this is a separate topic, we will consult on what to do next. now the issue of giving volunteers taking part in a special operation equal rights with regular military personnel is being resolved. andrey grigoriev, kirill zotov, lead. they are moving forward
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successfully and dynamically, revealing the potential of each state. yes, vladimir putin appreciated the cooperation between countries within the eu. the russian leader chaired the meeting of the highest. eurasian economic council, which is taking place today in st. petersburg. the agenda is as full as possible, with a number of fundamental issues of eurasian integration on the agenda. we’ll find out all the details from anastasia efimova. anastasy, greetings, what topics have already been discussed by the leaders of the european union? in such cases, they talk about the widest possible range of issues, this is duty-free trade with iran, and payments in national currencies, and you won’t even believe eggs. climate agenda, medicine, tourism, additional. russia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and armenia. at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council , vladimir putin spoke about the declaration prepared at the initiative of moscow on the further development of economic ties within the framework of the association, and the planning horizon is
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not only 2030, but also the forty-fifth year, as well as about the already signed free trade agreement, opening duty-free access for goods from yas states to the iranian market. on the eve of our meeting , a free trade agreement was signed between the eu and iran. this agreement may be valid. serious significance in the context of strengthening ties of the eurasian union with this one of the largest and technologically developed economies of the eurasian region. after the agreement comes into force, almost all categories of goods produced in the union will receive duty-free access to the vast iranian market of 90 million people, and non-tariff barriers will be significantly reduced. the business circles of our countries are interested in this, who actively trade with iranian
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partners, and now the conditions for such commercial cooperation will be noticeably improved. the supreme eurasian economic council traditionally gathers the leaders of the association states to its meeting, and the current one is being held in full. the prime minister of armenia, who in recent months has consistently missed meetings in the cis, eac and csto formats. i also arrived in st. petersburg. alexander lukashenko, by the way, despite the december frost, says he never wears a hat; on the way from the car, he even managed to talk with reporters and answer questions. quote: will we lose armenia? well, if armenia wants to die, economically, then we can lose it, but i don’t think that armenians are stupid people. these are smart people, there is not a single jew there, do you know why? because armenians themselves are smart. people, well, as they say , so no, no, i don’t even think about it and
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don’t worry, but i’m sure that armenia is not going anywhere, that it didn’t see people falling in afghanistan, landing gear clinging, remember when the americans left , well, that’s right, they use it armenia will be overthrown, you think, this will not happen, it will be like this, this is their policy, i am telling you this, as an ancient politician, this is their policy. and the armenians are smart people, smart people, they understand that this is exactly how it will be, who will help them with what, europe is there, france is trying to do something, you see what is happening in france, they should sort it out in their own country with a frenchman, and then go to the caucasus and try to do something there. by the way, it is armenia that will take over the chairmanship of the ias from january 1, which coincides with...
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this will definitely lead to the corrosion of fundamental principles of unification. it is curious that
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despite the fact that armenia will preside over the tenth year of the eac, the anniversary summit in may 2024 will still be held in moscow. a proposal from the russian side that did not raise any objections, well, at least not publicly. as for economic cooperation within the five, over the first 9 months of this year , trade between the countries increased by almost 9%. moreover, in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are calculated in national currencies, the share is 90, this figure will only grow. industrial production in euroses increased by 3.5%. the construction industry grew by 9.3%. what is important is that the number of unemployed in the eurasian union as a whole decreased by 14.2%. and in russia, unemployment is generally at... its lowest historical level, less than 3% (2.9). according to
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available data, over the 9 months of this year, trade between our five countries increased by 8.9%, while its structure is improving, the supply of annual, finished high-tech products is increasing, while the raw material component is decreasing. important, that the share of national currencies in mutual payments for...
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the need for grain, pork, meat, poultry , milk, vegetables, vegetable oils, chicken eggs and other products, give us a little, don’t be greedy, here, of course, it’s only part of the joke, cooperation within the five is only one direction, another is the interaction of the eu with foreign partners, mentioned iran, only one of them is at an advanced stage, work. over a free trade agreement with egypt, negotiations are underway with the united arab emirates and indonesia. the higher the authority of the union, the more countries are ready to establish contacts with it, which certainly benefits the participating states themselves. at this meeting, a number of documents were signed to deepen cooperation: localization of production, agriculture, food security,
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industry, areas in which mutually beneficial contacts have already been established, the list will definitely continue. thank you, anastasia efimova spoke about the agenda of the meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. a body with many abrasions, bruises and fractures was found in hurghada, and the cause of death was apparently a severe traumatic brain injury. this is still unofficial, but apparently quite reliable information about the death of mohammed al-alawiya. a famous egyptian journalist who specialized mainly in investigations about whom he wrote. moreover , the relatives of the murdered man already have an assumption about who exactly, since the materials about the family of vladimir zelensky created a lot of noise, the reporter in particular established, that one of the luxurious villas on the shores of the red sea in egypt probably belongs, albeit not to the leader of the kiev regime himself, but at least to people in his immediate circle, and al-alawi posted the first publications about this not just in the fall, but
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now it turns out he has become a victim of el hadab. there was a short video from local residents who... think about it, was it a murder? the police think so, yes, they say that these are ukrainian special forces, acted on instructions from president zelensky or another high-ranking official official sorry, i can’t say anything more, i’m afraid for my family. his brother was not afraid and talked about how zelensky is fattening while his listeners are dying for him. luxurious villa on the territory of the egyptian
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venice resort of el gounana. the cost of the property is about 5 million dollars, the houses have a sea view.
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purges, it seems that they now have a way out and the opportunity to work outside of ukraine, the very fact of the death of this unfortunate journalist, who really... told the truth that zelensky, this self-made man, buys houses for millions for his mother-in-law, his parents, there is no doubt
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that here specialists on behalf of zelensky worked to intimidate everyone else . the terrorist methods of the kiev junta are known in egypt, even though the investigation into the murder of mohammed al-alawi has just begun, local media are already... pointing out that violence by zelensky’s office against journalists is a way to intimidate media workers. if you look at the territory of russia, how many terrorist attacks they staged here, do you think egypt prevented them from doing something like that, it doesn’t matter who you are, egyptian, french, angolian, we will try to reach you, that’s what the ukrainian authorities just said to the entire world press. obsession is the word now used to describe zelensky by those who knew him personally. he can take the most radical measures to control the information space, our interlocutors say. we knew zelensky,
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and he was normal, once sane, but more or less sane, yes, he was obsessed there glory, today he is ready to walk over corpses , kill people, just for the sake of this, he is a very angry, touchy boy, and if you even look at the recent press conference, he... he just snaps, almost fights, that is, completely insane man, he is surrounded by the same insane people who do not want to hear the truth, but so far it is stronger than western puppets. anastasi ivanova and terrible revenge. russia has never, obviously, wanted to repeat what has already happened. after the meeting with the russian ambassador, president vucic posted a video in the background.
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protest, here everything is for a beautiful television picture, the protesters are clearly provoking the law enforcement officers who are inside the city hall building, the windows are being thrown with stones and beer cans, and our cameraman managed to catch these shots, at some point a group of strong middle-aged men harmoniously climbs the stairs , clearly with the intention of breaking into the building, in response to pepper gas, one of the men dramatically turns to the cameras, obviously wanting... to demonstrate all the cruelty of serbian law enforcement officers. on in fact, on the contrary, 35 police officers were injured in a supposedly peaceful protest, two
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are in the hospital. the pro-western opposition, which brought people to a rally under the slogan serbia against violence, completely discredited its own name. the storming of the city administration cannot be called either peaceful or democratic. in an interview with our film crew, one of the participants in the assault admitted that he came to overthrow president vucic, although she herself. the opposition formally advocates re-elections only in the capital. i'm here because i stand for strong will citizens of belgrade and citizens of the republic of serbia, because i believe that the citizens put an end to this regime, the regime of aleksandar vucic, and that the time has finally come to break through to a free belgrade and free serbs. aleksandar vučić called everything by its proper name in an emergency evening address during the riots, he was 100 meters away in his administration building, on the contrary, he reassured the citizens of serbia for... in the region they began to celebrate and talk about the successful
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revolution that is taking place, it is clear to you that this is the result of many serious geopolitical circumstances with the help of which they are trying to destroy the independence, independence and sovereignty of the republic of serbia. we will preserve the freedom of serbia because this is the highest value. we will maintain independence and independence. before the assault at the rally there were eu flags and maidan slogans, we are the power here, and also posters with a typical soros fist. in serbia they already know what this is about, the fist was the emblem of resistance, the student movement created with money from the soros foundation in the nineties. resistance became a structure, through which western intelligence agencies worked with opposition organizations. yugoslavia then turned into a giant laboratory for testing color revolutions. the resistance movement was then cloned throughout the post-soviet space, in serbia today they are destroying administrative publications, called democracy, it was the political heirs
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of that force that threatened the authorities. oppositionists just the day before. the protesters announced an ultimatum to the authorities: if re-elections are not announced in belgrade by 12:00 on december 25, they will expand the geography of the protest and block more one location in the city. as a result , the protest leaders simply decided not to wait for the end of the ultimatum. after a failed assault attempt, the opposition today decided to use a different technology and drove students out onto the street who are threatening to block the highways. the police have already stated that this will not be allowed. dadya grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan bureau news from belgrade. after a short advertisement, our program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department. all the best, just like an alphabee. internet
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