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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 26, 2023 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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hello, he's coming back, oh , i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up , eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now. kliffosovsky, we look before everyone else in the application or on the website.
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we look forward, creating new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country. come to the forum russia exhibition. the russian wons have completely liberated marinka in the donetsk people's republic, and a bridgehead has now been opened for further offensive. defense minister sergei shaigu outlined the details in the report to the president. well, how was the enemy’s deeply layered defense built? in this direction,
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our military choir was one of the first to visit the de-occupied territory. from senior lieutenant to major - one step. by decree of the president of the heroic commander of the tank battalion who liberated marinka was promoted to rank. let's talk about the feat of the battalion combatant. more than 90% of payments within the eec are carried out in the national currencies of the participating countries. vladimir putin spoke about this at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in st. petersburg. as a result of the meeting, the union opened the doors to trade with iran. what other decisions have been made? belgrade, belgrade continues to be rocked by the pro-western opposition. they kicked the students out onto the street and gave them pots. a carbon copy script of the beginning of the ukrainian maidan. what kind of continuation awaits serbia? usa arbitrarily expanded the continental shelf area. the unilateral expansion went beyond 200 nautical miles from the coasts of the states at once in...
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seven sections. the state debt department stated that it would not coordinate the decision with anyone. the russian parliament has already reacted to the hegemon’s latest antics, but what will the rest of the world say? marinka is ours to the last meter. bsu clung to it for a long time since 2014. all these years, it has been an extremely important element of the entire defense line of the armed forces of ukraine. ukrainian military. dug a multi-kilometer system of trenches and tunnels there, the fighting went on from the very beginning of the northern military district, and the russian military took over the multi-story building in the summer, but the private sector remained, so officially, after more than a year of fighting, marinenka was completely liberated. defense minister sergei shaigu reported this to the president on monday; the way is now open for a further offensive by our troops in the southern donetsk direction. today the settlement of marinka was completely liberated, it’s 5 km away.
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here in donetsk, enemy combat units, first and second, having broken into this fortified fortification, which the enemy had been building since 2014, in fact, he built a significant number of reinforced concrete fortifications and communication passages there, and by breaking into this fortified area, our troops are able to reach a wider area. operational space.
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not only the military, but also the civilians of the dpr were eagerly awaiting the liberation of marinka. the settlement is directly adjacent to the petrovsky district of donetsk. it is from here that the action film has been released since 2014.
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our valiant cleanup will not be found, the sappers have not worked here yet, they are cossacks, the equipment is ukrainian, the famous cossack, well, as famous, i would not say that this is the top skill in the field, our howitzers nailed them, now it’s flying over there, literally maybe 400. 500 meters away, the assault is underway, the enemy has already retreated beyond the field, they’ve pushed them out, here ’s marinka, in general, of course, we’re making a daring sortie, there’s no one there, you see, no cars, no people, we just took it, we
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distributed a victory banner to every direction, to every unit, loaded the flag on the reistag, now look, there it is, the victory banner, the banner of the 150th idrema division, here it is, our maryenka, alexander sladkov, pavel vydrin, galim vergazov, leading maryenko, donbass, liberated marinka, the legendary 150th motorized rifle division, the same one that raised the banner of victory over the reichstag in may 1945, as well as the twentieth motorized rifle division during the war. who won at stalingrad and took berlin by storm, along with them those who have been fighting since 2014, adult and young fighters, donetsk residents and siberians among the heroes, battalion commander alexander troshin, burned three times in a tank, repeatedly distinguished himself in battles, his story will be told by andrei grigoriev .
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tank battalion commander alexander troshin since 2022 he is fighting near marinka, just like in 1941, infantry with tanks, tanks with infantry, and the president calls his name today. among the heroes of the long siege of the final assault on the city, there are commanders, fighters who are already known, all commanders understand how they fought, one, one of them is troshin, alexander konstantinovich, he is the commander of a battalion and a tank, yes, and he senior lieutenant, yes, senior lieutenant in a position under the roof, uh-huh, what kind of proposals, that means i am, he sent the rank of captain ahead of schedule, a rare case in the army history, the president personally ordered to immediately assign the rank of major, this is not according to the regulations, but there are special circumstances here. i know that the regulation on military service is not supposed to skip a step, but this provision was approved by
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presidential decree, so the president has the right to correct this provision, this decree. i ask you to make a proposal for assignment to him. destroyed five tanks and 23 armored vehicles of various classes. in these frames , a troshino tank is hit by enemy shells. the crew got out and evacuated to their own and so repeatedly. igoreli in t-64 in t-72 in t-80.
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three times i went into a tank attack and they knocked me out. alexander troshin, a native of the village of barabash levada in primorye, graduated from the suvorov military school, then from the kazan tank school. resigned from the armed forces to go to the donbass as a volunteer, here is his mother, who is in constant contact with her son, for about two weeks my son did not get in touch, i felt, i... that he was on the front line, just today i received an sms: mommy, how are you doing? we are fine, i love you very much. and this yana’s wife met the news of being awarded a new rank in donetsk. endless pride, i just want to cry. and alexander just, literally half an hour ago, arrived home, took his dress uniform, and killed him by order of the president. moscow. recently, russian tanks in the maryainsky direction have been increasingly on
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the attack. he burst into the mouth of an enemy stronghold in a tank. he was hit and hit another mine. and they surrounded us, well, they called fire and came out. and now, thanks in part to their efforts, marenka came under control russian troops. he repeatedly assault groups. now, i have come to the solution to the problem you are talking about now. it is clear that it is not only him, there were many of our guys who fought with dignity, they are all examples, good examples of warriors, russian fighters, i know that troshev signed a contract for 10 years, he wants to be a professional military man, we have such there are a lot of people, we need to support them, we...
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alexander troshin, in a conversation with our special correspondent in the dpr stanislav nazarov, spoke about his conversation with the supreme commander-in-chief and about situation in marinka. when i spoke on the phone with the supreme commander-in-chief, it was a very great honor for me, i still can’t come to my senses that i just left yesterday, or rather today i only left the front line from the village of marinka, this is an indescribable feeling, i i can’t explain the current situation. according to your feelings, that is, these days are tense, of course tense, that is, the enemy
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clung to every house, right to every barn, to every basement, cellar, we they knocked out, stormed, uh, they pressed every day, five assaults a day, uh, you had to go, go, until the enemy understood what was happening, uh, you had to, let’s say, go in on his shoulders. in his position, now there’s a short advertisement, we’ll continue right after , we’ll take you to the train, but don’t, another half hour, well, let’s go, let’s warm up at least, he doesn’t say anything about himself, they’re not interested in what i do for a living. and you ask, should i be offended? that's right, be offended. i always miss you very much. it's so
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up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. with a favorable rate, apply literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime more profitable. the eurasian economic union has emerged as an authoritative international unification and, as political scientists note, becomes one of the centers of a multipolar world. vladimir putin chaired a meeting of the supreme council of the eec in st. petersburg. the russian president noted that the union is on the right track. and continues cooperation in all areas, despite the difficulties and international tensions, it already has a single customs space and a common internal market, declarations on development for the next 20-plus years have been approved, one of the most important results of the st. petersburg summit is a full-fledged free trade agreement with iran,
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nika yankovaya will talk about what it will change and what else the eu leaders will have to work on at the next meeting. with iran, the countries of the eurasian economic union signed a full-format agreement, it should replace the temporary agreement in force since 2019. the meeting of the supreme eurasian council will allow yas and iran to increase trade turnover more than threefold. the figure could reach $18-20 billion in the next 5-7 years. the agreement will officially come into force upon its ratification by member states. russian companies, thanks to him they will get priority. access to supplies of 90% of the product range. the average duty rate for domestic suppliers to iran will decrease from 30 to 4.5%. this will allow, according to estimates by the ministry of development, to save 27 billion rubles per year. important agreements are currently being prepared with other
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countries with great economic potential. we are talking about a preferential agreement between the eu and egypt, one of ours. key partners in the arab world on the african continent, with which countries the eurasian union has close relations and intensive commodity and trade and economic contacts. work on the draft free trade agreement with egypt is at a very advanced stage and we are certainly interested in signing it as soon as possible. in addition, the eurasian commission is negotiating with the united ones. with indonesia. in general, cooperation within the framework of the iis is progressing successfully, revealing the economic potential of the countries of the association, as stated by president vladimir putin. behind during the existence of the iis, the volume of mutual trade almost doubled, the total gdp from 1.6 to 2.5 trillion dollars. the russian economy in the twenty-
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third year is forecast to grow by 3.5%. an increase in this indicator is expected in other countries of the association.
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implement digital solutions in agriculture. e-commerce in eu countries is developing at an active pace, as stated by the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr dzhaparov. in the near future, the figure could reach $160 billion in order to optimize cooperation within the union, especially in in light of sanctions pressure, it is necessary to simplify the operating conditions for business. in order to eliminate unreasonable control and inspection measures, speeding up the passage of goods at the border at... in connection with this, i consider it necessary to speed up
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the practical implementation of the provisions of the agreement and move on to the full use of navigation seals according to the stages of implementation. in parallel with this, we need to fully launch a system of traceability and labeling of union goods in order to minimize. unnecessary interference of regulatory authorities in activities participants in foreign economic activity. at a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council , the minister of industry, mines and trade of iran spoke about the opportunities that the agreement between yas and the islamic republic opens up. the cuban president spoke via video link. following the meeting in st. petersburg, the leaders of the union countries approved a declaration on the development of cooperation in yas until the thirtieth year and... earlier, there in st. petersburg , the president gave permission to raise the flag
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on three naval ships at once. the ceremony took place at the northern verp shipyard. the multi-purpose surface frigate admiral golovko, capable of carrying hypersonic missiles, was built there. it will replenish the composition of the northern fleet, and the small missile ship narafaminsk and the sea minesweeper lev chernavin will be. to serve in the baltic fleet, almost 80 more ships of various classes, according to the president, are now being built at domestic shipyards. all the details are in the reports of salema zarif, dmitry pishchukhin and marina naumova. an honor that falls to a rare ship, right from helicopter deck of the frigate admiral golovko, the supreme commander-in-chief gives the command to raise the flag. the ships successfully passed state tests. ready to raise the naval flag. allow me to begin, i allow, at the same time
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st. andrew's flags are flying on three of the newest ships of the navy. admiral golovko, the most formidable of them all. in accordance with naval doctrine, we continue to work on serial production of planned deliveries to the navy. modern ships. admiral golovko is also a serial frigate. such ships are the basis of fleet strike groups in the far sea ocean zone. it was created using the most advanced technologies and is equipped with curled missiles of a caliber that have proven their high effectiveness in combat conditions. the frigate is endowed with a powerful high-precision arsenal and is capable of carrying both calibers. so are onyxes and zircons. here is footage of successful tests, when a test launch of these hypersonic missiles was carried out from the ship admiral gorshkov, the lead ship of the so-called
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admiral series. admiral golovko ii serial ship of project 22-350, but the first with a completely domestic power plant. a frigate with a russian heart, one of the most striking examples of import substitution in our defense industry. the new frigate will serve in the same place where admiral arseniy golovko actually served during the great patriotic war, in the northern fleet. he will be part of the forty-third division. russia is developing its navy in all directions. priority, of course, goes to the ships participating in the svo, but also to others. areas are not forgotten. here in the fleet of the newest ships is another evidence that our the shipbuilding industry is on the rise. and they are now embarking on rhythmic, mass production of warships of various classes. this is the most important, fundamental step in reviving the development of our shipbuilding. now the steppes near the embankments of russian shipyards
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are located in different places. in the stages of readiness , they are now being worked on: five frigates, eight corvettes, 13 small missile ships and more than 50 other ships of various classes. in severodvinsk, it is planned to build three nuclear submarines barei and five multi-purpose nuclear submarines yasen m. six diesel submarines are being built at the st. petersburg admiralty shipyards. boats in tatarstan , small missile and patrol ships are being created at the zelenodolsk plant, at the shipyard in kerch, two universal landing ships of a new project and an mrk for the black sea fleet, here is a fresh addition to the baltic fleet narfominsk, a flag was also raised here today, from the mrk moored in kranstatt, my colleague, dmitry pishchukhin. small rocket
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ship narafominsk project. buyan m was built for the baltic fleet, now it is moored in kronshtat, and will carry out its service here. its task is to protect russia's western borders. most recently , narafaminsk passed state tests and successfully completed artillery firing. in the dimensions of a relatively small ship, the sea river class, it was possible to realize hurricane combat power. narafominsk has a launcher that houses eight cruise missiles. now these are calibers, but there may be... other missiles, including promising hypersonic. air defense is provided by the anti-aircraft artillery duo. its peculiarity is that it consists of twin six- barreled 30 mm machine guns. narafaminsk is the eleventh small missile ship built for the russian fleet. despite its small size, it is the most formidable in the baltic, capable of hitting ships and ground targets at a distance of 1.00 km. in
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the coming days narafaminsk. will go to their permanent base. three more small ones missile ships for the baltic fleet are being completed on the slipways of the pello plant in the leningrad region. at yantar in kaliningrad, two large landing ships are planned for seven more; at the srednevsky shipyard, sea minesweepers, one of which lev chernavin, has also been accepted into the fleet today. from baltiysk our sobkor, marina naumova. the newest ship against. mine defense begins its service in the baltic. the minesweeper is named after lev chernavin, a soviet rear admiral who commanded northern submarine formations. fleet. this is the eighth ship of project 12700 alexandrit, which left the slipways of the srednevsky shipyard. such minesweepers are already serving in the black sea, pacific and baltic fleets. this minesweeper has the world's largest hull made of monolithic fiberglass, it is
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much lighter than metal. susceptible to corrosion and invisible to magnetic fuses. the ship is capable of speeds of up to sixteen knots, which is about 30 km/h. the minesweeper not only searches for and destroys mines, but also sets up minefields, to cover a port or bay from the enemy. on board the ship there is such a self-propelled underwater vehicle with the help of a sonar camera, it can...


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