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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 26, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. hello, the live legal program will be hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you and we will start with news from kurgan: the court chose a preventive measure for the mayor of the city elena sitnikova, according to some reports, earlier the official was detained right at her workplace in the administration building. the mayor is accused of negligence, resulting in the death of certain actions through negligence, the accused is assigned the obligation to promptly appear when called by the investigator.
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the mayor is accused of negligence resulting in the death of two or more persons. journalists write that the detention may be related to the terrible forest fires in the region in may of this year. then the fire destroyed almost the entire smolin microdistrict, in kurgan, more than 200 houses burned down, and there were deaths. afterwards, some fire victims complained that they did not receive certificates for new housing and promised payments due to their debt. it also turned out that the kurgan administration has accumulated more than 6.0 violations.
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whites, who are currently located like this in the colony. he was accused of abuse of power with grave consequences. on the first charge, mr. belykh was found guilty, but was released from punishment due to the statute of limitations. the ex-governor was completely acquitted of the second charge, securing his right to rehabilitation. let me remind you that belykh’s first term for accepting bribes is already coming to an end, perhaps next year he will be released. reportage. into the meeting room as if to meet old acquaintances, giving those around them smiles and nodding towards the regulars after many years of litigation , the once head of the kirov region, nikita belykh, dives into the embrace of iron bars for the umpteenth time; if you believe his words, this is the sixty-seventh appearance within the walls of the temple of themis. he even managed to reproach the journalists for not closely following the progress of his judicial life. i should have gone to the 66th meeting earlier. mr. belykh even settled down at ease.
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showered compliments towards the prosecutor and almost got the civil servant to work for him. mikhailovich, again, you can ask how did the process take place? i treat them very well, i would hire him. and he would probably conduct a master class on the optimal expenditure of budget funds, as, for example, in the early 2000s, when he was the governor of the region, then the kirov regional mortgage corporation collapsed due to gray schemes, cut short due to a loud bankruptcy without housing there are hundreds left. state employees, teachers, doctors, cultural workers, this actually became the reason for initiating a criminal case. according to the charges brought, belykh provided the mortgage corporation with an impressive bill amounting to more than 700 million rubles. partly through a loan, partly from the regional budget, he allegedly did everything to provide state employees with apartments, but according to the loan agreement, the money was never returned on time, and the housing that was built never received official status; soon the social housing was put up for auction altogether. in these shots, belykh is solemnly presented. keys
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new settlers, unsuspecting and still happy owners of real estate thank the authorities, however, the tone of the speeches will soon changed to screaming help, we live under such conditions that today we live, tomorrow they may call us and say that i’m sorry, please, let’s release him to an apartment, the whites have a whole list of criminal merits, he arrived in the oktyabrsky district from a maximum security colony near ryazan, where is already serving time for taking a bribe, here is footage of the arrest in one of moscow’s expensive restaurants on novy arbat, on the table. a scattering of crisp banknotes. investigators proved that for 600,000 euros, the official promised personal patronage to large enterprises. that's why in a criminal case he received 8 years in prison. that’s when belykh swapped his expensive jackets for a prison uniform, which is what the former governor’s everyday life looks like now, my colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program told me. journalists came to visit him in the correctional colony. instead of planning meetings for the regional budget, at first there was the dusty job of the prison library. for one of the checks, citizen
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belykh changed his job and found himself in a clothing factory, here is the ex-governor convicted of bribery in a white cloud of cotton wool and lays out stuffed hares and bear cubs, mastered a profession. stuffer of soft toys, maybe it was this good deed that softened the temper of the ex-official, and he now sends greetings from the courtroom? in the case of the mortgage corporation , the court found belykh guilty of abuse of power and released him with an unambiguous sentence. sentenced white nikita yuryevich to be found guilty of committing a crime in part two of article 285 of the criminal code of the russian federation with a sentence of 2 years and 6 months in prison. release the whites nikita yurievich from the imposed punishment under part two of 285 ukrs due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution. under the second article of abuse of power, efimida acquitted bilykh and recognized his right to rehabilitation, which the convict was very pleased with, and even on charges
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of abuse of power he is ready to file an appeal, but this is in the future. in the meantime , we still have to return to the white cloud of cotton wool and sew toys for the benefit of society and the joy of children. moreover, in the documents of one of the companies invoices for the purchase of timber were discovered, for which the counterparties did not actually deliver to the exporter
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. as investigators from the ministry of internal affairs established, the entrepreneurs were engaged in the criminal business for about 3 years, during which time they illegally exported more than one item from russia. rub. in st. petersburg, scammers who called elderly people and pretended to be medical workers were stopped. they reported that they were aware of the medical history; it was possible that patients would need complex surgery very soon, but there was an alternative surgical intervention, problems will be solved by expensive and effective medications that will be delivered today. in the end, for the usual.
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they convinced their interlocutors to undergo a course of treatment with rare and expensive medications, which, supposedly by a happy coincidence, they had in stock, believing that the women bought these drugs, paying from 380 thousand rubles to a million rubles.
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already during the interrogation by the investigator, the swindlers probably remembered everything and began to repent indicatively. this disheveled citizen, for example, played the role of a courier, he says, not knew it was a lie. that the scammers who distributed these dietary supplements were detained, even many died from these dietary supplements. having appointed themselves to non-existent positions, the scammers assured that the product was of poor quality, and everyone who bought it was entitled to
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compensation of 150,000 rubles. but to do this, you first need to pay tax and insurance. he also calls me, i tell him, i say, you are probably scammers, it means he offended me so much. and says, shame on you, you don’t insult me ​​enough, i say, well, excuse me, i say, if i insult you, in the case of defrauding pensioners from st. petersburg
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25. dear colleagues, friends, let me begin, i want first of all to express my gratitude to all of you for...
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it is no exaggeration to say that the outgoing year was extremely active and eventful for the cis, filled with major events and bright initiatives . in many ways, this is the merit of our kyrgyz friends; in this regard , i would like to thank sadyr angazhevich zhovparov for the great work done during the period of kyrgyzstan’s chairmanship in our organization. from the new year chairmanship cis. coming to russia, as i already said, at the summit of the commonwealth of independent states in bishkek we plan to continue
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multifaceted integration activities in the spirit of continuity. russia has already presented the concept of its chairmanship and an action plan for its implementation, which includes about 150 points. at the same time, we are ready to take into account additional ideas and considerations of all partners in the commonwealth. naturally, we will pay close attention to further strengthening economic cooperation within the cis. in the past year, trade turnover between our countries showed steady growth. according to data for 10 months, it increased by 2% compared to the same period last year and amounted to $83.7 billion. in june, an agreement was signed between state members. we mean
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to continue to take steps to harmonize the regulatory framework of the cis and the eurasian economic union, which we discussed yesterday at a meeting of the supreme eurasian council with our colleagues. we will continue to work with cooperation partners in favor of a more active transition in mutual settlements to national currencies. we are convinced that. this will make it possible to more reliably ensure the economic and financial sovereignty of our states. in a constructive manner, we will try to build joint work on maintaining security and stability in our common eurasian region, combating terrorism and extremism, cross-border crime, drug trafficking and corruption. we see another important area, an important component of partnership within the cis. it is no coincidence that today we
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walked through the historical part of our once a united state. i know that the president of kazakhstan has prepared special information on this issue, but we will then talk about it behind closed doors and be sure to listen to our colleague. close cooperation between the members of the commonwealth is still in demand, especially in the fight against attempts to falsify history and glorify nazism, therefore, in our opinion , it is necessary to continue... to carry out such already iconic events in memory of those who fell during the great patriotic war, such as the immortal regiment, st. george's ribbon, as well as a train of memory and about the historical and historical context of ties between our countries and peoples, we will talk in more detail later during further communication in
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an informal setting. it is important that october 13th in obeshkensky, october 13th in obeshke. takaev, an agreement was signed on the establishment of an international organization for the russian language. this structure, with headquarters in sochi , is designed to promote the support and promotion of the russian language not only in the cis, but beyond its borders. in the process of preparing this document, this treaty, everyone recognized that the russian language is the most important consolidating element of the post-soviet space, the key to mutual understanding. and free communication for hundreds of millions of residents of the cis countries. as for humanitarian cooperation in general, it is developing progressively and very successfully. as you know, in 2023 the cultural capital of the commonwealth was st. petersburg. and next year, in accordance with the decision we made, the baton will pass to ancient
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samarkand. i would also like to remind you about nominated by russia. the ideas of creating a eurasian academy of film arts, establishing a eurasian film award, and reviving an international competition for popular intervision songs. we count on your favorable reaction and invite all cis countries to take part in the implementation of these projects. i am sure that it will be interesting, educational, and useful for the people of all our countries. an integral component of humanitarian cooperation. is also physical culture sport. i would like to thank our belarusian colleagues for the successful organization and conduct of the august in belarus the second commonwealth games. already in february next year , innovative games of the future will be held in kazan. this is a new format of sporting events proposed by russia, combining
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the most dynamic sports disciplines and e-sports. i would like to invite you all. as guests of honor at the grand opening ceremony of the game of the future on february 21, 2024 in kazan. another major international event will be the world youth festival in sochi from march 1 to march 7, 2024. we expect people to come to it young people from more than 180 countries of the world, including from the countries of our community. and in conclusion, i would like to emphasize once again that the russian chairmanship sees the priority task of maintaining the strengthening of close ties between our peoples, developing relations of friendship and good neighborliness throughout the cis, in this context , i am committed to the most intense joint work, and of course, i would like to cordially congratulate you all on your
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happy new year, i sincerely wish you, your family, loved ones, everyone. citizens living in the cis area of ​​strong health, happiness, prosperity, peace and prosperity. thank you for your attention. these were shots of an informal meeting of heads of state and cis participants. it takes place in the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg strelna. the pre-new year informal summit is a traditional format for communication between the heads of state of the cis, who have been gathering in the northern capital in late december for many years. on that. in pavlovsk, where they were greeted with christmas carols by a choir, during a tour of the pavlovsk palace, in one of its halls and for the leaders of the cis countries a small concert, the symphony orchestra northern symphony performed several
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classical waltzes and romances, from pavlovsk the cis leaders headed to tsarskoe selo, which had already been stolen. for christmas. a huge elegant christmas tree was installed on the square in front of the catherine palace, and a large slide was also built, which became the center of the theatrical performance. azerbaijani president ilham aliyev joined the cis leaders at the catherine palace. from tsar's village the heads of state went to petergov, where they were met by brass band in historical uniforms. guests had the opportunity to walk through the territory of the reserve's museum and admire the famous bolshoi ensemble. cascade, and also appreciate the beauty of the interior decoration of the large petersburg palace. russia is the largest economy in europe, the countries of the global north are losing their positions, about this. assistant to the president of russia maxim oreshkin told an expert in an interview with the magazine, due to which our country manages to strengthen its position, alena logvinova will talk about this.
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russia has become the largest economy in europe and breathing down japan's neck in the race for fourth place in the world. presidential aide maxim oreshkin spoke about this in an interview with expert magazine. china remains the leading global economy, with india in third place. countries of the global north, usa, japan, eu, i guess. access to our energy resources and the use of cheap production in china. the loss of these elements leads to long-term stagnation. the energy shock that europe experienced really worsened the european situation. now prices for europe have increased because costs are technologically changed, europe switched to importing lng, mainly american. the middle east, europeans are again forced to buy resources, either russian, but more expensive, now there are oil products from india, and gas, the
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same, is america, the middle east, partially. russia, under the conditions of sanctions, has shown a fundamental margin of safety; gdp is already higher than before the introduction of restrictions. at the end of the year, the figure may increase by at least 3.5%. vladimir recently stated this. it is important in the country to focus on growing markets, this will give more opportunities to our companies, while the key task is to remain the most efficient producers and reduce production costs, including in the energy sector. in principle, there were a lot of factors that should have pulled the economy up, but the first is still import substitution, first, the second is a fiscal stimulus, including defense orders, the third is...
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there is a lot of talk about the fact that the chinese the auto industry is taking over the russian market, the figures are really growing, lada confidently remains in first place in sales, but then the big three companies from china, this is cherryhail and... from january to november , they sold a total of more than 280 thousand cars of these brands. china has become the number one exporter of automobiles in the world. according to maxim oreshkin, in 10 years such companies as mercedes and bmw may become history. as brands, they will probably remain, but they will repeat the fate of volvo, which was sold to china. today , about 35 chinese companies have entered the russian market, and... at the same time, the model range can include several dozen cars, they entered with varying degrees of success, but one way or another, now the russian market
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is the most promising for china, and both chinese state-owned companies and chinese private companies have entered the russian market, for example, the gzhili company, which mainly supply primarily so-called smart electric cars, and not only the cars themselves are supplied, but a number of... chinese companies are also opening a service center. by the way, maxim oreshkin was interviewed by an expert who is now published in a new format and will talk about current trends in the economy, social policy and government regulation. as the general director of the publication, maxim troepolsky, said, after changing the format, the expert will retain its status as the country's leading analytical journal. and returning to the interview with maxim oreshkin himself, he stated that he had outlined in the world.
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it is getting better and better, up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. apply for a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button. in the mobile application in sberbank with prime it is more profitable new year's discounts in the magnet kofenarch 4199 a ray of golden sunshine temporary musicians in the cinema from january 1 this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion welcome the new year to billionaires buy tickets on the website in branded stores with toloto. win when you find a reason to get together, order from sbermarket, megamarket and scooter and win 10 million rubles. this is the ecology of the city,
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this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just about this, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly, installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i converted it for myself. mobile powered by methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, winter is cold, the feed always makes you happy, you can easily find gifts in the feed, prices are anywhere to eat something in the new year, the most delicious sandwich with a game , everything for the holidays in stores from delivery, sportmaster - only original ski equipment from
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leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and pay in installments without interest or overpayments. sportsmaster. we don't know which cucumbers will make the new year's olivier perfect. but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable. bank ural siby. delicious under the silver foil. chocolate layer, inside is beautiful, perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mick in the heat, julia carries a silver bullet, and how do you like it, like in heaven, now i’ll show you real paradise, holob 2, cinema from january 1, for real comfort
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you don’t need repairs, for real... business you don’t need an office, real friends are not on social networks, real art doesn’t only happen in museums, real hobbies don’t fade over the years, for real life you need a real bank, psb is a bank for the real thing, the draw of 2 billion from the russian lotto is already close, hurry up to buy tickets so as not to spend too much. order goods in a selection of profitable shelves, for example, pink salmon caviar and a scooter with a 35% discount, for only 449 rubles. delivery is free, scooter without extra expenses. sportmaster, prices in half, numbered and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. let's take it! will you make such a profit? xiaomi redmi smartphone?
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for only 7.999 20% cashback in emvidio and eldorado. at vtb the interest rate on a savings account is 16%. and save up for the wedding faster. class. and everything will work out at vtb. we are located on the territory of our beloved dpr. russian guard. performs a number of specific tasks, we carry out reconnaissance and search activities, your first sapper is coming, so exactly how to clear mines in such conditions weather conditions, a pile of rubbish has been discovered here, here, perhaps at the reception, look at these destroyed premises, let’s work.
7:00 pm
leaders of the cis countries gathered today in st. petersburg for a pre-new year informal summit. this meeting is a traditional format for communication between heads of state, who have been gathering in the northern capital in late december for many years. the summit takes place at the konstantinovsky palace in strelna. opening the meeting, vladimir putin noted that the role of the commonwealth is just as important now. the president recalled that in in the coming year, the chairmanship will pass to
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russia and shared plans for... the cis.


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