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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 26, 2023 9:30pm-9:59pm MSK

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acquitted in the courtroom, but still went to a colony, immediately after a short advertisement we will tell nikita belykh’s kirov region about other interesting topics. stay on the russia24 tv channel. all the best is simple, like alpha business, internet banking and applications for business, all in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, alfabank is the best bank for business, in sportsmaster, prices are halved, numbered and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18.8%. for 6
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super cashback every month, order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive a 30% cashback on equipment, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable. live broadcast of the legal program to conduct duty units, we continue. the deputy head of the ustyabakan village council was detained in khakassia. according to investigators, it was he who organized the construction of a children's slide, which collapsed while children were riding on it. in this footage, a man is answering investigator's questions. department officials are confident that the official was negligent in his duties. he did not monitor the progress and results of construction, did not organize verification and registration of the structure with state technical supervision authorities for compliance with safety standards, and also allowed the uncontrolled use of the facility by minor children. in the square where construction was taking place
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, more than ten children were playing, and as a result of the collapse of the slide, several children fell from a three-meter height. some were seriously injured, suffering broken legs and injuries. spine. a criminal case has been initiated regarding the provision of services that do not meet the requirements for the safety, life and health of citizens. the issue of choosing a preventive measure will be decided against the deputy head of the district. the oktyabrsky district court of kirov passed a verdict against the former regional governor nikita bilykh, who is currently in prison anyway. he was accused of abuse of power with grave consequences. on the first charge, mr. belykh was convicted. but was exempt from punishment due to the statute of limitations, and according to the second the ex-governor was completely acquitted of the charges, securing his rights to rehabilitation. let me remind you that white’s first term for accepting bribes is already coming to an end, perhaps next year he will be released. report by
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galina hungureeva. to the meeting room, as if to a meeting with old acquaintances, bestowing smiles on those around. and nodding towards the regulars of many years of litigation in the embrace of iron bars , the once head of the kirov region nikita belykh dives for the umpteenth time, if you believe his words, this is the 6th seventh phenomenon within the walls... of mathemis, managed even reproach journalists for not closely following the progress of his judicial life. i should have gone to 66 meetings earlier. having settled down at ease, mr. bilykh even showered compliments towards the prosecutor and almost got the civil servant to work for him. maxim mikhailovich, again, can you ask how the process went? i treat him very well, i would hire him. and i would probably conduct a master class on the optimal use of budget funds, as, for example, at the beginning of 2000, when i borrowed chair of the governor of the region, then, because of gray schemes, the kirov regional mortgage
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corporation, or cry for short, collapsed, due to the high-profile bankruptcy, hundreds of state employees, teachers, doctors, cultural workers were left without housing, this, in fact, became the reason for the initiation of a criminal case. according to the charges, belykh provided the mortgage corporation with an impressive bill amounting to more than 700 million rubles. partly through a loan, partly from the regional budget, he allegedly did everything to provide state employees with apartments, but under an agreement. i still haven't loaded the money were returned on time, but the housing that was built never received official status; soon the social housing was put up for auction altogether. in these shots, the belykhs are solemnly handing over the keys to the new residents, and the unsuspecting and still happy owners of the property thank the authorities. however, the tone of the speeches soon changed to a cry for help. we live under such conditions that today we live, tomorrow they may call us and say, excuse me, please let us vacate the apartment. whites have a whole list of criminal merits, including october. he arrived from a maximum security colony near ryazan, where he is already serving a sentence for accepting a bribe. here is footage of the arrest in
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one of moscow’s expensive restaurants on the new arbat. there is a scattering of crisp bills on the table. investigators proved that for 600,000 euros, the official promised personal patronage to large enterprises. therefore, in the criminal case he received 8 years in prison. it was then that belykh swapped his expensive jackets for a prison uniform. my colleagues from the program told me what the former governor’s everyday life looks like now. research by eduard petrov. journalists we came to visit him in the correctional colony. instead of regional budget planning meetings, at first there was the dusty position of a prison library. after one of the checks, citizen belykh changed his job and found himself in a sewing factory. here is an ex-governor convicted of bribery in a white cloud of cotton and arranging stuffed hares and bear cubs, and has mastered the profession of a stuffer of soft toys. maybe it was this good deed that softened the ex-official’s temper, and he now says hello.
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under the second article of abuse of office powers, efimida acquitted belykh and recognized his right to rehabilitation, with which the convict was very pleased and even on charges of abuse of power is ready to appeal, but this is in the future, but for now he will still have to return to the white cloud of cotton wool and sew toys for the good society and joy for children. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. in kurgan, the court chose a preventive measure for the mayor of the city, elena sitnikov.
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forest fires in the region in may of this year, then the fire destroyed almost the entire neighborhood smolin in kurgan, more than 200 houses burned down and there were deaths. afterwards, some fire victims complained that they did not receive the promised payments due to their debt, certificates for new housing. it also turned out that the kurgan administration has accumulated more than 6,000 fire safety violations. let me remind you that elena sitnikova took the post of head of the city in the twenty-first year, since then her work has more than once become the object of criticism. for example, the governor recently issued a warning to the sitnikovs after problems arose with the construction of one of the
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city ​​schools. the kurgan administration, apparently, is now working as usual. the former deputy head of the east siberian, later krasnoyarsk, railway will be tried in krasnoyarsk. andrei vlasov is accused of especially large bribes. according to investigators, the high-ranking specialist received gifts not only of money, but also of building materials. railway worker went to trial, the case of andrei vlasov , several months after wide publicity, will finally be considered, he is accused of receiving large bribes, he took how investigators found out, not with banknotes, but with luxury cars, but in order to understand why he was offered such gifts in the first place, it is worth noting: vlasov is a respectable and respected man
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among siberian railway workers, having started his journey with the key of a track mechanic, and eventually rose to become the deputy head of the krasnoyarsk railway . where he oversaw construction issues, in 2020 the deputy head went to inspect the construction of a road on a remote stretch between lukashevich-koy stations, the contractor carried out construction and installation work and reconstructed the canvas. there were three plots, there were three plots, and lukashevichka, work was done there in the amount of 593 million. the red cordon kizir was 252 million and rostylev’s yard was 95 million. that is, almost a billion rubles. rub. rumor has it that vlasov visited the site where work was often carried out. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program found this out. around the same time , vlasov began to be noticed driving a luxury mercedes suv. a little time passed and people in uniform came for him. during the preliminary investigation it was established that that the gelentvagen was given to him as a bribe from those same contractors.
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it was a beautiful room, partially covered with film. well , accordingly. that’s not all , in the trunk here, which means that money in the amount of 20 million rubles was found , which vlasov later intended to transfer to the officials to whom vlasov was going to transfer the money, investigators are establishing, but as representatives of the program explained to the journalists of the program contractor, the bribe did not concern issues of the quality of the canvas, which is used by dozens heavy trains per day, it was more about lobbying the interests of a specific organization so that contracts for expensive...
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the former deputy head of the krasnoyarsk railway then emphasized his innocence: in your opinion , are you behind bars here on a case or a conspiracy? i think according to the reservation, who did you cross the path of, are you so super positive? no comment, but you know this, i guess, one way or another, andrei vlasov faces up to 15 years in prison for bribes, according to the investigation, the precedent with the gelentvagen may... the central district court of krasnoyarsk will announce its decision in the near future. maxim shevchenko, eduard petrov, mikhail shirin, lead. duty department. the so-called timber mafia blocked the canal. in the irkutsk region, police officers detained two businessmen who
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were involved in the criminal export of timber abroad. operatives conducted searches in apartments and offices. their organizers. according to preliminary data, they have accounted for more than 60 cases of illegal movement of strategically important resources across the customs border. analyzing the information entered logging enterprises in state registers, police identified a discrepancy in the volumes of harvested and sold timber. at the same time, in the documents of one of the companies, invoices were found for the purchase of timber, for which there were contradictions. agents did not actually deliver to the exporter. as researchers from the ministry of internal affairs established, the entrepreneurs were engaged in criminal business for about 3 years, during which time they illegally exported over 24,000 cubic meters of timber from russia. the damage exceeded 150 million rubles. in bashkiria, a rural debater attacked neighbors with a shovel when they
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tried to repair a well located on his property. dispute over sewerage and access. to shared resources between residents has been going on for more than 10 years, but people cannot agree. the local police department is bombarded with mutual reports of assaults, beatings, and property damage. fyodor eliseev tried to sort out the conflict. i ’ll call the cops now, to get to the bottom of the truth , an aggressive man with a shovel from the bashkir village of mormelevo is determined, only his opponent, without such weighty arguments. and then switches to the operator. those who watched the attack on the parents
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and children could not calm down for another day, and the operator, who is also the wife of the man who was not caught by the shovel, was in shock for a long time, as if she was scared, for the first time in my life such a situation, shovels were not thrown at me now, it would seem that he was a rowdy , having thrown off the shovel with the last threat, he set off to get comfortable, to catch up, shouting an insult, but after a while he came to... the offender’s home to resolve the issue like a man, he was greeted by the door, on it he got even, at the same time he tore up the mailbox, the shovel's competitor, the snow blower, was especially damaged , it's a bummer, of course, that he broke our snow blower, and the neighbors were also shocked , seemingly accustomed to the antics of the shovel's owner, and then i looked, damn, this madman is walking around, well, when i saw it in the chat, oh, jitters, shaking, well, let’s just say, nothing pleasant or good can be said about this person. the cause of the neighbor conflict, which has lasted more than 8 years, is
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a sewer well. the common property is located behind a high fence on plot of dmitry denisov, nicknamed the shoveler by his neighbors. if this well is not cleaned in time, neighbors' apartments will be filled with sewage. on the day of the conflict, waste pumping work was to be carried out at his site. everyone knew about this, including denisov himself. was controlled by oleg kharitonov, when the asinizer left , denisov came, outraged by the arbitrariness, began to attack me, i defended myself from him, he fell here very slippery, at that moment my wife came out, she was a witness, she began to reason with him, he hit her, so i did not notice, how it happened, thank god i didn’t notice how it happened, after that it seemed like the conflict was settled, but the rowdy had his own version of what was happening. he greeted the film crew good-naturedly, although the shovels on display seemed to hint that they should be more careful. according to his version, he simply drove strangers out of his territory. i received, here
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you go, a slap in the face, plus they just beat me all over. these are your neighbors, right? this is my neighbor, but, unfortunately, inadequate. i'm in a state of effect, i'm everything that was there underneath i grabbed him with my hand to send him out, kick him out, that’s it, close the door, and so that i would no longer have this man.
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the police are looking into the circumstances of the incident, whether this conflict will become a climax in history or will mark the beginning of a new round of development of the conflict, time will tell, now the police will have to bury the shovel of war, a procedural decision will be made based on the results of the inspection. dovletov, lead, duty department. in the moscow region, the police moved pseudo-gas workers who made terrible diagnoses about the gas equipment of pensioners, whose apartments were visited. change it so that, god forbid, an emergency does not happen. in fact, they carried out completely different work, in particular , half a million rubles were stolen from one married couple while they were simulating an inspection. the police detained the deceivers. it turned out that they came to the moscow region from the ryazan region. it is possible that this is not the only one. and tours. during a search in the offenders' apartment, police found and seized mobile phones, sim cards, and various ones. after examining the seized
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items, investigators will probably be able to get in touch with other victims of false gas workers. maybe they themselves are detained, they will remember their addresses, but for now they will have to go to a pre-trial detention cell. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. in the seaside town of artyom , security forces visited a hostel. the police , together with their colleagues from the national guard, chose those in which, according to their information, they lived.
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ivan popenko was sentenced, he was found guilty of the massacre of a sixteen-year-old girl in july of this year, a man who was looking for the day of a new crime. report by olga zhurenkova. in his last word to to the court, ivan popenko, accused of a brutal murder, had previously tried in every possible way to pity themis, assured that he regretted what happened, sleeps poorly at night, and also asked to be given a chance to cope and become better, the truth is that this is possible, it’s hard to believe, the man is 35 years old , previously convicted of rape, robbery , murder, was released from the colony in the summer, and a week later he committed a new crime, dealt with a sixteen-year-old high school student,
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earlier in the judicial debate... this terrible story happened in the summer, ivan popenko attacked the pole later, her body found in a forest belt. here is footage of the killer being detained; security forces raided his apartment early in the morning while he was sleeping. i immediately confessed to everything that they had detained her for murder, who, girls, when 2 days ago, this was checking the testimony on the spot, when i saw that she flew straight, i also took the watch and looked at it like that , as journalists released from the colony found out, the priest lived with a friend, her grandmother, in this house on the outskirts
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of devnogorsk. he told everyone that he works at krasnoyarsk in a company installing plastic windows. both women had no idea who they were sheltering in the apartment. some details are shocking. it turned out that after the murder of the schoolgirl, he told his roommate, i asked how old you are, he says 34. i say, where did you live, he says, now in the house where he lived, where my father lived, my brothers live. as journalists wrote, no supervision was established over the dangerous criminal after. do not leave the house at night, do not go to alcohol stores, do not leave krasnoyarsk. popenko appealed this decision, which is why essentially no one was watching the dangerous criminal, and as a result, a week later he committed a new crime. based on the evidence collected by the regional investigative committee of russia, the krasnoyarsk regional court issued a guilty verdict against a resident of demnogorsk. taking into account the position of the state prosecutor, the perpetrator
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was sentenced to life imprisonment. alekseev. vesti is the duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels. the duty desk is an honest detective. follow along with us. our episodes are also available on the watch platform. and that's all we have. tatyana petrova was with you. see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel.
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