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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 26, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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maintaining the strengthening of close ties between the peoples of the cis countries, developing friendship and good neighborliness will be the main task of the russian chairmanship in the commonwealth in the new year. vladimir putin traditionally gathered his colleagues on the eve of the new year holidays, but he began this informal summit in st. petersburg not from the meeting room, but from a big excursion. the meeting in a friendly atmosphere softened even the most pressing issues and made it possible to discuss everything from the joint fight against attempts to falsify history to the subtleties of painting on imperial porcelain. about the main ones anastasia ifimova will tell you about the surprises of this unofficial day. on black auruses are the heads of uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and... armenia on white - the leader
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of turkmenistan and only the president of kazakhstan in a mercedes. an informal summit of leaders of the cis countries starts in pavlovsk with a tour of the palace, which is conducted by the head of the museum of the reserve and supplemented by the russian president, for example, he tells guests about the pavlovsk music station, not so much a railway station as a pre-revolutionary, cultural sight. can you tell me what time it is? in european countries, train stations were also used, so it wasn’t particularly original, but it was more beautiful and better, and the first station, well, yes, a zero-level road, during the excursion these shots attract attention, this is actually this, already in the evening, when the heads of state gather at the konstantinovsky palace, vladimir putin will explain: a cultural program is not
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only a pleasant educational leisure activity, it is also an excellent opportunity to discuss pressing issues in an informal setting. here i am i noticed that even during these historical excursions, moving from room to room, each of you, including me , had a detailed conversation - we exchanged opinions about current affairs of the bilateral, multilateral format and on international affairs , so in general...
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in the process of preparing this document, this agreement, everyone recognized that the russian language is the most important consolidating element of the post-soviet space, the key to mutual understanding and free communication for hundreds of millions of residents of the cis countries. humanitarian interaction, as the president noted, is a very important component of cooperation, because it is based on a centuries-old common history and a deep intertwining of cultures, and it is no coincidence , vladimir putin emphasized, that the leaders have gone through this...
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shavkat mirziyoyev, well, at these moments, the summit participants, the leaders the cis countries are already leaving the konstantinovsky palace, where the main part of the meeting took place; the kremlin has already called it absolutely successful and very important, as the president’s press secretary dmitry peskov assessed the summit. according to him the leaders synchronized their watches...
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directions to kurakhovo, krasnogorovka and ugledar opened in front of us. there are already battles for georgievka and maksimilyanovka. our special correspondent, stanislav nazarov, is on this section of the front along with the soldiers. then we go into the liberated marinka. at dawn, the movement of armored vehicles or vehicles will attract the attention of the enemy. we walk in small groups; there are damaged vehicles on the streets. a unit of the fifth brigade of the first donetsk army corps
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operates from closed firing positions for better disguise. any rotation here is carried out early. this basement was the last shelter of the ukrainian armed forces in marinka, ammunition, small and anti-tank weapons, grenades, traces of blood on the floor, from here the militants launched kamikaze drones and adjusted their artillery. this is the very last point in the marina, but this is what we got, these are our younger brothers, something like this. anti-tank in the houses from which the militants were knocked out, our units discover a lot of nato weapons, this is a captured grenade launcher, eighty four-millimeter m136, fighting is already going on outside the city, our attack aircraft are taking
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the enemy’s trenches, the distance to the enemy is less than 2 m, the fire is almost point-blank, there is , there is, shot, more, tell the soldier if there is one. they have lying around, when we filmed this report in marinka with colleagues of the battalion commander troshino, in the fifth motorized rifle brigade no one could yet accurately name the date of the complete liberation of the city , we met with the commander of the tank battalion alexander troshin, who personally reported to the president of russia about the capture of the city, immediately after leaving the line combat contact. the last house is right at the end of the marinka itself, that is, the exit to... the tamba and from the penultimate house to the last 150 m of clear space, that is, people are like in a shooting gallery, and it was necessary to choose the moment and make a breakthrough to
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gain a foothold in this house , thanks to the infliction, well, i inflicted fire damage, by aviation, artillery, and we began to move under all this. for the assault, they set up smoke, they ran under the smoke, the enemy, that is, they caught the enemy by surprise, they were sitting in the basement, yes, we see, they were hit, now there’s just smoke there, now it will dissipate, we’ll see, then , the drone operators watch as one of the militants escapes from the trench, leaving his wounded colleagues, the enemy is retreating, the enemy, it’s very difficult for the enemy, ours were advancing , slowly but surely, 53 by 53, one fire, spotters work in pairs. together with the operators of these unmanned vehicles, now our infantry is advancing, the city of marinka has been wiped off the face of the earth, along these streets ukrainian formations continue to operate with artillery and kamikaze drones, shelling continues 86, exit from
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north-west, accepted, we are looking , we are looking, well, it’s working somewhere, we don’t see the exit itself, we can hear by the sound, the north-west, in the area of ​​97 arrivals, presumably 120 mortars are working, attempts by ukrainian formations to attack, often here in the south donetsk direction. leads to the following results: among the damaged equipment there are many foreign trophies; in these footage, taken a few days ago, a french armored personnel carrier is on fire. the first one can be seen that it looks like an infantry fighting vehicle, which accompanies two wheeled vehicles, apparently of some kind of foreign production, just now you saw a hit on the car, there it was, smoking, they discovered french equipment, or when they discovered it, it doesn’t matter whose? and it doesn’t matter if something comes from the enemy’s side, it is
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immediately approaching absolute destruction; during the capture of the last house in marinka , the situation in the forward command post was tense. are our birds under the lamp position? no, it’s a german bird, there’s a five-minute readiness, let him watch the tank and work towards it, massive artillery let’s say there is no impact on us, what happened happened back in the summer, early autumn, they are working harder. pinpoint saving ammunition the enemy tried to fight for these houses near the dam until the last minute shot yes timokha timokha one fire on the gap east 100 east 100 on readiness one fire now after the capture of the city our units are pushing the enemy out of the forest belts marenko was under ukrainian occupation for 9 years the city is closely adjacent to to the western outskirts of donetsk from here.
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russia as a whole is successfully advancing in all directions, sergei shaigu stated this during the final conference call of the defense department and emphasized that our army has fulfilled the main goal for 2023. the main efforts in the past year were focused on achieving the goal of the special military operation. the main thing is to disrupt what ukraine and its nato members loudly declared. allies of the counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces, this task was successfully completed, this
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was facilitated by several determining factors: the creation of an effective system of defensive lines, high the combat effectiveness of all units, the reliability and effectiveness of russian military equipment, and above all, the skillful and decisive actions of the defenders of the fatherland, who selflessly provide... the east repelled the next attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. they shot down two guided aerial bombs, which
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were supposedly flying towards the city of mariupol, which at that moment was hosting an event in the city center, but the damage would have been very significant. the tor anti-aircraft missile system covers the sky over donbass around the clock. dents and holes throughout the body they say that this vehicle is a combat vehicle; the crew has repeatedly come under fire. the armor protects the equipment. so we continue to work accordingly. this crew has hit 86 targets: missiles, rocket launchers, kamikaze drones and drones. all nato equipment is very uh, one might say, it burns, it works well in the fields, it gets stuck, but we move around calmly. together with the crew, we go to the starting position. monitoring of air targets is carried out constantly, day and night. and bazh understands perfectly well that this installation is one of the most desirable goals for... su, so the crew constantly changes its location and never stays long in one place. the
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radar recognition system automatically locks on air targets within a radius of 30 km. we see that the sky is clear, there are no flying objects. if birds are flying, we observe the mark and take its accompaniment. and these mobile crews work on the line of combat contact. man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. igla is covered by assault units, low-flying helicopters and planes are shot down. because the we are working directly with the infantry, they made a little noise somewhere, the response flies by, we fired somewhere, that’s it. the manpads platoon commander, igla, had worked, came here from blagoveshchensk, signed contracts for a year and a half on the front line, was seriously wounded, but still returned to the front. all the guys here are mine, so i won’t abandon them, and since i became a platoon commander, now , as they say, they are behind me, even on their professional holiday, all air defense crews are on combat duty, ready to repel any
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attack. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in ukraine, meanwhile. they are preparing to send disabled people of the third group into meat assaults, that is , people, for example, without one eye, kidney, or lung, this is just another point in the odious mobilization bill, the document in general turned out to be so scandalous that the leaders of the kiev regime have already publicly quarreled among themselves, trying to throw responsibility on each other, who else will be taken into the armed forces of ukraine, evgeniy rishetnev will tell. why are you doing this, what are you doing? leave him alone! people, help! with with the excitement of predators, the ukrainian military commissars got down to business, carrying out a new mobilization plan, this is odessa, a man born in eighty-one was grabbed on the street, he only managed to hand over the car keys to his wife so that she could go home to the children, what are you doing, let him go back , i'm out of breath, pick up his
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lands, that the police are detaining him as a unist. you know everything at his press conference zelensky claimed that the general staff and the commander-in-chief demanded that he send an additional 500,000 soldiers to the front. zaluzhny is already refuting: a request for there was additional staffing, but this figure is a military secret. it turns out that the president does not follow his words and blurts out secret information. viysk commanders' torture, the military command did not make any request for any numbers or the like. the military command continued to carry out tasks to protect the state and is generating requests.
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for refusal to undergo a medical examination , the corresponding bill is already in the parliament from 3 to 5 years in prison. the deferment, according to the document, is not provided to persons with a third group, as well as those who have disabled wives of the third group. in fact, we can talk about people with serious physical defects, congenital or acquired, the absence of one lung of a kidney, an endoprosthesis, a joint, an artificial heart valve, the absence of part of a leg or arm, and although such videos are circulating on the internet. in the army canteen of the armed forces of ukraine, people are mostly over 50; it’s really difficult to imagine that kiev will start sending one-armed or blind people to the front, but people with removed internal organs are quite possible. from 28 december, as part of mobilization activities , control checkpoints will be installed in every city and region. we are taking up mobilization. this is what the former adviser to the mayor
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of ivan frankovsk threatens, although the residents of kiev today saw the roadblocks and decided that it had begun. ukrainian. border guards report that their official website unblocked more than 220 criminal groups that transported men abroad, more than 700 people received real prison sentences, often the organizers of the transfers sent their charges along dangerous routes through difficult to pass forests, mountains, deep fast rivers, but escaping is now half the battle, there are no recruiting centers abroad, but summonses will be sent out electronically, whoever does not appear at the military registration and enlistment office for... documents, while there is a window of opportunity, it is abroad that refugees rushed to draw up personnel from spanish valencia, field office for issuing passports, here is the queue at the passport center in prague. european politicians are summing up
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the results of the year, questions about ukraine are being raised, but the topic, to put it mildly, is not the main one, not even a secondary one, somewhere in the middle. the defense staff says that if there is war tomorrow, canada will be in big trouble, is n't it your fault after 8 years in power? everybody 's going to be in big trouble because we, all of us nato allies, are shipping huge amounts of weapons to ukraine right now. the germans confirm. the sphere is weak due to ukrainian appetites. instead of increasing arms production as quickly as possible, they satisfied the urgent needs of ukraine. now germany's own reserves have reached alarming lows. they never gave it to kiev, but they allowed it to the europeans.
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give your partners theirs. forecasts for the twenty -fourth year from the american channel cnbc sound disappointing for the kiev authorities, but they don’t even need to think about it if there is someone who will decide everything for them. at the start of 2023 , hopes were high that the vaunted ukrainian counteroffensive would change the course of the war. and the prospect of a breakthrough in 2024 is also unlikely. military experts far from the battlefield say the trajectory of the russian-ukrainian war in 2024 will largely be determined thousands of years away. miles from ukraine to the usa. the french newspaper lopenion points out that zelensky is the one who has befuddled everyone with promises, and now sobering up is coming. such sentiments are reminiscent of autumn-winter depression, but it was primarily caused by the hangover effect from zelensky’s promise. isn't it time to try to find a political one? the decision together with the kremlin and everyone is worried by the question that sounds like a verdict, that if russia wins, in recent weeks and months it has been uttered and made headlines by the world’s largest media more and more often. evgeny
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lishetnev and maxim shchepilov, lead. he it's getting better and better. up to 16% per annum on deposits, the best interest rate in savings. how good it is here, thick walls, high floor , signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house, you must first get a cat who will teach you how to use wifi, with wifi technology, use mobile communications even like this: where is there signal interference? can i keep the cat? belaine, on your side. my business is small, so that everyone can
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prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this on... it is about remote sensing of the earth, communications, broadband internet access, and relaying, navigation, the internet of things. therefore, the formation of our own developed industry of space services, technologies and products should become one of the priorities of our work. western sanctions have had an impact on the russian space industry, but thanks to financial support
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from the government, sustainability is possible. preserve, according to mikhail mishustin, in the budget for 2024-2026 provides more than 240 billion rubles annually for financing the space industry; in addition, it is planned to export. the president also instructed to extend state support mechanisms developed for industrial investment projects to the rocket and space sector. and take measures to develop exports. we consider countries as our main potential markets. africa, asia, middle east and latin america. ideas that are designed to restore the leading position of russian cosmonautics, embodies roscosmos. thus, in november of this year , flight tests of the skif-d spacecraft, a demonstrator of the future skif broadband internet system, were successfully completed. already in 2026-2027, the project will provide stable communications and navigation even in the most remote corners of russia. in the next 2 years , the state corporation plans to implement a
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global monitoring project. the russian segment was extended until 2028 inclusive; at the same time, work is underway on the project of the russian orbital station, which should replace the iss. sketchy the project is already ready, it will be placed in orbit in two stages: by 2029 the launches of the scientific-energy, hub, gateway and base modules are expected, by 2023 the station will be equipped with target free-flying modules, of course the station will have a different design.
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new equipment, a basis for conducting scientific experiments, in general it is planned as a permanent laboratory where various technical solutions will be tested. another promising project of roscosmos is luna 26. the second mission of the new russian lunar program is aimed at a comprehensive study of our satellite from orbit. technologies will make it possible to study the relief of the moon, the composition of the surface, internal structure, as well as the plasma environment. the data will be used in... in future lunar missions, including for autonomous navigation. luna 26, work on it is not in full swing, the launch is planned in the twenty-seventh year, it will enter lunar orbit, which means determining the landing site for future automatic vehicles luna 27. the academy of sciences came out with a proposal to make two satellites, luna 27a and luna 27b for reliability and to ensure the fulfillment of this
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mission, roscosmos has already... 16 accident-free launches of russian space launch vehicles, in 2023 18 were made from baikanur, six from the polesetsk cosmodrome and three from the vostochny cosmodrome, where construction of a launch pad for the space mission was completed this year amur missile complex. despite western pressure and attempts to disorient russia, domestic space exploration is making progress. in june 2023 alone, the soyuz 2.1b launch vehicle launched 40 russian rockets into orbit from the vostochny cosmodrome. space devices and 39 small satellites, which became a record in the history of russian cosmonautics. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. during the year, employees of the investigative committee investigated 136 thousand crimes, including almost 70,000 grave and especially grave acts. this was stated by the head of the department , alexander bastrikin, at an operational meeting. they let him down.


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