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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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by the way, even more, the snowfall paralyzed the work of the air harbor, where our colleague from the southern ural state television and radio broadcasting company, danil rabush, worked today. flights continue to be delayed at chelyabinsk airport due to weather conditions. at the moment, six flights are postponed, one of them was completely canceled. eight aircraft cannot arrive to the south ural capital on time. some planes get stuck in the snow right on the runway. passengers. moscow-chelyabinsk had to wait not at the airport, right on the plane. the plane got stuck in a snowdrift and stood there for an hour and a half. employees they couldn’t even bring the ramp to the swept-out runway. we are waiting for a tow truck, which will also tow us to the parking lot. according to eyewitnesses, the landing was abnormal; one of the passengers became ill during the flight. they tried to rescue the plane from the snow trap for more than an hour using shovels. it's been 2 hours since we...
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retreat for the rest of the day. there are also delays at yekaterinburg koltsovo airport. the equipment is continuously clearing the take-off to the landing strip, a blizzard and heavy snowfall have caught and sverdlovsk region. there were dozens of accidents on the roads due to minimal visibility of snow drifts, one of the trucks damaged the syrovsky highway. more than 10 mm of precipitation per day. in fact, such twenty-centimeter snowdrifts, public services are
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the conditions for investment in the space sector. stanislav posilchenko will tell you more about how the industry will develop in the coming years. widespread digitalization and increased demand for satellite services are today the main benchmark for the russian space industry. this topic has become key in during a strategic session with prime minister mikhail mishustin. in all
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, we are talking about remote sensing of the earth, communications, broadband internet access, relaying, navigation, the internet of things, so the formation of our own developed industry of space services, technologies and products should become one of the priority areas of our work. western sanctions have had an impact on the russian space industry, but thanks to government financial support, sustainability...
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to countries in africa, asia, the middle east and latin america. ideas that are designed to restore the leading position of russian cosmonautics are embodied by roscosmos. thus, in november of this year, flight tests of the skif-d spacecraft, a demonstrator of the future skif broadband internet system, were successfully completed. already in 2026-2027, the project will provide stable communications and navigation even in the most remote corners of russia. in the next 2 years, the state corporation plans to implement a global project. experimental highly detailed reconnaissance devices in the optical range of two and one in locational, we hope to launch them in the twenty- fifth, twenty-sixth year, they will also become the basis of a multi-satellite constellation for remote sensing of the earth. participation in the international space station project continues. the operation of the russian
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segment was extended until 2028 inclusive, while at the same time work is underway on the project of the russian orbital station, which should replace the iss. the preliminary design is already ready. the scientific and energy, hub, gateway and base modules are expected to be launched by... by 2029; the station will be retrofitted by 2023 already with target free-flying modules, of course, the station will have a different look, new equipment, a basis for conducting scientific experiments, in general it is planned as a permanent laboratory where various things will be developed... another promising project of roscosmos luna-26. the second mission of the new russian lunar program is aimed at comprehensive research of our satellite from orbit. technologies will make it possible to study the relief of the moon, the composition of the surface, internal structure, as well as the plasma environment. the data will be used in future lunar missions,
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including for autonomous navigation. luna 26, work on it is not in full swing, the launch is planned in the twenty-seventh year, it will enter lunar orbit. this means determining the landing site for future automatic luna 27 spacecraft. the academy of sciences came up with a proposal to make two satellites, luna 27a and luna 27b, for reliability and to ensure the completion of this mission. roscosmos has already accounted for 116 accident-free launches of russian space launch vehicles; in 2023, 18 were completed with baikonur, six from the plisetsk cosmodrome and three from the vostochny cosmodrome, where it ended this year. construction of a launch pad for the amur space rocket complex. despite western pressure and attempts to disorient russia, domestic space exploration is making progress. in june 2023 alone, the soyuz 2.1b launch vehicle launched 40 russian
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spacecraft and 39 small satellites into orbit from the vostochny cosmodrome, which became a record in the history of russian cosmonautics. stanislav vasilchenko, lead. employees of the investigative committee investigated for a year.
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the issue of regulating the activities of mentors was discussed in moscow. representatives of the presidential administration, members of the government and governors, as well as experts took part in the seminar and meeting to prepare the meeting of the presidium of the state council. it is dedicated to enhancing the role and prestige of the teacher. details in the report by natalia solovyova. this year has been declared the year of the teacher- mentor in russia. its main goal is to consolidate the special status of russian teachers.
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and here the role of a mentor is important, one among the forms of socialization of children who return to the military training camp, or it could be their involvement in the status of advisers, responsible for educational work, or as teachers who deal with lessons in basic military training, in our opinion, the most effective worlds today. we discussed a number of other proposals: removing non-core workload from teachers, optional reporting, increasing wages - this is always on the agenda, another topic is the continuation of the school overhaul program.
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russia traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come. to the international exhibition forum russia. far eastern mortgages have been extended to the arctic regions of russia. under what conditions can you buy real estate there? who can take advantage of the preferential program? we will tell you the instructions in 5 minutes in this issue. so, from december 8, 2023 , the far eastern mortgage was expanded to the arctic zone. let's look at the map. this is murmansk. region, nenets autonomous okrug, yamal nenets autonomous okrug, the republics of karelia and kome, arkhangelsk
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region and krasnoyarsk territory, in certain settlements that are part of the arctic zone, plus some settlements in the republic of sakha, yakutia and the chukotka autonomous okrug. who can apply for a preferential loan? young families in which both spouses are not older than 35 years. single parents with a child under eighteen, those who moved to the arctic. under regional programs to increase labor mobility, as well as program participants an arctic hectare, teachers and doctors who have worked in the arctic for at least 5 years, and finally, forced migrants from the territories of ukraine, lpr and dpr, who now live in one of the arctic regions. now about the conditions of the arctic mortgage: the loan rate will not exceed 2% per annum, and you can get up to 9 million rubles for it. up to twenty. years, down payment of 20% of the cost of housing. what can you buy? an apartment in a building under construction or
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a finished building from a developer, an individual residential building under construction from developer under an equity participation agreement, or a finished cottage from a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who is the first owner. build an individual residential building yourself or with the help of a contractor, buy a plot of land for such construction, or purchase secondary housing. rural areas and single-industry towns from the government list. secondary housing can be purchased in rural settlements, in single-industry towns, and also on the territory. kodan region and chekots autonomous okrug, citizens who urgently left other territories and arrived in the far eastern federal district and the arctic zone, and can purchase secondary housing throughout the entire territory where the program operates. an important point is that the cost per square meter should
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not be higher than the regional average; the standard is set by the ministry of construction every quarter. if you... decide to apply for an arctic mortgage, you will need a generally standard set of documents, this is a passport, a copy of the work book, an employment contract, a certificate of income withheld amounts tax, formerly called 2 personal income tax, it can be obtained from the employer, snils, the list should be clarified at the bank, depending on which category the potential borrower belongs to , additional documents may be required, this could be a certificate. for the children’s birth certificate, and this could be a copy of the employment contract, which confirms participation in the labor mobility program , a migration card and other documents. which bank should i contact? there are 20 of them in the program, including the largest ones. the list can be view on the domf portal. a few more
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useful facts about the program. it is valid until december 31, 2030. you can use maternity capital as a down payment or use it for early repayment. if you already own a home, this will not prevent you from becoming a participant in the program. you can take advantage of a far eastern and arctic mortgage only once in your life. and one more important condition: registration in the arctic region will not be required in advance, because the program aims to stimulate moving, but you will need to register at the new address within. days to have a valid registration there for 5 years, otherwise the bank has the right to revise the terms after the fact and raise the interest rate on the loan. the far eastern arctic mortgage contains such conditions, since the program was developed, among other things, to attract retention of citizens in the far eastern federal district and
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the arctic zone, therefore the terms of the loan agreement may contain an increase. interest rate, but for those loans which are now being issued is an increase in the rate, the key rate of the bank of russia plus 2% points. let us repeat, the most important thing is that the far eastern mortgage was expanded to the arctic regions of russia. certain categories of borrowers can receive deliveries of up to 2% per annum, up to 9 million rubles for a period of up to 20 years. housing can be purchased not only on the primary, but also on the secondary market under certain conditions; one of the key requirements of the program is to obtain registration in the arctic region. do you have any questions, would you like to know what the conditions are for other programs? preferential mortgages, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will communicate with the relevant departments and be sure to tell you everything in our next instructions. there is a concept of the deep
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state. the authorities are changing, and the deep state, gentlemen who...
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regions of the country, right now we are moving from new year's moscow to the far east. vladivostok in 2020, here in potrokal bay, the russian federation house transferred a plot of land to a developer following the results of the first auction for a share in russia, this is a mechanism when a business receives land and builds a house on it, in exchange he transfers part of the apartments.
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but at a high price. in this house , the rental price for an apartment of 38 square meters is about 9.00 per month, although the market rate is 4,500 rubles. the cost was reduced thanks to subsidies from the regional and federal budgets. this is a modern renovation. this apartment is completely new, i have dreamed of air conditioning all my life. i go to rented apartments, i can’t afford to install one, here it’s already there. at the same time , the settlement of the first houses in anader began. as a result, by the end of the year, 82 families with... can improve living conditions. to implement all our plans, chukotka requires personnel, because people are the main driving force. the construction of rental housing will allow us
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to attract new specialists. our task is to provide them with comfortable living and working conditions. the affordable housing rental program in the far eastern federal district was launched at the initiative of the president. it is being implemented jointly by the house of the russian federation smin east development, the ministry of construction and the ministry of finance, as well as developers of the far eastern federal district. individual decisions concern. support for young professionals who come to dalniy east. 10,000 rental apartments will be built for them. the rental rate will be significantly lower than the market rate due to subsidies from the regional and federal budgets. in total, the housing development institute has already financed the construction of more than 4,000 apartments in nine of the eleven regions of the far east. the solution to the housing problem becomes the decisive argument in favor of staying here or. move to the far eastern federal district from another part of the country to study or work. today we are in the far east all investment projects have already created about 140,000 jobs. if previously our
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problem was precisely the creation of new jobs, then little by little we are faced with the problem of where to find people for these jobs, and for this people must have good living conditions. to date, we have already invested 30 billion rubles. we are already financing the construction of 4,500 apartments for the regions. far east. rental apartments in the far east are being built for students and young professionals. in this way, you can solve the issue of staff shortages or provide targeted assistance. we will increase the volume of apartments, make more comfortable housing available, including rental housing, in order to ensure a flexible labor market, ensure mobility, and the opportunity for people to come and try themselves. 42 apartments in potrokol bay are just the start of a project in primorye. in other regions of the far eastern federal district, the number is already hundreds. for example, in the khabarovsk territory there are 1,255 apartments, in the sakalinsk region 1,152, in magadan - 1,073. this year we
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signed an agreement with the russian federation house for 50,000 m2. we have today there are 6,000 vacant jobs, wages from 60 to 250,000 rubles per month. and in the near future this volume will increase. we are confident that this will give an impetus, a powerful, quite serious impetus to the development of the social sphere. by the way, yakutia is one of the regions of the far east where corporate rental housing is being developed. this is another important area when it comes to apartments. are targeted at the order of the enterprise to attract new personnel to the region, and with all the necessary infrastructure, the business also benefits, there is no need manage non-core assets, and
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the employees themselves, because at a later stage they have the opportunity to buy housing. we have various forms, there is corporate leasing, when we create housing on behalf of an enterprise, there is sibur, there tobolsk is building its own enterprise, there it needs jobs, we have signed. he doesn’t divert his money, we invested ourselves, built them, they rent from us for their citizens, and then buy them and give them to people, we have such a corporate in yakutsk, we have corporate rent for students, the higher school of economics in moscow, and kolkovo, in the first quarter of next year we will introduce nine such dormitories and transfer them to skoltech for students to move into. the house of the russian federation has been developing the civilized rental market since 2016, and has already financed it. for the construction of more than 14,000 apartments and apartments, in addition to preferential or corporate programs, there is regular commercial rent in moscow and regions of the country. anyone can rent such housing
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, of course, if... there are free apartments and another direction - rental housing for students. in 2021, we launched a joint project with the school of economics, and a year later we agreed to build a rental house for students in tambov. as for the construction of rental housing in the far eastern federal district, the government has already allocated 87 billion rubles for the implementation of this program. this is the money that sent us 87 billion. and their goal is the safety and repayment of dividends. residents of a rental house in chukotka expect to celebrate the new year here, and these are teachers and teachers who are so needed in anadar. this is just a gift for the new year, real. this is a great, great opportunity for specialists to have such comfortable housing. we have already prepared 40 apartments with a rent of about 15,000 rubles per month. and in just a few years they plan to build 366 apartments here, furnished
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with all the necessary equipment. the economy of the macroregion needs personnel; the emergence of modern rental housing here makes it possible to provide them with comfortable conditions for work and life.
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hi, he's coming back, yes, oh, i miss you. the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new series, category, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he just has talent, always being in the center of events, give yourself a new year's gift now, sklifosovsky, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website.
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willingness to work at any time of the day anywhere in the country, the ability to provide first aid in an emergency under a variety of circumstances. russian rescuers are celebrating their professional holiday today. vladimir putin congratulated the veterans and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations. the role of the ministry of emergency situations in the comprehensive security of russia and of our citizens is growing year by year. and it’s important to preserve.


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