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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

2:30 am
we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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there will still be battles, well, there is this hope, it exists, it was very evident with this terrible vile naked party, such unanimity, i don’t remember, there a year ago, let’s say, there were so many appeals, including from the front line, from the recording our fighters, it means a lot, these changes are happening. but, of course, we understand that the united states of america, in general the entire collective plant, first of all, of course, the usa, will refuse the ukraine project are not going to, and we see this today, they are training ukrainian pilots to fly the f-16, now, i think, they have changed tactics, they are building fortifications, digging in, they are now intensifying and will intensify terrorist acts on the territory of our country.
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of course, they will continue a battle against russia, because the strategic goal of destroying russia, defeating the destruction of russia, of course, is not removed from the agenda. moreover, we are increasingly seeing how the west, primarily, of course, the united states of america, is preparing big, big, very big world war. we see it because it happens.
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it needs to be razed to the face of the earth, some of the people should be squeezed out, some should be destroyed, some should be driven into reservations, flood the tunnels in the cruelest way, but the murder of brigadier general riza mousavi, who is the representative of the country of our ally in syria, what...
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now a young journalist has been killed in egypt, who hid this story about what zelensky’s mother-in-law bought for herself, he was beaten to death, terrible injuries, terrible, silence, well, why, well, we see who we’re with we are dealing, look, what forainpolicy gave today and was written about on nato reform, this also indicates that the united states is preparing such a big world war through the nato institution. so they say there in europe, some kind of sovereignty, what kind of sovereignty, what the nato reform implies is the complete desovereignization of european countries and in general all member countries, the countries of the warsaw pact and seva were more
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independent than the countries of nato and european structures, as strange as it may sound now, what are you talking about, what else to us? especially, well of course, there, despite all the rigidity , it would seem, there is management there, but not even close compared to what is happening, what you are talking about, now the task has been set to put under control everything that produces industrial policy, technological politics, it was the nato summit in madrid that stated in 2022 that they must maintain their technological superiority over everyone else, in reproach to china, this was said, but here it is still completely ... under control, but not only, i’m i take what is written there, tracking external internal investments, that is, development even within the country is placed under the strictest control, that is, the complete mobilization of military, political,
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economic resources, where under nato, that is, under the united states of america, for what? in order to start a big world war, where they are trying. they will try to preserve themselves as the only country, the only western world in the entire depressed humanity, here russia is very much in the way, russia is very much in the way, and we understand this, excuse me, there is a block coming, this block is coming they create, we must completely abandon our naivety, go completely to the end, we say, but we are not for the blocs, we are not for the blocs. world, listen, this is inevitable for that bloc, yes, it is no coincidence that the warsaw pact appeared in 1955, because ours tried in 1954, as far as i remember, the soviet union applied to join nato, it was refused, yes, well,
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this means that i think that brix, the sco, this is an alliance, today we are talking about economic cooperation, interaction, trade in national currencies. but i think it will inevitably come to the point that it will be necessary to develop military-political cooperation here, and most likely in kazan at the summit we will already hear these notes, in any case, it is clear that we will be left with a powerful bloc structure that today concentrates everything resources, and recently i saw an interview with jeffrey sachs, they asked him a very interesting question: about that, and therefore why, when there was a war in vietnam, there were protests by politicians, and people came out there, well, because, he says, when there is a war going on in ukraine, for americans in general the media is trying to talk about it, there’s not much to talk about , it’s far away for them, but for them it’s like
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some kind of computer game, let’s say, somewhere far away, because there are no sensitive moments for themselves the united states of america, well, maybe it’s time... this is the second thing, to create these sensitive moments, i don’t undertake to advise our intelligence services, i think they know better, but we need to create these sensitive moments, without this they will still be stopped , it’s impossible to stop anyway, but we cannot prevent them from feeling that russia is a nuclear power, russia is a powerful power, we must find the means, well , in any case, it’s the same for syria, they have illegal bases there today.
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don’t like that you want to declare war on us? well, let's line up, we just have rvs officers, but their fingers are sore, i absolutely agree, and moreover, the last thing i want to say is, you know, we, dmitry is right, that we need the rear, we already have this today society's reaction to there is negativity, which is our party, and some statements of some political figures , the reaction of society, which showed that purification has happened in society, so we will have to change a lot, and not only in ideology, ideology must be accepted in economic management, and in the establishment in general, because that a lot...
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for your generally amazing fantastic work in the zone, i watched your film about signalmen, absolutely amazing, thank you, amazing film, well, it’s small, but incredibly emotional, what kind of people, this major general, unfortunately, i don’t remember his last name, a fantastic person, passionate, and in the series...
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you know, on the other hand, the strawberry withered, yes, but on the other hand, what did they violate, who -he said that they violated something, well, well, well , strictly speaking, on tv, look through the channels, only american films, as they went, so they go, it’s us who are fighting with them, they say, yeah, i don’t mind american cinema, as a class, well, in general, some kind of nonsense, how were legionnaires bought for millions of dollars? so are they bought, what is it? so why should they consider that a general, so to speak
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, attitude towards, maybe it’s consciously, i don’t know, maybe consciously, maybe this is correct, well, how to preserve the illusion in society that in general nothing is happening, everything as it was before the second year, so it is, this is how our society lives today, not the whole society, just society. lives like this, some part of society begins, as they say, to protest, and this is actually very dangerous for the authorities, because this indicates precisely that part of society is beginning to to realize the incompatible, the incompatibility of this begins, this is what you remembered, the sixteenth year, the same thing happened, st. petersburg of cocaine, at the front... to say it was bloody, you know, that’s why this is very important, but we talked about it here many times, but
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there must be some kind of ideological position , strictly speaking, someone should, this is how we are structured, someone should specifically say, this can be done, this cannot be done, this is how it is, by the way, in soviet times, they collected and said, so to speak, here you mean, this is how we should do it, i remember the festival of student youth was held by the late gerasil, we are young filmmakers, he says: well, you have all this, well , don’t play the fool, you remember that you are soviet people, and there’s no need to play the fool, as he said, let’s not run here and there, this is at that time, you know, well, there must be some clear, clear position, it must be defined.
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unfortunately, today ukraine is an enemy, it is consolidated, and zelensky is a serious enemy, serious, he is not just a puppet, he is apparently, he plays a very important role in this whole story.
2:46 am
very revealing, i repeat, in this sense, it makes you think that, apparently, a very large part of society is already in a certain nervous state about this gap between, i understand, we already have a huge group at the front, they have relatives, they have friends, they have millions of people, not to mention those people who really understand the danger for
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our country, tens of millions of people sincerely experience this and...
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it’s clear, we, we, you, you know better, but on the other hand on the other hand, we see that there is a very stubborn struggle, that strictly speaking, he is still quite motivated, despite this, as it were, a cap of mischief, which sometimes happens among us, there is no need, he is definitely not at the front, well, there is no need for it to the rear was
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so that some of this would come out of it - now i would like to say two words about serbia, because i love this country and have been there often, the thing is that i was in serbia not so long ago in october, it was, i released khitrovka was rented there; by the way, they released the only picture. russian, who was released, i i’m not saying this to brag, but to draw attention to the fact that serbian cinemas don’t want to show russian films, they don’t want, i have a feeling, my serbian friends, with whom i have a lot of them, you know, there are processes going on there the same ones that happened in ukraine, and they happen very quickly, and like, for example, my friends said that you understand, here we are, our generation yes...
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displaced people, what is this, why don’t we just call them displaced people, i can’t i don’t understand what’s wrong with this, why the need for edges, no, well, more precisely
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to call them, of course, bzduns, well, it’s clear, there , by the way, in serbia there are 300,000, 300,000, yes , that’s what i have for them, they still pass through these 300,000 there, you know, it’s clear that, apparently, this is... but i i think the only way to preserve is to help that part of the serbian society that will survive, wants
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to survive as serbia, to preserve its at least some kind of sovereignty, to help them preserve this, and for this, of course, we must invest something in this matter, like- then it’s there, listen, they say there, the student is not send it to russia, so to speak, we don’t give you any money. we don’t give anything for this , there are no cultural programs, this is necessary. the european union doesn’t just show its films in serbia, the cinema pays for it , they pay, that is, you show the film in your own, you receive income, and you also receive money from the european union, of course film distributors do not need to work with russian cinema.
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she doesn’t vote much in elections, today they don’t vote, but in 2 years, in three, in 5 years, she will already vote, and she will become politicians, that’s what i’m talking about, so this backlash, this backlash is there, but... as they say, it’s not necessary to let it take its course , it’s also impossible, and the embassy data is 150,000, well , this doesn’t fundamentally change the supply, not 300, but 150,000, but this doesn’t change in principle,
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well , our editors are there now.
2:57 am
it turned out that the sklefosovsky city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events, give yourself a gift for the new year now, sklifosovsky, watch it before anyone else, in the app or on the website .
2:58 am
promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, remensk musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who enchanted everyone with his songs, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is
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no doubt about what they were doing. clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. supported by washington dc has a unique public health laboratory in tbilisi. laboratory workers who lived here. four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses, then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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