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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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cis, the development of friendship and good neighborliness will be the strengthening of close ties between the peoples of the countries the main task of the russian chairmanship in the commonwealth in the new year. vladimir putin , traditionally, gathered his cis colleagues on the eve of the new year holidays, but he began this informal summit in st. petersburg not with a meeting room, but with a large excursion. the meeting in a friendly atmosphere softened even the most pressing issues and made it possible to discuss everything, from the joint fight against attempts to falsify history to the subtleties of painting the emperor. porcelain. about the main themes and surprises
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anastasia efimova will tell about this unofficial day. on the black haurus are the heads of uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and armenia, on the white one - the leader of turkmenistan, only the president of kazakhstan on a mercedes. an informal summit of leaders of the cis countries starts in pavlovsk with a tour of the palace, which is led by the head of the museum of the reserve and supplemented by the russian president. here, for example, he says.
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historical excursions, moving from hall to hall, each of you with each other, including me.
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could communicate in spanish granada, in belgian brussels, but they met precisely in st. petersburg, sat next to each other in the amber room, however, in the general photo in the catherine palace they still kept their distance.
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russian language, this structure, with headquarters in sochi, is designed to promote the support and promotion of the russian language not only in the cis, but beyond its borders. in the process of preparing this document, this agreement, everyone recognized that the russian language is the most important consolidating element of the post-soviet space, the key to mutual understanding and free communication for hundreds of millions of residents of the cis countries. humanitarian interaction, as the president noted, is a very
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important component of cooperation, because it is based on a centuries-old common history and a deep intertwining of cultures, and it is no coincidence, vladimir putin emphasized, that the leaders walked today... these shots were taken in the southern donetsk direction, anti-aircraft gunners of the group vostok repelled the next attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. two guided aerial bombs were shot down, presumably flying towards the city of mariupol, in which at that moment
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the event was held in the city center, but the damage would have been very significant. the tor anti-aircraft missile system covers the sky over donbass around the clock. dents and holes all over the body. they say that this vehicle is a combat vehicle, the crew has repeatedly come under fire, the armor protects the equipment, so we continue to work accordingly. this crew has hit 86 targets: missiles, rocket launchers, kamikaze drones and drones. all nato equipment is very, one might say, on fire, works well in the fields, gets stuck, but we move around calmly. together with the calculation we we leave for the starting position. monitoring of air targets. is carried out constantly, day and night, and bazh understands perfectly well that this installation is one of the most desirable targets for the armed forces of ukraine, so the crew constantly changes its location and never stays long in one place. friendly radar recognition systems automatically capture air targets within
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a radius of 30 km. we see that the sky is clear, there are no flying objects, if birds are flying, we observe the mark and take its accompaniment. and these mobile payments working on the line of combat contact. igla man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems cover assault units and shoot down low-flying helicopters and aircraft. since we are working directly with the infantry, they made a slight noise somewhere, the response flies by, we fired somewhere, and then we worked it out. the commander of the igla manpads platoon came here from blagoveshchensk, signed contracts for a year and a half on the front line, was seriously wounded, but still returned to the front. all the guys are here. mine, so i won't leave them, but since i became a platoon commander, now , as they say, they are behind me, even on their professional holiday, all air defense crews are on combat duty, ready to repel any attack. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction.
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why are you looking at her all the time? why haven't you heard? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. december 27, 537. patriarch mina consecrated the hagia sophia in constantinople. this is a grandiose building then it had no analogues, with a height of almost 56 and a central dome of 31 m in diameter. the first foundation stone was laid by the emperor of byzantium, justinian himself. the supports were made of
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limestone blocks filled with lead and secured with iron strips. parphyry and marble columns were installed. thanks to forty arched windows, the building feels as if it is floating. in the air, marble, gold and silver, ivory, and precious stones were used to decorate the interiors. for a thousand years, this cathedral was considered the largest and most important christian temple. after st. peter's cathedral appeared in rome, and constantinople was captured by the ottoman turks. hagia sophia was plundered and turned into a mosque. in the last century, a museum was opened here, but 3 years ago the cathedral again became the hagia sophia mosque. december 27, 1831. from the british port of devinport , the beagle ship set sail around the world to map the shores of south america and draw up sea charts. but it was the young naturalist on board, charles darwin, who brought worldwide fame to the voyage. the voyage lasted for 5 years. he
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became a major scientist, the founder of the theory of evolution. darwin observed and explored the flora and fauna, collected fossils, herbariums, and deduced the patterns of development of life on earth. his main book , the origin of species through natural selection, put biology on a scientific basis and refuted religious dogmas. the church disputed darwin's theory for a long time, but eventually agreed. the fact that it is a quotation is completely compatible with the christian faith. on december 27, 1945, the high-tech scientific research institute of inorganic materials, is one of the leading scientific centers in the domestic nuclear industry. true, then it had other names: the nkvd institute of special metals, ni9 or the legendary nine. already at the end of 1947, the first preparation of plutonium was obtained here, and then
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the technological scheme for the industrial production of metallic plutonium was worked out. the institute worked not only for the defense industry; its contribution to the creation of the nuclear fleet is invaluable. npps, waste reprocessing systems nuclear fuel and other achievements. for many years it was led by academician andrei bochvar, and today the institute rightfully bears his name. this is the parent organization of rosatom in the field of materials science and technology. on december 27 , 1949, the netherlands officially recognized the independence of indonesia as a result of a fierce and bloody war of national liberation. it was formerly dutch ostindia, a colony where slave trade and forced labor flourished. during the second world war, the dutch fled in shame, giving these territories to the japanese. after the victory they wanted to return, but ran into fierce resistance. dutch. the british helped, they held cities, committed massacres of civilians, treacherously violated signed
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agreements, but the indonesians launched a massive guerrilla fight in the jungle. the colonialists had difficulty retaining large cities and eventually, at a peace conference in the hague, agreed to transfer sovereignty to the national government of indonesia. on december 27, 1979, soviet special forces stormed the stachbek palace in kabul. the residence of the head of afghanistan, hafizul amin, who came to power as a result of a military coup and the assassination of prime minister nurmahammad taraki. the situation in the country worsened every day, mass repressions were carried out, islamists became more active, information was received about amin’s contacts with the americans, and the leadership of the ussr decided to replace him with a more loyal moderate leader, bobrak, karmal. an operation codenamed storm 333 began . the palace was fine.
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for the state, export is income to the tax system from the federal to the regional, for example, as of this year, 5.5 million people work in industries directly indirectly related to exports, which is almost 7% of all employment, and the economically active population is almost 7%.
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but, by the way, i want to say that even the complete closure of the markets of unfriendly countries, despite all attempts by the leadership of these countries to do this also failed, our consumers in the so-called unfriendly countries continue to buy russian products, or they are supplied directly, or it gets there in a roundabout way by being repainted from russian to non-russian, but there is no demand for our products even in the markets. friendly countries is quite high. veronika olegovna, at a meeting with the new composition of the public chamber in november, president vladimir putin said that russia is ceasing to be a gas station, is there any evidence of this now? in the early nineties, when russia had just begun to enter world markets, we were really most actively implementing our most important export asset - this
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energy resources. but russia began to think seriously enough about diversifying its own. exports at the beginning of this century, starting from the seventeenth year in russia , a system of support for non-soak, non-energy exports was already stable, this means that at the system level , institutions, tools and resources began to be formed in order to systematically support the diversification of the range of exports that goes beyond our traditional ones... perceived as a competitive advantage energy export assets, over the last 10 years, the share of non-raw materials, non-energy exports in the overall structure of our exports has steadily occupied from 35 to 40%, that is, we have not been a gas station for a long time and the non-
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raw materials, non-energy exports themselves are becoming very, very powerful and very diversified. champion indicators for growth in quantity, including new positions, export positions that began to enter the markets, in absolute numbers, and of course, an industrial line that, in addition to the usual export champions already familiar to us, which... or our metallurgists, chemists, are beginning to expand, and we have steadily begun to be perceived as exporters of machine-technical products, our railway equipment, automobile equipment, have long become, have become competitive, good competitive advantages of our machine-technical industry, yes, of course , last year and this year
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, sanctions had a greater negative impact on this segment. machine-technical industry, this was due, among other things, to the fact that there was a fairly serious dependence on component base, it was the rupture of production chains, the dependence on the components within which it influenced, that allowed the sanctions to have a certain effect on this industry, this is indeed probably the most dramatic effect from the point of view of our export assets, which our industries felt, also serious negative the impact was shown on the timber industry complex, which , traditionally localized in the north-west of our country, had europe as its main export markets, the closure of europe to timber industry complex really had such a very serious sensitive negative nature, but serious measures to quickly reorient assistance in
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reorienting to the market of new countries, starting with a logistics subsidy for the north-west, which very quickly... was implemented in life, and 2.5 billion rubles, which were used to compensate for logistics costs in connection with the reorientation to longer logistics corridors, allowed about 16 billion russian exports of the timber industry complex with the help of this subsidies to enter the markets of friendly countries instead of those lost markets that , due to sanctions, were in...
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this country, so first of all , probably, the recognition of russian products, which in our new markets is still, well, sometimes close to zero, sometimes is of such a rather
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skewed nature, we are traditionally considered, again, as a mono-exporter of mono-products and are not aware of our entire diversified line, and finding out the rules of presence on the market is probably the most frequently asked questions. to which we responded as actively as possible this year, and then directly technical issues related to normal export activities arise, but these are all things that can be resolved absolutely, even in the markets of european countries that are now traditional for us, where we believed that we are already quite confidently present there, russian exporters have been emerging for decades, this also did not happen overnight, so of course... entering new markets, reorienting to new markets is not a quick issue, but it is happening much faster, simply because exporters already have enormous experience. you
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said about the complexity, what support measures are there, these are the key ones in order to overcome these difficulties and what is important is how effective they are in the current situation, that is , what really works, what is the evidence? well, i have already said that in many ways the effect, the negative effect of the sanctions , was... overcome with much fewer problems than expected, thanks to the fact that it has been created for several years and quite stable, it exists the export support system, precisely as a system, is a set, probably, of elements consisting of three legs, these are tools, this is a set of tools that make up the national project international cooperation export, these are the resources with which these tools are provided, because without resources, without constant... ae increase and guarantee of resources in order for measures to be applied, it is impossible to stably predict one's export activities, and infrastructure are institutions that are systematically on a regular basis
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they are basically engaged in export support, and so the entire set of measures within the national project was concentrated around the exporter, based on an understanding of all the elements of his export path, from the inception of the idea to start exporting. that is, from - a request from a potential exporter for the set of measures that he needs, for example, knowledge, i want to export, but i don’t know how, i don’t have a specialist in the field of foreign economic activity, and we have a line of tools, educational programs , export school, which also, depending on the needs, from online courses to individual acceleration support, helps a potential exporter get started. export a large set of information and consulting support measures related to understanding the profile, export profile of the exporter and
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searching for the potentially most attractive export market for him, that is , in order to decide where to export, a certain navigation is also needed here, these country navigators with such step-by-step actual support. building russian stands under the brand made in russia, and individually accompanying business missions or individually selecting, according to the request of a russian exporter,
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buyers with... warm contacts, the so-called, when he can already, having a telephone , directly begin negotiations, this is part work specifically accompanies exporters in order to begin to form an export contract, assistance in the formation of an export contract, logistics consultations, these are also very popular support measures that help the exporter get closer to solving their export problems. cars or ships, but we have a pool of more than 90 logisticians, from large multimodal logistics providers to small local forwarders, and we are such a marketplace that helps the russian exporter structure his delivery, allowing him to choose from this large
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pool of various... professional logistics operators, the most correct, the most commercial and technological floor tools that are convenient for him, and of course financial instruments, this is a very popular resource that allows you to reduce the cost of production, allowing you to enter the export market with a package offer, i not only have a good product, but i also have a competitive financial offer, and this is already the very final... element of the export contract path is a very popular element of support, which has allowed a large number of exporters to maintain their competitiveness, despite the large the number of costs that have increased and insurance, advance insurance, accounts receivable insurance, insurance against political risks and guarantees to the tax authorities for vat refund,
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advance refund guarantee and so on, that’s all. measures that allowed exporters, despite the increased risks associated with export activities, to feel comfortable, because most of these risks were assumed by the state and development institutions, such as the russian export center. thank you very much, veronika olegovna for the very interesting question and for taking the time to do our interview. thank you. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe
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in general, here... to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, it happens in any structure evolution, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they carried out clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian nikolaev, new cases of batulism,
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just selling vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which we ourselves brought here... let's take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. hello, there is a legal program on air.


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