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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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powerful explosions occurred in ukraine, the port in odessa is on fire, tongues of flame. reach several floors, ready to provide assistance at any time of the day anywhere in the country, the president congratulated the ministry of emergency situations employees on rescuer day. record deliveries, how the gas supply to russian consumers is going in the winter, the head of gazprom told the president. the event in serbia is an attempt at the orange revolution by nato and the european union. what are they saying in the west and why does the opposition not negotiate? what will the weather be like in...
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ensuring the security of russia and our citizens is growing year by year, it is important to maintain all the positive trends achieved by the service recently. respond even more effectively to emergencies of any level. one of the key tasks is to improve the work of the ministry of emergency situations units in the new constituent entities of the federation. i would like to especially thank the firefighters, rescuers, sappers who, in difficult conditions... do a lot to ensure
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the safety of the residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. from now on, we must decide without delay all the questions that arise there. among the priorities of your work is the development of the civil defense system, including through equipping the ministry of emergency situations with modern equipment and the introduction of digital technologies. and, of course, questions should be in your constant attention. natural fires, ensuring the safety of prevention, prevention and extinguishing of schools, universities, hospitals, other social institutions, as well as places of mass stay of citizens. over the 33 years of the existence of the ministry of emergency situations, russian rescuers have saved the lives of more than 3 million people this is the result, emphasized the head of the ministry, alexander kurenkov. it was possible to achieve this thanks to efficiency and coordination of actions. dear colleagues.
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congratulations on rescuer day of the russian federation. today, the professional holiday is celebrated by over 300,000 personnel of the russian ministry of emergency situations. this year, the ranks of the department were replenished with four new divisions in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions. our soldiers are helping to restore infrastructure and clear mines territories. their service carries special risks. they work under fire. the russian ministry of emergency situations annually rescues more than 200,000 people, eliminates up to 400,000 fires and the consequences of about 260 emergencies . at the same time, through joint efforts in the country , it was possible to reduce the number of victims in emergency situations by 26%. all this is thanks to the efficiency and coordination of the units’ actions. rescuers come to
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the rescue every day to help out those in trouble, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are ready to challenge any element, it doesn’t matter if it’s over shift or not, in this profession the concept of work is 24/7. anastasia ponko will continue. attention, group, let's get to work. rescuers in new russian regions now have, perhaps, more work than others, especially pyrotechnicians. after the fighting, the liberated territories are littered with unexploded bombs. with shells and mines, with everything you need: machetes, brush cutters, a shovel, a tape measure and a metal detector capable of detecting a shell at a depth of up to one and a half meters underground, you can go 4 m, 5 m, 50, 100 m, nothing, then to discover a large number of clusters, when i proposed to my wife, i immediately told her, i’m a military man, are you ready to marry me, she said, yes, evgeniy nesterov from the lpr became a sapper almost 10 years ago, dangerous and physically difficult work, requires ...
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and a feeling of, let’s say, personal self-satisfaction that you have completed this work, and no one will suffer anymore because of these mines, shells, and so on. employees of the ministry of emergency situations of russia search for missing people every day, extinguish fires, help residents cope with the consequences of bad weather, flooding, save people from death. city of kursk, fifteenth floor, rescuers are holding a fallen woman. like a girl, the rescuers held her for almost 10 minutes, waiting for help to come to the apartment. well done, they didn’t chalk their hands, it seemed as if at least several hours had passed, but the emergency situations ministry employees say they tried not to notice it, there was a clear task -
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to save a person’s life. for the first time in 20 years , this is the case when the life of, as it were, another person is in your hands, how about people? look into the eyes, parents, how can we continue to live with this if we don’t hold her, we held her with our teeth, to be honest, in kabardinobalia, in order to help people, rescuers first climbed to a height of 2,500 m, a man fell during the ascent, was injured, could not descend on his own, rescuers evacuated him on foot, on a stretcher, through fog, rain and rockfall. rescuers remember their calling outside of service, ruslan gazimov. on the way home i saw a burning house, immediately called the firefighters, but i just didn’t wait , they were screaming from the windows on the second floor, a mother with two children could not get out on their own, without equipment, equipment, ruslan ran to save people , we asked for a blanket , they threw it off, they caught a small child on the blanket, and after the second, after
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the mother, i climbed up the bars to the second floor , already pressing myself down, i lowered them so one by one they help, because the rescuers are not... they brought humanitarian aid assistance, everything necessary for the residents of the affected countries, and also helped to search for missing people, examined and cleared away the rubble of destroyed buildings. citizens who live here came up to him and said that many thanks to the russians rescuers, due to the high risks , no one took risks here for 3 days. enter, the only ones who were there were the russian ministry of emergency situations. during this year, employees of the ministry of emergency situations helped people in road accidents more than 100 thousand times, extinguished over 350 fires, the department is 33 years old. and during this time, thanks to the courage of those who risk their lives every day, more than 3 million people across the country were saved.
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anastasia ponko, lyubov starovoytova, tatyana klepcha, news. gazprom is increasing the pace of gasification of regions in the coming year by... a record 270 billion will be allocated for these purposes rubles, said the head of the concern, alexey miller , at a meeting with vladimir putin. he also told the president about fuel supplies to near and far abroad countries and gas supplies to russian consumers in the winter. there is something to be proud of, a historical record has been set. how to do? everything is in working order, on the eighth and thirteenth of december we delivered 1 billion from the unified additional supply system to our consumers.
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i congratulate you on the results of your work, i congratulate all gas workers on the upcoming new year. to other topics: powerful explosions thundered at night in ukraine, footage of a large fire came from odessa, telegram channels reported that the city port was also on fire. the flames reach several floors high. the roar of detonation was heard in other regions, while several series of explosions were heard in kherson, still under the control of the kiev regime. air raid alert. in ukraine was announced several times during the night, the siren was heard by residents of six regions, as well as those parts of the zaporozhye and kherson regions that are under the control of nationalists. in the krasnolimansky direction russian tank crews attacked the enemy with direct fire strikes. our crews
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set up a so-called tank carousel, replacing each other at the firing lines. but where the volleys of armored vehicles did not reach, shells from russian mortar crews exploded. our military correspondent, alexey baranov, will show the work of the military. the tank crews of the central military district received new soda, now we are together. the march to the outskirts of the kremensky forest to the front line takes less than half an hour. to work with direct fire in the enemy's visibility zone a group of 10 modern t-90 breakthrough tanks begins.
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this method is most effective for working on the line of combat contact, the commander of a tank platoon with the call sign maly tells us. one tank drives out, fires three or four shells, rolls back, the second car drives in its place, that’s how it turns out , three cars, four cars, the second worked , the third drove, the third worked, the fourth drove, i myself was in the tank all day, but five conveyors fired at strong points, along forest belts, for to replenish the ammunition, the tanks are sent without turning their guns away from the front line, the tankers here in the serebryansky forestry are supported by artillerymen of the central military district, come on,
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khalit tankiev, lead: the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansky direction,
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serebryansky forestry. most of the foreign mercenaries stopped receiving rewards from kiev and went home, the serbian political publication reports: the french, australians and dutch were the first to leave the battlefield. according to information journalists, the reason for massive underpayments is a sharp decrease in western cash tranches. an explanation that the west stopped aid at... the european union is preparing a backup plan to help ukraine, which will allow hungary to bypass the blockade, the financial times reports. according to the publication, about 20 billion euros can be allocated due to the increase in ukrainian debt. at the same time, the countries participating in the alliance will provide the european union with certain guarantees. this is the scheme. would not require the consent of all countries. let me remind you, earlier, the prime minister of hungary viktor orban has repeatedly prevented
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the allocation of financial tranches to ukraine. a new rally in belgrade was organized by the opposition. demonstrators demanded the release of previously detained citizens and called for continued protests today. the unrest in the country has been going on for more than a week. the main reason is disagreement with the results of the elections held in the country. he noted the similarity of the protest in belgrade with the kiev euromaidan; according to filippo, after the victory of the country's leader vucic in the elections , pro-american forces began to take action.
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economic news, join me konstantin churikov. konstantin, good morning. the central bank will strengthen supervision over exporters. raban, hello, yes, the regulator wants to be aware of what is happening with foreign currency earnings. the central bank will approximately double the list of largest exporters that it will monitor, the regulator itself announced. the list will include companies whose export revenue or average monthly debt to foreign partners exceeds a billion dollars. at the same time, exporters will report assets and liabilities not only in foreign currency, but regarding balances on ruble
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accounts abroad and debts to non-residents in rubles. in addition, the company will oblige you to present it. coal, the company's press service reported. most of the regional quota went to kuzbass, more than a quarter to yakutia, and the least went to everyone. to coordinate the plans of shippers and railway workers , a quarterly distribution of traffic volumes in the eastern direction was established, while plans for the repair and renewal of track infrastructure were taken into account. russian the fuel and energy complex is successfully resisting western pressure. despite a tenfold reduction in
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oil supplies to europe, the industry is developing due to new markets and benefits the country. about this in our interview. deputy prime minister alexander novyk told the tv channel. previously , we supplied europe with a total of about 40-45% of petroleum products, for example, of the total export volume. based on the results of this year, we expect that this will be no more than 4-5%. our main partners in the current situations became the people's republic of china, whose share increased to approximately 50%, 45-50%. and definitely india. previously , there were practically no supplies to india; in 2 years, to date, the total share of energy supplies to india has amounted to about 40%. full interview with deputy prime minister alexander novak, watch on our broadcast today after 10:00 am moscow time. the us desire to seize russia's assets is illegal and unreasonable,
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bloomberg published this opinion on its pages. other states, especially china, will understand that it is better to store assets. in neutral banking centers and not in dollars and euros, in other currencies, this could undermine the financial, and therefore the economic power of the united states, the publication warns. meanwhile, the dollar's share of central bank reserves is at its lowest level since the fourth quarter of last year, falling below 60% according to the imf. the share of the euro also decreased to 19.5. the yen began to inspire a little more confidence, its share increased to 5.5%. they added. and that's all i have for now. konstantin, thank you, yes, thank you, we continue. voting in elections in russia has become as accessible as possible, this opinion
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was expressed by the head of the election committee center, ella pomfilova, in an interview with our channel. according to her, they created it for voters. all conditions for a comfortable and safe expression of will. modern technologies provide several ways, from the traditional way to come to the polling station to voting via mobile phone anywhere in the country. at the same time , control over the process is at the highest level. lots of options. you will be asked to vote in the upcoming presidential elections in march. we have removed many barriers for our voters; they are no longer tied to their specific area. they can if they suddenly find themselves in a different place. can vote, this , of course, this is, that is, the use of electronic voting boxes, this is, of course, curation of protocols, this is video surveillance, the system has been made absolutely transparent, this is the use of artificial intelligence in verifying signatures, this is a digital service, this is much more and
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an interactive workpad , which allows our colleagues in the regions to very quickly obtain that... information that is needed, all this is aimed at ensuring that our voters, based on the situation they found themselves during the elections, say, in one place or another, have the opportunity to vote, choose that voting method , which is more accessible for people, watch the entire interview with the head of the central committee and pamfilova on our channel after 17:30 moscow time. at the saransk airport, the technical equipment of the international terminal has been completed. it has been under reconstruction since '22, an interdepartmental commission has already assessed the facility and concluded that everything is ready to receive flights. the first flights abroad are planned for the spring of the twenty-fourth, with details from
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ivan foskov. international terminal b appeared in saransk for the fifa world cup, and after the world cup it last performed its functions in 2019, when it received an international flight with the san marin football team. the temporary scheme for crossing the year-border had to be redone in order to obtain international status, at serious funds were spent on reconstruction, approximately 500 million was invested by the owner of the saransk air harbor and approximately the same amount was allocated from the federal budget. the reconstruction took place in two stages: first , the terminal was redeveloped, the utility and engineering infrastructure was updated, then the stage of technical equipment of the control points went through. we are negotiating with a potential tour operator who is interested in. says that the terminal
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is awaiting international status on a permanent basis; at first it was planned that the border checkpoint will work only on the days of departures and arrivals, and now we are talking about stationary work. this is the hall where people wait before departure. it is planned to set up a cafe here, so to speak, to open a duty-free store. not expected. the terminal's capacity is 140 passengers per hour, 50 for departures and 80 for arrivals. the take-off runway can accommodate aircraft with a capacity of 220 passengers, but as practice shows, for such a small transport hub there are enough planes for 100 people, precisely for they were guided during construction and later when developing the tourist program. according to passport control rules, three minutes per passenger is calculated, but of course we think that this will go faster. seven passport control booths have been equipped, four for arrival, three for departure, then a customs post for checks from the rosselkhoznadzor for those traveling with their pets;
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another corridor has been built for the future. in addition, saransk plans to establish air links with minsk, and this has been done for the countries of the customs union a separate corridor, here you can go through without customs control. another milestone is provided by thermal imaging cameras stylized as cute pandas. the first thing happens when passengers arrive in saransk, when passengers arrive, the first thing they are greeted with is the rospotrebnadzor control zone, they will catch any passenger and will not allow anyone with a temperature to cross the state border of the russian federation. tour carriers, operators, the airport, representatives of control authorities, they all plan to agree to launch the first flight in the spring 24 years. turkey is being worked on as the first area, followed by egypt in the future. ivan feskov and the news of mordovia. sports news
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will be presented by alexander abramov. sash, good morning. here is the news from just the last minute: leonid slutsky took over the leadership of a chinese football club. we are waiting for details. roman, good morning. slutsky headed shanghai and shenhua. the contract will begin on january 1. well, let me remind you that the last club from lutsk was kazan rubin, where the coach left for more than a year. back. spartak hockey forward ilya kovalchuk scored puck for the second game in a row since his return. this time ilya kovalchuk scored in the away game against nizhny novgorod torpedo. the seventy-first number of spartak was abandoned at the end of the first period after the transfer of line partner andrei laktionov. after kovalchuk’s puck , the score in the match became 1:1, and regulation time ended like that. there were no goals in the extra five minutes either. torpedo won in shootouts. at spartak. amazing statistics on shootouts this season: 16 attempts and not a single successful one. this was the fourth match in season between spartak and torpedo. nizhny novgorod won for the first time. next night
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the period until newcomers can apply ends in the kgl. thus, the teams will be completed by the end of the season. the most high-profile transition before the deadline is the return of olympic champion nikolai prokhorkin to the omsk avangard. prokhorkin moves to the vanguard after just four months. in a speech for siberia. the team from novosibirsk will receive monetary compensation for their striker. siberia and avangard played each other. the day before this prakhorkin missed the match. cristiano ronaldo with another record, the portuguese striker of saudi al-nasr scored a double in the match of the seventeenth round of the national championship against al-ettihad. cristiano ronaldo scored both goals from the penalty spot. thus, the portuguese came out on top in the world in terms of goals scored. 2023 cristiano has 53 goals scored this year in all competitions. ronaldo overtook kylian mbappe and harry kane, who have one goal less. psg and bayern
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are bigger this year. will not play, but will catch up and even get around manchester city striker earlene holland can still give ronaldo until the end of the year. in the twenty- third year, he scored 50 goals, and man city will play two more games before the end of december. yesterday's double by ronaldo brought alnasr a victory over karim benzema's team with a score of 5:2. today on our channel watch an exclusive interview with the minister of sports. oleg matytsin summed up the results of the outgoing year and spoke about his plans. for the near future, today we are faced with the task of at least strengthening the development of the national system sports, several components , the main thing, of course, is the training of professional personnel, the formation of modern infrastructure, holding a large number of competitions, both mass and for highly qualified athletes, the development of international cooperation, these are the main directions that were formulated in the strategy...
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development of physical culture and sports until 2030, and the main goal set by the president is to achieve at least 70% of people systematically involved in sports. and an anti-record in the national basketball association. into the history of basketball. detroit entered with a minus sign. detroit lost to brooklyn 112-118 last night. for detroit, this is the twenty-seventh defeat in a row. no team has had a longer losing streak in the seventy-year history of the nba. detroit's win-loss balance this season today is 2:28. that 's all about sports for now, see you in our next issues. russia is a country of which we are proud. we.
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proud to bring light and warmth throughout world, we proudly look forward, paving new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for the sake of peace, and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut,
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a miracle! didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia,
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