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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. alexander valentinovich, hello , hello, let's start with such a general question, what was the twenty-third year like for the russian energy sector, what challenges did you face in... in the past year there have already
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been a lot of strengthening of various sanctions , well, i can really say that the twenty-third year was quite special, with restrictions regarding the fuel and energy complex of russia, however, despite all the challenges and difficulties that the industry faced, i can say with confidence that the russian fuel and energy complex has developed successfully in 2023. he accomplished several tasks that the industry faces, first of all, ensuring the energy security of our country, and energy resources were produced in the required volume, our citizens and our economy were provided with electricity, heat, gas, coal, oil products, and this is an important component in order not to depend on external conditions. in my opinion, that it is a very
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important tech, having also worked stably, provided stable revenues to the budget of our country, oil and gas revenues, according to the ministry of finance, this year will amount to about 9 trillion rubles, and this is approximately the level of 2021, i’m not taking the twenty-second year, because then there were very high prices and revenues were about 2.5 trillion above as well. supplied the economy, provided a leading role in the formation of the gross domestic product of more than 27%, from the point of view of exports - this is about 57% of the total export earnings of our entire country - this is the formation of the fuel and energy complex. and finally, of course, a very important component for our country is the formation of export potential. and the fuel and energy complex also worked.
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gas pipeline infrastructure was supplied free of charge to the borders of household plots in up to 850 thousand households in gasified settlements, about 470 thousand households were connected and gas was already supplied directly for heating for use in cooking, that is, cheap environmentally friendly sources of energy resources went faster speed to our cities. points and so on, i would like to note that this year about 410,000 new consumers were connected to our economy in the electric power industry, this means that 370,000 citizens additionally received a connection to the technological connection to the electric power infrastructure and about 40,000 legal entities. this year, total electricity consumption increased by 4%. this also means that the economy is ours.
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electricity consumption is growing, which is very important for power engineers, since one of the the main components of the tasks facing...
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in production, in the supply of energy resources for export, and much depends, of course, on the current situation with supply and demand on world markets. this year , our country’s interaction with the other twenty countries that are part of the opec plus organization continued; within the framework of this cooperation , various decisions were made throughout the year aimed at balancing the market. to smooth out peaks in growth or decline in demand in world markets, depending on those factors which influence this, today , as you know, decisions were made on additional reductions this year by countries, the last meeting was on
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november 30 of this year, certain decisions were extended for the first quarter and a number of countries assumed additional obligations, including including the russian federation, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, kuwait, iraq, that next year the voluntary reduction will be approximately 1,700,000 barrels per day in production, a reduction in export supplies from the russian federation, somewhere by 500,000 barrels per day, so our companies are ready for this, how is it being implemented and how do you assess the readiness? russia is a responsible participant in such an agreement, we have been working together with our partners for 7 years, and i want to note that... the agreement was signed for the first time on december 2016, in december of this year, exactly 7 years have passed since the interaction of the opec plus countries in order to ensure stable operation of markets,
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stable revenues to the budgets of exporting countries, stable supply consumer countries and the formation of the necessary volumes of investment for normal operation in the industry in the long term.
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yes, of course, if we talk about our export potential, about the directions of supply of energy resources, then over the past 2 years the directions of supply have changed a lot. chain, this is due to two factors, which, by the way, the president spoke about on the direct line, that even before the introduction of various sanctions restrictions there, we paid special attention to the development of relations with our partners and asian countries pacific region, realizing that the main rates of economic growth in the near future will be in this region, this is the people's republic of china, this is india, these are various other countries that are more...
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embargoes on supplies to europe in the united states of america that were introduced from december last year to oil supplies and from february to the supply of petroleum products, this only accelerated the process of reorienting our energy flows. i can name the numbers, if we used to supply in total about 40-45% of oil and petroleum products, for example, of the total total exports. based on the results of this year, we expect that this will be no more than 4-5%. and here we are talking only about those remaining volumes. which were supplied as a result of the exceptions that the european union
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made for some countries, such as hungary, slovakia, the czech republic, for oil supplies under friendship, in fact, our main partners in the current situation were the people's republic of china, whose share increased to approximately 50%, 45 -50%, and definitely india, previously, there were practically no supplies to india, for 2 years to date. transport routes, including using the northern sea route, this year
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about one and a half million tons of oil have already been transported along the northern sea route, this is the first time such volumes have been transported, and this volume will increase, because this is a very profitable transport route, which is approximately two times shorter than traditional routes through the mediterranean sea, the indian ocean and so on, yeah, but about china, i came across an interesting article from bloomberg, according to it is predicted that in the fiftieth year more than 50% of new cars in china will be electric, transport is approximately 50% of oil consumption in the country, how this process can affect the global oil industry, how it can affect russia on export supplies, since china is now 50 % of our supplies, we have alternatives, you listed the countries, but can they really become a suitable alternative for...
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reliable sources of energy resources, in order to provide the world with more hydrocarbons for a long time used, today the share of hydrocarbons in the balance is approximately 85%, this is a very large volume, and the total volume of energy consumption will decrease by approximately 30% by 2040, this will need to be ensured. the lion's share of energy consumption goes to heating, and this will not provide completely
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renewable energy sources, so of course, we take this into account in our forecasts, electric cars, i want to say, of course, this is a serious challenge and competition for internal combustion engines, although a car with an internal combustion engine is today occupy also, well, it’s clear that the lion’s share of the total number of cars that are in use today.
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use an electric car , there is a boom in electric vehicles, we certainly see this, we take it into account, but at the same time we must take into account that the overall rate of economic growth, they one way or another lead to an increase in the consumption of energy resources, including for electricity generation, and traditional hydrocarbon energy sources, such as gas, will be used for a long time, that is, this is not a challenge for us yet, that is, we are we take it into account, but we don’t consider it a challenge or some kind of task, no, it is certainly a challenge. and we talked about this, by the way, recently at the russian energy week, which was held in moscow in october of this year, our international forum with the participation of the president of the russian federation, and of course these challenges are all assessed and taken into account, we must plan more clearly in order to develop our energy industries,
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everything from electricity to oil and gas industries, require very careful attention. gas consumption decreased by more than 100 billion cubic meters of gas, if in the twenty-first year it was 609 billion, then this year 490 billion is expected, this means that those industries that used gas, for example, in the production of mineral fertilizers, in chemical products, tire
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products, metallurgy, these industries are either closing or have already closed in some part, they are looking for other markets and opening where there are cheaper energy resources, in particular in the united states of america, we know there are many enterprises moved there from europe, the term deindustrialization appeared, and as a result, well, i’ll just give you an example, the economic growth rate, for example, in germany this year is expected to be in the negative zone, minus there 0, 1, 0.2%, including due to short-sighted decisions regarding... reducing gas consumption, abandoning russian gas, well, again, not allowing the timely use of nord stream 2 there, it’s actually these decisions that lead to a decrease in consumption, of course, when consumption decreases, this not only affects the economy, but the quality of life of people, in fact, yes,
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of course, you can probably survive the winter, but a lot will also depend on... peak consumption, we are now somewhere in the middle of the winter period, but usually, at the beginning of the first quarter in the middle of the first quarter, there is an assessment of how the autumn-winter period is going, including in the european union, because it is important to go through the maximums of the autumn-winter period, when consumption on cold days becomes maximum, so well we are monitoring this situation, we, in principle , the most important thing: the passage of the autumn-winter period will ensure us for our country, for our consumers, and i can say that this is being successfully accomplished by our electric power enterprises, gazprom, this year all historical records related to with the increase in gas consumption supplied to the domestic market in russia,
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more than 1 billion 700 million cubic meters per day were supplied at peak.
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on the part of the population, on the part of industry , this is also a factor in increasing consumption from enterprises, we see consumption, an increase in the consumption of petroleum products by approximately 2.7 2.8%, that is, all this speaks of positive changes in the economy... the development does not stop, and today it is being actively discussed and is even already under implementation the technical part of the project on the territory of mongolia, this is the siberia power 2 project
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with a capacity of 50 billion cubic meters of gas, as i already said, it will pass through the territory of mongolia, a feasibility study has been completed there, design and survey work is already underway on laying a gas pipeline, with the chinese partners have reached an agreement in principle that this project... will be implemented; now the final agreement on economic conditions and commercial terms for the implementation of the project is underway between gazprom and chinese national oil and gas companies. is the price issue being discussed? of course, this is one of the components, well, not only price, terms of delivery, terms of payment and so on, that is, these are such important issues that certainly require a careful approach. another major project is a gas hub in turkey.
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gas supplies to europe, including from russia and via the blue stream, the turkish stream, then today it is necessary to use the successful experience that russia has, the company gazprom, which we have, for example, in setting prices and the electronic platform for st. petersburg exchange, and today we agreed with our partners to prepare a corresponding roadmap. which will be adopted in the near future, within the framework of it we will move in order to ensure that the implementation of this project has already begun, our turkish partners will soon visit
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st. petersburg in order to get acquainted with our experience, and i am sure that it will be useful in ensuring such the formation of a platform, the ihab electronic platform in turkey. when might this happen? let's hope next year will be the start.
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supported by the president, the government of the russian federation, the decision to support a number of projects that will be implemented in the near future, in particular, uh, firstly, this is the murmansk lng plant, which, as part of of which three lines will be built, this year such decisions were made on the construction of a gas pipeline in murmansk, the implementation of a plant there with a capacity of 20 million tons by 2000.
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together with chinese and french partners, it is being successfully implemented, the arctic pg-2 plant is currently being built, first of all, which has actually already begun to operate, and we expect that in the first quarter of next year there will already be the first shipments from this project, this plant also has a capacity of about 20 million tons, taking into account all the projects that are currently in the plans, strategic plans of our country
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, which is illegal, and its use is aimed only to lobby their own interests for those countries that want to occupy their niche in world markets in this way, that is, without competing between projects in terms of project efficiency, lower costs , transport and logistics costs, waving the sanctions baton,
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forcing everyone... to buy their products and thereby not not giving other countries the opportunity to develop, well, the successful experience of the last two years shows that still, we have the opportunity to continue to work successfully to develop our industry, even in difficult conditions and challenges, restrictions that are imposed against our industries. this is largely due to the decisions that were made on import substitution. in our industries, the government of the russian federation this year paid special attention to import substitution of the oil and gas industry in the production of equipment, the chairman of the government formed a special working group in the coordination center that deals with the so-called coordination center for import substitution, and i can say that if we talk about the oil and gas industry, over the past few years we have reduced
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dependence from 67% to 30... and then the task has been set to ensure complete technological sovereignty, the president has set such a task to the government, to companies, this year several agreements have already been signed on the main critical types of equipment, out of more than 2.0 types of equipment, we analyzed the entire range, today 220 types are critical, they are divided into seven groups, for each group a company has been allocated that, together with our scientific institutions, with scientists, is engaged in the development of documentation of domestic samples, and we are confident that this work, which was carried out in the near future, will achieve its results, providing the technological university with these main types equipment. thanks for the interview. thank you.
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willingness to work at any time of the day anywhere in the country, the ability to provide first aid in an emergency under a variety of circumstances. your professional the holiday is celebrated today by russian rescuers. vladimir putin congratulated the veterans and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations. dear comrades, dear veterans. i cordially congratulate you on the holiday, rescuer's day. we are rightfully proud of the military personnel, employees, and civilian specialists of the ministry of emergency situations. you come to the aid of those who are in trouble. regardless of the risk, you eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies . and always, in the most difficult conditions, act competently and harmoniously.


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