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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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in 2018, about 1,150,000 contracts under the gasification program will be concluded in russia. gazprom head alexey miller announced this at a meeting with vladimir putin. gas has already been brought to the borders of 875 thousand households, 500,000 of them are already supplied, and the pace of work will be increased. we saw a record amount of 270.3 billion rubles for these purposes. this is 33 billion rubles more than this year, and accordingly, the level of gasification on the side as of january 1 , 2024 will already be 89%. china returns duties on russian coal, which were canceled last year, a merchant writes about this, citing sources: the expected fee is from 3 to 6%, depending on the type of raw material, this could cost russian companies $400 million a year, some of... have already studied
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chinese tariffs in its 2024 budget are legal and unreasonable. such a step will make it clear to other states that the seizure of russian assets by the united states will be better for keeping funds in neutral banks and not in dollars. bloomberg writes about this. according to the agency, confiscation will convince countries in the global south to american hypocrisy and will further alienate them from washington. as nobel laureate in economics robert shiller previously stated, the seizure of assets will be the first step towards... dollarization and the central bank of argentina will issue banknotes of 20 and 50,000 pesos, which is 25 times higher than the denomination of current banknotes. the initiative was taken by president javier miley. now the largest banknote in the country is 2.0 pesos or 2.5 dollars. you can buy about 2 kg of sugar or rice with it. argentina has been among the countries with the highest inflation for several years. prices have increased in 10 months almost 150%. these were new ones. all economies
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in short: restoring the economy of new regions is the same primary task as restoring destroyed housing and social facilities. since july , 59 enterprises in the field of commercial construction and tourism have already registered in the new territories in the free economic zone . the head of the ministry of construction, rek faizulin, stated this in an interview with our channel. he also spoke about the pace of housing restoration and shared his opinion about... preferential mortgage next year? watch the interview after the commercial. order green peas from 69 rubles from lenta stores. sbermarket delivers the holiday. all the best is simple, like alpha business. internet banking and application for business. everything in one button, count it. payments, accounting and lawyers.
11:33 am
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and in general, comprehensive implementation in many areas: the road construction complex, the civil engineering construction complex, the industrial construction complex, and of course those for those areas that the russian ministry of construction is responsible for, in general it must be said that the results are
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positive, that is, we worked no worse, than last year, and we are already seeing this, which means in all areas of activity and programs that... we are implementing jointly with other executive authorities, then there is construction - this is a very large process, it begins with technical specifications that are formed by investors, developers, government bodies, technical customers, but let’s just assume these numbers, yes, this year we all of our country’s examinations issued 81,000 positive conclusions, which means in the past year it was...
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began to build, so here the construction has been managed for the last 10 years on the basis of state construction, which means in the thirteenth year the ministry of construction was reorganized and organized in a new way, during this time almost 900 million square meters housing was introduced, well, more precisely, 857, this was in
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september, but now 30 more have been added, so 880 million in just 10 years. implementation of these projects, and 21 million square meters of emergency housing were demolished in the country in 10 years, so more than 3 million people were resettled from emergency housing, but there are still a lot of tasks, so today, as part of the formation of a new program, we are working out with the regions those tasks that there are 14 regions involved in eliminating emergency housing. have already been resettled under the new program, well, it should be noted, of course, we have already discussed it many times, this is the formation of a comfortable urban environment, these are all-russian competitions of small historical towns
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and settlements, a very popular program among the residents of our country, and here, too, of course , the results are very high, we have all the tasks that we set ... and two far eastern ones , on behalf of the president, it was also decided to separately allocate the far eastern ones already this year, more than 170 objects are being implemented through these competitions, in total there are already 652 objects of public space in the country in this regard, work has been done in this area, but of course many difficulties arise, what were the challenges?
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here we started with the fact that we are easily regulated, regulated, now we are switching to expert certification from a five-year to a two-year cycle, many changes have occurred in the regulatory framework, and here you also need to be proficient. in the twenty-first year, you and i discussed precisely the issues of the sharp increase in building
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materials in the country, but a mechanism was found that was supported by both the government and the president of our country, and this appeared mechanism 13-15, the so-called, is a resolution that made it possible to syndex for the first time, generally speaking , probably, well, on such a federal scale for the first time in 30 years since...
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housing, facilities, people also need to work somewhere, which means restore the economy, in this part, well, we have more than 16,000 objects. in total, over the entire period, it has already been restored, well , in fact, less than 2 years, this year, too , more than 300 socio-cultural and housing facilities are being restored this year, the supply of heat is preparation for winter, the main the task was for all participants in the process, well , somewhere we had more than 45,000 people who
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worked in different periods, now there are also more than 3,000 people, i would like to note the positive work of the regions, bosses, more than 82 regions are involved, they all provide us with work and special emergency teams, because, unfortunately, both shelling and just technical accidents this year for several days already, the weather conditions also gave, in general, heat to all participants in the process .
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note also made together with regions, of course, and our new regions, and regional leaders, so i would also like to wish words of gratitude on the eve of the new year a peaceful sky , first of all, to all the people who live there, but to our builders, because the process is continuous, the task is serious, it, we understand it in a three- to five-year period already.
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these four regions, so we think, well , commercial housing is starting to develop, then these are very attractive tourist regions, then this free economic zone. which was created federal law, more than 59 enterprises have already been registered, they have begun to work, because economic restoration is probably also the primary task, as is the restoration of the destroyed, first of all, housing and facilities, where schools, kindergartens, facilities, where people work, therefore, providing these
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opportunities that already exist on the territory of our large country means that the services at the mfc are available to people, which is why here more than almost sixty facilities have already been put into operation this year people are provided with the opportunity to quickly solve their life problems, and of course, each executive body, the ministry of construction, coordinates work in all areas within the framework of a working group created by decree of the president, which is headed by khusnulin and almost on a daily basis, which means... it is also reported to the chairman of the government also all the performance that is done there, so there is a lot of work, and we will do it all. you said there are 59 participants in the free economic zone now, but what do you think at 24 year, how much can this number increase? well, you know, this is a new procedure, you need
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to prepare, it will increase multiple times, because after all, it always does. firstly, these are all four territories, they are completely free zones, so registration and preparation for registration will be carried out, that is, entrepreneurs are preparing, nothing costs in these territories, and there are already traffic jams in the cities, which means the highways are busy, and in the summer, we often go there, we see, which means vacationers have appeared on the sea of ​​​​azov, therefore, here in... the highest tourism potential, and in general, donbass has always been a very powerful region in the soviet union, so it will be the same in the future, many are now worried about the fate.' well, of course, we would really like for all the preferential programs
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to be extended, because this is the work of the construction complex, which today represents a huge army, more than 11 million people work in construction, in housing and communal services, in design and, of course, imagine , if programs drop sharply, then... so here, too, the question is this, i think that the construction complex is attracting work, a verified solution, it will appear after july 1 , 2024, now we are still acting within the framework of the decisions that have been made, and you know, that’s more than 2 million. mortgage loans were taken out by people in the country in the twenty-third year, which means that of which 400, more than 400 thousand are family
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mortgages, preferential ones there are about 370,000, there it-mortgages are 37,000 recipients of loans, the far eastern arctic mortgage - this is about 33,000, and the rest is a secondary mortgage, that is, people still take it.
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people need housing, the question is to make it more accessible than it is now, well, in conclusion, one short but important question: a number of infrastructure tools were launched, how did the infrastructure menu perform? you know, the infrastructure menu is a completely new mechanism that, in general, made it possible to solve strategic problems; part of the funds went to modernize public utilities.
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buses, these are trolleybuses, this means trams in a number of regions, so in this part , this is a trillion, of course, it gives such a very lasting effect, the regions that took out these loans took everything, which means they accepted obligations and jobs, and the corresponding taxes, which means they have to pay an increase in the number commissioning of housing in these territories, so in general, of course, infrastructure. menu is a mechanism that is in great demand among regions, and regions, and we hope that the ministry of finance will support us, in this part, it means that we will develop, which means that
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this year special treasury loans, which also went in this direction, then modernization of the utility infrastructure, albeit in a small volume, this is 30 billion this year, this program has also already been launched, and we will - this year, thank you. he's getting better and
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12:00 pm
historical record for gas supply to russian consumers, gasification rates, about what else did the president say? head of gazprom. we are ready to provide assistance at any time of the day , anywhere in the country; the president congratulated the emergency situations ministry employees on rescuer day. the event in serbia is an attempt at the orange revolution by nato and the european union, what are they saying in the west, why is the opposition not negotiating? new buses.


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