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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the historical record for gas supply to russian consumers, the pace of gasification, which the head of gazprom also told the president about. we are ready to provide assistance at any time of the day , anywhere in the country; the president congratulated the emergency situations ministry employees on rescuer day. the event in serbia is an attempt at an orange revolution by nato and the european union. what are they saying in the west, why is the opposition not negotiating? new buses. modern,
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comfortable trains, modernized helicopters, how is transport changing in the regions and what measures contribute to this? gazprom is increasing the pace of regional gasification; a record 270 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes in the coming year, the head of the concern, alexey miller, announced this at a meeting with vladimir putin. he also told the president about fuel supplies to near and far abroad countries and gas supplies.
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and december 8th became the coldest day this winter, the average temperature in the zone of the unified gas supply system was -17°. and in many regions there were truly abnormal temperatures, because -17 is understandable, this is the average temperature, i congratulate you on results of the work, congratulations to all gas workers on the upcoming new year, powerful explosions occurred. at night in ukraine, footage of a large fire came from odessa, telegram channels reported that the grodsky port was also on fire. the flames reached a height of several floors. the roar of detonation was heard in other regions of the country. while still under the control of the kiev regime , several series of explosions were heard in kherson. the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times during the night. the sirens were heard by residents of six regions, as well as parts of zaporozhye and kherson areas that are under nationalist control. in the donetsk people's
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republic, volunteers are being trained to participate in a special operation. the training grounds have everything necessary to practice any combat scenarios. while one group is already completing training, the other is just starting their first lesson. eduard punigov will tell you what brought recent civilians into the army. soldiers are training at the eastern training ground in the donetsk people's republic around the clock in any weather. another group of volunteers from buryatia arrived here, after training they will replenish the vostok group, forward, forward, the training course lasts 21 days, during which time the soldiers must use different weapons, now, for example, soldiers are training to shoot from rp. from these recruits , anti-sabotage combat groups are being prepared; the units will work in the most critical dangerous areas of the southern donetsk direction, storm strong points and open the fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces. you understand, yes, that
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very soon you will give up on the front, on the front line, on the front line, you won’t scary, no, where does such confidence , such confidence come from, they were brought up like that, their great-grandfathers fought, their great-grandmothers fought, at the moment now my uncle came only from there, safe and sound, there was also fear, but i have fear, well, there i will lead i feel completely different, i’m going to fight for our homeland, there is a whole network of trenches at the training ground. dugouts where you can practice almost any combat scenario. the soldiers use real bullets and grenades. to train soldiers we use targets, these are imitation armored vehicles, here everything is metal, the soldiers shoot at this target, and the soldiers have success. an rpg shell knocks out this kind of equipment. and it is clearly visible that it is being undermined. experienced volunteers train. instructors who
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themselves worked on the front line, a fighter with the call sign hasan in the special operation from the first days, came here after graduating from the novosibirsk higher military school. ever since odessa i dreamed of getting there. where are you from? and originally from the irkutsk region, the village of kuserdinsky, who stayed at home? wife, yes, she is pregnant now, my parents stayed, my older sister, whose birthday is today, i would like to say hello and congratulations on your birthday. hassan was recently seriously wounded, but still returned to the front line. in april 1922, in the podyzyum direction , he received a shrapnel wound. here is the left leg , it took 24 hours to get to the russian troops, but as you walked, you crawled for 24 hours, then you crawled out to the thirty -ninth brigade, there they provided medical
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assistance and evacuated it, it doesn’t stop, it doesn’t stop me, just forward for russia, for the homeland, training with... soldiers is carried out daily for 5-6 hours, this group has already carried out combat coordination, the training period has almost come to an end, in just a couple of days all these soldiers will go to the line of combat contact. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the yuzhnodonetsk direction. the united states will do everything to maintain the conflict in ukraine throughout the new year. the russian media said that the democrats themselves need this before the presidential elections in the united states. recognize that the project. the kiev regime has collapsed for them is tantamount to failure, so the current authorities of the country will do their best to extract money from taxpayers, and if this fails, then washington will encourage the ukrainian authorities to carry out brutal terrorist attacks in order to thus show their activity, as
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an option they can use various kinds of sabotage. it is not excluded that another anti-russian provocation will be organized using western- made toxic substances, and then... initiated within the structures of the united nations and world media a new company accusing our country of allegedly deliberately using chemical weapons. according to available information , the sbu is actively participating in the preparation of such a provocation, which has attracted the ukrainian company reolab, located in kiev, to cooperation. it specializes in the import of chemical reagents and precursors. purchased from germany through this company in october-november of this year. honival research chemicals. the united states did not achieve its goals in the war in ukraine. this was stated by a german general in
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retired harold kuet. according to him, russia has become stronger militarily, and western sanctions have not had the stated effect. from a military point of view, the situation is developing in favor of russia, definitely. ukraine has big losses. russia became stronger thanks to partial mobilization. the lever that ukraine put into action to change the situation in its favor, i mean a big offensive, did not bring any success. also, the former head of the nato military committee believes that kiev should not expect to join the alliance soon. according to him, ukraine does not meet the bloc's criteria, such as the rule of law and the absence of corruption. ukraine cannot say: “ i want, as i heard from our foreign minister some time ago, to become a member of the organization. nato must invite every new member based on the consensus of all members, which has not yet happened, and will not
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happen, because there is countries that strategically see this differently than the german government. they say: “we can’t do this.” secondly, ukraine must fulfill certain conditions. in the regions large-scale measures are being taken to update transport, this is facilitated by measures implemented by the state transport leasing company with the support of the russian ministry of transport and the government. for example, volgograd recently received new buses. in moscow and the region , suburban trains have been replaced by modern comfortable trains. the kamchatka territory and krasnoyarsk received modernized helicopters; high-speed waterways operate in st. petersburg and samara. ships, how transport is changing in the regions, see special report by alena logvinova after the advertisement. we don't know which cucumbers
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connect all of russia. increasing the mobility of citizens is an impetus for urban development. the public transport fleet is being actively updated, including water, air, and rail, the most popular being land. a national project is being implemented in the country safe, high-quality roads within its framework until the end of the year. it is planned to supply about 4,900 vehicles, of which a third will go to the state transport leasing company. the volgograd region has already purchased 136 volgabas 5270 g4 buses, the first 50 went on line on november 20, their launch was monitored by vladimir putin via video conference, the buses are already running
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in the most popular directions of the city. we have about 500 units of rolling stock per day for transport work; we have already purchased them today contracts have been concluded for the supply of about 400 units. thus, we understand that the overall renewal of large-class rolling stock is more than 70%, almost 80% for all types of transport. cars volga bas 527g4, low-floor with automatic transmission. for people with limited mobility, are equipped with video surveillance, air conditioning and heating systems, for the convenience of passengers , cashless payment terminals are already installed in the cabin, the new equipment runs on compressed gas engine fuel. it is convenient that there is a separate cabin for driver, the steering column and seats are well adjustable, it’s convenient that
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there’s video surveillance, i can see what’s happening in the cabin, the camera switches from outside, it gives a good overview that... who approaches the bus, who gets off, i was actually very pleased with the ramp of this bus, this adds mobility first of all, there are mothers with strollers, well, it has become more convenient for me to go to school, more free seats have appeared, since there is a lot of new transport, it has become warmer to travel, because there is a new bus, again all the vehicles. bus depot took over leasing from state transport leasing company. it is noteworthy that new equipment is produced in volgograd. orders ensure the loading of volga bass group holding factories. thanks to this , new jobs are created and investment in the region’s economy is growing. the full bus assembly cycle lasts approximately one week. the positions we check are a large
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number, at least 2,000. this specialty is close to me. i ended up using it. vehicles, and i also like the fact that we are actively involved in the development of production in development new bus models. the second place in transportation after road transport is occupied by railway transport, one of the largest projects of the moscow central diameters. with its launch, new opportunities have opened up not only for those traveling from the region to the capital and back, but also for those moving around the city. replaced by suburban ones. over the past 2 years, stlc has transferred more than thirty new trains for work on diameters. as vladimir putin stated, everything that has been done today is for the benefit of the development of moscow, the moscow region and all people who live in this region and come to this region. we are talking about millions
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of people who will have improved logistics, living conditions, and for the entire economy, this is... a serious step forward. next stop - new diameters cover the 40th district of the capital and several cities in the moscow region, the number of above-ground metro stations is over 140. transmashholding is engaged in the assembly of rolling stock. the service life of trains is at least 40 years. since 2016, they have been shipped to state transport leasing company. 46 trains of 11 cars - that's approximately 506 cars, all of them are in operation in the moscow region. modern equipment saves energy, and the modular design reduces downtime when repairing individual cars. from the first day
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of the launch of the new msd-4 , the first russian mcd-4 has been running on the line. the electric train consists of 99% domestic components and is designed for suburban passenger transportation at a maximum speed of 120 km/h. modern russian electric train. the train's component base has changed; now 99% of the components are domestically produced. both the interior and exterior have become different. so in the modernized version has a new streamlined cockpit mask. the salons are equipped with comfortable chairs, light lines, usb connectors for charging gadgets, and a liquid crystal information display. this is basically the kursk otbeevsk house in this direction. and then there’s work, study, friends, from work to home. much more convenient, because there were a lot of
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transfers on the petro, everything else, and it’s possible to drive a little longer, but you drive comfortably in a straight line when it was hot. there was an air conditioner that is, it’s pleasant, comfortable, well, again , the heaters are also very comfortable when you’re standing, freezing, you get on a warm train and are happy, for more convenient boarding and disembarking of passengers , additional automatic steps are provided, we thought about people with limited mobility, the rolling stock has special lifts devices, in the salons there are places for wheelchairs, touch your knees with your neighbor, gain a little more space for yourself, and here, too , engineering tricks were used that allowed
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by changing the design of the backrests of passenger canopies, we will make the life of passengers in our electric train a little more pleasant. while in some regions of the country the task is to optimize passenger flows, in others the problem of year-round transport access is quite acute. in the kamchatka territory there are many villages that can only be reached by helicopter, civil aviation with no alternative means of communication. thanks to state support, the region received a new mi-8 mtv-1 helicopter from state transport leasing company.
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agree with you that our relationship have been very strong, very steady, and i think we have lived up to the responsibilities of a
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special and privilege strategic partnership. i am told this year we have already met six times, i believe, i, i learned this is our seventh meeting, a part of it is of course the g20, the seo, the asean bricks formats have ' some examples, economic development is also developing cooperation. meetings are also being held in vladivostok, bilateral economic cooperation, and an intergovernmental commission is working. we also note
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progress and active participation of russia, as well as the contribution of other officials, governors of russian regions. we discussed cooperation in many areas and adaptation to new circumstances. and requirements, the strategic situation, conflicts, hotbeds of tension, we also paid attention to african events, also issues of multipopularity, the construction of a popular world, i look forward to the continuation of our discussions and thank you again for your hospitality,
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this was a broadcast from the beginning. his indian counterpart. more than 120 billion rubles in taxes paid by the oil and gas company sebur in 2023 . sibur ceo mikhail korisalov announced this. he told us in an interview with our channel what domestic technologies the company developed over the year and what the volume of investments was in tatarstan, western siberia and other regions of russia. watch it in a few minutes. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, god, miraculously she didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty?
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we will sew it together, so i would tear you apart with horses , where are you going, drown yourself, hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought, together with experts we are discussing how we can arrange the russia of the future in the next 40
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years. see you in the future.
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