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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 5:00pm-5:18pm MSK

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region, but were driven back by units of the western group with the support of artillery and aviation. two more attacks were repelled in the krasno-liman direction, two in donetsk. denis alekseev will tell you more about the situation at the fronts. in attempts to mobilize all resources and organize at least one full-fledged attack, this has not happened to this day. fsushniki every now and then miss serious attacks on their rear, well-camouflaged military infrastructure facilities. the favorite
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target of our geraniums. each series of these arrivals reveals more and more shortcomings of the ukrainian air defense system. it is so imperfect that rocket debris continues to fall in residential areas. this time the case was recorded in odessa. this is already the result of the arrival of fpv drones, practically at the forefront. artyomovskoe direction. russian intelligence officers discovered a concentration of militants and an impressive amount of armored vehicles, and the equipment, mostly western models, was clearly no longer operational.
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lived, worked accurately, and here we didn’t even have to surround anyone, polish armor stalled in an open field, the only thing left to do was to walk, having previously filmed my next fiasco on my phone. they are better at hype than at fighting. denis alekseev, lead. in europe , queues of ukrainian refugees for paperwork at diplomatic missions are growing for the second day. the excitement is associated with the new ukrainian law. mobilization project submitted to the verkhovna rada. among other things, it implies restrictions on account management and passport renewals for those who have gone abroad and refuse to return to homeland on the agenda. natalia solavyova has all the details. berlin, cologne, prague, the list of european cities can be continued for a long time. queues of ukrainian refugees stand for days in wrotslaw and gdansk, krakow and valencia. with the adoption of the new law, look at the queue. people are rushing
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to process documents at diplomatic missions, legalize their status in european countries, and ideally obtain foreign citizenship. the excitement was spurred on by kiev itself, which intends to put another half a million people under arms and is going to forcefully return all those liable for military service to their homeland. i don’t know where the end is , where the edge is, you generally see these scales, where mobilized people without military experience will most likely end up, it’s not difficult to guess, this is only one of... everything is at stake , whether ukraine will exist or not, and what can we do here, maintain morale, support the families of the fallen, with morale in the ranks of the defenders of ukraine, everything has been bad for a long time, the sense of unity is bursting at the seams , those who consciously went to the front no longer understand what they are fighting for, those whom caught on street from... my friend was stolen the other day, i don’t
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know the exact circumstances, but he’s already in the trenches, tell me. what do you think, because i can’t wrap my head around how it happens, a person is kidnapped, and he fights for freedom, for what values ​​do our guys die? in ukraine, teams have already been created to kidnap people in the armed forces of ukraine, men are being kidnapped on the streets of odessa and chernivtsi, entire mobile teams are operating in kiev, while the capital’s military administration is not even ready to confirm rumors about issuing summonses at new checkpoints. we don't know, we it is unknown about the distribution of summons at temporary checkpoints, for detailed information regarding the location and quantity. the czech republic, hungary and germany refused
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to extradite those liable for military service, explaining that mass extradition is impossible, kiev must issue an international warrant for each individual man. a citizen of ukraine who resides on german territory is protected by german law; if one of them does not want to fight or do military service, here in germany, they have the right to refrain from doing so. thus, at ukraine has no legal opportunity to draft these people into the army. and the volunteers, as public opinion polls have shown, are over; 2/3 of the men agree to renounce ukrainian citizenship, just to avoid going to the front. natalia solovyova and evgenia zemtsova. now broadcast from the kremlin. thank you very much, please. good afternoon. dear colleagues, dear friends. first of all, i congratulate you all on
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the upcoming new year holidays. i wish you all good health and, as they say in such cases, your loved ones. and i remind you today’s agenda, it sounds like this, is about increasing the role and prestige of the teacher-mentor, so i would like to say the warmest words of gratitude and appreciation to teachers, everyone who devotes their lives to the formation of new generations of russian citizens, precisely in your honor . the current year, 2023, which is already out, has been declared the year of the teacher-mentor in russia. today, here in this hall there are also teachers, educators, and employees of domestic enterprises who are waiting for personnel. together
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we will discuss what additional needs to be done to development of a broad, truly all-russian movement of mentors. now the work involves citizens of all ages and professions, accomplished specialists, students, and even schoolchildren, participants in the all-russian movement of children and youth, our military personnel, military veterans , as well as volunteers and entrepreneurs, all these people are united by one aspiration, so that the work in which they believe, to which they devote their lives, is continued, so that... knowledge and experience are increased, traditions and values ​​are preserved, developed, moved forward, everyone who is engaged in this noble cause, and therefore our entire country, such a high noble sense of mentoring is reflected in
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the work of our regions, enterprises, universities, healthcare institutions that take patronage and help their colleagues from donbass and novorussia , low bow. teachers and mentors of our soldiers who fight on the front line, they are these teachers of these guys, they raised, raised real men, heroes, taught them to help their comrades to be brave, honest, decent people, education, a modest matter in appearance at the same time, is one of the greatest affairs in history, these... belong to the great russian and soviet education system, we are restoring the educational, value component in schools, universities, technical schools and colleges. for our sovereignty , this is as important as improving the quality of teaching and
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introducing advanced technologies into the educational process. and of course, the most important issue here is improving the working conditions of teachers. in this regard, i would like to note that in the current year a series was adopted. legislative decisions aimed at protecting the rights of teachers have also expanded the geography of pedagogical forums, competitions, professional excellence, and therefore: opportunities for the exchange of ideas and practices of teachers throughout the country. i ask the minister of education sergei sergeevich krovtsov today to talk in detail about the results of the work, the results of the year as a teacher- mentor. what do i think is important? extremely important? we need to carefully look at how all the initiatives and plans are being implemented on the ground. us measures. together with the teachers.
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more effectively increase your socio-economic potential, it is education that underlies development, we
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should never forget about this, the situation is obvious, incomes in the region are lower than in the country as a whole, which means teacher salaries lag behind, this results in the loss of the quality of education, as i have already said that the region itself is deprived of professional personnel, good professional resources,
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children from orphanages, we need to set up mechanisms for their vocational training,
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subsequent employment, see what kind of assistance is needed for non-profit organizations, volunteers, people who voluntarily take on a mission, mentors, help children and teenagers who find themselves in difficult life situations. today we will discuss the experiences of the regions and specific proposals in this regard. dear colleagues, along with educating the younger generation. by strengthening our value sovereignty , mentors play a vital role in the development of the industrial, personnel, and technological potential of russia; historically, our country is very rich.
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which was opened this year in koluga, well, this is an example, teachers and industrial training masters will improve their qualifications there, and internships for students of pedagogical universities will also be organized. i would like to note that in the kaluga region, mentoring in production played a key role in the accelerated training of personnel, which in
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turn ensured a powerful industrial boom in the region and made it possible to actually build dozens of enterprises from scratch. receive additional resources for the development of the social sphere, and such experience should be implemented throughout the country. let me emphasize that mentoring for the domestic economy is a new quality of growth, cost reduction , increased labor productivity, and this, as everyone knows, is a key element of the development of the country as a whole, it is the preparation of qualified personnel, which our enterprises now critically need, colleagues talk about this here . they know from the regions, all our structures say throughout the country, for each person an experienced mentor is an opportunity to improve their competencies, solve more complex problems, and means qualifying for higher wages; in this sense, mentoring is the most important factor in the formation of an economy of high wages.


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