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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 27, 2023 8:00pm-8:24pm MSK

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challenging, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the ukrainian armed forces are going to poison our fighters with poisonous vodka, and they are also preparing provocations with chemical weapons. apparently, everything is very bad at the front if kiev takes up poison. kiev has never been so close to failure. following the new metro stations , the old ones began to sag.
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came to check whether she would have to be allowed in hammer necklace for 23 million. in order not to discredit their name, they change it. but why, if iago mick didn’t break the law? what are they afraid of? well, let's start with a very characteristic one.
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postscript, which was allegedly found on the smartphone of one of the captured ukrainian armed forces militants, he apparently was in a chat where they discussed a frankly vile way to incapacitate russian soldiers and officers, namely, they were developing a scheme for poisoning them with alcohol, they say, it is necessary i would like to connect one of the pro-kiev waiting people so that they deliver to the donbass , kherson and zaporizhzhya locations of our military alcoholic drinks with doses of poison, well, then various options are offered from attempts to sell such booze to the idea of ​​​​"presenting it free of charge as so-called new year's gifts. the result, as planned by the ukranazis , should be at least severe consequences for health, at most a fatal outcome in dozens, if not hundreds of military personnel. well, here is the expected reaction of the domestic blasphemer on the topic of svo. the popular telegram channel archangel of special forces recommends fighters must be especially vigilant, although their sanity and sobriety of thinking are already in perfect order, anton potkovenko will confirm. hello anton, but it’s obvious.
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greetings, well, yes, of course, at the front with a provocation is doomed to failure in advance, the topic of alcohol is very strict, they want to poison our soldiers with specially prepared strong drinks, this is from the correspondence in the phone of one of the captured horsemen, there is a direct call, we are poisoning, this one captured smartphone, this text, mocking, terrorist, supposedly the command, in the sense of their command, decided to help in quotes friends, that is, our soldiers in organizing new year holidays, they write that if someone has relatives, friends, acquaintances on the other side, they need to make lists of those who will offer and deliver alcohol with food additives in the sense of poison to the russians, there is a very specific plan, the armed forces of ukraine or the sbu, or gura, maybe together they all figured out how to recruit and how to use chains of poisoning agents from among the residents of the liberated and released territories, so-called:
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let’s say, on leave behind the defense lines in the liberated territories, there will still be a desire to raise a glass for the repose of the armed forces of ukraine, even if it is not local vodka. we are on combat duty. on the line of contact it is not allowed to consume any alcoholic beverages, and no one practices drinking alcoholic beverages, because it is suicidal, so what the ukrainian saboteurs are counting on is not entirely clear to me, their brains are spoiled, propaganda shows on tv that all russians are these are all drunkards , that's why we need to try to ward them off with alcohol, now we 'll make fake alcohol, they'll all die, they've already tried to poison ours, and more than once, and not only with alcohol, sleeping...
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where did you buy it, in what market, from what grandfather, especially there for those military personnel who are either on leave or on a business trip there far from the front line. inventing how to poison us is, of course, terrorism, the usual signature of the kiev regime , and the matter is clearly not limited to poisonous alcohol. according to our foreign ministry, no a large-scale anti-russian provocation using toxic substances from western production in order to accuse us of allegedly. use of chemical weapons. according to available information , the sbu is actively participating in the preparation of such a provocation, which has attracted the ukrainian company rialap, located in kiev, to cooperation. it specializes in the import of chemical reagents and precursors. through this company, in
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october-november of this year , a so-called small batch of triethanolam and a nitrogen-containing compound was purchased in germany. “the sbu plus american chemists, the mixture is characteristically explosive, but our intelligence services, of course, are on the alert if mit officially announces all the details with the names of the companies. and as for alcoholic sabotage, the kiev militants are successfully laying the blame on themselves, over there in mirnograd in early december the dry-haired man, drunk and on drugs, shot the servicemen with a machine gun.” shot himself, on our front line there is prohibition, it simply cannot be otherwise, on their front line there are stabbed zombies, and as for the waiting agents with gift vodka, who cares? will accept, knowing that each pile may be the last, antom potkovenko and
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bandera’s treachery, within 24 hours russian troops repelled 10 attacks of the ukrainian armed forces in various directions of the special operation, in each case they caused serious damage to the enemy’s manpower on the donetsk front alone... kleshcheevka, krasny, bogdanovka and other populated areas, almost three hundred militants were eliminated, and in the rear of the kiev regime , meanwhile, our high-precision weapons again worked hard. denis will tell you where exactly the arrivals were recorded. alekseev. in an attempt to mobilize all resources and organize at least one full-fledged attack. until today this has never happened. the vsushniki continually miss serious attacks on their rear, well -camouflaged military infrastructure facilities, our favorite target. gyranium. each series of such arrivals reveals new shortcomings of the ukrainian air defense system. it is so imperfect that rocket debris continues to fall in residential areas. this time the case was recorded in odessa. and this is already the result of fpv arrivals drones, practically at the forefront. artyomovskoe
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direction. russian intelligence officers discovered a concentration of militants and an impressive amount of armored vehicles, and the equipment, mostly western models, was clearly no longer operational. the artillery tried. and here. with artillery and aviation, they inflicted fire on the personnel of the seventy-ninth air assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the novomikhailovka area. enemy losses amounted to up to 90 troops and three pickup trucks. and these are personnel from the krasnoliman front, the center group and their akatsiya self-propelled guns. tasks -
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prevent in every possible way the transfer of enemy reserves. after all, the ukrainian command has now begun to stir after the surrender of marrinka; they are trying to reshuffle their groups, choosing new priority directions. so there are two. in some cases, they hit almost point-blank with a machine gun, for example, as in these frames, an attack copter of the babayag type hovered over our position, the process of preparing to drop a mine was clearly underway, but the drone was blocked by an anti-drone gun, beaten by a shooter, an anti-aircraft gunner, surrounded, worked accurately, and here even i didn't have to surround anyone the polish armor stalled in an open field, the only thing left to do was to walk, having previously filmed another fiasco on the phone. hype...
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at stations, the closure of an entire line , transport collapse, they clearly don’t believe in such fairy tales, because, as the same deputy head of the kiev administration admitted, the authorities cannot explain why the situation with the metro suddenly became catastrophic, but to make it clearer , a top manager from klitschko’s team compared the metro to a door, saying that for 13 years this same door opened well, in one day bam and the pen fell off, by the way, this is a direct quote, it says a lot about the level of competence of the kiev authorities, but why is there simply no one...
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sags that this is a minor emergency or a continuation of the cascading destruction of the subway. the kiev authorities have not yet specified. for the first time in the history of the former soviet metro , such events are taking place, that is, nowhere where the soviet metro has remained since it was built in the soviet union has such problems arisen for anyone except kiev. the strength of the soviet legacy began to end, well mystically, one can say one more thing, they
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abandoned the soviet legacy, so the legacy is leaving. the fact that not everything was in order at the stations became known in the first half of the month, but a week ago no one was going to block anything, people simply walked around the buckets placed around the pavilion, but just think, it’s dripping from the ceiling walls, the people of kiev will tolerate it, they’re not like that learned to endure. closing. taras shevchenko is not planned for the period of scheduled repairs; this section of the tunnels of the obolonsko-teremkovskaya line requires scheduled repairs, which will completed next summer. however, since then, apparently, the situation has changed for the worse. the section of the blue line in question runs through the northern part of the city, just a couple of tens of meters from kiev harbor, a small factory on the right bank of the dnieper. it can be assumed that the river waters are now active. they erode tunnels running at relatively shallow depths. what does this mean? well, such emergencies, for example,
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are personnel from china. a huge gaping hole has opened in the city of guangzhou. fortunately, no one was not injured, because the metro was just under construction here at the time of the accident. if something like this happens in kiev, it is unlikely that there will be casualties. the name of the station pochayno is the neighboring ancient river pochaynya, which, well, apparently, once flowed there. and quite.
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here they also print devices like these for quick loading, they connect to the magazine , and the cartridges are simply thrown in one after another, very convenient, you can work in the dark, wearing frozen gloves. the research that the military continuously conducts at the front immediately they are brought to life directly here, in the zone of a special military operation. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, conduct the lugansk people's republic. nationality russian, deposits moscow. no special features are indicated. an information card in the database of the russian ministry of internal affairs in the name of sergei
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bida, who is now on the list of wanted persons. a similar page was created for his wife. letto, in both cases , indicated a search under an article of the criminal code as the basis for sanctions from law enforcement agencies. here it follows remind you that the married couple are the stars of russian fencing. sergei is a champion of the olympic games in tokyo. our team then brought silver, violetto was a medalist at the world and european championships in epee, and naturally, their appearance in the ministry of internal affairs database raised natural questions, and not only from specialized sports publications. first of all, according to sources, criminal proceedings may be related to the relocation of the fencer. in the usa, because, in addition to sports teams, they are also listed as active military personnel in the russian guard and cska. this means that they simply did not have the right to change the country at their own request, but other reasons are not excluded. what exactly could threaten them? boris ivanin figured it out. boris, greetings, because this turns out to be nothing more than desertion. good evening, well, in fact it is, alexey, lawyers are talking about this, especially when
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russia is conducting a special military operation to protect donbass. a painful injection into everything russian. the damage to our law enforcement agencies was caused by a family of fencers, sergei bida and his wife violetta. having left for the usa, they essentially deserted. after all, he is not only a silver medalist at the tokyo olympics, three times european champion, but also an ensign of the russian guard, since he is assigned to the capital’s sports club dynamo, and she is not just a vice world champion, but plays for csk, and therefore is an active employee of the russian ministry of defense. the couple actually didn’t travel abroad, they already complained. ticket on social networks for a holiday abroad, passport control at the airport did not let them through, just like representatives of law enforcement agencies, it turns out that having gone abroad for competitions, moreover, without the consent of our fencing federation, they even more so violated the regulations. if you are a serviceman on the basis of a contract or an obligated military person who is undergoing military service, of course you do not have
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the right to leave the military unit, and especially the territory of the russian federation, without permission. your superiors, your commander, without an appropriate order, otherwise this is unauthorized abandonment, and in wartime it is even called desertion. the couple left russia in the summer and were immediately accepted into their ranks by the american academy of masters fencing. here is an impressive announcement: sergey will train athletes overseas, and perform there himself with rapier, all this is actually awol, as they would say, in the army, their coach alexander galzunov, russian, had to pay for the misdeeds of his players. the federation released him from working in the national team. roz does not comment on athletes there now. but overseas, sergei was allowed to participate in the us summer national fencing championship, as were two other fellow fencing athletes from russia, oleg knysh and konstantin lakhanov. and that's why. quote: they meet the criteria, political, of course. i have renounced all this and don’t
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want to have anything to do with politics, especially russian. quote from sergei's last statement, public. doesn’t play any role, but for the guys, they must understand that in fact they took the oath, one way or another, so for some reason they just don’t take it seriously, now i understand why our law enforcement agencies are concerned about this, so that everyone else understands that this is serious. british corporation bbc in autumn
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made a report in which all these deserters openly sever their ties with russia, condemn the conflict in ukraine, complain about alleged persecution for various reasons took me off russia deprived me of my salary and expelled me from the international team, i was blacklisted in russia just because someone didn’t like my video on social networks, and it sounds like crazy, but that’s russian policy. in social networks, violetta really did not behave very sportily, but in her telegram channel, candid pictures from the beach, still pompous quotes about a beautiful life. for which, apparently, the fencers went overseas. the day before, sergei published this photo from times square in manhattan and judging by the description , he is completely delighted with new york, that is, with trips to the states for athletes with... this does not change, as if he had forgotten about the fact that
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they represent russia, its sporting prestige in the international arena and the law enforcement agencies of our country, fencers are now dreaming of the olympics in paris, but as members of the american team, the big question is, how will they be taken there, but if they are ready to be classified as refugees, that is , to reach such an extent, that is... for america they can already be included in the national team, firstly , they have their own athletes, well, i don’t think that they will go through some kind of selection, it is unlikely that the international federation will have time to approve such a transition, mm, the only thing it can give them the opportunity, for example, to act as refugees, but this must fall very low, the question is that this is very often used in as propaganda for a while, then as a spent the material is thrown away, it will then end with the fact that they will still come to russia and again... ask to return. the trouble with bida, of course, is not these photos from the beach, it is that in their homeland the olympic medalist and his wife now face up to 10 years
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in prison under the criminal article of unauthorized leaving the place of duty, so the rapiers of deserters are ultimately capable of inflicting a blow to defeat the fencers themselves. boris ivanin and the swords of the perebezchikov. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. after naked the party sobers up, ivleeva seriously apologizes, large companies break contracts with her, and the tax office came to check whether she will have to auction off the necklace for 23 million. russia is a country of great achievements, right now we are making a discovery in science, our children the doors of modern ones are thrown open. "we are creating new cultural spaces, and of course, we are opening new routes of attraction. discover
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the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. we are historically we defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we always bravely resisted in battles, history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero who brings victory closer, serve under a contract! promise me that you will
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sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise!


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