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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 28, 2023 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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order a card in december and are guaranteed to receive a 30% cashback on equipment, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, yes, we have a goldfish, but we made the dream of our own home come true ourselves. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday. it is you! sportmaster - only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. buy sportsmaster in the mobile app and pay in installments without interest or overpayments. sportsmaster. alfabank is the best loyalty program for business. we pay 3,000 rubles. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. look. right. smart trio. techno komon 20 pro kit with communication accessory for 10,000 rubles. only smart is more profitable.
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paying for tickets on the website or in the aeroflot application through sbp, but first register on, and there you will find lucrative offers on the world card. your stomach is bothering you, listen carefully, nothing more fatty, nothing spicy, get up, walk around, sit quietly, take amiprozolinival. creotine renewal, renewal. we we trust renewal, we choose renewal. my business is small so that everyone can smell the new year. and my job is for everyone to be warmed by its warmth. and i saw its magical shine. and our job is for you to continue to believe in miracles. and they created them themselves at home. every year, entrepreneurs
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help create a festive atmosphere, it’s a small matter to support them vtb. we help businesses with action. hello, the legal program is on air, hosted by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. return wealth to the state. in samara, the court granted the claim prosecutor general's office on the return of 40 hectares of relict land to the island. submissive. they ended up in private ownership as a result of the machinations of several companies associated with the now former judge alexander yafanov. previously, he headed the sixth cassation court, but when a scandal broke out, yafanov was deprived of manti and resigned in disgrace. olga zhurenkova herself followed this story from the beginning. the outgoing year of the black water rabbit was, to put it mildly, not very successful for the former chairman of the sixth cassation court, alexander evanov. in may highest qualification board. the judges
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deprived him of his powers ahead of schedule, and the new year’s gift darkened the mood. the court granted the claim of the prosecutor general's office for the seizure of a plot of land on a relict island under zhabnaya. now the luxurious names on the banks of the volga need to be demolished. according to the purchase and sale agreement, alexander efanov acquired ownership of a plot of almost 5,000 m2 on podzhabnaya island from era llc. the transaction was registered with rosreistr on july 26, 2022. an impressive plot of land was purchased for almost nothing . 860,000 rubles, that is, 17,000 per hundred square meters. another interesting fact: previously the land was in municipal ownership and was not subject to sale at all. podzhabny island was a favorite place for the samarians, and people were really worried that now the entire island, in fact, would be taken into private ownership and no one could do anything. in the spring, indeed, i myself also went to that island and saw houses being built, and partially somewhere. there were already
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fences. the samara company ero received 40 hectares on the island through a dubious privatization scheme. at first, merchants rented plot for the construction of a recreation center, several wooden houses were erected on this basis, and they demanded that the state transfer the land into ownership. the decision in favor of the businessmen was made by the eleventh arbitration court of appeal, which at that time was headed by alexander efanov. and a few weeks before the decision was made , the son of judge ifanov, ivan, became a shareholder of the company. and this is hardly a coincidence? 8 years later, already being the chairman of the sixth cassation court, alexander efanov personally bought a plot of land on the island from the era company podzhabnoy. the prosecutor general's office established the fact that the chairman of the sixth cassation court was affiliated with the era company. due to this, the chopping off of common land, urban land, which is not just urban, could not just potentially be used for recreation, but it has been used for many years for recreation. city of millions, which is located. on the contrary, through the volga i lost
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such an opportunity; people who had vacationed there for decades lost such an opportunity. in all likelihood, mr. evanov’s plans were grandiose. last january we looked at what the area looks like. from the air, in the spring we got to the site by boat, only 20 minutes from the central embankment. we approach mr. ivanov’s site, and there is a pier nearby, but from here you can clearly see from the water, two residential buildings, construction work is most likely underway on the territory. state duma deputy alexander khenshtein was the first to draw attention to the seizure of the relict island; as soon as this story got publicity, he allegedly even began to receive threats, which is why ... the chairman of the sixth cassation court alexandra efanova. the decision to confiscate 40 hectares of stolen land on the relict island of podjabna is a big victory. the victory is also because the land is returning to federal ownership, will now become a recreation area for garage residents, all objects built on its
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territory must be demolished, including by the former chairman of the sixth constitutional court, alexander efanov, without whose participation the land would not have been involved in these criminal schemes could have been withdrawn. from state property. mr. ifanov himself did not go to court appeared and was represented by lawyers. we reached him by phone, but the conversation did not work out. the day before, the samara district court satisfied the claim of the prosecutor general's office, according to which you must demolish your name. when will you carry out the dismantling? according to the court decision, the owners of the building on the island are now obliged to dismantle their disputed site of 40 hectares, which becomes state property. so far the decision of the samara district. court has not entered into legal force, it is possible that mr. ifanov and representatives of the era company will try to appeal verdict, but city residents are already calling this decision historically important. olga zhirenkova, sergei soldatov, denis tsitseronov, sergei saushkin, leading the duty unit in kazan, were found guilty of a series of scams by the former
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head of the vishnevsky police department , vyacheslav kotchitov. as investigators proved, being an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, he robbed foreigners, promising not to hold them accountable for... the state will develop civil defense systems and equip the ministry of emergency situations with the most modern equipment and digital technologies. vladimir putin said about this in the congratulations on the occasion of rescuer day. the president noted that human grief has no nationality.
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from now on, we must resolve all issues that arise there without delay. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the minister of defense, sergei shaigu , laid flowers at the monument to rescuers and firefighters, as well as to the monument to hero of russia
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evgeny zinnichev. their current colleagues, veterans and cadets of departmental universities also came to honor the memory of the deceased employees of the ministry. report by maxim shevchenko. firefighter holding a child a rescuer with a tool, a search dog among the ruins in the process of work, this is a collective image of those who come to the aid of others, even at the cost of their own lives, with courage and bravery. every year on december 27, this square becomes a place of attraction for those associated with the ministry of emergency situations. those present honored the memory of their comrades with a minute of silence and laid flowers at the foot of the monument. among those who visited the memorial were the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, and the minister of defense. sergei shaigu is unofficially called the ministry of good. with the origins of the creation of the department, which is now the man who 33 years ago stood at the congratulatory alexander kurenkov addressed everyone who now serves in the ranks of the ministry of emergency situations. he noted that every year employees save more than
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200 thousand people and eliminate the consequences of more than 2 and a half hundred emergency situations. through joint efforts, the country managed to reduce the number of victims in emergencies. situations by 26%. all this is thanks to the efficiency and coordination of the units’ actions. thank you for your courage, dedication and integrity service. to the cause of salvation, i wish you all the best, a positive attitude, faith in the future and inextinguishable optimism. over 33 years, firefighters, rescuers, pyrotechnicians, pilots, divers, dog handlers and many other specialists have saved more than 3 million people. the minister himself always tries to be closer to the epicenter of what is happening. a few hours after the devastating gas explosion in a high-rise building in novosibirsk, he personally coordinated the work of rescuers on site, and after powerful fires. in the kurgan and sverdlovsk regions , he checked the progress of restoration work.
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this year will be remembered for its emphasis on development in the arctic. the modernization of rescue centers and the opening of new complexes, coupled with the development of small-engine aviation, is already making it possible to resolve many safety issues regarding the movement of cargo along the northern route. helicopters are assembled and delivered to different regions, and new equipment for cold latitudes is selected not based on advice, but during the most difficult marches. this spring, a convoy of rescuers using various equipment traveled 1,700 km off-road in the arctic circle, looking for the best equipment, tools, machines, and shortcomings. newly designed cars were identified on the move, and the developers quickly eliminated them. we simply strengthen it so that the structure is capable of carrying a larger volume of cargo and has greater strength characteristics. the updated and ready -to-use machines were presented at the international... this is a forum where rescuers from many countries around the world can exchange experiences.
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the russian department also provides assistance to its colleagues. this year we took part in clearing the rubble after earthquakes in turkey and syria and delivered humanitarian aid to the gas sector and mali, agreed on brix exercises with south africa and student exchanges with vietnam. the russian ministry of emergency situations has repeatedly stated that there are no limits to helping each other, and they intend to adhere to this line next year. maxim shevchenko, timofeev ilileyev. and yuri ermakov, lead the duty department. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. he served time for a bribe, and then began to bribe himself, the former head of the main
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investigative department of the investigative committee of russia, dmitry dovgiy, again implicated in a criminal case and even arrested, but only in absentia. at the end of the 2000s, dovgy was caught taking a bribe of 750 thousand dollars. in 2009 , he heard the verdict and went to prison; in 2014, he was released and became a lawyer, but former colleagues believe that he did not change his methods and took a fee from the client. 25 million rub. hinted that he would use the money to establish connections with judges. they did not have time to detain dovgi; he flew to israel, so his arrest in absentia is a formality in order to declare an international wanted list for him. police departments received a great new year's gift ministry of internal affairs of patul region. before the holidays , a new apartment building was put into operation there. alexey eremin will tell you how the keys were rescued from the scene. a year in our new apartment, yes, hurray, hurray, hurray, the housing
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issue for the kuzin family has finally been resolved, they will hear the chimes on this new year's eve at the festive table in their own apartment. for several years, the kuzin family huddled in a small rented one-room apartment, now such a real fabulous gift for the new year, their own and such long-awaited square meters. the keys to the apartment are from the hands of the boss.
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very cool, huge savings in budgetary funds for your family, yes, because after all, renting an apartment is not cheap, so , accordingly, this issue is resolved here, by the fact that the service housing, after all , the apartments are completely ready for occupancy, everywhere has already been completed the so-called fine finishing , all the essentials have been installed, i would like to say first of all: therefore , of course, this is worth a lot, convenient apartment layouts, landscaped areas in the courtyard, all the necessary infrastructure is nearby, a school , a kindergarten, a clinic, in total there are 141 departmental apartments in the building, there are one-room apartments, there are two three-room apartments, who gets which depends on the size of the family, 38 families will be able to celebrate the new year in the new house,
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a housewarming party is expected at the beginning of 2024 their future neighbors. alexey geryomin, andrey lubenets, duty officer. a deadly garland in the omsk region , two-year-old twin boys, their grandmother died in a fire that occurred due to a short circuit in the new year's illumination, what mistakes do people make when using electrical decorations and how to choose the right garland so as not to turn the holiday into trouble. report by galina hungureeva. snow-white metal fence bars , black charred walls. only by the outlines of the ashes in the village of beregovoy , omsk region, does it resemble. what was once a residential building, red-hot flames engulfed the structure in a dense ring and the destructive elements swept through all the rooms, from the basement to the attic, now in place there is only burnt corrugated sheeting and insulation torn to shreds, only orange children's sleds stand out as a bright spot, a good, friendly family, they lived without grieving, no one foreshadowed trouble here, how could it have turned out
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this way. a large family, a mother with five children and a grandmother, lived in the house at the time of the fire. the two eldest sons were at school; the thirty-eight-year-old woman was the first to notice the flames and managed to run out into the street with her daughter. the pensioner and her two-year -old twin boys remained in the back room. they failed to escape. the roof collapsed from the fire. according to preliminary data , the cause of the tragedy in this house was the main symbol of the new year, decorated with a garland christmas tree. probably one short circuit was enough. this is one of the main versions, it will be checked along with others. now a criminal case has been opened, an investigation is underway, but in this case, as you have noticed, a thorough inspection of the scene of the incident is being carried out with the participation of specialists. and this is footage from a year ago from the irkutsk region, the tragedy also occurred right before the new year holidays, three children died in the acrid smoke from the fire, as it was reported then, it blazed due to the abnormal operation of electrical appliances. the surge protector included
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both the garland and the heater are included. traditionally in december. together with employees of the ministry of emergency situations, clearly showed how minor details and invisible marriage can lead to tragedy. firstly, on the label we do not have the requirements for the device itself in russian, and it is not stated whether there is a certificate of cord interruption, that is, the integrity
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of the copper wire is not broken, but the insulation is broken. one jump of electric trains. and it can blaze right up to the ceiling, as a result, black smoke, yeah, which is very toxic, and if in a closed room everything fills up very quickly. a criminal case has been opened following a fire in a private house in the omsk region. when firefighters arrived , a residential building and a veranda throughout the area were on fire. the russian ministry of emergency situations involved 25 personnel and seven pieces of equipment to extinguish the fire, and two teams of gas and smoke protection workers worked. psychologists are now working with a woman who lost her elderly mother and two children in a fire. galina hungureeva, daniil sukuruchko, fyodor eliseev, lead the duty unit. in the capital they were sent under arrest head of the covid vaccine production company. evgeny makovsky is accused of extorting a bribe amounting to almost 20 million rubles. kommersant reports this. there are few official details yet; it is known that the case is being led by the main investigation department of the investigative committee of russia.
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the department has not yet commented on the investigation, but as journalists found out, makovsky allegedly extorted a huge amount from management. from companies selling medicines, demanded 20 million for the extension of the contract for the supply of the convacel vaccine, and the deal was allegedly brokered by a criminal who had served time for murder. i will add that evgeny mokovsky headed the st. petersburg research institute of vaccines and serums only in september of this year, after the previous head of the institute , viktor trukhin, was arrested and he was accused of embezzlement of almost half a billion rubles. an expert nose is one of the most accurate methods that competes equally with dna research and helps in solving the most complex cases - this is a smell examination, it is carried out with the help of a service dog. police examine items seized from a crime scene, smell the item, and take blood from the suspect. as a result, a keen sense of smell will unmistakably determine whether the object contains
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the smell of a suspect. andrey romanov studied the specifics of working with four-legged specialists. an employee of the expert forensic center of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, elena tviritina, receives unusual parcels every day. this time, her colleagues sent her items from the wardrobe of the possible in a large paper envelope. killers found at the scene of an intricate crime, as an object of study, in this case we present a work glove with an additional polymer coating, which is accordingly placed in a jar-shaped container. along with the object for research , the expert was sent a task from the investigators to find out whether the person who wore this glove was involved in the murder, using special techniques. elena tveritina will find out whether the smell of not only the probable killer, but his victim is present on the item of clothing? this will confirm their physical contact. using a pump, a specialist creates
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vacuum in a laboratory container. the expert places the sealed container in a water bath, where he starts the necessary reaction using chemical reagents. an odor test is obtained by injecting nitrogen into a finger. inside the jar, the vacuum rises due to the difference in temperature of the odorant molecule and is absorbed onto the flannel. now the glove is not needed, the smell has permeated the gauze in the jar, it needs to be placed in a special room, among a dozen similar samples that are not relevant to the case. it is necessary to work with odors strictly in gloves. this jar contains a sample of the smell that was just tested in the laboratory. let's place it. number four, and then it’s up to the service dog, which, at the expert’s command, will look for this smell in the comparative series. at the same
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time, doctors take blood from a person whose smell needs to be looked for among the objects for research, soak gauze with the biomaterial and give it to a specially trained dog to sniff it. sniff. this time , a young service dog is performing the examination together with a dog handler. nicknamed agatha, she makes a circle around the hall and sits down near the jar number four, unmistakably identifying the container that contains the smell obtained from the glove of the probable killer. next, among the variety of aromas, agatha finds a jar with a blood sample, which the dog was given to smell at the beginning of the study. thus, experts can conclude that the glove contains the desired odor of the probable killer and... there was physical contact with the victim, this, of course, is not direct evidence of a person’s guilt, but the results of the examination will be part of the criminal case will help the investigator get to the bottom of the truth, even in the most complicated
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crimes, the department’s employees have many examples of how their work helped bring a criminal to clean water, an examination was ordered into the murder of an armed forces officer, and during the inspection, invoices for our investigation were confiscated , then provided... smell examination is perhaps one of the most unusual studies, which is carried out by specialists of the forensic center of the ministry of internal affairs of russia. the method itself was tested in sixty-fifth year, in russia it began to be used in 1991 in moscow, and a few years later it was introduced into everything.
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see you soon on
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the russia 24 tv channel. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged for the sake of peace to steal a cannon from the regiment and with her own hands shot at a peasant hut, miraculously did not kill anyone, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, with my daughter is fine. a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, it seems, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat oysters, one could forgive, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, sibil, but i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we got off, so i would tear you apart with horses, where are you going?
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promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise, temporary musicians, this is my group, this is the same boy who charmed everyone with his songs,
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school is the foundation on which our entire society and state are built. it is at school that victories are laid. vladimir putin stated this. the president held a meeting of the state council dedicated to the results of the year of the teacher mentor. he called for more attention to be paid not only to studies, but to educational work, and for this not to be limited to the school framework. there is already an idea to adopt a federal law on mentoring, create an all-russian association and...


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